"I don't think it's a bad person," he said

"Of course I know, or I won't let him go." Tang Qi took a look at Ah Mao and said, "you just saw that you might die. You don't say a word, the result let Yang Tian so dead. Don't you feel guilty? " Mao kept attacking with his machine gun, knocking down all the people who rushed up. When the man was killed, he turned to Tang Qi and said, "I'm not a God. I'm just a person. I want to protect myself. Yang Tian has been aiming at me all the time. Maybe he'll kill me at any time. I can't know that he's doing this to me and still help him all the time. I also want to live. I hope you can understand me."

After thinking about it, Tang Qi nodded: "OK, you have the ability. I'm too lazy to talk to you. Do it yourself! Let's leave here first. Are you confident? " "Don't worry, I'm very good at shooting!" As he spoke, he had already thrown the heavy gun aside, took out the pistol and aimed it at the four or five people who rushed up, and even started the robbery. All four people were shot in the arms, and they couldn't lift their arms up. The pistol fell to the ground and fell down the steps

and then he went down. The osmanthus flower screamed and looked at this Ah Mao in shock,

Tang Qi said: "you are a business man Is that true? I think you are well-trained. Who are you? "

Ah Mao laughed and turned back to Tang Qi and said, "Captain song asked me to come."

Tang Qi took a breath: "my God! You're a cop

Ah Mao nodded and held the Osmanthus fragrans beside him. "Hurry up, the things here have been solved, and captain song's people will arrive soon!"

Tang qixindao, this song captain is really awesome! I found an undercover and went to this antique shop. No wonder amo made such a smart decision. His feelings are his own! However, although this man is clever, he has a deep hatred and killed Yang Tian.

When Tang Qi came downstairs, he said, "if Yang Tian doesn't die, can he be better?" "Our captain song is also for the sake of Yang Baibai. Think about it, she has killed Yang Tian's son. So many people have seen it with their own eyes. You can hide it for a while but for a lifetime! Now that Yang Tian has been solved, no one dares to say anything about his son. You can close the case at will. Do you think it's good for you? Captain song of our sect has made great efforts for you. You don't have to be picky. What's more, Yang Tian killed Yang Baibai's mother, and now he's killed. It's the end of his life. "

Tang Qi takes a look at this guy. He is hearty enough. Next there are more than 20 people who should be sent here by Yang Tian's ex-wife. Tang Qi and a Mao knocked over some of them with pistols, and then rushed down to fight them hand to hand. Soon they were dead. They all fell to the ground. In an instant, I saw the shadow of people all over the place. There were forty or fifty of them. Osmanthus had never seen such a powerful person. She used to see group fights in the village. She was always in Tang Qi's arms when she saw such exciting scenes. At the beginning, she could see Tang Qi's fighting process with her. One by one, people rushed to Tang Qi's direction with fierce faces. However, she was soon knocked down by Tang Qi, but when she got to the back, she didn't know Dare to see, these people with swords and guns are going to kill Tang Qi at any time. They are extremely vicious and their eyes are red.

Tang Qi is carefree, not worried, not afraid, she closed her eyes to hear you some people shouting, really scared to death. Tang Qi can't stand up easily and looks at the opposite Ah Mao.

He also solved nearly a third of the people, Tang Qi nodded to him.

"You are very powerful. At the beginning, I wanted you to go with me. Now you should not go. Do you prefer to be a police officer? "

Ah Mao gasped and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "you're wrong! I want to join your party. "

"What did you say?" "Although I'm very good, I don't mean much to be a police officer. On the contrary, when I was undercover, I thought I had the ability to do business. So I thought about it before and wanted to resign. If you are willing to take me in, I'm also very happy. But if you think I'm not good-natured, I won't blame you." He looks at Tang Qi with a smile. Tang Qi nodded: "you are very frank. I really don't want to take you in, but I can contact a place for you to take you in. " At first, Tang Qi had a good impression on him, but later, knowing his identity, he found that he could not help him. No matter whether Yang Tian was alive or dead,

he gave him a big discount. Now that he says he doesn't want to be a police officer and wants to be a normal businessman, Tang Qi has almost no good impression on him.

