Mickey also said curiously, "what do you see?"

Tang Qi took the bracelet from her hand with a smile, then took out a lighter and roasted it. Several people yelled: "this jade can't be roasted by fire! What if it's burnt out? "

"It doesn't matter. He knows that it's just a worthless bracelet. If it's broken, he can destroy the evidence of his mistake." Chu Wen said in a low voice.

Chuya stares at him coldly: "don't talk nonsense. If you are like this, don't follow me. I won't help you participate in your company's jewelry show! "

"Sister, I'm your brother. You've gone too far!"

Chuyamo was silent and full of resentment against him. Must this be done? She went to Tang Qi and picked up his lighter: "forget Tang Qi, it's not a lot of money. Don't be persistent."

But Tang Qi said with a smile, "it's not the reason. You'll know later."

Tang Qi took a lighter and burned it again. The jade was hard, so he didn't see any change on the surface after burning for a few minutes. Only occasionally, he could hear crackling sound, and there were more and more onlookers around him.

Someone said, "is he angry because he bought the wrong thing?" Some people say that Tang Qi never missed it. He should have his own purpose, so everyone was absorbed in it. The boss of the fidelity Pavilion leans against the door with a cigarette in his mouth and looks at the crowd in front of him with a smile. Anyway, it's impossible for you to ask me to make compensation after you've burned it. I've earned 200000 yuan.

At this time, Tang Qi had put away the lighter, looked around and came to a man: "can you give me this water, please?" He still had a little half of the mineral water in his hand.

This person is a Leng at first, then immediately gave bottle Tang Qi: "although use good!"

Tang Qi put the bracelet on the ground and poured all the water in the mineral water. Hiss! White smoke rising after the sound of bangles broken, we all panic called up.

"It's over! Such a disaster is the end of this bracelet

"It's nothing. It's not worth money!"

Everyone was talking about it. Suddenly, he saw a brilliant light in front of him, like he was in the middle of a rainbow. His eyes couldn't blink. Then Tang Qi picked up the bracelet, and the outer layer of jade fell completely. Exposed inside has been cyan jade bracelet, this color is transparent, just keep those black lines. It's only one third thinner than the bracelet just now. People were shocked. There was a small Bracelet hidden in the bracelet. They thought that the color of the jade bracelet inside was too light to be found because it was completely integrated with the outer layer. Tang Qi said with a smile: "the jade quality of this bracelet is the best Hotan nephrite, and judging from the fineness and manufacturing process, it should be the craft of the Tang Dynasty. I don't know what happened to this bracelet. The master who made the jade hid it in the ordinary jade bracelet. Just now I used fire to burn it is the only way,

but the bad thing is that there will be several cracks."

"Where is the crack?" Tang Qi took it up and pointed to the black thread: "the scientific name of this bracelet is heiqin dragon grasping bracelet, so the crack is in the black thread." Sure enough, if you look carefully, you can see that two or three relative cracks appear under the black line, but it doesn't affect the appearance and wear. On the contrary, it's like a few claws of a black dragon, and the design is very exquisite.

It should be the master who knows that there is no other way, so he can't help admiring the ancient craftsmen for the remedial measures. No wonder his super power will tell him that this bracelet will be flawed, but it is still worth tens of millions.

Tang Qi said to Mickey with a smile: "Congratulations, your eyesight is very good, and you've got good goods all of a sudden." "No, no! That's what you see. I just think the pattern is pretty. " If 200 thousand things, Mickey reluctantly accept, but 10 million bracelets, she is really embarrassed to accept anyway. But Tang Qi didn't care at all. He put it on her hand: "good things should be worn well."

"Thank you, Tang Qi." Miki touched the warm jade.

And Chu text to also want to see Tang Qi's joke, who knows unexpectedly met such a turning point, suddenly angry, face red, very unlucky: "what's great! It's just a broken Bracelet

"Yes, a broken bracelet is worthless. If there were nine tripods, it would be better. But I'm not so lucky as you to know the whereabouts of this thing. " Tang Qi gathered up to his ear and said in a low voice.

Chu Wen was shocked. Looking at Tang Qi, his face turned white and his lips were shaking: "you, how do you know?"

Tang Qi said with a smile: "how can I know it's not important, what's important is that your life is going to die..."

Chu Wen wants to say something else, but Tang Qi has been surrounded by people. They are really amazed at the discovery process of the bracelet, and they talk loudly: "so this is the black Qin dragon claw? It's said that this bracelet has been missing for many years! I didn't expect to be here! ""Yes! Now it seems that this bracelet is worth 200000 yuan, even if it is worth 10 million yuan, there is no market! It's really Tang Qi. There's no time to make a mistake! "

"What? Is He Tang Qi? Ouch. I see you. Can you help me to see if this chicken blood VAT is real? "

"Yes, master, help me! I just bought some calligraphy and paintings. I don't know if they are genuine or not! "

All the people rushed over with some treasures that needed to be identified. They wanted to let Tang Qi help them distinguish them. Tang Qi said with a helpless smile, "don't squeeze, let me have a look!"

