Surprisingly, the bullet just made a very sharp sound, like someone was blowing a whistle, and hit over Shen Jiajia's head. Whew! After a flash of fire, Shen Jiajia shivered and stepped back. Fortunately, she was helped by Tang Qi behind her: "are you ok? I'm behind you. Don't be afraid."

"Nothing. What happened to his pistol?" Shen Jiajia said in shock. "Mugao said:" it is a fool, of course, is the installation of a muffler, do not want to die, obedient He said to the cattle field behind Tang Qi shot, the boy just feel a pain in the scalp, covered his head and sat on the ground. The blood gushed out from his fingers, and his face was covered

, which made him almost cry.

"Master, am I dead?" Tang Qi took his hand and took a look: "don't worry, you can't die." It turns out that Mu Gao just wiped the bullet on his scalp, missing a piece of hair, but Gao Mu's meaning is very clear. If he doesn't cooperate well, I'll kill whoever I want, and you can't protect so many people! In addition to Mu Gao, there are Wang San and some of his subordinates. Each of them has a black pistol pointing at them. Tang Qixin says that heroes don't suffer losses. I'll see what you do!

Thinking of this, Tang Qi raised the black box: "the beads you want are right here with me."

"It was taken away by you boy. Give it back to us!" Seeing the box, Wang San was overjoyed and wanted to rush over, but Tang Qi said, "don't come here! Let a few of them go, or I'll destroy them now! "

"It's ridiculous. What can you destroy? You want to pretend when you die?" Tang Qi laughs. He picks up a small stone from the ground and puts it in his hand. His whole strength is concentrated in the palm of his hand. Then everyone hears the creaking sound. The whole stone is broken into slag, and the stone powder flows down from his hand. Not only Wang Sanhe but also Shen Jiajia and Mickey were shocked.

"Tang Qi! When did you have so much strength? "

Tang Qi opened the box, grabbed a few beads and held them in his hand. "I've always been so powerful. How about that? These stones are nothing more than these beads? "

"Stop it Mu Gao and Wang San were all flustered and cried out together, "that thing can't be crushed!"

"Good. Now you let them go. I'll be your hostage. I promise these girls won't talk nonsense."

Mugao and Wang San look at each other. They both mean the same thing, that is to get the bead first, and then kill Tang Qi, so they nod, "OK, women can go, men can't!"

His subordinates make way. Miki and Shen Jiajia don't want to leave at all, but Tang Qi says in a low voice: "after their goal is achieved, they will kill people. Now go back to the rescue soldiers, or we will all die!"

Two girls have to promise, Tang Qi know they will not be so easy to escape, but now there is no better way, watching them run fast along the road.

Tang Qicai said, "OK, OK, what do you want beads for?"

Mugao gives his subordinates a wink at this time. The man quietly withdraws from the crowd. Xu Wei doesn't know where she has gone, which makes Tang Qi feel at ease.

Shen Jiajia and Mickey are crazy on the downhill road quickly. Shen Jiajia takes her mobile phone and says, "call the director quickly!"

Mickey said, "no, I can't. I've been here for at least an hour. By that time, the cucumber dishes will be cold. Look for someone nearby. Uncle Liu's Kaishi factory is nearby." She said and pressed the call button. The person she is looking for is Liu Haitang, whom she met last time when she chose the original stone in Yuhua jewelry. At that time, Tang Qi saved him and his in laws boss Wang, so he still owes Tang Qi a favor, so he will certainly pay it back. As soon as Mickey got through the phone, she heard the sound of the engine behind her.

As soon as she was about to look back, she heard a scream from Shen Jiajia, pressing her on the side of the road: "be careful!" At this time, a car behind them quickly drove towards them. If it wasn't for Shen Jiajia, she would have been killed. Shen Jiajia is anxious to help her up, but as soon as Mickey stands firm, she suddenly feels a sharp pain in her right foot. It seems that she accidentally sprained her foot just now, and her tears spin in her eyes: "it hurts! My feet

"Niece! Niece, what's the matter with you? " Liu Haitang, on the other side of the phone, cried out anxiously.

At this time, three people in black had already come down from the waiting bus and strode over: "smelly girl, do you still want to run?"

Mickey yelled, "uncle, we are in the fidelity Pavilion. Come and help us quickly!" When she finished, she hung up and pulled Shen Jiajia forward. Her ankles hurt so much that she wanted to break them. Of course, she couldn't speed up. She was about to catch up with several people. "Do you still want to run? He's pretty. He'll accompany us first and send it back to the boss! " This group of people a burst of smirk, began to pull the two girls, Shen Jiajia and Mickey struggling disorderly, both think must delay time until Liu Haitang to save talent line. At this timeSuddenly I heard a very harsh whistle in the grass.

