So I'm obedient to Tang Doudou, especially the high-intensity training that Tang Doudou arranged for him. I never cry bitterly and tired.

Chen Xin told Tang Qi about it. Tang Qi didn't expect that Cheng Dieyi would really bring Cheng to the headquarters, and he came so fast. At lunch time, Tang Qi explained to MI Qi and came to the headquarters.

When he arrived at the headquarters, Cheng Dieyi had already left. He just left Cheng here. Tang Qi could not help sighing that he was a mother. Is he a nursery? Put Cheng Cheng here and go to work.

What makes Chen Xin feel more innocent is that there was a Tang Doudou who was not easy to deal with. Now there is a primary school bully, a little genius, who is not allowed to live.

But I believe that soon these little guys will not be able to stay here, because it will belong to him.

It belongs to his territory. How can these little guys be allowed to make trouble? So as long as these little guys are willing to make trouble for such a period of time, they will soon be unable to stay here. Let them enjoy the last few happy days.

When Tang Qi goes in, he sees Tang Doudou and Cheng Cheng coldly facing each other, but their eyes are full of curiosity.

It's hard to see where they like each other from their intelligence.

Don't think about it. It must be the two of them who asked for it from Chen Xin. I hope they can become real good friends. Tang Qi didn't disturb him, so he watched quietly.

Chen Xin had already gone down. Tang Qi is the only one standing here. Unconsciously, there is a Cheng Dieyi beside him. Cheng Dieyi also watched for a long time. He didn't expect that Tang Qi was so serious about watching two children play. He said coldly.

"So you like children so much?" To tell you the truth, Tang Qi's perception ability is very strong. No matter who passes by, he knows it. He knew even if there were flies flying by, but he didn't know when Cheng Dieyi came out. Especially as an agreement, when he said this sentence coldly, he realized it. Cheng Dieyi has arrived at his side.

Tang Qi's eyes were full of doubts. At the same time, he is also a special fanatic, who can hide from him, unless there is no force value, or the force value is more than him.

Although the first time he saw Cheng Dieyi, he had already determined that Cheng Dieyi should have no force value, but this really made him feel very strange. How could he come to him quietly without force value.

Did he really look at the two children a little too focused, even people to his side do not know. So think, Tang Qi can't help shaking his head, let oneself don't think.

Will come to ask Cheng Dieyi, "how, up and down of my headquarters looked again, it seems you are not too satisfied with the appearance."

Cheng Dieyi shakes her head. It's not like this. It's not that she's not satisfied, but that she's too surprised. She didn't expect that Tang Qi's headquarters should be so grand. For him, the best place in the world is her anatomy room.

I didn't expect that the building of the headquarters was totally beyond his expectation and imagination. The complexity of all the buildings was much higher than his anatomy room, which made Cheng Dieyi more confident that Tang Qi was really a dragon and Phoenix among people.

However, Cheng Dieyi won't say it. He will keep it in his heart. Anyway, he has already determined that Tang Qi is a man. Don't worry. Take your time. Let's get to know each other first. He suddenly tells him this idea. Will you let Tang Qi look down on him.

Cheng Dieyi thought of a sweet smile, said to Tang Qi: "it seems that the two children get along well, can become good friends."

However, he didn't expect that Cheng Dieyi turned away from him. However, when he looked like two little guys, he still agreed with what Cheng Dieyi said, but he didn't know why he still refuted.

"I didn't see that the two little guys could be friends. What I see now is that they are both in the cold war and want to prove that they are very strong."

This is what Tang Qi doesn't understand. Cheng Dieyi smiles mysteriously. In fact, for children, when they are stronger or weaker than others, they have already acknowledged each other's ability.

How could it not be like this? In fact, adults as like as two peas. If others challenge you, the other side has already recognized your ability in the heart, and he has a spell.

Only in this way, he will challenge you. If other people disdain you and all the written tests they want to customize, they will really despise you and don't want to be friends with you. I look down on you. The real reason. Thinking so, Cheng Dieyi said confidently. "I've never seen Cheng Cheng be so serious, because for his peers, he has always been scornful, but there are few times when he is so serious. When he gets along with Doudou, it's like thisHave we ever met our opponents like adults

He knew that the two little guys were like this, not one of them. They both seemed to have met their confidants. Only by such a comparison can we be able to distinguish. Whoever becomes the boss will listen to him later.

