"I hope it's not a joke. We can't get through here." "No, Tang Qi. In fact, there is a small passage in this swamp. Although it seems nothing on the surface, it is actually a road under our feet. Just walk directly from here, but it must be fast, because most of the time, our feet are in the water, and when

comes, the sharks in it will eat us all. There are sharks. If you are not careful, you may die. If we are not dead, ye Lanke will wait for you in vain. "

Tang Qi said, "OK, that's it. I see what you mean. Let's go together. " "Come on, let's get out of here together." Eagle eye finished and went to the pool. He walked into the water without hesitation. He thought he would sink in directly. Who knows, he just stood there and walked forward with great strides. The water and mud in the mud made his poison slow, but walking was not a hindrance. He walked forward with great strides.

Inside is still calling Tang Qi: "you also hurry up, otherwise I don't know when I can pass." Tang Qi hesitated for a moment, followed by the past. Who did his feet jump out to first, and then the heavy soil. He could see many small bubbles in the water, constantly bubbling out. Many crocodiles were swimming here, fast. Tang Qi thought it was very interesting and exciting. At this time, a crocodile rushed by Come on, he suddenly attacked eagle eye and bit his pants, but eagle eye didn't stay any longer. He quickly raised his leg, and his pants legs were torn to pieces, and he yelled in his mouth. "Tang Qi, hurry up! Otherwise, I will suffer a loss! " If he was a little slower, he would be swallowed directly by these crocodiles, and many piranhas were also rushing forward. All the pants of eagle eye were bitten by the fish, and the skin of ankle was bitten by the fish for many times

times. It was bloody and flesh blurred, and the piercing pain came to people's mind, but eagle eye didn't stop. To stop is to die!

"Tang Qi, have you been bitten?" Of course, Tang Qi has no ability to survive. Many animals are constantly eating his meat at his feet. Tang Qi has never suffered such hardships. If he was a few hundred meters away, he would have died long ago! But he and Hawkeye are still holding on. If the bottom is flat,

the distance of several hundred meters, if you run, it will be less than an hour. But because it's a swamp, it's a lot harder. Tang Qizhen was more and more anxious. He couldn't run to the end at such a short distance.

"Be careful, Tang Qi!"

"I know not to worry," Tang said He also followed fast forward. Finally eagle eye jumped to the edge of the low swamp, fell on the ground, and then looked at Tang Qi's direction: "it's just you!"

His legs are covered with mud and bloodstain. Eagle eye grabs his trousers and tears off his shoes and socks. Instead, he finds the explosive wound in his clothes and looks at Tang Qi's direction as he handles his own wound. Tang Qi has reached the edge of the swamp. Just as he landed, his left leg suddenly sank. A shark bit his pants and dragged him into the swamp. He wanted to pull him directly into the water. Tang Qi faltered and almost didn't lie in the water. At this time, a lot of piranhas rushed to eat him. Tang Qi was suddenly dragged out of the mire. He was about to go down to Siam.

"Tang Qi, be careful!" Eagle's eye said hastily. Tang Qi said, "I'm fine. Don't worry!" He took out the metal chain, threw it out, and caught the shark's mouth. Then he stepped on the shark's head and leaped to the edge of the pond. There are a lot of mermaids hanging on his ankles

after landing on the ground, these fish are still moving their mouths.

Tang Qi took off his trousers and said, "your mother, we were really dangerous just now!"

"That's right. People like us are going to die, not to mention the others? So it's impossible for anyone to come and find the jade. As long as you don't say it, I don't say it, everything will be very calm. "

They looked at the direction of the mire. At first, the fish were just like a pot. They kept skipping, but almost everything was calm after dozens of seconds.

Tang Qi said: "it's really good. It's like a piranha meeting. "

"Yes, it would have been calmer if we hadn't dodged just now. Let's have a try." Tang Qiyi smiles: "I think it's better to forget it." At this time, the sky has gradually brightened up. After a rest, they got up and walked back together. Although they went through those areas where people and centipedes lived, no animals came out. It is estimated that they were too tired to move when they were full

so they limped out of the jungle.

Tang Qi went to the edge of the forest, and then called out "Ye Lan! Ye Lan, are you still alive? "Yelan's voice came: "I'm here, and I've got it back!"

Tang Qi see ye Lanfei also the same into his arms, can't help but raised the corner of the mouth.

"It's a good woman. Are you all right? How's everything going with you?"

"Well, everything is going well for me." Ye Lan said: "but there are no people outside the woods. They are all dead."