Shock a few people to cover their ears, it is really too ugly. "What the hell is that noise?" Several people were looking around, suddenly a black rope flew out of the grass and caught one of the men's necks. The man quickly reached for the rope, but the other side didn't know what tricks he used, so his whole body was pulled up

, and with a scream, he fell into the grass silently.

"Old SA! Are you okay? What are you talking about? " Other people are very curious, all went in to help him up, but this is still a few black ropes into their necks, a few people panic out.

"There's a ghost! "Strangle..." As the rope tightened, they all struggled to the ground and fainted.

The remaining two people see this scene, people do not grasp, turn around and run. Shen Jiajia and Mickey are all scared. What's the matter? At this time, a dark shadow appeared in the grass.

"Tang Qi let me go last time. This is the favor I gave him back. Please leave as soon as possible."

Miki thought about it and suddenly said, "you are Song Jie! Why are you here? "

Song Jie sneered: "where am I? What do you care? In a word, tell him that after my revenge, I will turn myself in and let him not worry. "

"Wait a minute, actually he has something to do with you..." Shen Jiajia was just about to tell the story about Jiang's poisoning, but Song Jie didn't listen at all. His figure suddenly disappeared.

Mickey said: "I don't know how he came, and I don't know how he didn't. It's almost like a kid."

"How are you, niece?" In front of a group of people like to fly over, headed by Liu Haitang and boss Wang, they are discussing the marriage of their children, received a phone call, with his men rushed over.

The two girls were so surprised that the reinforcements arrived so soon. Miki said quickly, "my uncles are just in time. Hurry up and save Tang Qi!"

At this time, Tang Qi and Niutian have returned to the fidelity Pavilion together. Niutian's legs tremble. He has only seen pistols on TV in his life. Now so many bright guys are exposed in front of him, and he is almost unconscious.

"Master Why don't we surrender? "

Tang Qi stepped on him: "even surrender will die, because we know their secret, so we must be killed."

"What's the secret? I have no idea... "

"Just these pillars and that shelf. Shut up and I'll try to save you." Tang Qidao.

Mu Gao walked to Tang Qi with a smile and held out his hand: "give me the box."

Tang Qi said: "what do you want to do, at least say it, otherwise I can't give it to you."

"Good! Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you, do you see the shelf outside? It's called the universe flip box. There are many organs in it, and the most important thing is that there is a treasure hidden in it, which I just learned recently. "

Tang Qi nodded: "so this heaven and earth turnover box looks like this?" He once heard from Mr. Qian that there was a famous organ expert named Xue Yuan in Ming Dynasty, who designed many exquisite and unique organs. Among them, the heaven and earth turnover box can be changed into countless combinations, and the gear used for torsion is not made of ordinary metal, but a bright pearl in the East China Sea, which is given by the emperor.

"At that time, I thought it was a box that I could play with. Who knew it was so big! And it looks plain. I don't think there's anything in it. "

"Well! You know that, too? I can't believe it's in your shop. "

Tang Qiyi said with a smile, "thank you for knowing that this store belongs to me." Mugao looked at him coldly, his eyes showed bursts of chill: "if it wasn't for this box, I would have killed you! When did Lao Tzu be trampled on for so many years? In my early years, I was a tomb robber. Dozens of provinces came down, and there were not 100 people who died in my hands, and there were 80, not to mention a little boy like you

Tang Qi was not afraid of him, but Niutian was scared out of his wits. He killed so many people that he was crazy. Why am I so unlucky to die here.

Wang San was in a hurry and said, "I don't want to worry about the world. Take this shelf down and it's done. Why bother

"Ha ha. You fool, if you can tear it down, I'll stay here till now? You just have a try. " Wang San didn't believe in evil, so he took an ax and smashed it against a horizontal plate under the shelf. After the first smash, and hearing the sound of gragragra inside the shelf, the board didn't break, but turned over a few times directly. The whole pattern under the shelf completely changed

, and turned into a heavy cube, and there was no more one to go down The axe's in place.

Wang San tried his best to chop the wood a few times. The wood did not move, but the axe was smashed out of a gap."Damn it, it's evil!" Wang San threw the axe to the ground. His tiger mouth position had begun to bleed. His strength was too strong just now.

"So it's not good at all. You can only use the bead as the key to unlock the lock. Tang Qi, take it out? " Mugao raised his pistol and aimed it at his forehead.

Tang Qi shrugged his shoulders and handed the box to him. Niu Tian looked at it and was very reluctant. He held Tang Qi: "master, are you going to give it to them like this?"

"We're just dead and can't use it. We'd better see how these things are unlocked."

"And after that?"

Wang San turned his head and said, "what's the point? I killed you, of course

Tang Qi laughed: "it's not certain who will die or live." "Shut up, all of you Mu Gao was looking for the entrance of the mechanism with beads. When he heard them talking, he was bored.

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