The middle-aged lady's hand was firmly trapped by Tang Qi and couldn't move at all. She couldn't help yelling angrily: "I can't imagine that this man is so mean. Our reputation was destroyed on this ship. I will never let that man go!"

Tang Qi was puzzled and said, "what do you mean? Who asked you to go on board? "

"Of course! I ask you who gave you this ring! "

"This is a secret. I can't tell you for the time being." Although Tang Qi resented Song Jie, he could not expose him.

"Never mind! Can't I find her? Is he luring us aboard with the ring just to let us fall into the trap? Are you all prepared for us? " The lady's eyes were fierce, staring at Tang Qi and ye LAN and ye Yao.

Ye Lan said impatiently: "Tang Qi, don't talk nonsense with her. Tie it up right away. When the boat comes, we'll clean it up together. Is robbery reasonable? A group of Desperado should have lived and died here

Do you know who I am? I will make your life worse than death The woman stares at her triangle eyes fiercely, and wants to eat her. "I don't care who you are. There's no hope that your accomplices will die or be caught." Ye Lan didn't bother to pay attention to her at all. She found a rope from the boat and tied her up. The woman scolded freely and was torn by yelan and put her skirt into her mouth. The woman cried, but no one paid any attention to her.

Tang Qi at this time has been distressed to hold Ye Yao: "are you ok?" In the process of refining, Yaozheng must add a lot of harmful substances. We must help her recover as soon as possible.

Ye Yao trembled all over, her white skin could not see a trace of blood, she pointed to her wound and said: "I really hurt!" She used to be a person who didn't like to talk, but now she can't bear the pain. "I know. Hold on. I'll help you." Tang Qi's hand pressed the direction of her wound. The energy source in her brain suggested: if she was hurt by demon sign, do you want to use energy to treat her? Tang Qi agreed without thinking. The energy in his hand gradually poured into her arm. Ye Yao felt that the location of the wound was itchy at first, and then some cold feeling spread to her whole body. A blue smoke rose slowly, and the feeling of pain was much better than just now.

Ye Yao was surprised and said, "Tang Qi, your medical skills are really powerful. I don't feel any pain now. "

"Nothing. As long as you're OK, so are we..." Tang Qi's words did not finish, the ship suddenly shook violently again, and then a deafening explosion came out from the transmission.

Then I don't know who yelled: "the bottom of the boat exploded! Run

A burst of thick smoke from the bottom of the ship's cargo warehouse kept spraying out. Tang Qi ran to the position of the railing and looked down. There were at least four windows smoking below. He remembered that the earnail man had planted a bomb below before, which was probably detonated by someone!

"It will take at least 30 minutes for our boat to meet us. Will it sink by then?" Ye Lan also heard the sound of explosion at this time, a little anxious.

Tang Qi leaned down to look around the boat. With the lifeboats arranged here, there were only four. I'm afraid it's not enough for so many people. It is estimated that at that time, it was just a decoration. There was no way to predict that something would happen.

"This damned Jack don, it's unforgivable! Ye Lan, you are here to maintain order. Don't let them kill each other. I'll go down and have a look first! " Tang Qi grabbed the lever, and then the whole body flew out and fell into the bottom. A shadow flashed by, and Tang Qi soon disappeared.

Behind is Ye Yao and Ye Lan's cry: "Tang Qi, you must be careful!" By this time, a lot of people were crazy and rushed to the splint. Their hair was messy and their clothes were torn to pieces. They could no longer feel superior. The fright of being robbed twice just now and this explosion have already made all these distinguished guests crazy, constantly scolding

and saying: "what a rotten place! I will never come again!"

Another person said: "you first see if you can go out and talk this time. It's beautiful. Ah, lifeboat These people pull the rope like crazy to put the lifeboat down to escape. But there were so many people, only a few boats, and soon these people began to tear up. At the most dangerous moment, we can see the horror of human nature. After a while, several people were knocked unconscious and thrown into the sea

, and their lives were unknown.

Ye Lan suddenly understood what Tang Qi meant by killing each other. These people are really hateful!

At this time, ye Xuan comes up in a hurry, her hair is a little scattered, and there are still some blood stains on her face. Ye Lan and ye Yao see it, and quickly grasp her up and down to check: "what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine. It's the people below who are constantly colliding with each other. It's completely out of order. In order to survive, many people do not care about others, even Even I saw a man leaving his own child ruthlessly! "

The three girls looked at each other. There were so many strange things in the disaster. Now there is no time to express their feelings. They consciously start to maintain order. After all, the ships are limited, so they can't let more people die in meaningless fighting. At this time, Tang Qi had already entered the bottom cabin where the explosion happened. The area here was very small. For the convenience of moving forward, he could only bow his body and hear the sound of the engine. It seemed that the ship could barely be used, but there was thick smoke everywhere, and some places inside had begun to accumulateThe water's gone.

