They both want to be very beautiful. Things have been going very well. It wasn't until the age of 16 that the boss found out what they were thinking. Love a person's eyes, is simply can't hide me, so they two love each other. Always secretly making eye contact. He was found by the boss and directly confined him and took the cherry blossom away. He was very worried about the cherry blossom and even knelt down for the boss to ask him to see the cherry blossom.

Later, the boss let him see the cherry blossom, but he would rather never see that scene, because that scene, for him. It's too cruel for him to come out. He was taken to a room by the boss. He tied him to the post. When Sakura was caught, he tied him directly to the bed. At that time, he had already guessed what would happen. But he still had a fluke in his mind. After all, they were all raised by the boss. The boss won't be so cruel to them. But it turned out that all his guesses were wrong. The boss is really cruel to them. Because he is a man without heart. Boss, we need a group of sentimental creatures. Only in this way can it be used by him, can it become his sharp weapon to kill the impossible, and become the most powerful person. Therefore, he watched the cherry blossom tied to the bed. Cherry crying, looking at his direction, has cried hoarse voice, but still told him: "I love you! But I don't have the strength to love you anymore. If you have a chance, kill me! I have been sorry for you, my body has been broken. Even if I cry

hoarse, the boss will never forgive me again? I'm a plaything in his crotch now. Without the slightest dignity, I don't want to face you in such a humiliating manner. You are going to live and become the most powerful person. Don't let me down. "

Sakura said, closed his eyes, want to cry can not cry tears. He knew what he was facing. Both of them knew it, but they could not resist. When the boss came in, he began to tear cherry blossom's clothes, "when he didn't have the ability. Be responsible for all your choices. Do you think you are strong enough to walk alone? You can't even protect yourself, how to protect her, so now you can only watch it become a plaything in my crotch. But you are powerless to resist, you have to remember, so my beautiful things are deceptive. It makes people weak. All good things are easy to be destroyed. Like cherry blossom. "

Cherry blossoms are shaking, and their bodies are full of traces of green and purple. Although Lu Chuan has never experienced such a thing, he needs to know that this is the trace after love. Have they had such training? I've seen too many pictures I don't want to see.

The voice has been broken, pressed in the voice inside, it sounds very worried, I don't know, these days, he suffered how much torture, he will become like this.

Lu Chuan's hands were firmly held together. At that moment, he swore in his heart that as long as he had the ability to kill the boss. He'll do it. He'll do his best. "Your eyes are telling me that you are going to kill me. You think you've told me what you think with your eyes. Will I let you succeed? It's stupid. Have you been taught nothing all these years? I really don't know how those stupid people died in your hands. Let the stupid people like you kill them easily. "

Lu Chuan raised his head, the boss's action is still going on, but there is no emotion, the plaything is really just his plaything. He is a man who really has no feelings. Such people make Lu Chuan afraid. After a happy game, the boss directly cut the rope on Lu Chuan's hand with a knife. Lu Chuan didn't even think about it. He raised his fist and hit it. How terrible is the strength of the boss. He didn't know. At that moment, the boss beat him to the ground with only one move.

He's no match for the boss at all. The boss gave a cold hum and went out, leaving the room for the two of them. Lu Chuan ran to the bed, looking at the half dead cherry blossom, a person tortured to this point. What a cruel heart! Lu Chuan quickly took off his clothes and covered Sakura's body. Sakura opened her eyes and said to Lu Chuan, "kill me. In fact, what you see is not the real me. I'm not me anymore. I've been with a lot of people. Except for you, many

people, this body has been broken. I didn't love you at all, because you look like a person, I'm with you. Kill me Lu Chuan didn't understand one thing until he killed the cherry blossom. Many years later, he thought about it. In fact, there are no more men. And he just loves him. But Cherry Blossom must obey orders. Because the last task of Sakura is to make

Lu Chuan cold-blooded.

Is there anything more cruel than killing your favorite woman? Therefore, since then, Lu Chuan has become a heartless man. Lust makes him sick.

But at this point, it is far from over. Lu Chuan's life really began at this moment. All the sufferings he had suffered before were just physical sufferings for him, but all the sufferings since then were spiritual sufferings.In order to punish him and let him get close to him, Lu Chuan tried to assassinate him again and again. No matter how hard he studied and how perfect his plan was, he never succeeded.

That night, he seized another good opportunity to sneak into the boss's room. Give the boss medicine, as long as he goes out, waiting for the boss to drink the glass of wine. Everything has been done. But what he didn't think of. Let the boss directly catch one. He thought he was dead, but she didn't want to live any longer. Do not know his family, cherry blossom is the only family. Sakura is dead, and he really has no need to live.

Besides, he knew from childhood that he might die the next second, so she could accept death, no matter how sudden it came. He was able to accept it, but the boss didn't kill him. Instead, he poured down the wine he had drugged. If it's a poison, it's a good choice. But he is under the aphrodisiac drugs, after a while, his consciousness has been completely gone. Because he knew that the boss was too strong,

so he was looking for the most poisonous aphrodisiac.

But at the end of the day, she still made a hole in himself. In fact, she knew what she was doing. But he couldn't control his movements. Hot, very hot, he could not help tearing his clothes, he tactfully told him not to do so, but the body did.

It's like a puppet whose limbs are manipulated by others. I don't know my own words, until there is no clothes to tear, the boss suddenly pushed him to the bed, he never thought it would be such an end.

And his later life is no happier than cherry blossom's. What happened when Hualien died? If he could imagine one or two.

After that, the boss would shut him up in the secret room, give him the aphrodisiac, give it to a group of people, and put it all in one room until they could control the aphrodisiac.

At that time, the body is like a general pain was torn. Whether it's physical or mental torture. Once he wanted to die, but he didn't even have the strength to commit suicide. Because before he had a good rest. When you don't have the strength, you'll be thrown directly into that room. There was an endless struggle, until one day, when he stood up, when he defeated all the people and walked out of the small room. This kind of torture has come to an end. He still wanted to kill the boss until he knew in his heart that it would never succeed. He still didn't give up, but so what? He still has to obey him. This is a society of power. How can a humble man like him not obey his boss?

In an organization that can't even die. Besides listening to the boss, what else can he do?

Lu Chuan finally had a good rest. He raised his head and looked at Mickey's face. "Are you afraid? If you compromise now, I promise nothing will happen. If you don't compromise, I can't guarantee it. "

After such a little rest, Miki has calmed down. She knows that nothing will happen, because Tang Qi will arrive soon. So I look at Lu Chuan very hard. "If you have the ability, you'd better put me in the right place now, or you won't have time right away, because Tang Qidu has already come. I'm not trying to cheer me up. But seriously, do you want to meet him? It's better to let go of me, or what will happen soon

I can't guarantee. "

Lu Chuan looks at Mickey's face playfully and has to say that there is a big difference between Mickey and cherry blossom. But I don't know why, Mickey is also attracted by this woman. Since Sakura left, no one has attracted his attention. Apart from those days when he was blindly trained, he really didn't get close to anyone. Even after he got here, he never got close to how many women he was given in order to please him. Because there is a barrier in his heart.

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