This man is too interested in his interests. Maybe he will betray you at any time, so Tang Qi won't take him. But Su Hai has so many businessmen, and he is really a smart role, so if he can help, Tang Qi will help.

It's not that I don't give him face. After hearing Tang Qi's words, Mao didn't get angry and nodded with a smile."I'll trouble you. I'm very grateful to you for your persistence."

"It's nothing. You don't have to think about it," Tang said "Well, my business is almost settled. Let's go and ask where their wife is now." After a Mao finished, he walked forward. There were many people on the ground, most of them had passed out. There were several conscious climbers who all started to panic and didn't want to be caught, but they were stopped by a Mao, stepped on his waist and twisted. He heard the creaking of his tail vertebrae, and the guy in pain gave out a howling sound like a wolf.

"Ah! Let go of me Without waiting for them to ask, he fainted directly, but fainted with pain. Tang Qi is not satisfied with the play. After a look at Ah Mao, is it because I don't want to take you in? Do you take this man as your outlet? Mao was not angry, and looked at Tang Qi happily


Tang Qi seized a person's collar and said word by word: "I ask you, where is the lady?"

When Tang Qi asked himself, he would tremble and say, "I I don't know. I really don't know... "

Tang Qi hit him in the face with a fist: "it's a fool

"I don't have to ask them. I can probably know where the woman is hiding."

"Where?" Mao said with a smile: "you forget that this organization is the business of the Wang family. Now it has been targeted by the police. They don't know it. This woman just wanted to kill us with so many people, but also wanted to kill us. It shows that she has no choice but to go to the place where you say it is

"The Wangs?"

"You are very clever. It's the Wang family. Let's go."

Tang Qi took a look at the sweet scented osmanthus in his arms: "can you insist on going?"

"If you don't want to go. Our people are just outside. You can go back in their car. " Mao Dao.

Tang Qi said: "yes, osmanthus. You and Wang Feng are still unmarried. Otherwise, you don't want to go."

Although know osmanthus, but waved: "don't worry about busy, I'd like to go."

"What did you say?"

"I want to see it. I have something else to ask them."

Tang Qi is also very surprised, originally thought that the character of Osmanthus must be very nervous, who knows that she did not hesitate to go! It's really hidden after the contact time, so the courage of Osmanthus fragrans also increases a lot.

"Are you really not afraid?" Tang said Osmanthus shook her head and said, "I thought that Yang Tian had been asking me for the string before he died. In addition, my grandfather also said that the string was very important before he died. I believe that the Wang family and I should know the importance of the string when they are engaged. I don't want to spend the day in a muddle and ask ben to protect me all the time. If we can find out what's going on, I will be happy I want to ask. "

Tang Qi nodded: "OK, since you have said that, of course I would like to take you."

"But what if the other party insults you? You have already retired from the Wang family, but the Wang family is not willing to. Now many people are talking about it." Mao Dao.

Sweet scented osmanthus smile: "mouth long in other people's body, what can I do?"

"Yes, too. Let's go. "

Tang Qi said, "don't worry. I'll call ye LAN."

"All right." Mao and osmanthus walk forward slowly. He calls Ye Lan. Ye Lan has been following Hu Si for quite a long time, and I don't know what's going on. Now Yang Tian is dead, which shows that the situation here is very complicated, so he wants Ye Lan to come back to him quickly

and don't want to love you, let her continue to follow.

After a long time, Ye Lan picked up the phone, let Tang Qi nervous, thought she showed it!

Tang Qi said: "why do you take so long to answer the phone?"

Ye Lan lowered his voice and said, "I have some clues. I'm staring at him outside."

"Where is it?"

"Wang's company. Hu Si went to Wang's company. I don't know what to do

It turns out that Ye Lan has been tracking these days. Apart from wandering around, this guy does nothing, and often goes to places like bathing centers for recreation. Ye Lan's heart is very upset. She really doesn't want to continue to follow, but she still wants to understand what he wants to do. She can only follow quietly. This morning, he took action and went to the company directly. She also mixed in. When Hu Si came into the president's office, she refused to come out.

Tang Qi's heart moved: "you also went to that company? We'll go later! " "Really, then we can get along with each other?" Yelan is very happy.

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