The first bleak voice said, "kill them, of course, and solve the problem as soon as possible."

Those who were robbed were completely stupid and begged together: "no! We don't know anything, and we haven't seen what you look like. Leave the stones and let's go! "

"Yes, we promise we won't talk nonsense. Please don't kill us!" The man said with a grim smile, "you are clever! But if I let you go, it's not peaceful for you to go here. Who dares to come here? Isn't our business getting more and more difficult? So I can only aggrieve you and die like this

. Only private people can't speak, so I can rest assured and continue to do things here boldly. " "No!" The voices of these people have changed their tune. I regret that in my heart! Just because they want to save some taxes and money to dredge the relationship, they take the risk with the stone, thinking that although the legend here is not peaceful, it may not fall on them all of a sudden.

who thought it was really bad luck for people to drink a mouthful of cold water! It's really hijacked. It doesn't count if the things are taken away. It's still life!

My intestines are blue with regret, but what can I do? Do I really want to die here!

Several people's hands also felt that the boss's words were reasonable. They all picked up the knife in their hands and cut off the carotid artery directly towards their necks. If you go down directly, Yao people will die!

Tang Qi wanted to go out for a long time, but he was stopped by Ding Youkang and refused to let him go out: "I said, little ancestor, I know you have great ability, but these people have been dyed with blood for a long time. They are not rivals at all!"

"So? You look down on me so much? " "If you go out, you will be chopped into meat sauce if you are not careful! I'm doing it for you! " To tell you the truth, he also admired Tang Qi. He helped him when he saw injustice, but now he had to face the black ape! How can we save people so easily! At that time, not only Tang qihuo will not be able to do it, but also we will not be able to do it.

So he just hugged Tang Qi's waist and didn't let him go forward. Anyway, after a few seconds, these people died and Tang Qi couldn't go on. Tang Qi sighed. He thought Ding Youkang was a man, crafty and cunning. He should not be afraid of the dark society. But who thought he was such a loser! He didn't care. He ran into this guy and ran out. Fast

like lightning.

Seeing that these people were about to die, they were all shivering like lambs to be slaughtered. These people are elated that there is a business to be done. Who knows that a shadow flies out like an arrow from the string. These people can't help but be startled. With a movement in his hand, these black apes all fall to the ground. These people didn't see who was behind them clearly, so they were caught up and fell heavily on the ground, and they were too weak to get up after struggling for a long time. There were bursts of golden flowers in front of them Reckless, very nervous.

In order to make them have no way to start, Tang Qi directly grabbed the daggers on these hands and threw them to the ground. "Who dares to destroy our black ape business?" The head of the group yelled, "get out of here, or I'll be rude. When the time comes, we'll have a warrant. You can't afford it!" His voice is still very loud. Although he has been trapped, he still has a lot of courage

. Tang Qi stepped on his heart and said in a cold voice: "death is coming, so arrogant! You want to know who I am? OK, I'll tell you what my identity is. Lao Tzu's name is Ding Li. Who doesn't know who the Ding family is in southern Xinjiang? Do you still want to kill me

? Unless you don't want to live! Kneel down and surrender, or you won't have a good life! I only need one word to make sure that you can't get along in southern Xinjiang! "

Ding Youkang, Ya Ya and others are all stunned in the dark, tongue tied for a long time, but they don't respond.

I didn't expect that Tang Qi would dare to speak so freely and pretend to be Ding Li! In fact, Tang Qi wanted to say that his name was Ding Youkang at the beginning, but he couldn't help it. He was too young to match Ding Youkang's age, and Ding Youkang had done a lot of bad things here. It's estimated that these people all know his identity. So Ding Li is better. Just say his name on the shore.

The leader sneered: "Oh, so you are Ding Li, who grew up in the Ding family. Liu Qing brought you to the Ding family. Originally, you wanted to enjoy the glory and wealth, but you were abandoned mercilessly. Do you regret it now?"

