As soon as he mentioned buying food, Bai Zhen immediately patted his thigh: "ah! I remember, I went to the supermarket on my way here, ready to hide for a while, and then I met someone when I checked out! "

"Who is it?" Tang Qi asked in a hurry. "It's old Qian! He was buying some drinks in the supermarket, and many people were waiting outside. It seemed that there was a party. Then I had a few words with him. At that time, he said hello to some friends, and some people hugged me, because everyone was very familiar with me. Did you change my pearl at that time Tang qiyileng, Qian is always his teacher, so all the people around him should be experts in jewelry, but even if these people understand jewelry, they will not prepare a fake night pearl in advance, so there is only one possibility. This person has long known that Bai Zhen has a night pearl in his hand, so he will wait here with a fake one at any time, and then find a chance to get it It's swapped. In this case, he'll find a way to quickly give the bead to Jack Tang.

"I can't imagine that there are so many losers in the jewelry industry in China Tangqi gnashes her teeth with hatred.

Bai Zhen gasped: "what should we do now? I was in a hurry to leave, so I didn't notice who was holding me! "

"Let's go back to find the money and get the night Pearl back," Tang said

"Good! I'll go with you now. " Bai Zhen went out, but he didn't take a few steps. He knelt down on the ground. His eyes were completely out of sight at this time. He covered his eyes with a scream and kept crying. His face turned blue and soon fainted.

Tang Qi, his heart is not good. If he doesn't go to the hospital, he will die soon. But he had no skills, so he had to find someone to help him. He rushed to the door and yelled, "come up to me!"

The manager below is anxiously waiting for news, hearing Tang Qi's voice, he comes up in a hurry.

"What's the matter Ah! Lao Bai, what have you done to him? " The manager picked up his old friend and patted him in the face.

"Shit! It has nothing to do with me! He was killed by Jack don Tang Qi tried his best to get rid of the relationship and said: "you send him to the hospital now. I'm going to a place. Hurry up!" He called old Qian as he went down the steps.

"Mr. Qian, where are you now?" At the other end of the phone, you can hear the sound of toasting and chatting. They should be eating in restaurants.

Sure enough, Mr. Qian said, "I'm having dinner with some friends. It's a pity that I'm finished. Do you want to come?"

Tang Qi said: "I'll be there soon, but you have to promise me that you can't let any of the people in my seat go. There's a traitor in here. A night pearl is on him

After pondering for a moment, Qian said, "don't worry, I know. These people and I have always been together and never separated. "

"And master, don't show up. It's not good if this guy jumps over the wall and hurts people."

"No problem. Come here as soon as you can." Qian hung up the phone and looked at these people who had packed up and were ready to leave. He said with a smile: "don't hurry. I have a very important thing to tell you."

Everyone was stunned: "what else can I do for you, old man?" Mr. Qian picked up the glass and said, "drink this glass of wine first, and I'll talk to you slowly." Everyone looked at each other, and then all sat down, picked up the cup, a suspicious face to drink. Old Qian picked up the cup and drank it slowly, but what he thought was: what can I do now?

I have to have enough reasons to make them not leave and not let them notice.

The man with the night pearl in his hand must have been holding on for such a long time. He should have reached the bottom line. If I can't give a normal reason, I think it will be self defeating.

He put the cup down and found that everyone was looking at himself seriously, waiting for him to speak. No, it's a big move. Think of here, money old smile ha ha of own hand a jasper pull finger to take down.

"How about my finger? I got it recently

Everyone was puzzled. Isn't this an ordinary finger? It came from a family of descendents of the declining Qing Royal family and sold for 23000 yuan. Several people were present at that time.

"What are you trying to say, old man?" Someone can't help asking.

Old Qian said with a smile, "don't worry. After you've seen it, I'll tell you something important. It's definitely big news in the antique world. Take a look at the bottom of the ring

Everyone took the trigger finger and began to observe it seriously. Under the trigger finger, the jade was soft and authentic. Just because there are some cracks, the price is lower. When Mr. Qian asked everyone to comment on this trigger, Tang Qi had already driven to the direction of the hotel. Tang Qi was extremely anxious and looked at his watch from time to time. Just now I sent Bai Zhen and the manager to the hospital, so I had to walk around for a while, so I must hurry up. On the road, he even passed several red lights, and he didn't care about the deduction.