At this time, the peddlers quit. It's no good. What if they are found to be fake? So they all rushed to stop Tang Qi from distinguishing the true from the false: "no, this line has its own rules. You can't watch it! Go away

"No! Why do we let people see our things? "

"Why don't you let me see it? We have to show him, don't you have any tricks? " At this time, I only heard a roar: "get out of my way! This bracelet is mine It turned out that the boss of fidelity Pavilion appeared. He wanted to see Tang Qi's joke just now, but Tang Qi found a good thing worth tens of millions. Of course, he couldn't agree. He rushed to

and wanted to take back the bracelet: "take back the 200000, I won't sell it!"

People's faces were painted a few black lines: "are you crazy? Do you do business for the first time? There's even a reason why we have to go back when we do business! " "Then, can I give you another 500000, 700000? Or I'll give you a million! Give me this bracelet again. " This guy has always been a profiteer who is harmful to others. Who knows that he will lift a stone and smash himself in the foot and watch ten million good things return to Tang Qi from his own hands, even if he is said to be a rascal. After all, money is the most important thing.

He hugged Tang Qi's thigh and yelled: "give me back the bracelet! Or I'll never end with you! "

Tang Qi sneered and shook his head: "you don't care, don't make it."

"No matter! I won't give you this bracelet! " He said that he slapped Tang Qi.

Tang Qi wants to teach this guy a lesson. Shen Jiajia and Mickey are out.

Shen Jiajia called out, "come on! Look at how this unscrupulous businessman goes back and grabs things! "

"Yes! I'm not responsible for the goods, don't you know? "

Everyone criticized the boss one after another. The boy cried with tears and nose, as if he was very wronged.

"If you are like this, we will all patronize your business in the future!"

"Hurry up, or we'll hit you!"

Coax the boss of Shen Jiaqi and drive away. Because of this bracelet, the boss also had a fight with the Tangmen jewelry store. He was as deep as a sea of hatred. Wait for the time to avenge.

Tang Qi left the antique market with some girls and said with a smile, "don't come to this place in the future. After all, true and false are mixed. If you have anything you want, just let me know. I'll help you find the goods. "

"Good! You gave Mickey a bracelet. Remember to get me a necklace. "Shen Jiajia said with a smile.

"No problem. What do you want, Chuya?"

Chu Ya shakes her head. At this time, her eyes look at her brother: "he has been abnormal. There has been a phone coming in, but he doesn't answer."

Chu Wen's phone was ringing all the time. His eyes were flustered and he didn't want to answer. For the last time, he grabbed the phone and fell to the ground: "go to hell!"

Tang Qi walks quickly to Chu Wen and grabs his cell phone.

Chu Wen said anxiously, "give it back to me! Don't mind your own business

Tang Qi pressed his arm and searched it. The name above shows Jack Tang.

He frowned and said, "that jeweler in Southeast Asia! Is he the one who asked you to find Ding? Who are you going to kill? "

Mr. Jin said that he monopolized the jewelry industry in Southeast Asia.

Chu Wen's mouth opened, and then nodded: "I know. Shen Miaolin told you that! The content of that text message was still told by her! See how I deal with her! "

Chuya said angrily: "now you still have the heart to say this? Don't hurry up and recruit from the facts! "

Chu Wen had no choice but to give an honest explanation. In fact, Shen Miaolin and Shen Miaolin are not very familiar, because he came to suhai and found a so-called performing arts company, whose names are all nominal young models and so on. In fact, they are all accompanying girls. Shen Miaolin was chosen by him because she is beautiful. As a result, she saw her mobile phone number and told Tang Qi about it.

Chuya listened to her brother's words, but she couldn't wait: "but how do you know the whereabouts of the tripod?"

"I don't know! If I had known, I would have sold it for money! "

Tang Qi said: "no, you kid used this excuse to cheat people?"Chu Wen covered his face and said, "now I've been blackmailed. I need to kill him, but the other side is too strong. I can only let him do things for me. But Jack Tang asked me to make an exchange. I said casually that I knew the whereabouts of the Ding, but who knows he believed it!"

"How do you know Jack don when you ask for him?"

Without waiting for Chu Wen to speak, a prompt suddenly appeared in Tang Qi's mind: 45 degrees to the west of the northeast, someone is aiming at you with a sniper gun, love to shoot! Tang Qi's face changed greatly. He grabbed the arms of the nearest Chu Ya and Chu Wen and forced them down. At the same time, he yelled to the two girls nearby: "everyone get down!"

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