The woman sneered and said, "I didn't expect that when you were Tang Qiping, you were so evil that you even said such words. Do you still let the law solve the problem? Are you really good at being yourself? How do you accumulate your own wealth? Have you ever done anything against the law "When did I do something bad?" Tang Qileng said in a cold voice: "I can say that I have been diligent all the time, and I have never done anything excessive, let alone anything against the law. If you are not convinced, you will send me directly to the police station, and we will accept the inquiry of the law together."

The woman looked at him coldly: "OK, you are very powerful, Tang Qi." She doesn't believe it. As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, how can you keep your shoes wet? Is Tang Qi so clean? Obviously, it's here! But Tang Qi really didn't do anything wrong. This is not only because the woman doesn't believe it, but also the housekeeper behind him. He doesn't want to go to prison now, let alone die! He thought for several times and ran away from here, but the eagle eye looked at him straight away, and didn't give him any chance to escape. His eyes were sharp and fierce.

The housekeeper clenched his teeth and said in his heart, no matter what, I can't be captured by these people, right! I have this thing on me, I may be able to find the last chance to escape! He turned his eyes around and groped for the part of his back.

The woman said in a cold voice, "Tang Qi, it's impossible for me to run away now. Just give me your terms."

"What conditions?" "Of course, I let go of my conditions. I know that I've been doing evil for 20 years. It also killed a lot of people. It's a bit too much for me to ask for it, but people have their own choices. I also help others. Why don't you give me a chance and I'll do something for you

Tang Qi looked back at Yingyan and asked him what he meant. Yingyan shrugged, which meant that you should do your own things. He won't object, because he knows that Tang Qi is always a safe man. He can do anything.

Seeing that he didn't object, Tang Qi said, "I want to destroy the Wang family. You help us find them. As long as we catch all these bad guys, I'll forgive you. I won't let you die. "

"Just don't let me die?"

"How are you? Do you want to live freely with your hands stained with blood? "

The woman nodded: "you are really cruel enough."

Eagle eye said: "in addition, we also want to know the whereabouts of Yang Baibai, you should be able to provide it to me!" "It's no big deal that a woman like that dies when she dies." The woman's mouth is very relaxed, but she can't help being nervous in her heart. It's not good to have this eagle eye here! Damn you, you even know about Yang Baibai, what else you don't know! Tang Qi said: "she is not what kind of woman, she is my lover, if you hurt her, I will never let you go. Besides, this woman is the young owner of Dongsen department store. You'd better not offend others. You've already committed an unforgivable crime and are still doing evil. I can't help you at that time! "

Woman a Leng, then ha ha a smile: "Oh hero sad beauty pass, Tang Qi, you still can't forget her!" Tang Qi doesn't speak. In fact, he and Yang Baibai have only met twice. It's clear that the reason for her to tell us the whereabouts of this woman is because of humanitarian concern. In addition, he is curious that this woman knows what has been chased and killed, but he really doesn't want to explain these things. Why should I tell all my things?

When a woman sees Tang Qi's reaction, she also has an idea in her heart. Well, it seems that Tang Qi attaches great importance to this woman, so maybe I can make an article from her. At that time, I will be more and more likely to escape punishment!

"Don't you know where Yang Baibai is?" The woman said: "yes, but I can't do things for you at one time. Please, either I help you destroy the Wang family or I help you find Yang Baibai. I only do one thing for you. Otherwise, everything is finished. I'll do everything I can? I also

want to ensure my own safety. What do you say? "

Eagle eye said: "OK, don't waste time. Let's get down to business and arrest the Wang family first. What about the housekeeper? Do you want to take it with you? " The woman glanced at the housekeeper and said, "this man Why don't you kill it? It's useless. " This man knows many things about himself. If Tang Qi tells them, he will die. The housekeeper knew for a long time that there would be such a day. He was afraid. When you told me your crime, he wanted to harm me. He was so angry that he took out the concealed weapon at his waist.

