Tang Qi thinks it's ridiculous. If the killer organization is as powerful as they say, it won't be eager to cooperate with so many small families. Isn't it a shame for them? Moreover, the strength of small families is not very good, but killer organizations have used

. It can be seen that shadow organizations are not as powerful as they said many years ago. Thinking about this, Tang qibian smiles coldly and knows that there must be a reason for him to do so. However, at this moment, Bai Zhiliang's feet almost kneel down, and suddenly his figure changes. It's like Tang Qi coming over. Tang Qi knows that he must have a backhand and will not easily admit defeat to him.

Because kneeling down easily is not something that Bai Zhiliang can do. His ambition is certainly more than that. Otherwise, he will not integrate the killer organization and all the small families in the capital.

It's just a little ridiculous to use this little cleverness in front of him. Tang Qi thought that he would not be given the chance to resist. Since he wanted to die, he went up directly and didn't escape at all.

Bai Zhiliang's heart is also a touch of pride. Do you really think Tang Qi will admit defeat? He will not admit defeat to anyone, nor will he admit defeat like Tang Qi. So thinking, he rushed to the past directly, but he didn't expect that Tang Qi would fly. He didn't make a response, and even had a posture of refusing all comers, which really surprised him. It was not until Tang Qi stretched out his fists and his fists collided with each other that he realized how powerful Tang Qi was. He also understood why so many experts they sent out had no news and had disappeared.

Because when his fists and Tang Qi's fists meet, Tang Qi's expression looks like nothing but indifference, but the pain in his arm is absolutely something he has never felt before.

The whole fist swelled up until it was unbearable. With the speed visible to the naked eye, the fist burst directly, and the whole blood vessels and flesh burst out. There was no time to exclaim, and the whole body retreated and fell to the ground. The left arm holding the right arm, looking at the right arm, has become a dense bones, eyes, this is full of fear, once again looked at Tang Qi, said the threat. "You can't kill me. If you kill me, the shadow organization will not let you go. If you don't

want to be chased and called the target, you'd better let me go now. "

When Tang Qi looks at him, he looks like a mole ant. What about the shadow organization? What about the strength behind him? Tang Qi doesn't believe that he can't deal with these people? And when Tang Qi approached him step by step.

At this time, Bai Zhiliang really felt the fear of being threatened by death. He knew that Tang Qi was very powerful, so he never dared to underestimate him. However, he didn't know how powerful Tang Qi was until now.

So think, also dare not careless, can only retreat and seek second, said. "I'll tell you everything you want to know. If you ask me, I'll tell you everything."

When Tang Qi looks at him now, he looks like a dead man. And now he has no resistance, especially the white bone on his right arm, has completely destroyed his psychological defense.

And Tang Qi asked directly and indifferently. "Well, tell me directly, who are your accomplices? What families are there? Who else is in shadow? If I can't say why, I'll drain every drop of your blood. I'll do what I say. " Bai Zhiliang looks at the white bones on his right arm and naturally knows that what Tang Qi said is definitely not a fake flower. He thinks of something. His eyes twinkle and he says. "Lu Zhanhong, President of Hong group, naturally knows that he is the illegitimate son of Mr. Su? Can you get rid of the illegitimate son of Mr. Su? " As for Tang Qi, the people he wants to deal with will not depend on who's face. However, this matter still gives Mr. Su a reason to start. He should have made up his mind long ago, but he can't make up his mind. Tang Qi is a little speechless. He is indecisive, and naturally knows that it's his son.

Mr. Su has lost a son. He must attach great importance to this son. Naturally, he is not willing to give up. Sometimes, he will be disturbed if he breaks up. Bai Zhiliang, who said that he was thinking about it and looked at it, must have said it on purpose. He didn't tell the truth, but Zhanhong group must have something to do with them. Otherwise, he didn't dare to say it like this. He just pinched his neck and said it coldly.

