Now with Yang Yiyi, MI Qi, Chu ya, Bai Su, Ouyang xialan and Lin Yahan, are they all beauties? It's not a first-class beauty to pull anyone out.

Let Tang Qi feel very uncomfortable, like there to go. Mr. Qin shook his head helplessly. "It seems that this man really doesn't know the superiority of heaven and earth. This time, it's time to overturn the vinegar jar."

At the moment, Mickey is really tired of Liu Jun, and has repeatedly hinted that Liu Jun can turn around and leave. However, he seems to pretend that he doesn't understand, and he doesn't know whether he is really stupid or not.

Anyway, it means that they just stay here and don't want to leave. They are also suppressing their temper. If it wasn't for the fact that Michaelis company is the host today, they would have driven him out and let him talk about it here. Therefore, a few people casually dealt with him, and even a few people, except for his words, no one would continue to speak.

Originally, I thought that it would be good for several sisters to get together, talk more and promote their feelings. After all, we may get along with each other often in the future, but with Liu Jun, many words can't be said!

It's just like a rotten piece of brown candy. It can't be pulled off. It also makes people feel that it stinks.

At this time, Mickey and they see Tang Qi come over, quickly meet Tang Qi, and then stay with Liu Jun, feel that they are going crazy.

As soon as he gets close to Tang Qi, he grabs Tang Qi's arm. Miki says impatiently, "Liu Jun doesn't know who gives him confidence. He's so bored. He's buzzing around us like a fly. He can't drive away."

Yang Yiyi and they all nodded when they heard what Mickey said. At this time, they looked back at Liu Jun, whose face was not very good-looking, although he didn't hear how Mickey evaluated him.

But he was angry that when Tang Qi came, all the beauties surrounded him, which was too bad for his dignity. After all, he promised his brothers that he would take these women and become his slaves.

In this way, his brothers can get a piece of the cake. All the words have been spoken out. Naturally, they have to have the reason to cash them. So they came here impolitely.

"Miss MI, with all due respect, don't you think that people like him are not qualified to stay with you?"

Mickey for this Liu Jun, is really hard to say, is he really so confident, think he is very handsome cool?

But Mickey is not very impolite, but said with a smile. "This is my husband of my own choice. What about him? It's not up to others to criticize. " Liu Jun's face changed. He didn't expect that Mickey would be so rude to him. Then he took a look at them. "Did you hear that? This man is Miss Mi's husband. What do you mean to be around him? Do you want the big guys here to see your jokes

At this time, actually said they were cheap, of course, the most unbearable is Ouyang xialan.

Although she also wants to be close to Tang Qi, now they all have to take into account the face of Mi's company. After all, Yang Yiyi, who is a police inspector, is also Chuya and Bai Su, who work in Mi's company.

Don't choke at the moment, otherwise, it will be too much for Michaelis.

Lin Yahan and Ouyang xialan are the only ones who can speak. Ouyang xialan is more impulsive than Lin Yahan, so he chokes directly.

"What do you look like? Don't you have any points in your heart? It's embarrassing to be here. I really think you have some temperament. You look good, don't you! In fact, I tell you, you are the source of all the stench. "

No matter how unreasonable Ouyang xialan is? If you say something ugly, he is the daughter of the Ouyang family. Many ugly words must be unspeakable.

Although he did not know how to curse, but such words, it is indeed his limit.

Liu Jun didn't expect to be choked by a little girl movie, because Ouyang xialan's shrew posture, in his eyes, is really just a little girl movie that doesn't understand politeness. After all, he just returned home. He is not very clear about the identity of these characters here.

The only person I know may be Mickey, and Lin Yahan, a first-line star. Other people are not familiar to him.

"Where are you jumping out of the wild girl, I think, to Tang Qi such a person, also match you such a person full of feces."

This kind of words, fell in Mickey's ear, is also extremely harsh, no matter what, a big man should say a little girl like this, it is really more tasteless, how tasteless.

So Mickey said directly to the big guy. "Since sooner or later we have to tear face, there's no need to give face again, because some people don't want face, so we'd better go, or they will pollute the air here."

