When Tang Qi heard the vicissitudes and helplessness in his words, he was puzzled. He had never seen Qin Boming like this before. What happened? However, Qin Boming didn't want to answer his question. He stood up, patted his sigh on the shoulder, and then said, "you've come here.

let's have a good rest for two days. Later, I'm a little tired. If I want to have a good rest, I'll go upstairs and make a phone call."

Tang Qi said: "Mr. Qin, do you want to ask about that killing order..."

Originally, Qin Boming had already walked to half of the stairs, but after hearing Tang Qi's words, he was suddenly stunned, then turned and walked back, with a serious face and said, "what are you talking about?"

"Have you heard about the hunting order?" Qin Boming frowned: "yes, I've heard it. It's from a mysterious organization in the capital. If someone does something heinous to that organization, the other party will send out the killing order. No matter where the person escapes, he will be arrested and assassinated directly,

and a red star sign will be placed on the back of the other party's hand."

"But to what extent will it be pursued?" Tang Qi remembered that he had never asked Bai Su and others whether they had it on the back of their hands. When he went back, he should ask her to confirm whether it was done by this organization. It would be bad if someone fished in troubled waters.

Qin Boming said: "I'm not very clear about that, because this organization has heard about it several times in legend, and I haven't contacted it. I've inquired about Yang Baibai's story, and there's no substantive content."

Tang Qi nodded: "I know. I'm checking it. Let's have a rest." Qin Boming holds the handrail and goes up. Suddenly, he looks at Tang Qi with a complicated face: "you're meddling again. There are some things you really shouldn't care about. Yang Baibai didn't touch them several times. Why should you care? If you listen to me, don't worry about it from now on.

just do whatever these people want. "

Tang Qiyi said with a smile: "master, you know I'm not like this. I won't do it." It's not just because Yang Baibai died. He feels very sorry. He wants to find out the truth. He is very curious and wants to find out what's going on. The most important thing is that if this organization is a super evil criminal organization, more people like Yang Baibai will die.

he must find out this thing and never give up.

And the old man is quite clear to Tang Qi, and he is not persuading any more. He just tells Tang Qi: "be careful."

"I understand, old man. I don't care how powerful Lu Chuan is. I'm on your side. If he wants to do anything immoral, it depends on whether I can promise. You can rest assured."

The old man nodded with a smile and went upstairs.

Here, Chuya and Bai Su's meals are also ready. They are fried lamb chops, spaghetti and some Spanish paella. When Tang Qi saw them, he said with a smile, "I know that I prefer western food, but I still like domestic food."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Bai Su said: "it's not easy for us to make it. Even if you don't appreciate it, how dare you be choosy? Be careful we hit you

Tang Qi raised his hand and said, "I know. I'll eat it."

Chuya sat on one side with a smile: "I have my own intention to let you eat this. When you eat, I'll tell you. Don't be surprised. "

Tang Qi gulped at the noodles and said curiously, "what do you say, tell me?" Chuya hesitated for a moment, and then said, "in fact, I didn't cook this meal casually. This is the meal that my good friend once cooked, and this is what she ate on the last day of her life. At that time, her family was killed with spaghetti all over her body and face, and Fang cut off their little fingers and put them on the plate of lamb chops. " Tang Qi had to swallow it, but when she heard that, she felt a pang of nausea, and Bai Su was even more depressed. She shook the knife in her hand: "Hey, what are you talking about? Want to scare me to death? When you were cooking just now, you didn't say that there was such a meaning in this dish. If you had known earlier, I would have refused to eat it! " "Don't worry, listen to me." Chu Ya said solemnly: "because I have known this person for many years. Although I'm not a friend, I'm also an old friend, and no one can help me solve this problem until now. That's why I thought of asking Tang Qi to help me. I think it's too much."

Tang Qi said: "who is the other party? Is there any enemy? "

"Maybe." She nodded, then looked at Tang Qi and said, "in fact, that person is my classmate and friend. Her name is Ding Li. It happened half a month ago. "

Tang Qimei head a pick: "she died you very sad?"

"Well, it's not sad. In fact, I knew something would happen to her, because her family is usurer."