For Tang Doudou, he can guarantee that Cheng Cheng can't match him. He has lost just now, because at the moment, Tang Doudou seems relaxed, and Cheng Cheng seems to have some maturity.

If you can't compete in martial arts, you'll naturally have to fight in culture. At the moment, you must be comparing your intelligence quotient. I also believe that Cheng Cheng must be very confident in his intelligence quotient.

Otherwise, they would not have made such a request to him, but it seems that when they seriously despise the two tables, the more they feel happy.

After all, Tang Doudou is always in the headquarters and seldom leaves, which has already been explained. Doudou doesn't want to communicate with other people, and Bai Liang has made great efforts to train with Tang Doudou. He didn't expect that Cheng Cheng would directly attract Doudou's attention. If you look at Tang Doudou, you can see that he has left Bai Liang alone and has been playing with him all the time. He also attaches great importance to his companion. Otherwise, he would not have left his partner there. Although he seems to be competing all the time, it means that he has admitted his friend.

There is no doubt that this is a good thing. Naturally, Tang Qi is no longer here. The two little guys play by themselves and start to leave the headquarters. Naturally, Cheng Dieyi will keep up with Tang Qi. He turns back to Cheng Dieyi and says.

"Follow me. I'm going to train. The 20th anniversary of the company is about to begin. I tell you, don't follow me. I'm busy

Hearing this, Cheng Dieyi becomes more excited. Many people will be invited to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Mie's company. It will be very lively then. Now that the program is in rehearsal, can you let him watch it in advance.

So think, Cheng Dieyi step by step with Tang Qi, let Tang Qi very helpless, once again to Cheng Dieyi said. "Don't follow me any more, you hear me?" Cheng Dieyi innocently smashes his big eyes. Looking at Tang Qi, he doesn't look like the mother at all. He says helplessly. "Please, will you take me? I'll just have a look. I promise I won't talk about it. I know these are surprise programs, but they should also be over there. I'm just looking for Yang Yiyi, and I have other things to say. "

Tang Qi's biggest fear is to deal with women. He didn't expect to be rejected like this. His innocent way of expression really made Tang Qi have no way.

Can only reluctantly opened the door, looking at Cheng Dieyi fearlessly sat in his co pilot's position, you know she usually rarely let people sit in his co pilot's position, in addition to Mickey they.

As long as Mickey is with them, they will certainly give up this position to Mickey. Naturally, they also know what is concession and what is respect? What is the order between the old and the young.

I didn't expect that Cheng Dieyi was very conscious. When he got into his car, he consciously took the position of CO driver. Did Tang Qi agree? But Tang Qi is really too lazy to bother with Cheng Dieyi. Let's go to the company first. Rehearsal is very important. It's really not easy to let Lin Yahan have time to come here. In the afternoon, Lin Yahan will come here and have to deal with the words

with Lin Yahan.

He gave a straight, smug smile. In fact, Cheng Dieyi knows that if she wants to get Tang Qi's approval, she has to make a good relationship with them. If she wants to bring her father to her son's side, she can't get Tang Qi's approval.

Who made him such a powerful being? There is no lack of women around him. Besides, he is still a little drag with his son. Which one of them is not as beautiful as a flower. At that time, they are not willing to be with Tang Qi, regardless of gain and loss. Tang Qi has so many women.

Anyone who pulls out has more capital than him. Although he is about the same size as Yang Yiyi, he still has a son. Yang Yiyi is alone, so he is still very jealous of Yang Yiyi.

However, he did not regret having a son, because his son was a genius. It was very hard for him to give birth to his son when he was pregnant in October. Although he was just a test tube baby, he did not know who the father of the child was? But now he has identified the child's father as Tang Qi. He thinks that Tang Qi is Tang Qi. No matter whether Tang Qicheng admits it or not, he will try his best to stand beside Tang Qi.

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