As soon as Mickey said this, Yang Yiyi and they all nodded and agreed. Then they followed Mickey and took Tang Qi to leave. Liu Jun was also very angry at this time. He said directly behind them."If I understand it well, but miss MI has already proposed to cooperate with the Liu family. I'm not Liu Tongtian. I don't have to deal with it so easily. I've seen the contract Liu Tongtian handed in. Isn't it a little unfair?"

To tell you the truth, when Mi Qi met Liu Jun, she had almost finished the cooperation with Liu's family. Mi Qi had already wiped out the contract in her heart.

Is there really no point in his heart? How dare you talk to him about the Liu family? Is it true that you don't understand the strength of Michaelis, how powerful it is, or how small it is that you don't understand the strength of the Liu family?

When Liu Jun sees Mickey and Tang Qi stop. When they look back, Liu Jun's eyes show a threat smile. "If Miss MI is willing to stop and have a good talk with me, maybe we have a chance to cooperate."

When Mickey looks at Liu Jun, she seems to be looking at an idiot. When Tang Qi looks at him, he is just mentally retarded. Maybe the mentally retarded has a little intelligence than him.

Although Mie's company is in the antique business, it can almost be said that the capital is the only one. Is there no such spectrum in his heart? What does the Liu family do? What's your strength now? Can you compare with Michaelis?

Even these situations are not clear, began to yell here, can really make people feel extremely ridiculous. So Tang Qi took a step and said. "If the contract is delivered to you, it is naturally the best condition we can offer, if you are not satisfied with anything. Naturally, we can go through legal channels, which have legal benefits, but as far as I know, it seems that the contract has not been signed yet. "

Generally, it's some other subsidiaries that are eager to cooperate with Mie's company. This time, Liu Tongtian has been asking for a long time and has been thinking about it for several years. He has seen that Liu Tongtian does have some skills.

For the Liu family, it is also the king of power. This time, we also want to rely on Mie company to make a comeback, and Mie really wants to strengthen its own strength.

Although cooperation with these subsidiaries will not bring any actual economic benefits, for them, the more important thing now is the appeal.

Once the capital is in chaos, how many people are really obedient is the most important thing. And this Liu Tongtian, seems to be an understanding person, so Mickey will take the contract to the past, did not expect now.

The Lius really live in an Nai, but with such people, I'm afraid the Lius will not exist for long.

Liu Tongtian fought for such a long contract, it seems that it will be destroyed in the hands of Liu Jun, Tang Qi pondered with a smile.

Liu Jun continued to be tough and said: "the general content of the contract, Liu Tongtian has told me, ordinary people will not sign such a contract, for us, it is unfair, the transaction is too low, so I think a lot of conditions are to be discussed."

According to the contract signed by Liu Tongtian, although they belong to the subsidiary company of Michaelis, they are responsible for a lot of things. They have to provide Michaelis with the income they get.

It means that the company does nothing, just sit and wait for the money to be collected. There is no such cheap thing.

Of course, when meeting such a shameless person, will Tang Qi let me ride to the public and be bullied? He said to Liu Jun:

"that's what we can offer. If you feel satisfied, you can sign the contract. If you feel dissatisfied, just throw away the contract. Anyway, he hasn't really produced legal benefits yet?"

Liu Jun a listen, of course, he is not really a fool, if you lose the Michaelis piece of fat, the Liu family will not really have a future.

Therefore, he came here today to fight for this right, not really to look for flowers and willows. Hear Tang Qi say so, very angry of say. "Tang Qi, to tell you the truth, I respect that you are the husband of boss MI, so I have a comity to you. To tell you the truth, in my eyes, you are nothing but a man who relies on a woman. Talk to me about terms,

you're not worthy, I'm talking to miss Mi now? Please shut up

Hear Liu Jun say so, other people are naturally the atmosphere is not the same son, more angry is Mickey, when dare to let him accept such humiliation. This man really ate the gall of ambition.

At first glance, it's definitely the second product that came out of the neurological hospital. Miki directly introduces it to Liu Jun. "I'm really sorry, I forgot to introduce you. He is the real behind the scenes chairman of Mie's company." Mickey said, and did not add, because after Qin left, he gave all his shares to Tang Qi. When Tang Qi added up, he had more shares than Mickey.

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