Ye Lan pursed her lips and laughed. Naturally, she was not interested in these things, but she seemed very happy to see Tang Qi, so she followed. The hot spring water here is very clear, and there is smoke on it. It looks very warm. Ye Lan reaches out her hand and gently touches the water in it, and says with a smile: "it's very comfortable."

"Do you want to take a bath? I'll help you watch the sex wolf. " Tang Qi said with a smile.

"You are the biggest sex wolf. I won't wash it." "Wash one." Tang Qi also said: "such a good hot spring water, if you don't take a bath, what a pity. If you don't wash it, I'll go and wash it." He began to undress. Ye Lan blushed and turned his head. The place here is hot and humid, and Ye Lan is a very clean person herself

, she has been uncomfortable for a long time, but it's still a little hard to accept that she and Tang Qi should take a bath together. So I stood in the distance, took off my shoes, sat aside, put my feet in the hot spring water, and felt very comfortable.

"Don't laugh," he said

"No! If you wash over there, let's go as soon as possible. We always think it's strange to be with this village. We'd better leave as soon as possible. " Ye Lan always thinks that the land of right and wrong can't stay for a long time. She doesn't want to stay here. Tang Qi is very comfortable here. At the same time, most of the stones he touches with his hands are very common. A small amount of jade is not valuable. Tang Qi is a little disappointed. He reaches out and continues to touch, but there is no place to be brilliant. The most important thing is that the size of the stone is too small, even if it is glass The top jadeite will not be valuable. Even if the village head takes over the place, it is not good.

Just thinking about it, Ye Lan said anxiously: "Tang Qi is not good!"

"What's the matter? You fell into the river? Come and take a bath with me Tang Qi said with a smile. "No! Don't be kidding, someone's coming, and they're all armed! " After hearing this, Tang Qi jumps up, grabs the clothes in one hand, wipes them casually, and puts them on. Ye Lan is already anxious to put on her shoes, and runs to Tang Qi's side. Then she sees more than 20 people in ragged clothes rushing over, with sticks and other things on her hands and angry faces.

Tang Qi saw that the leader was Lin Kun, so he knew it. He held Ye Lan and watched these people surround him. He didn't worry. He said calmly, "what do you want to do?"

Lin Kun yelled, "you two killed the village head and Siyuan just now. What's the matter with you?"

Tang Qi sneered: "how do you know I killed you?" "Siyuan said it before he died! You killed the village head. Today, I'm in the herbal garden... " This guy is not stupid at all. He said it all over again. He just changed all the people who started it into Tang Qi himself. The village head and the girl all became victims.

All the people in the village cried out, "don't let them go! How dare you come here to destroy our stability and unity "Yes, do you want to run after killing people?" All these people are not good stubbles, otherwise they will not come here to hide. At this time, their eyes are burning with anger. Of course, they don't care that the villagers will die, but they all wonder if they know what the village head's secret is to do so, and when

comes, will their wealth be ours? In addition, the girl looks pretty. Kill the man and take the woman back as a wife.

Seeing the greed in these people's eyes, Ye Lan said in a low voice: "those who come are not good. What should we do?"

"It's OK. Come to me Tang Qi pulls Ye Lan to his side.

Lin Kun complacently said: "what's the matter? Are you afraid? If you had known that, why would you have killed people? "

Tang Qileng said in a cold voice: "I'm just afraid that my wife's blood will be splashed when I chop you to death. What can I be afraid of you rotten garlic? You've been pretending to be stupid. Now that you've become so treacherous, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Lin Kun was stunned. Just now, he was so happy that he forgot to pretend to be a fool. As a result, Tang Qi discovered him. It was a failure. Fortunately, the rest of the people didn't care. No matter whether he was a fool or a normal person, Tang Qi's fate could not be avoided.