"Since you have told me so, you must know what will happen if you dare to lie to me? If you are not afraid of such consequences, I have nothing to say. If you don't want to die now, you'd better give me a clear explanation. "

Looking at Tang Qi's indifferent eyes, Bai Zhiliang's body can't help shaking up, and quickly said. "I must be telling the truth. I'm absolutely telling the truth. I don't dare to lie."But when he said it, Tang Qi could see it clearly and clearly. So when he said it, Tang Qi was alert enough. As Tang Qi thought, his voice just fell.

The whole body has become distorted. It seems that he wants to destroy himself. He takes Tang Qi with him and dies with him. But how can Tang Qi do what he wants? So when he makes such a move, he has already let go of his neck.

Of course, he didn't simply let go of his neck, but directly touched it. He only felt a pain in his neck. He didn't think about what Tang Qi had done. He just stepped back quickly, and Bai Zhiliang followed him directly.

Even suicidal death should take Tang Qi, but Tang Qi certainly won't make him happy, and Bai Zhiliang's eyes at the moment, there is a kind of unspeakable cold eyes. It's just like a madman, falling into the self crazy killing. He said wildly, "don't you have so many women? I have a list of all the women here. After my death, such a list will surely fall into the hands of the organization. At that time, let them train all your women into female slaves. No, they will be a higher class than female slaves, and they will certainly become excellent killers, because their strength is not weak, but I also want to make them feel that thousands of people ride on thousands of people It's not for you, Tang Qijue,

to humiliate you. " However, when he said that, Tang Qi didn't refute anything. He just showed a sarcastic smile. If he wanted to move his women, he had to see if they were heavy enough. If they were not heavy enough, it would be better not to say such words easily, because it would only make him die faster

a little bit. Tang Qi thought so, and they all rushed to his side, but Bai Zhiliang didn't expect that Tang Qi would dare to come to his side at this time. However, in his eyes, he was even more successful. He thought that he really stimulated Tang Qi, and then let him mention such a change, so he directly

rushed to Tang Qi, but when he didn't come to Tang Qi's side, Tang Qidu I've left him again. Once again, he wants to let Tang Qi jump to his side. Tang Qi's eyes were cold, but this time, just as he moved his internal power, his whole body sounded like a bomb. His eyes widened, and he looked at Tang Qi strangely,

Tang Qi shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Did he think he just touched his neck, just for fun? Bai Zhiliang's body at the moment, just like an explosion, turned into a pool of broken meat, leaving only a pair of dense white bones. Tang Qi kicked over and scattered his skeleton. Kailai is really hateful. I want to hurt Mickey and them to see if he is enough? For Tang Qi, they are his last and most inviolable bottom line. No matter whether others want to take them or really want to move them, Tang Qi will not allow them. But Bai Zhiliang dared to speak so wildly that he had already angered Tang Qi thoroughly

for a long time.

After Bai Zhiliang died, Cang Yun just rushed over. Looking at the corpse on the ground and the pile of bones, he knew how powerful the boss was. He gave Tang Qibi a thumbs up and said. "Is there anything else I need to deal with?"

Tang Qi shakes his head, then picks up his mobile phone and calls Bai Liang. About some things, he still tells Bai Liang to deal with them.

Bai Liang doesn't know what Tang Qi is doing when he calls him in the middle of the night, but he also knows that this matter is definitely not over. Tang Qi must have follow-up treatment. If he can help, he will be very happy.

Think so, say to Tang Qi. "Tell me what the boss wants to do. I will deal with it naturally. Don't be afraid to trouble me. My biggest fear is that you take too much care of me, you know." Tang Qi, of course, knows Bai Liang's ability. He can't waste Bai Liang's ability, so he talks to Bai Liang directly. "Report to the police first, report to the police first, publicize the news here, and give a blow to the other party. In addition, inform Mr. Su to deal with it as he should. Don't wait for me to make the decision for him. " Bai Liang naturally knows what Tang Qi is talking about? Because although he didn't participate in this matter, he knew more or less. When he heard this, he nodded directly.

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