Tang Qi said with a smile: "you know a lot about the Ding family. Who are you?" Anyway, it's not about themselves, so they are not angry at all.

"You don't care who I am! Ding Li, I tell you, now you let go of us, we will treat it as if it never happened, otherwise, you and your beautiful mother are all dead! No, life is not like death. "Tang qitut said, "it seems that you are very capable. Isn't it robbing here? Is there any other organization? There are so many organizations in this shabby place. "

"Ha ha, you are smart. There are people behind us. But I don't have to tell you! Get out of here

Tang Qi said, "well, since you have said so much, let's leave first." He is also not polite. He arrested all the people who transported the original stones with two hands. Although these people didn't hurt the key parts, there were wounds to varying degrees on their neck and shoulder. Now they are still bleeding, and their spirit hasn't recovered, so they didn't thank Tang Qi. Now that Tang Qi has arrested them, these people have come to know what happened. It turns out that they were saved!

So these people began to say, "thank you! Mr. Ding Li, right? We will remember your great kindness to us and redouble it to you! "

"You're welcome, but who are you?"

"We do some small business. I'm the boss. My name is Wang Tao. The rest of us are my staff. I wanted to make some money, but I didn't know it would be like this! "

It turns out that they go this way, and then they get to the front transfer place. After paying one million yuan, they can go directly to Myanmar, which is five million yuan cheaper than the normal route. That's why he took the plunge.

Tang Qi looked up at Ding Youkang and said, "so what you said is the one who stopped the jurisdiction?"

Ding Youkang didn't speak. He was hiding in the grass and didn't want to come out. But Tang Qi asked repeatedly. He had no choice but to say: "yes! That's right. "

He wants to hide now also can't, Tang Qi has been talking with himself, is also can't do things.

"Oh, is this man's voice..."

"Yes, Ding Youkang is here." Tang Qi said with a smile: "he is still my uncle."

These people all nodded. Although Ding Youkang and Ding Li were a little discordant, they were all Ding's family after all, and Ding Yinyin's love for this person was also known to the whole southern Xinjiang, so it was not strange for them to act together.

Instead, the black ape's several people were all very angry: "Ding! We are always well water, not river water! You are ruining our business. Wait for me! "

Ding Youkang's eyes narrowed. Although he didn't want to cause trouble, he was quite vicious. He was not afraid to cause anything. When he heard that this man dared to threaten himself, his eyes showed a sense of killing.

He walked up to these people and suddenly pulled out his pistol. As soon as he was about to shoot them in the heart, he was stopped by Tang Qi. He struggled twice, but he was not Tang Qi's opponent, and the pistol was taken down.

"What are you doing?"

Tang Qi said: "you'd better not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Although these people are not good birds, I don't think you need to kill them!"

"You know what! Once these people go out, they will tell the people behind the scenes, and then our Ding family will be dealt with! It's better to kill it directly! "

Black ape people are all nervous, it seems that Ding Youkang is going to kill!

Tang Qi said: "it's good that you want to kill people, but since I have said that I can't move, I can't move naturally. Let's wait until we finish this work."

"I said you..."

"Don't waste time." Tang Qi interrupted him: "let your men tie up all these people and throw them here before I go back!"

The man of black ape refused, and the leader said, "who knows if you can come out after you go to the base camp over there! If you can come out, we can be taken away by you. If you die? Aren't we going to be killed, too? "

Tang Qi said, "so what? Since I've caught you, I'll do whatever I want. " Just stay here for me!

Ding Youkang didn't seem to respond to Tang Qi when he saw these people. If they are still here, vultures may eat them at any time, so they don't say anything anymore. These people were all tied up by Ding Youkang's men and thrown into the grass.

Yaya came by and said, "let's go."

Tang Qi said, "why? Are you worried? "

"Well, I want to go to the bathroom." Yaya said seriously. "All right, let's go." Tang Qi takes a look at those people. They are tied with belts everywhere. There are socks on their mouths. Shut up and throw them into the grass. Then they turn around and walk forward.

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