One of them said, "don't talk nonsense! Although Lin Kun is not very clever, he is not a fool "Is it?" Tang Qi said with a sneer: "then I have a question to ask Lin Kun. Do you think Siyuan met you before he died? That's strange. You just said that she was separated from her family. Of course, she would die soon. How could she have a last word? If you were at the scene, I would not find you? You will be killed directly, or you have been hiding in the dark. When we leave, you will kill her. "

Lin Kun was stunned. Then he bit his teeth and said, "you are bloody! I saw it then, but you didn't find it because I was hiding in the dark! " "Yes? Let's just say it. Why do you want to say her last words? Show off your ability? Can the dead talk? What's more, can you kill and set fire anywhere here? Why don't I believe what you can do to me? " Tang Qi coldly looking at him, colleagues give ye LAN a callYe Lan will not agree. She holds Tang Qi's hand to show that she is willing to share the happiness and misfortune with Tang Qi.

Tang Qi has no choice but to sigh. Here Lin Kun doesn't want to talk nonsense with Tang Qi. This man's brain is too smart. If he goes on, maybe they will tear himself apart!

So he waved: "folks, these two people are not good birds! Let's go and kill them together These people yelled and all rushed over. Tang Qi didn't worry. When the people came near, he quickly took out his hand, moved his finger gently and directly put them all on the ground. The energy of the current really increased a lot because of the metal chain. Tang Qi looked at Lin Kun with a smile.

"What do you have to say now?" Lin Kun knew that Tang Qi was powerful, but he didn't expect that he would be so powerful. So many people were defeated in an instant. He rushed to Tang Qi with his teeth clenched, and the knife in his hand slid to Tang Qi's direction. While Tang Qi was avoiding, one day the silver thread wrapped around him, and he was about to succeed. Lin

Kun was secretly glad that Tang Qi caught the silver thread and made a strong move He fell to the ground with a scream. Tang Qi threw the silver thread to the villagers.

This guy also wanted to plot against Tang Qi. He was trampled on by Ye Lan and slapped hard. He was almost not killed.

"This thing is so strange, I don't know how ya ya died, but you may find something by comparing the corpse. Maybe you will understand who did it and who can't wait to kill it. " Tang Qi said, eyes straight at Lin Kun.

Lin Kun has a bad heart! I thought that I would solve his life directly. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi thought that I would not do it easily. It must be a killing move, so I'm going to leak it?

Not good at seeing Lin Sikun, the rest of us are the same as you

"I didn't! Why did I kill her for no reason? "

Ye Lan said with a sneer, "don't you admit it now? You are clearly sent by Liu Siming and others. You want to destroy us all here. Now that your identity is exposed, what else can you say? "

"Who is Liu Siming?" Tang Qi said: "he was the one who cooperated with Qin. He killed Siyuan's father. She almost died. Now she has come back for revenge. They are in a panic. They want to kill them quickly. You are just tools used. Now you know about it. It is estimated that the people above may also kill you in order to kill you. In a word, be careful. " He kindly reminded, but also let the whole body of Lin Kun tremble.

Those villagers are not fools, so if we don't kill them, we will also be involved!

They caught Lin Kun together, covered his mouth and dragged him back. Lin Kun struggled, his mouth still shouting: "no! Don't be confused, I'm not Wuwuwu... "

Although these people have just been ignited by Tang Qi's electric current, his strength is not strong enough. In addition, Lin Kun has been beaten half dead, so it's no trouble to catch him. Lin Kun yelled a few times, and finally it's not clear.

Ye Lan frowned and said: "this is really a three no matter zone. Even if there are so many things, they are very indifferent. They are so easy to kill in the daytime."

Tang Qi said: "it's true, so I like this place very much. I can do whatever I want. I don't have to abide by the secular etiquette. What a refreshing thing." He said and looked at Ye Lan fiercely.

Ye Lan Leng for a while, and then said with a smile: "what do you want to do, kill me?"

"No, I want to marry you now."

"Bah! Don't make a living. There are people coming over there. "

A villager, who was the leader, came to Tang Qi and said, "I'm sorry just now."

Tang Qi said: "it's nothing. There are a lot of jade under this hot spring. You can take it out and have a look. Although it's not worth tens of millions, any one can buy at least 1800 yuan, which is enough for your livelihood."

The man was stunned, then nodded with a smile: "thank you, brother!" "You're welcome. You'd better pretend you don't know about it. Soon someone will come to find them, so that you won't be involved."

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