Director an finally agreed with Yang Yiyi's suggestion and dealt with it according to Yang Yiyi's suggestion. Yang Yiyi also repeatedly assured Director an that he knew who was behind the scenes and he would never bring any harm to the capital. In addition, Cheng Hantian and Gu Liucheng came forward, so the matter was solved easily. What can't be solved is Tang Qi's physical condition, so after dealing with a series of things, Yang Yiyi wants to come to the hospital, and is afraid that she will run to the hospital alone. When Murong Yue knows about it, he will not be spared lightly. He will have many

complaints about him, so he runs to Tang's home for the first time, picks up Murong Yue, and asks Murong Yue Come to the hospital with her baby. Murong Yue will come directly when she is worried, and she will tell Lin Yahan the news at the first time. In addition, Lin Yaru knows what Tang Qi has done, because Bai Liang has been asking him for help, so he must not be able to hide it from him. He is a little embarrassed when he comes to see Tang Qi, so he tells Su Menghan and asks Su Menghan to help him Dream Han with moxa leaf together, after all, moxa leaf is also one of the parties.

They all came, Su Zi certainly won't fall, so at the moment, there are so many people standing in the ward, almost all of them have gathered together. Tang Qi looked at everyone and knew that he was happy in the capital! It's enough to have so many people around him. Although there are still some things to deal with, all these things are still left to him. Tang Qishi doesn't want them involved, including Yang Yiyi.

But the final aftermath work, in addition to Yang Yiyi, no one is doing, so just told Yang Yiyi this thing, this other thing can only do arrangement. In fact, Tang Qi has nothing to do, so they are all satisfied. Let's talk about other things later. Besides, even if they know what Tang Qi is going to deal with, they will not be involved in it. They know Tang Qi best, and they will not let them know some dangers.

After confirming that Tang Qi is OK, Yang Yiyi said, "I'm relieved to see that you're OK. Then I won't be here to disturb you. There are still many things to deal with. I'll leave first." Yang Yiyi said so, they all understand people, and naturally know that Tang Qi needs their own time. If this matter can be known by them, they will let Mickey tell them, but if they don't let Mickey do anything, they know that it must be inappropriate to tell them, so they say to Tang Qi.

"Then we'll go back to class first, so we won't disturb you here. The main thing is that some of us are worried about you, so we can rest assured when we see that you are OK." Lin Yaru said so, they two no longer refute, naturally know Lin Yaru's meaning, they are not stupid, nodded and echoed.

it's better for us to go back to class early or not

With that, several people went out of the ward directly, and Murong Yue really wanted to stay. However, seeing that the children were already sleepy, she asked him to take her back. It was really inconvenient to put her here, so she told Tang Qi.

"Then I'll take Ann back first. When you recover, I'll hold him myself."

Tang Qi nodded, Murong month this is also out of the ward. And Lin Yahan also said quickly. "I'll see her off. It's too dangerous for her to go back alone."

Then he left the ward. After a while, all the people in the room had already left. With a helpless smile, Tang Qi naturally knew that they were smart people. He didn't want to ask him too much, and he didn't want to worry about it. So he chose to leave one by one.

And Mickey this is to look at Tang Qi, know Tang Qi must have follow-up things to deal with, is not so simple, like this thing to thoroughly deal with.

"So what do you want to do tonight? You have been lying in the ward, but it makes me feel uneasy. I know you don't want other people to know when you do these things. All the people here are worried, but you go your own way. I'm really worried about you. "

Tang Qi naturally knows that his actions will bring danger to him if he let Mickey know. If he doesn't let Mickey know, Mickey is worried about him, so he can't help but raise his hand and touch Mickey's face to comfort him.

"Don't worry. I've promised to be responsible for you. I'll be responsible for you in the end. How can I just leave you alone? So there's no need to worry about some things. Do you understand?" Tang Qi is so confident and confident that he can do a good job. Naturally, Mickey will feel at ease, but his worry is not unreasonable. After all, Tang Qi is the spiritual pillar of all of them. If anything happens to Tang Qi, how can they live.

"I see what you mean." Mickey said, no longer ask what, but gently against the arms of Tang Qi, no matter what Tang Qi want to do, he will certainly support.That night, as expected, Tang Qi slipped out.

Tang Qiben came to let Mickey go back to rest. Don't worry about him, but Mickey didn't go back, because even if he wanted to have a good rest, he couldn't sleep. How could he do without worrying about Tang Qi.

The reason why Tang Qi has to go out is that some things have not been dealt with properly. This matter involves more than 20 small families, but it can be solved not only by dealing with Bai Zhiliang and Lin Fei.

There is another person to deal with, that is, Bai Liangcai told him that the boss of the shadow organization he found out, surnamed Yan, was Yan Zhengfei.

The real boss of the organization behind the scenes is actually him. Lin Fei and Bai Zhiliang are just used by this old man, and his ambition should not be small. If they don't get rid of him as soon as possible, they are afraid that the capital will not live in peace. Tang Qi doesn't believe that the person behind the scenes will be unmoved when such a big thing happens in the capital. If he really wants to revenge, he is the only person he can find in the capital, and that person is likely to do incredible things, and he must be arrested It's not so easy to find Yan Zhengfei if you don't have such an opportunity.

I've made so many plans before, isn't it just to draw him out? Can't go to the last step, in this let him give off the chain, Tang Qi so think, anyway he must give this agreement to go.

At the moment, the president's office of Zhanhong group. Lu Zhanhong looked back at the old man behind him. "What are you going to do about it?" The old man's eyebrows, beard and hair are gray. When Lu Zhanhong asked, he snorted a cold air from his nose. This old man is no one else. It's Yan Zhengfei, the leader behind the killer organization. Bai Zhiliang and Lin Fei are both his subordinates and pawns. If he wants to revitalize the

killer organization, he must use them, not to mention Bai Zhiliang's qualification.

At the moment, not only the two of them died, but also many of his carefully trained subordinates died.

It can be seen from his hatred at the moment that more than 100 killers were assassinated, which really made him angry.

And they wanted to investigate who did it, but the police station insisted that it was the police who did it and destroyed a group of killer organizations.

In fact, they have got some inside information, saying that these killers were killed by the same person and would never be done by a group of stupid policemen.

If you think about it like this, you are naturally extremely angry. How powerful a person must be to solve so many elites in such a short period of time.

He looked at Lu Zhanhong and said. "I have to take revenge. If I don't take revenge, I can't eat and sleep well. I've worked hard for so long, but it's ruined. How can I swallow this breath?"

Lu Zhanhong is also this meaning, repeatedly nodded, then looked at Yan Zhengfei said. "But are you sure you can kill him? You're not as good as him. That's taken into account

"But the good thing is, now we know that he has powers. The powers may be powerful, but the more powerful they are, the more flawed they are. According to my current guess, only that one person can be able to do so. " "It's strange that he's in the hospital now, and he's seriously injured. The specific situation will not be known until I make further investigation. But for the moment, no one can be more powerful than him. Although he used to be like a gangster, he didn't learn and have no skills, but I have to admit that he did many amazing things. If all the things he did were connected, then he could achieve this point, and no one could do it except him To this point. " When Yan Zhengfei heard Lu Zhanhong say this, he had some speculation, and his face became dignified, so he said. "Who are you talking about? Now is not the time to sell the key, so many people are all dead in the hands of one person, we should think of the same person

, although I am not fully sure that I can kill him, but I do not want to kill him with my own strength, we can add up the strength, can not it be very strong? " Lu Zhanhong nodded. On his face, he seemed to have a very serious expression. The impact of this incident on him was absolutely huge.

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