"You bitch, I'm so loyal to you. No matter when I'm on your side, even if the people of the Wang family give me so many benefits, I'm helping you. But the first thing you want to abandon is me. Do you have a conscience?" The woman sneered: "I have no conscience, so many years your wife and children a lot, who is the money to support?"? If I earn 100 yuan, I'll give you 40% of the benefits. You've got too many benefits from me. Shouldn't you treat me sincerely? How do you do to the WangsIs that right? But look at you as a dog

"What do you see in me? Isn't it a dog? Die

When the woman saw that he was in love with something, she immediately called out nervously: "what are you doing! Are you crazy? Hurry up, or you're welcome! "

The housekeeper sneered, "are you afraid now? I'll tell you it's too late. Even if I can't live, you'll die! " Tang Qi takes a closer look. It turns out that what he has is the size of a lighter, aiming at the woman's heart. Whoosh! Tang Qi and Yingyan saw that the situation was wrong and helped each other, but they were still a little late and avoided her heart, but finally they stabbed into her arm, and the woman snorted and fell on her back It's on the ground.

Tang Qi quickly lifted her sleeve, white as jade skin above appeared a purple red small idea. Swelling up quickly, she hummed in pain, and her mouth was still shouting.

"Asshole! How dare you kill me? I'll kill you She tried to take out the pistol to kill him, but it failed. After a long time, she could only fail. When the housekeeper saw that the needle missed, Tang Qi quickly caught up with him. He could only turn around and run out, but after only a few steps, Tang Qi pressed his shoulder and grabbed it back. The housekeeper felt that his feet were staggering and unstable. He fell on his back. When he saw Tang Qi's face, his eyes moved and he pressed the box again, ready to kill Tang Qihe. I'll kill you all if I don't do it twice!

"I killed you! You all die together

But at the moment when his golden needle came out, Tang Qi had already pressed his wrist and turned the direction. The golden needle aimed at the man's own direction. The housekeeper was surprised and almost didn't faint.

"Ah! The needle is poisonous Puchi! Voice just fell, the needle pierced his own shoulder, pain of his howl, he began to roll on the ground, and behind the woman also horizontal cry, the voice is particularly painful.

"Give me Give me the antidote! He has an antidote! Hurry up, if it's too late, it's too late... "

The housekeeper said: "antidote The antidote is not on me. It's In... " His lips moved, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his pupils dilated. It seemed that he was in big trouble. "Grass! What's the matter with you? " Tang Qi grabbed his collar, shook his body and said, "what do you say? Where is the antidote? Speak up, you rubbish But the housekeeper had fainted. And women lose consciousness. Grass! Tang Qi cursed a dirty word in his heart. What's the matter? I still have a question to ask you. You are all fainted by this golden needle. How can you do it? At this time, the eagle eye was not worried.

Eagle eye squatted in front of the two people to have a look, took out a medicine bottle, to the hand, fell in their mouth. Tang Qi said: "what you eat is the antidote?"

"No, it's a kind of medicine to temporarily delay the outbreak of the virus. I'll get Yang Baibai out, or I'm afraid she will be killed. I'm afraid the secret Yang Baibai knows has already been known. "

Tang Qi frowned and said, "what's the secret?" "It's the address of the emerald in the mountain that Hu Si knew. If someone knew it, Yang Baibai would have no chance to survive. If he didn't change the time, something might happen. No matter what, I will save your confidant. You can rest assured. "

The woman wakes up at this time and sees that the housekeeper falls over there and is out of breath. She tries her best to stand up and kill him, but she is stopped by Tang Qi.

The woman said angrily, "let me go, I will kill him, or I will swear not to be a human being!" Tang Qi looked at the woman and said, "if you want to protect yourself, you'd better protect the steward's life, because only he has the antidote. Otherwise, you won't be good for yourself. Now you just take the medicine to relieve the symptoms and can't survive. If you have to kill him, do as you please. "

The woman gasps violently, the anger in the heart can be imagined. In her eyes, the housekeeper has always been a waste snack. What can he do? Now he even thought of blackmailing himself. How hateful! Who am I? Why should I be blackmailed by you?

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