Now for him, there is only one belief, that is, absolute belief in Tang Qi. As for other people in front of him, they are just a little Luo.

Everyone is a clown, but today she will see how the clown performs in front of him.

So, Miki called her assistant and said, "let that Mr. Lu come in."

When Lu Chuan came in, although she had a smile on her face, MI Qi also felt the danger behind his smile. This man didn't know why. Even if she was very friendly, she would make people feel very dangerous. So for Mickey, she is still afraid of such people. Some people are too deep in the city, which makes people feel afraid at a glance. Besides, now Mickey is still a novice for the processing company, and she is relatively immature. When she meets such an expert, she will feel timid in her heart, but Tang Qi has just called him.

Always thinking that there is a person behind himself who is supporting himself. No matter what happens, this person will certainly take care of all things for himself. As long as he has this idea, he will feel at ease. Now for Mickey, Tang Qi is such a person, can appear whenever and wherever he needs, and help him take care of all these, life things, so for Mickey, it's very strong, so in the face of Luchuan, it's 10% sure.

When Mi Qi saw Lu Chuan coming in, she stood up and held out her hand with a friendly smile, "Hello, MI Qi."

Lu Chuan holds Mi Qi's hand. She doesn't know why it's cold when she is there. Mi Qi shakes involuntarily and looks at Lu Chuan's face. It's still the smiling face he keeps, but this kind of smile is frightening in winter vacation.

"Hello, Lu Chuan. Miss Mi Qi has heard about it for a long time. She has already sold the MI family's antique market since she was young. It's really admirable."

Mi Qi first released Lu Chuan's hand. I don't know why I hold her hand. I feel that I will be crushed by her at any time. I feel like a ceramic doll or a glass doll. If I fall easily by him, I will fall to pieces. "It turns out that Mr. Lu has heard about it for a long time. You are the only one who can fight against Mr. Qin in the capital. Forgive me for my rashness and speak more directly. I don't care too much about it, so I have to say as much as I hear. I hope I didn't risk

offending you." No matter how much experience a woman has, he is not very smart. "I hope we can be friends. Today we have normal communication. How can we mind such words? What's more, it's true. I think it's time for Mr. Qin to give up his position for so many years, and the capital needs fresh blood, isn't it? Always controlled by these old players, how can we survive? " Lu Chuan didn't evade the question of MI Qi, which is also the purpose of MI Qi's question. It seems that his purpose is to replace Mr. Qin to exchange blood in the capital, but his exchange blood is not what Mi Qi intended. The exchange blood is also like Tang Qi, who will lead us to a better future. But what's on the way? I want this ambitious man. So, Mickey said with a fake smile, "it's true that the capital has not changed for many years. After that, it may not be a bad thing for the capital if there are fresh blood to live in, and there are some dead people in our whole antique market. There are only a few people who are really qualified, that is, Mr. Qin, and the others are just good at judging the situation. ". Miki adjusted it, didn't she? Is that Taiji with him? Although the words are very clear, they are not finished yet. He doesn't have that mind at all. For Mickey, he just wants to take care of his own Michaelis group. As for other things, he obviously

doesn't want to participate.

I don't know if Tang Qi will take part in it if he comes to him? Will he go to the other side? Needless to say, he will stand on the side of Tang Qi. After all, for them, this is Tang Qi's woman. "Since Miss Mitch also has this meaning, it's just my next goal. I came in to let Miss Mi know. It's urgent to have a big exchange of blood in the capital, but Mr. Qin is in charge of it. For so many years, I don't want to bring him down so easily. If Miss Mitch is not willing to help, I think we will succeed as long as we work together. "

After all, some of Lu Chuan couldn't sit still and said what he wanted to say. If he didn't go, he knew that he must have come to him for this purpose. I didn't expect that he would say it so soon.

Mickey was a little surprised. She opened her eyes, opened her mouth, and deliberately showed it to Lu Chuan. In fact, Lu Chuan knew what he knew, and he knew it for a long time. But it was because of this exaggeration that she could understand that he just didn't want to cooperate with Lu Chuan. "Are you not thinking about cooperating with me? Besides, I didn't make a clear understanding of my family's affairs when I took over Mie's business. Besides, as a young man, I still have many things to learn. Let me move directly to Mr. Qin. Let alone let me cooperate with you. Even if I cooperate with anyone, I have no confidence. In addition, the current Mie group can't stand ups and downs at all. You know how bad the business is now. If we just stabilize the company and go into the limelight now, what kind of consequences will we find? I really can't guarantee that my uncles haven't done anything. They are all thinking about my position now? If I make a mistake, they will bite me back. " Mickey whispered: ridiculous, I'm Qin Boming's granddaughter. How can I help youDeal with your own family. "Obviously, Lu Chuan didn't know about their relationship."

Miki just analyzed the current situation to show him, just to let him know that he does not have the strength, and Michaelis does not have the strength.

Just now, Tang Qi has already told her that as long as she is too anxious, just fool Lu Chuan. As for the other things to him to deal with, also know that Tang Qi has this strength, so Mickey now and he is playing with Luchuan. Of course, Lu Chuan knows what Mi Qi means. It seems that he is still a little late. But what does that matter, woman? All have love, are facing love, yearning for very beautiful, but once he knows his man. When there are many women who don't take him seriously, can they be so calm at that time? So Lu Chuan gave a friendly smile. "I know you have the ability and the strength. I believe you are absolutely different from other stupid women. But I want to tell you, although you see Tang Qi very high, how does Tang Qi treat you? I don't have to list all the women he has

After hearing what Lu Chuan said, Miki really changed her face. For any woman, her husband has many women outside, and she must feel uncomfortable.

Although Mickey has already accepted this point, when she is told by others, she will still feel a little uncomfortable. Of course, now more difficult, he just played out, and she has accepted this thing, there is nothing to care about. Life! The total thing is to enjoy the present. Since he feels very happy now, that's enough. And Tang Qi cares enough about him. Even if he has many women, for Tang Qi, he is still a real wife. No matter how good he is to other women, he will come back to him. For Mickey, it's enough to know that. "I don't know what Mr. Lu suddenly mentioned this matter for, but I still have one thing to tell Mr. Lu clearly. No matter what happens to Tang Qi, frankly speaking, he is still my vice army and I am his wife. No matter what happens, we are always together."

Mi Qi's performance is a little urgent, just to achieve Lu Chuan's goal, what he wants is to let Tang Qi lose this woman. Of course, let this woman and that woman care, the more he cares, the more he can't tolerate him with other women. "Have you ever heard of Guihua, the leader of the Gao family. He had a relationship with Tang Qi before, but he was disappointed with Tang Qi in the end. Because Tang Qi chose Bai Su instead of him, the whole person changed, and he became very wise and wise. Originally, Tang Qi asked him to do any job in the capital, but since he changed, he got the whole Gao family. She got whatever she wanted, to be beautiful, to be fashionable, to be beautiful, to be rich, to be more honorable than others, and he did it all Talking about the sweet scented osmanthus again, it's a pity. Mickey knows everything and knows that things are not what he said. Osmanthus now seems to get everything, in fact, he has no personal freedom, it can be seen that if he does not listen. Lu Chuan's words, I don't know what will happen

. However, that stupid woman will never see this step. He only cares about the present. After he gets the money, he dresses up so fashionable, but in the end, no one loves him. It also fully proves that what a man really likes about you is not your appearance and your money, but more like you, your heart and everything.

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