Tang Qi looked around. At this time, a figure flashed by and climbed forward.

Tang Qi catches up quickly and steps on his back. This man is startled. He stabs Tang Qi in the thigh with a knife in his hand. At the same time, he grabs him by the shoulder. He turns out to be a cyclops!

This boy just took advantage of nobody to manage him, unexpectedly ran here to light a fire?

Tang Qi gave him a few slaps: "you ya don't want to live on suicide, Why drag us down!" The man's hair has been blown up, and his body is black. Seeing Tang Qi in front of him, he begins to tear up with Tang Qi desperately: "it's useless for you to stop me now! I've seen the rest. It's a time bomb. It's going to explode in less than five minutes! Anyway,

I have done so many evils that I can't run away. It's better for us to die together! "

Tang Qi a listen to, immediately brain buzz of a, wipe! What's the story? Why did I die here?

"To die, to die! I will not die Tang Qi grabs his wrist and they start fighting for the knife. The boy has been injured for a long time, so he is not Tang Qi's opponent. He grabs the dagger and stabs him a few times. The one eyed dragon screams and faints.

Tang Qi continued to crawl in front of him. He heard the sound of Didi. It was a bomb!

He saw a black Raincloth on the iron pipe in front of him. When he opened it, he could see that it was a huge time bomb. It was as big as a schoolbag on the back of a junior high school student. If it really exploded, it would be dead.

And the pointer on it has been less than a minute and is about to explode? Tang Qi looked at it several times before he was sure that he was right. What can I do? I don't know how to dismantle bombs. Even if I can, I can't solve the problem in a minute.

Tang Qi is sweating all over, and his hands begin to grasp the bomb, which is fixed with some thin wire. Tang Qi grabs the dagger just now and cuts it up forcefully. He must seize the time to throw the bomb into the sea. He can't blow up the ship!

Seeing the passing of time, Tang Qi has made every effort to eat milk, and he has to wipe it! The thin wire was finally cut off, and dozens of kilograms of explosives fell on Tang Qi's hands.

He tried his best to drag it out. His mind is that success or failure depends on it. Laozi must succeed. He finally climbed to the door, then raised the bomb, just about to go to the splint and throw it out, suddenly felt a sharp pain under his feet, looked down, the Cyclops actually woke up again!

Wipe! Is this guy Xiaoqiang in his last life? So vigorous!

The one eyed dragon has been a pirate for many years, and his ability to resist pressure is different from that of ordinary people. Now he knows that he can't survive anyway, and he can't succeed. Tang Qi's strong kick his face, let him release himself, but this guy even died not to let go.

Hugged his leg, it seems that he is ready to die with him!

Tang Qi saw that the time above was only ten seconds, so he fought for his right and dragged him out. They leaned against the iron railing and struggled. The iron railing had been blown up once, and it was very weak. Three or four hundred kilograms of things were pressed. Card wipe! Tang Qi, the Cyclops and the bomb in this box fell into the water together. When the one eyed dragon fell into the water, his head hit the side of the boat. He suddenly lost consciousness and released Tang Qi. And Tang Qi's body touched the cold sea, the first consciousness is to let go! He put the box on the back of the Cyclops and swam desperately in the opposite direction. There are still ten seconds left. I must live! He had never formally learned to swim before, only in the village ditch inside the dog plane.

Now I don't care much about life and death. I slide forward with my hands and feet.

Touch! A dull sound, followed by a few seconds of silence, Tang Qi felt that his back suddenly more than a wave of force, put him directly into the bottom of the water. Tang Qi's eyes were dark. He could not recognize the southeast, northwest, and all around was water. Tang Qi had never experienced the time when he was so close to death. His body seemed to be absorbed by a huge whirlpool. No matter what direction he tried, he could not get away from it. At this time, his hind leg had a sharp pain, and he even had a cramp at the key point!

Shit! Isn't Lao Tzu going to die? He grabbed a thing to support himself, but it was broken. What is it? It's so weak!

Tang Qi felt a sense of despair in his heart. Dear wives, do I want to be heroic?

All the people on the boat were scrambling for the chance to escape. Some of them threw down the first lifeboat and drove away, regardless of others.

The people on board all kinds of foul language, the most ugly words all out.

The remaining three boats went into the water, and immediately dozens of people rushed to them. However, the people who couldn't get on the water simply took a knife and punctured all the other lifeboats because they couldn't get a chance to escape.

"If I can't get out, you don't want to escape!" These people fight each other in the sea. They wish they could kill each other. Ye Lan and others have never seen such ugly human nature. They are completely disobedient in persuasion or threat. Jack Tang and the earnail man have long been in trouble. They don't know where they've gone. And the lady who was tied and thrown aside was constantly struggling.

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