So Lin Yahan went directly to Mickey's side, posture is still very low, said to Mickey. "You don't have to blame Tang Qi. It's my own mind. I know it's not good, so I'll tell you whether he can take it or not is his business, but what I should do is my business." Mickey didn't expect that this star is very direct! He said this to him directly. Does Tang Qi know? Does Tang Qi know his mind? No matter how much, Mickey didn't think about it any more. Let Tang Qi deal with it by himself. After Nangong Xiang finished singing, he told the truth that he was infected by his singing. No one was able to pick out the problems in his singing. After Nangong Xiang finished singing, he looked directly at Chuya's direction, which was actually the direction of his final poss, and threw a

wink at Chuya's direction. To show off your good looks.

Very high-profile raised his hands, and then bowed to the stage, looks like a real artist.

Tang Qi knows that with the strength of Nangong family, if Nangong Xiang wants to be a singer, it's not impossible. It's just that he doesn't want to be a singer. He just enjoys the feeling of being watched and doesn't want to be a singer.

However, Nangong Xiang was the one who couldn't let Tang Qi accept. At last, he gave Chen Xin a flattering look and said, "I found out if you're a little pisong these two days." When Tang Qi said this to Chen Xin, Chen Xin was shocked.

Indeed, in the past two days, because of all kinds of things, he has been so busy that he can't take care of the boss's feelings. Therefore, it's not groundless for the boss to say that about him.

But how can we suddenly say at this juncture that it's time for him to sing on stage? What if he wants to hear the boss sing? To be honest, I've never heard of it.

Then he looked at Tang Qi with a smiley face, "boss, what's the matter? What can I do for you? What, did I do something wrong? "

Some of Tang Qi didn't think that Chen Xin was really stupid. He hated iron but didn't make steel. He said to Chen Xin, "you don't see anyone teasing your sister-in-law. You are indifferent here. I usually raise you for nothing and give you a bite of rice, right?"

As soon as Tang Qigang said it, Chen Xin reacted immediately. Just now Nangong Xiang really threw a wink at Chu ya. No wonder the boss was so angry that he didn't react.

He once thought this way and gave his brothers a wink. Of course, when Tang Qi spoke to Chen Xin, his brothers also heard him.

I didn't expect that the boy was tired of living, right? No matter whether he was from Nangong family or not, he went to their Mi's company and molested their sister-in-law. I can't bear it.

In fact, there is no flirtation. Nangong Xiang gives Chuya a wink. Who knows if he gives Chuya a wink? Anyway, if they want to find fault with him, he has to be beaten.

Chen Xin directly took a group of brothers with him. He ran to the stage first and caught Nangong Xiang's collar. To tell you the truth, Nangong Xiang's force is not worth much.

Chen Xin was still a little worried. After weighing it, he knew that it could not be compared with their boss.

So, a punch went down, Nangong Xiang directly covered his half face, looking at Chen Xin. He said, "you How dare you I'll tell you... "

Before Nangong Xiang could finish his speech, Chen Xin slapped Nangong Xiang twice and said, "I dare not Yesterday I let you out completely. It seems that your skin is still a little loose. I don't know how to avoid it. Today I took the initiative to send it to my door. I'm sorry if I don't hit you. "

Chen Xin beat and scolded, not for a while. Nangong Xiang's face is swollen like a bun. He can't say anything. He feels numb at the base of his tongue. He beat Nangong Xianghai down. Of course, Chen Xin's actions are also important. It's impossible to really cause human life. The gang of brothers brought by Nangong Xiang were all flattened by Chen Xin's brothers. To tell you the truth, yesterday, the brothers looked down on him. Today,

, I came here to provoke.

Without the boss's command, they would not have started. If the boss turned a blind eye today, they certainly knew what to do.

Nangong Xiang finally had to take his brothers and help each other to leave.

Chen Xin's invitation seems to come to Tang Qi's face and say, "boss, how's it going? It's a beautiful thing to do."

Tang Qi looks directly at Chen Xin. Don't you know what else is waiting for them? "Do you think it's over? Wait for the Nangong family to see how to deal with this. "

Chen xinleng thought for a moment, and then he realized that the Nangong family would not allow their own son to be beaten as a meat bun in Mi's company.

