Ah ah, I didn't speak for a long time. My face was full of tension and helplessness: "I can only live for a week now. If I don't succeed this time, I don't think I will have any chance any more. I know what I did was mean, and your yelan was captured,

but I can't help it. Please forgive me. "

Tang Qi said: "it's been such a long time. Let's not talk about it. Where is the man? Take me to have a look. " Now although worried about Ye Lan's life, but thinking that they want to blackmail themselves, they didn't take it seriously. Behind Ye Lan is Qin Boming, who is a first-class figure in the capital. If these people want to deal with Ye Lan, they will check her background. If they dare to attack her directly and disturb the people in the capital, things will be difficult to deal with at that time. Therefore, Tang Qi knows that Ye Lan's life will not be in danger for the time being, but there are poison everywhere in southern Xinjiang, which is a big problem It's a bit hard for people to adapt. It's not good if something really happens.

Ya Ya saw Tang Qi's tone was steady when he was talking, and he didn't seem to be angry. Finally, she was relieved. "I know. Come with me. I'll find this man soon." Yaya sighed and walked towards a path ahead. Along the way, Tang Qidu looked from left to right, intently observed both sides of the road, and occasionally squatted down to look at the surrounding environment. Finally, he just frowned and didn't say

words, kicking the stones under his feet with his feet.

Yaya said with a smile, "what are you looking for? I heard that this place is called Jade Village, so I thought it was full of jade. It's a funny idea

Tang Qi said with a smile: "no, that's what I think."

"Ha ha, don't say that when you go out. It will make people laugh. If jade is everywhere, it won't be valuable. Besides, if it is really picked up by looking down, can it still be kept until now? So she thinks that Tang Qi's idea is a little naive. "

Tang Qi said: "I just looked at the stone under my feet. There is really nothing valuable."

"Of course not!" Yaya said, "this used to be a famous poor village. There was nothing at all."

"What happened then? Rich? " Yaya looked at the road about one meter in front of her and walked slowly: "later, people found a cave in the back mountain. There were some ice jade in it. Although it was very fine, the quality was not good, and there were quite a lot of impurities, but it was jade after all. In addition, many merchants around wanted it, so these people began to look for the jade and do some simple adding Work, this is barely to live. So this village is called Jade Village, but it was more than 30 years ago. The jade in it has long been gone, and the wealth accumulated by the common people has long been gone. "

Tang Qi said: "so it is. What do you think is sanitary here?" Yaya looked at a piece of purple grass in front of her and said, "just living on this, these herbs are very rare, because they have strict requirements on air humidity, precipitation and humidity, so they can only grow in this place, but not in other places. The price of this medicine is very expensive, so people can live a good life again 。”

"You know this place very well."

Yaya said: "of course, my father's family has lived here for nearly 20 years. This is my hometown, although I seldom come here." Tang Qi nodded and followed Ya Ya. Tang Qi didn't like the purple herbal medicine on the roadside, because its taste was very choking. It was a bit like Chinese prickly ash, mixed with a little mint. It was pungent and spicy, especially when his eyes met it.

the color of the herbal medicine showed a strange purplish red, which seemed to be a long time ago It's like blood.

This thing is really strange. Tang Qi's hand touches the leaf, which is similar to the leaf of common elm, and it has the same shape as sawtooth, but it's more humble and tough.

Yaya said: "be careful! A little bit of carelessness will cut their fingers, blood will flow out

"Are men afraid of this?" Although Tang Qi said so, he still put his hand back. Ya Ya said with a smile: "I mean you are not afraid of this, but do you know? Because it's very unusual with this plant. If you don't have the same constitution, you may be allergic. Your wound won't heal easily, and you may shed a lot of blood. Some people in our village have the wrong constitution. They have broken many places and almost didn't die. Look at the opposite side. "

Tang Qi looked across from the purple leaves. There was a withered yellow piece of wild grass. It was more than one meter high and very vast. Tang Qi said with a smile, "what's this?"

"These two things complement each other. The hybrid is a precious medicinal material. " Yaya said.

