As soon as the man fell to the ground, Tang Qi heard the sound of the cave, the sound of footsteps, and someone said in a low voice: "it's like going in, almost?"

"It should be, but what's the matter with these people?"

"No need to say? It must be Tang Qi who didn't want to let these people take their chance and fainted. Let's hurry up and kill them. Mr. Sun will praise us well then. "

"Good idea! Hurry up

Lin Zhenzhu and Bai Su naturally hear this. They have a look at each other with Tang Qi. They don't know what to do. Bai Su goes up to captain song, grabs a pistol, and then goes to the direction of the cave.

"I'm going to kill them now!"

Tang Qi saw Bai Su walking forward and held her shoulder: "we all fell to the ground, pretending to be obsessed with this gem. When these people come, we'll kill them all. First listen to what they're saying

Bai Su agrees, pulls Lin Zhenzhu to the ground, and Tang Qi presses on captain song, cleverly conceals the two girls and is ready to attack them. It wasn't long before I heard these people coming in in a hurry.

"These people have fallen to the ground. We've done it."

"Well, that's good! OK, let's just kill Tang Qi. It'll save us the worry of the future! "

These people are very happy, grabbed a knife to aim at Tang Qi, is about to pass, but was stopped by another person. "You forget what Mr. Qin said before? In order to deal with the affairs in southern Xinjiang, it must be in Tang Qi's hands, so he can't die for the time being and kill others, which makes Tang Qi mistakenly think that Ding Li and Liu Siming did it. Then we can save trouble.


Tang Qi narrowed his eyes and saw that these people were all wearing gas masks, fully armed and serious.

"Well, that's it. How can Tang Qi believe that Liu Siming did it?"

"Ha ha, it's easy to do. Kill people, and then open the gems directly and send them to Liu Siming. Others don't know, but Tang Qi knows the stone. He found the gem on his side. Didn't he do it? "

"Good idea! We'll mine now. "

Tang Qixin said, just now we have been talking about miasma. The only person we noticed was captain song, but we didn't go to see the stone. Is there anything special in the stone? At this time, someone had already passed by. He was holding a small portable cutting equipment and directly cut the original stone. A loud buzzing sound spread in the cave, which was very loud. In addition, the cave also had sound insulation, so it was deafening, not only Tang Qi and Lin Zhenzhu could not bear it. Even the song captain, who fainted to death, moved all over.

One said, "this guy seems to have moved!"

"What's so great about it? If it's a big deal, kill it. "

"Customer four, he's a cop. What if something goes wrong?"

"It doesn't matter." One person said: "anyway, he won't be able to live even if he is attacked by miasma."

The original stone here has been opened. Tang Qi is surprised to see it. It's an Imperial Green Emerald. It's green and glittering. The texture is very good. The stone on the surface is just a cover. It's the processing done later. It covers the real material inside the stone. After the original stone was released, everyone was shocked. How could such a stone be sold for nearly 30 million yuan? Did you give it to Liu Siming like this? If you give this stone to yourself, it will be popular and spicy all your life. Why give up so much? Only if we want to get this stone in our hands

The leader looked at the greedy eyes of these people and thought in his heart, would he want to kill me with a stone in his mouth? I'll be dead by then.

"Well, you can divide this stone, and leave a small piece enough to frame him. If this matter is done well, I will be very happy to tell Mr. Qin. Let him praise you so much! " Said the man. This person's meaning is very obvious, but Mr. Qin knows this matter. If you don't listen to me and kill me, Mr. Qin, you can't get through that. Even if you take the money, you will be dead! Other people had wanted to kill him, but after hearing this man's words,

they were all very happy and no longer wanted to take risks. So they took the machine to break the stone, but just as their machine approached the stone, they suddenly felt a sharp pain. Someone behind him slapped him on the back of the head and knocked him to death. Tang Qi seized the machine, and it fell to the ground, and the machine stopped moving.