This surprised Tang Qi. Did her parents offend anyone, and then they retaliated? Chuya tells Tang Qi that Ding Li is a very arrogant girl who comes here from other provinces. She wears very fashionable clothes and drives an open car. She and Chuya go to an aristocratic school. She feels rich and elated. She can't even walk with her chinPeople. And Chu Ya although is a rich family background, but quite low-key, do not want people to say their identity. So Ding Li looked down on her and often spoke ill of her at school, but Chu Ya didn't pay attention to her. It wasn't until she was about to graduate that Ding Li realized that Chu Ya was not a little girl. She was a serious family, so she changed her attitude and flattered her all the time.

Chuya doesn't want to have a close relationship with her. It's just limited to meeting and saying a few words. Chuya doesn't like Ding Li's high and low personality, so Ding Li invited her out to dinner several times, but Chuya refused. This makes Ding Li hate him very much!

Ding Li said to the people around her, "Chuya is cold to everyone because of her wealth. Is it true that everyone has his own life in this world? It's just pretending to be forced! " But Chuya didn't care.

Has been how to live, has been to graduate, Ding Li or not reconciled. Once Ding Li came to Chuya and said that she was going to attend the graduation party, but she refused. At this time, there was a man standing beside him. He was a good-looking man. He was a typical Gao Shuai Fu. He had a few money in his family. At the beginning, he liked Ding Li very much. But when he saw Chu ya, he was moved. He wanted to hook up with Chu ya and inquire about Chu Ya's life. Ding Li was very angry.

Give the man a slap, then kick him, and tell the outside that Chuya stole her boyfriend.

Chu Ya doesn't know and doesn't care, but Ding Li is not reconciled. She rushes to her bedroom with people and wants to fight with her.

Chu Ya has gone home. Ding Li is very angry. Although she doesn't find Chu ya, she smashes her bedroom and tells people a lot about Chu Ya's shameless seduction. Although Chuya is very angry, she thinks that everyone is going to graduate. Why not make trouble because of these things? Besides, after graduation, no one can see anyone, so she doesn't want to care. She scolds her all the time. After graduation, Chuya and this woman both run similar businesses. She runs a gallery, and usually buys and sells antique jade Selling is just a matter of playing with tickets. Because her parents are usurious and have a lot of money, it is said that she has been losing money, but she doesn't care about it. She also gets very smart.

She and Chuya's first two people don't have many opportunities to meet, but it's hard to avoid meeting because of some business affairs.

Chuya also has a gallery in her home. She goes to see it occasionally. She meets Ding Li several times, and Ding Li sneers.

At first, Chuya doesn't want to pay attention to it, but the last time, Ding Li points at her in front of people and constantly scolds her for seducing men, shameless and so on. She is beaten by Chuya.

Ding Li was furious: "I must get back at you! You think you are a great family. If you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts. Be careful

Chuya gave her a cold look and left. "That was the last time we met. Who knows, she died less than a month after this. Then the whole family died miserably at the dining table. At that time, I was handed over by the police because of the contradiction between her and me. Fortunately, that night I had an activity

, which had been in Hong Kong all the time, so I didn't have time. But there were still some gossip media speculating that it was because of buying murderers and killing people. I was very distressed, so I wanted you to help me find out the truth. "

After listening to Chu Ya's story, Tang Qi sneered: "such an arrogant and domineering woman, you even help to inquire about her death. Are you too kind? If I do, I don't care, whatever he wants

Bai Su also said, "no! It's because the business her parents do is so bad that they offend a lot of people, so they will be attacked. Everything has to be blamed on you, isn't it a bit too much? " Chu Ya said: "because I don't want to let this matter become a mystery, because people are now saying that I bought the murderer. I'm not willing to be humiliated by her, so I want her family's life. Now many posts and circle of friends all say that. I'm tired of it. I didn't do it. Why frame me up? "

She was very upset, but she couldn't prove her innocence. When she saw Tang Qi coming, she thought that this person must be able to help herself. Anyway, she and Tang Qi were not outsiders and would be willing to help.

"Well, can you help me?" Chu Ya looks at Tang Qi with a smile. Tang Qi said: "OK, since you have said that, I can't say without help."

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