Those people died after eating the poisoned food. Ye Lan is here alone. She was about to collapse. Fortunately, Tang Qi came out at this time. Otherwise, I don't know how she spent this time.

Ye Lan said everything, Tang Qi nodded: "OK, you're doing very well." "But Tang Qi, why only two of you came out, the others? And what about your pants? Why are your legs full of blood She just noticed that Tang Qi and hawk eyes came out with bare thighs. Seeing the wounds on Tang Qi's legs, she couldn't help crying.

"Tang Qi, are you ok? I'm really sick!"

Tang Qi patted her hair comfortingly and said, "it's OK, baby, it's all over. I'm almost with you. Things are basically the same. Anyway, Hawkeye and I come out, and the rest of us are gone. "

Although Tang Qi's words are very simple, Ye Lan can't help crying again after hearing Tang Qi's description.

"Tang Qi, promise me not to do such things next time, OK? I don't want to take risks. I don't want to see you like that. "

Tang Qi nodded and patted her on the shoulder: "I know. Don't worry. I'm fine. I'll be fine."

"Well She leaned against Tang Qi's arms and couldn't help sobbing.

Eagle eye glanced at her watch at this time, and then calmly said, "you can chat with her. I've finished my work. It's time to leave"

"have I arrested you yet?" Tang Qi said: "you know, we've been chasing you for such a long time. What should we do to explain to Mr. Qin that I can't catch you. I don't know what to say."

Ye Lan also looks at this person helplessly. She has been chasing this guy for several months. Nothing, if people know, will ridicule themselves.

Tang Qi said: "what do you want to do in the future? Keep fighting with me? "

Eagle eye said calmly, "I'm going. You just tell them we're dead in this swamp. "

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. In a word, I promise I won't do anything. Basically, I don't care. Don't touch these stones, and I won't appear again." Eagle eye said, turned and strode away.

Ye Lan grabs a pistol. She wants to shoot him in the back, but Tang Qi stops him.

"Don't do that. He just helped me and saved my life."

"Tang Qi is right. I saved his life. If you dare to do this to me, God will not let you go." Eagle eye head also did not return, but already knew Ye Lan's idea.

Tang Qi said: "OK, it's none of your business. Let's go now."

Eagle eyes smile, continue to stride down. He's going to retire. He's not doing anything anymore.

"Do you know what the string of beads on the osmanthus hand is for?" Tang Qi asked suddenly.

"I don't know. It has nothing to do with this jadeite ore. Oh, I forgot if you didn't say it. " When he finished, he threw the string to cover Tang Qi.

Bead string around a lot of people, and finally returned to the hands of Tang Qi.

Eagle eye said, "you can ask others what's going on. Maybe it has something to do with Yang Baibai's hunting order. "

He finished and went out.

As soon as he tilted his head, he saw that yelan had put away his pistol behind him, so he put away his gun. Just now, if yelan dared to continue to treat himself, he would shoot. Although yelan's shooting skill was good, he would die if he was not as good as eagle eye.

Tang Qi said: "well, Ye Lan, let's go too. After the work is done, let's go back to the provincial capital to have a look."

"You don't care about Yang Baibai?"

"She has gone back to southern Xinjiang. I told you on the way Ye Lan nodded. They got into the car and left directly. Tang Qi tells the story on the road, but ye LAN bites her lips for a long time and doesn't speak. Tang Qi came to the provincial capital because of Yang Baibai. As a result, she didn't find her whereabouts. Instead, she solved the Wang family's affairs, and has experienced a lot of things.

"It seems that we should go back, and then Bai Su and Mi Qi and them."

"Well, yes." Ye Lan can't help looking at Tang Qi's leg.

Everything in the car. Naturally, there are bandages and medicines, which have been simply bandaged just now. But thinking that it was the crocodiles who hurt me, I was still very nervous.

Tang Qi patted her head: "don't worry, it's OK.""You always say that, but you may get hurt. There's only one result in the end."


Ye Lan hit him on the shoulder: "don't talk, I just hope you can live safely."

"Of course, I believe." Tang Qi said with a smile, "at least I won't meet a big crocodile again."

Ye Lan laughed: "Tang Qi, do you think people are terrible or crocodiles are terrible?"

"It should be crocodiles, because I'm not afraid of people. Their teeth are not strong."

Ye Lan nodded with a smile and stopped talking. The car was moving fast. All the way to the city, to pick up the osmanthus. Get ready to go back and have a look.

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