Tang Qi rushes up and pushes open the door of the private room. All the people around him listen to what he is infatuated with. He can't help admiring the master's trick. Mr. Qian said: "so, this jade finger is only one of the jade objects in this set. If I can find all of them, I'd like to pay five million yuan. You can also help me to find out." What he said is about the ring spanner of the royal family. There are 12 rings in totalHe has collected all of them, but he just talks nonsense in order to delay his time.

"Good! Don't worry, Mr. Qian. We'll go and find out for you now. "

"Yes, sir, it's time for us to go, too." The men came towards the gate.

But Tang Qi stopped them at the door. His eyes scanned these people. There were five people, all of whom were old friends who often discussed antiques with Qian. The thief is one here!

"Take your time, everyone. I have something to ask you. It's not too late for me to leave when I've finished my investigation! " Tang Qi said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Although these people think Tang Qi is very impolite, they are old Qian's Apprentice after all. Of course, it's hard to face him. They can only smile with him reluctantly.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "in fact, it's not a big deal. Who just hugged Bai Zhen in the supermarket? Stand up and let me see. "

This words a, everyone is very different, and money old pointed to the middle of a thin man: "it's him."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "it's Mr. Du. Why do you hold Bai town?"

Mr. Du snorted from his nose: "because I fell in love with him at first sight, right? What nonsense! Greetings, of course! I'm very busy. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you

He said, he forced Tang Qi open, want to walk past, but Tang Qi pressed his shoulder hard, turned over and pressed him on the wall, Tang Qi's hand groped on his body: "night pearl?"

"What a psycho! Mr. Qian, are you going to take care of your land! Isn't that rude? "

Old Qian said, "Tang Qi, what are you doing?" He already knows the cause and effect, but it can't be too obvious.

Tang Qi said: "that night pearl can't be taken away by foreigners. The guy who replaced it knows what I'm talking about. Don't let me find it."

Mr. Du struggled: "you are just bullshit! I don't know what night pearl is. Let go of me Tang Qi held him down, or forced to touch him again, but he didn't find the master. He couldn't help but be surprised. Did he send it out? unable! Just now the master has said that no one has ever left, so why not? Now these people are all very angry,

if they search their bodies one by one, they will not agree. The whole atmosphere is stiff here.

Tang Qi thought about it, then said with a smile: "since it's not on you, it should be on the accomplices. In short, we must find out, otherwise I won't let you go."

People scoff: "what are you? Why should we be humiliated by you

"Don't worry, let him look, I don't believe he can find any night pearl from us."

"Why should he be searched? I'm older than his father! " An old man said coldly. Tang Qi laughed: "I can't find it without searching my body?" He suddenly turned back and turned off the light. The room was dark. Then Tang Qi grabbed the wine bottle on the table and began to pour wine on several people. All of these people did not expect Tang Qi to do this

and all of them were furious.

"Old Qian. How can he judge you like that

Tang Qi took out a large bottle of Baijiu at this time, contained a big mouth in his mouth and sprayed wine on them. For a moment, these people's clothes were full of alcohol smell, very embarrassed. Mr. Qian has been sitting there, nodding and admiring. Tang Qi is really smart. If the night pearl itself, it can't easily emit such a strong light, but if the reaction of alcohol is added, it will increase the light of the bead to the extreme. At that time, if you want to hide it, you can't hide it. You can see that the knowledge you taught has been quickly memorized by Tang Qi, and it can be flexibly used He was very pleased.

Although all the people are full of accusations against Tang Qi, he turns a deaf ear to it. Careful observation of the reaction of these people should be now.

Everyone took napkin and towel to wipe the body, suddenly someone said: "Lao Wang, your back is shining?"

It turns out that under the dim light, his white shirt can clearly show a light green light, very soft, showing from the cloth. This person is also very surprised, did not expect to be separated by several layers even can see!

"Why you? I thought it was him. Or the two of you? "

"Ha ha! Because I changed clothes with him just now. It's all about getting away! "

When Mr. Du heard that he had been used, he was very angry: "you dare to play with me!"

"So what!" Lao Wang roared: "all out of the way, let me go! Jack Don is no ordinary person. If you offend him, do you want to have a good life? "

Tang Qi said, "I didn't expect you to be so arrogant after stealing the night pearl. It's really a bully. Is that guy buying you off? "

"It's none of your business what I do!" His eyes were flustered and he kept thinking about how to escape.

"Hold on to him. He's going to sell the national treasure to Jack Tang."This person suddenly bumps open, the public runs toward the door, Tang Qi and the public hold down this guy together, and he is crushed to the ground. "Son of a bitch, how dare you steal? It's so disappointing. "

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