The man called out, "who is it?" He began to look around. It was very dark here. It was not easy for him to see who it was. He was looking at it, and it was a crisp slap.He was beaten on the ground and kicked several feet on his heart at the same time. A mouthful of blood came out of the man's mouth.

"Books, after all!"

Tang Qi said, "it's me. What are you shouting about?"

At the moment of his voice, Lin Zhenzhu and Bai Su got up together.

"What's going on?" The man was surprised and said, "you are not poisoned by miasma..."

"That's how you want me to be poisoned? Ha ha, it's a pity that I can't be killed by you so easily. I'm healthy. My wife is quite a famous doctor Tang Qi pointed to the direction of the white pigment.

Bai Su said, "cut the crap! Seriously "No problem. The quality of the stone is quite good. I love this stuff. So don't bother you to cut. Everyone knows that the price of the original stone after being cut must not be as valuable as the original one. It's rare for you to know that it's really hard for you to hide the stones here. " Tang Qi said and pressed the stone with his hand.

The tip in my mind is that the name of the original stone is white jade peacock, which is one of the peacock gorgeous stones. The color and quality are the best first-class products. Why is such a high-quality gem hidden here?

Tang Qi said, "tell me about the origin of such a good stone? I'm curious. "

"No comment!" He's tough with his neck. "Ha ha, if you don't say it, I have a lot of ways to let you say it. Bai Su, it's up to you. Can you help me find out?" Tang Qi said with a smile. Bai Su nodded and went to stab him in the middle of his eyebrows with a silver needle. He was in a trance in front of him and almost fell to the ground. When his men found that something was wrong, they all rushed to help save people, but Lin Zhenzhu killed them herself. Her body was flexible and she killed them by surprise.

Tang Qi shrugged: "it seems that there is no need for me to talk."

This man wanted to shout, but he was stabbed by the silver needle of white pigment for a few times, and suddenly he fainted with pain. Then there were more than ten needles. His whole body was like the bite of ten thousand insects, and he could no longer bear it. He gave out a cry of pain.

"I'm wrong! I said, don't do this to me! Get rid of the silver needle. I can't stand it... "

Tang Qi said: "no, now you can say it. After that, I will let Bai Su let you go. I want to keep my word. " "Thirty years ago, this stone was stolen from the Burmese royal family," he said in a trembling voice. Because the original stone is a treasure that many people are investigating. It involves several powerful Burmese lives, so it can't be taken out. It was only recently that the royal family was completely dissolved and there was no right to take it out.


Tang Qi said: "so it is. It's very safe to put it in this remote area, but for fear of being found, it's a miasma here."

"Yes. I said, "let me go!"

Tang Qi said, "are you ordered to kill us?"

"No You should have heard me just now, didn't you? We just want you to deal with Liu Siming. There's no other meaning! Don't kill us... "

Tang Qi said with a gloomy face: "I can't believe that Lord Qin should treat me like this. I've done my utmost to him. He almost died, but Bai Su saved him. Is that how he would repay his kindness?"

"There's no way. That's what's going on in the world."

"Shut up Bai Su said angrily: "I regretted that I had saved Bai su. If I had known, I should have killed him at that time! Where is he now? I'm going to kill him now! " She said, grabbing the man by the collar and slapping him.

Originally, this person was in pain to death. Now when she hit her, she couldn't bear it and fainted directly.

But by white element again with needle to prick wake up, continue to start.

"I will kill you, shameless!"

Tang Qi stopped her and advised: "forget it, it's no use killing him, but it's a minion! These people should be working with the people in the village to deal with me. "

"No!" The man said: "we don't know the people in the village. The people in the village should be under Liu Siming's hands. They really don't care about us..."

Tang Qiyi laughs. Do people in these villages want to kill us and then frame up others?

"You want to plant Liu Siming. Liu Siming wants to plant you in the same way. It's really interesting "Let us go We are really just small characters, not enough for the problem. As long as you let me go, I will say to the above that I have never seen you and I will not trouble you any more. Please... " He looks at Tang Qi pleadingly.

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