What are you going to do with the Nangong family? It seems that Tang Qi has a long mind, and Chen Xin is even more. He knows that he really has a long way to go compared with his boss.After driving away Nangong Xiang, Tang Qi said to the big guy. "Well, let's see what we should do! Rehearse when it's time! There's also a program list. You can't go outside to reveal any information. Do you hear me

All the people nodded. Tang Qi looked at Lin Yahan's direction at this time. Lin Yahan's eyes were also open. Anyway, he didn't want to cheat himself.

Bai Su also noticed that Mickey has been paying attention to his Lin Yahan's situation. He went to Mickey and asked. "Is there anything wrong with Lin Yahan? I see you've been looking at him

Mickey shook her head, the problem is that there is no problem, but Tang Qi this peach blossom luck is a little too prosperous, as long as let him do something, will certainly cause a pile of rotten peach blossom.

Mickey said to Bai Su: "nothing. Maybe our sister group will grow up again."

Chuya, who caught the tail of a word, was startled, "what's going to grow."

Mi Qi and Bai Su are helpless to shake their heads, or let Chu Ya again naive and lovely to survive. In the company, they take care of Chuya very much. It's not easy for Chuya to maintain this innocent and lovely nature. Let him live like this.

It can be seen that Tang Qi's favorite is Chu Ya's innocent and lovely. No matter what happens, he can keep his innocence.

At this time to see Mickey put them all to rehearsal, Tang Qi also came to Lin Yahan's side.

"What did you just say to Mickey?"

When Lin Yahan sees that Tang Qi is so concerned about Mickey, he knows what he says to her. Tang Qi must be concerned. "You don't care what I say. If Lin goes back one night, you don't have to kneel on the washboard."

Tang Qi gives him a direct look. When did he kneel down on the washboard? He's at home, but how's the boss? Of course, his wife is the biggest, but his wife may also be for his good, how can he kneel on the washboard?

Tang Qi thinks so, feel and this Lin Yahan have nothing to say: to tell you the truth, if it is not for his eye-catching, his popularity is there, still really want to be far away from the big star.

Seeing Tang Qi's depressed appearance, Lin Yahan poked Tang Qi on his waist and said to him, "now is not the time for you to be angry. I'll ask you, how about the song I ordered? If there's no problem, let's sing that one? "

Tang Qi doesn't know why Lin Yahan is so persistent in this song, but sing this, just sing this. As long as Lin Yahan appears and opens his voice, other people will certainly boil up. What does he sing?

For them, as long as the big star is willing to speak and sing this song to them, it's good. There's no more requirement. Tang Qi nodded to Lin Yahan. "What you say is what you say. It's all up to you."

Looking at Tang Qi's impatience, Lin Yahan has no mood for training. He says, "my agent didn't come with me, and no one came with me today. You can send it back."

Mickey took it. Why should he send it. To tell you the truth, I didn't want to see you off at all, so I said to Lin Yahan, "I'll let Chen Xin see you off."

Lin Yahan lowered his voice, got close to Tang Qi's ear and said to Tang Qi, "if you don't send me, then I can't guarantee what I will say to Mickey. Don't forget the agreement between us."

"You threaten me?"

"How do you understand?"

Because I still believe that even if he says he likes Tang Qi, will he believe it? I'm sure I won't believe it. For a man like this, I'm sure what he thinks is true after a long time. How can he think about love at first sight? It's just in line with a little girl's mind.

Although Tang Qi doesn't look like a little girl, it has to be said that he still has a lot of little girl's thoughts. Seeing that Tang Qi is still reluctant, Lin Yahan directly pulls Tang Qi's arm and goes to the underground garage.

Tang Qi is so reluctant to be pulled to the underground garage by Lin Yahan.

As soon as he got to the garage, Tang Qi found that the atmosphere was not right. Lin Yahan sees Tang qigei standing still. Carefully asked: "what's the matter? Is there anything wrong? "

Because it's always like this in TV dramas, most experts stop and look around. When their ears seem to be listening to something, something must have happened. Tang Qi is like this at the moment, so there must be something strange in the underground garage.

Lin Yahan thinks Tang Qi is so cool, but he can't feel it himself. He doesn't know what's weird? Tang Qi looked at the excited light in Lin Yahan's eyes, but also speechless. "We're being followed! But I don't need to say, I believe you should know who it is. "

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