Lili, who was seen by Amin, disguised as a nurse or a doctor, may have left the hospital directly. Since he wants to leave, how can he enter the hospital casually? He must have come for a purpose. But it's not necessarily to leave. What's his purpose? Tang Qi thinks that there should be another possibility, that is, she is still in the hospital, so now they need to check the nurses and doctors in the hospital to see if it is possible that he is mixed in the hospital.

Tang Qi first thought that maybe she came here for Meng Xiong. Meng Xiong is now under strict protection. No one can get close to him except doctors or nurses. Tang Qi thought of this and said to Chu Ya and Yang Yiyi: "no, hurry to find Meng Xiong. Lili may have come for Meng Xiong. We didn't see Lili's death that day, but they wanted to kidnap Yang Yiyi, which interfered our sight. It's very possible that Lili didn't die at all. We know Lili died, just from others I know, but I didn't see it with my own eyes. "

Tang Qi takes a look at Amin when he talks about others, because Amin was with those who kidnapped Yang Yiyi. They said they wanted to kill Lili and their family.

When a Ming saw Tang Qi looking at him, he knew that it must have something to do with him. He remembered that they had killed Lili's family at that time, but they went to the wrong place at that time.

Directly ran to the opposite, and then killed Lili, their house directly burned their house. There is no clear who to kill. At that time, someone was killed, but I can't guarantee that person is Lili.

So, Amin quickly explained: "we did kill the past at that time, but now I think, that woman is not necessarily Lili, because after all, we haven't seen Lili, we just saw his picture."

Yang Yiyi quickly said: "if it costs anything, Meng Xiong is here. Let's go and have a look. He is our only witness now. If he dies, our clue will be broken again."

Tang Qi nods, and several people rush to Meng Xiong's Hospital, remembering that when they just leave, Meng Xiong is still worried that he will be killed. What can he do? The whole person has fallen into a crazy state.

But when they arrived, the police officers outside stood well. There should be nothing wrong! Seeing the police didn't cause any commotion. Yang Yiyi comforted himself in the heart, and went to a policeman's side, patted him on the shoulder.

"Is there anyone, like a nurse or a doctor, coming during this time?" After hearing Yang Yiyi's question, the police officer thought for a moment and said, "just now, a nurse came. I was stopped. The nurse explained that the patient was a little crazy. The doctor gave her a sedative and gave her an injection, so I let her in. After the injection, she left without staying"

hearing this, several people already knew what had happened, He didn't give up and ran in. When it's in the ward. Meng Xiong has been lying on the bed, it can be said that Qi Qiao died of bleeding.

Needless to say, all of them died of poisoning. I don't know what kind of poison was used. So soon, people have already died. But fortunately, after their pressing questions just now, Meng Xiong has explained everything.

Now what they need to check is what Meng Xiong said about lili. What kind of threat does her parents have to them? Is it because they have occupied the mine they have always wanted to purchase?

Tang Qi thinks something is wrong. What is the relationship between Lili and them? Why did geography kill Meng Xiong when it ordered him to kill him. Are they still missing something important? Didn't Meng Xiong explain it? What does Meng Xiong know that makes them feel so scared that they can't help but issue a hunting order and Lili. What's his purpose. They haven't solved the secret yet. This kind of thing happened again. It's really like a fog. It's hard for people to see clearly.

When the police outside knew that Meng Xiong had been killed, they all felt guilty. It seemed that they were still negligent. The nurse should be stopped at the time of injection.

However, the police can't be blamed for this. It can only show that the other party is too cunning and they still haven't taken precautions.

"Now what? Besides song Mingshu and Bai Ye, there should be another person who gives the order, because they are divided into the East and the West. Now we only know this side. As for the others, I don't know what they are? This man is certainly not easy to deal with. "

Yang Yiyi has some worries and looks at Tang Qi. Now things have become like this. All the clues are broken. They want to start at the moment, but they don't know where to start.

I don't know when, Yang Yiyi began to have a sense of dependence on Tang Qi, that is, as long as he is around, he is at ease, as long as there is him, things will never progress.

Tang Qi thinks about it for a while. Chu Ya is worried about Tang Qi. He goes to Tang Qi and holds his arm. He doesn't want to put all the things on Tang Qi alone, but now there's no way. Besides Tang Qi, they don't know who to rely on? Tang Qisi thought about it for a long time, and then said to them, "is there such a possibility that they always want to find that painting is their important clue? Maybe that painting has some connection with the tattoo on Yang Yiyi's back, otherwise why do they value this painting so muchI think this painting should be important, but now the important information we can grasp is the painting on Yang Yiyi's back. " Tang Qi's conjecture is not unreasonable. They all nodded. Yang Yiyi also said with confusion: "such speculation is not impossible, maybe we can get unexpected results, but what should we do next? It's also very embarrassing for people at that time.

" Tang Qi didn't think about what to do. Even with such speculation, they can't take any action yet. After all, the other party is in the dark, they are in the light, if there is anything rash. Maybe they can't guess what the other party will do now. It's the most important thing to protect everyone.

"Well! Yang Yiyi, you first get the team back to the police station and wait for my information. Once I have any information on my side that needs your help, let's keep in touch at any time. "

Yang Yiyi nodded, which is no problem, she can always cooperate with Tang Qi's action, "what about you? What's the next step? I just want to know, there is no other idea Tang Qi didn't plan to hide from Yang Yiyi, so he said: "for the time being, I don't know how to deal with this matter, and I don't know how to start with it, but Bai Ye, do you remember? Just now I tried to find out that he is very ill and probably can't be saved. It's also possible that in one or two days, the disease will show up. I'll go to Qin fuming first. He is fighting with Lu Chuan fiercely, so he should also need help. I'll go to Qin's grandfather first. If Bai Hua and song Mingshu ask for Qin's help, I can do it

Yang Yiyi nods. If Bai Ye and song Shuming go to find master Qin, then. It happens that Tang Qi can investigate there. See if this matter has anything to do with Bai Ye and song Shuming? If it had nothing to do with the two of them.

Then Lili may have something to do with a boss in the east or west district. As far as they know, the leader of this secret organization, Bai Ye and song Shuming, are a wave. There is also a mysterious identity, which comes from outside the province. For the time being, they have no clue.

In addition, although the painting is fake, it is still in Chuya's gallery. They should also study it carefully to see if they can get any clues, or if it has any similarities with the pattern behind Yang Yiyi?

If the two paintings really have the same contact information, for them, things may be clearer. Then it is very likely that Lili is one of the spies of the Japanese.

Now for them, the most difficult thing is to find these explosives. Once found by the Japanese first. It is also possible to destroy this batch of explosives, and countless people will be injured. This is not the most important. The most important thing is that when they find these explosives, they can find those mysterious organizations in this secret base. Is it for the Japanese, if it is. For the whole of China,

is a good thing for the country and the people.

Otherwise, sooner or later, China will be confused by these Japanese spies, and the people will not be able to live in peace. Even they may not be able to continue to enjoy this peaceful life.

After the attention is fixed, Yang Yiyi takes the team first and leaves with the police. Lili has done her job successfully and will not stay in the hospital any more. When they can't find words now, she must have escaped. It's too late. Tang Qi turned to Chuya and said, "I'm going to see Master Qin. It's not a good role to deal with. You go back to your gallery first! After these things, the other party even a fool knows that the painting is no longer in your gallery. So for the time being, your gallery is safe. Take a closer look at that painting. Just now you have seen the embroidery on the back of Yang Yiyi. I think you already remember 7788. First, look at the two paintings to see if they have anything in common. "

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