"I don't know what the main purpose of planting these two things is to treat?" "All kinds of strange poisons are dispelled with it." Yaya looked at this piece of medicinal materials: "at the same time, it is also a kind of plant used to protect antiques. Otherwise, the environment here is so humid that many cultural relics, jade, pearls and agates are prone to problems. You are a shareholderDon't you know? "

Tang Qi knew little about the protection of a cultural relic. He said to her with a smile, "so the man who grows medicinal herbs is also a person who protects cultural relics?"

"Yes, at the same time, he is the only one who can cure my disease." Yaya said, grabbing a herb leaf and chewing it in her mouth, and then spitting it out, Tang qimingxian saw that the color of her lips became more ruddy.

"You can find someone to help you here?" Tang Qidao. "No, he will come by himself in a moment." She bit her index finger alive, and the blood in it fell to the ground. Tang Qi heard a pungent smell of blood, which was much worse than the ordinary blood. He thought that maybe it was because of eating this medicine, but he heard the footsteps coming out of the grass for a long time. The grass here is more than one person high. There is no one to see. Only a man in camouflage clothes came quickly from the grass on the opposite side. After this person darts out, directly ran ya ya to come over, Tang Qi quickly pulled her arm, retrogressed a few steps. This man is only about 1.5 meters old. He is a man like a butcher. In his fifties, his hair is very messy, and his fingers are quite long and dirty, which gives people a very unclean feeling. Don't like Tang Qi.

The man said, "who are you to meddle?" His voice was as sharp as that of a eunuch.

Tang Qi looked at him: "who are you, why do you want to bully the little girl?"

"Where can I bully her! If she gets the blood out, it will destroy the ingredients of my mulberry leaves. By that time, all of them will be sterile. You'll be responsible! "

"So you run this herbal hospital?"

At this time, Yaya had come to him: "brother Lin Kun! You can help me. I also want to let you out as soon as possible. Everyone knows that you always like to hide. If you don't, who knows when you will help me? " "Who are you? Why don't I know you? " Lin Kun looks at ya ya doubtfully, and then looks at Tang Qi again. It seems that after a while in his mind, he is sure that he doesn't know him. He points to Tang Qi and says, "who is it, come here to cheat? I'll deal with you first He said, kicking Tang Qi's face.

Tang Qi dodges and presses his shoulder with his hand to catch him. Who knows that his body is like a slippery fish. At the same time, a dirty fingernail aims at Tang Qi's eyes and catches him.

"I'll pick your eyes out. Let you do evil

Tang Qi electrified him with his finger. The guy screamed and rolled on the ground: "ouch, what's the matter?"

"Who are you?" Tang Qi looked at him and felt very strange. If someone else had used such a powerful electric shock, he would have fainted long ago, but this boy had nothing to do. It's really amazing!

At this time, Lin Kun jumped up: "well, how dare you do this to me? I'll kill you first!" He slapped Tang Qi again and again. He was very agile. Tang Qi didn't want to fight with him. He slapped him a few times and got angry again.

"If I don't kill you, I swear not to be a human being!" He rolled his arms and sleeves to start, but Tang Qi saw a black bead on his wrist. He hurried to grab his wrist without waiting to talk to him. Lin Kun roared: "what do you mean? The man at level one robbed me. Give it back to me!

without speaking, Tang Qi directly crushed the string of beads, which turned into powder in Tang Qi's hands. Sanluo was on the ground, and he immediately fainted when he saw it: "my red fragrant beads! My beads! It's so many years since I came out. I've been ruined by you

He said with a few more attacks. But still can't deal with Tang Qi.

Remember Ya Ya stopped in the middle of two people. "Stop fighting! I am Siyuan

"Mind your own business, and what nonsense are you talking about? Why are you thinking about the source? "

Yaya yelled, "don't you know me? I'm Siyuan, really! "

That person a Leng, then stopped hand to carefully look at ya ya, then loudly called up a way: "you how become so small! What's the matter with you? " He pointed to ya ya for a long time and could not say anything. Suddenly, a spirit stirred up and passed directly.

Ya Ya flurried to support Lin Kun way: "you wake up! Don't scare me. What's the matter with you? Tang Qi, help me Tang Qi said: "this man is really strange. Is he a man who understands art? Otherwise, I won't plant herbs, and I will faint when I see you? "

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