With that, Tang Qi looks at LAN Xiaoshan very obscene and comes here. LAN Xiaoshan looks at Tang Qi's eyes, which are full of obscenity. He doesn't feel like his idol. If his idol really becomes like this, will he really love?

Thinking about it like this, I can't help feeling a little annoyed. It's time for him to hesitate, but why not today? Think, can't help but eyes become clear up, no longer have just those fantasies, quickly raised his hand, said to Tang Qi.

"Stop, stop Stop your action, I regret, just you said, if I regret, or in time. So I will tell you clearly now that I have regretted it. Didn't you say it was too late? Then go out quickly

As expected, the idol can only look far away and can't be pulled to his side. Otherwise, if he is pulled down from the altar, he will feel disobedient.

But how can Tang Qi let her go so easily? She played with fire first. Now she teases all his fire. How can he leave so easily? You have to pay for playing with fire. There is no reason to kick him out so casually.

Thinking about this, he laughed more and more. Step by step, he reached the edge of the bed and directly grasped LAN Xiaoshan's hand. In his eyes, he was shining like a wolf.

"I just gave you the chance to regret, but you didn't regret it. Now you want to regret it. It's too late, because all my lusts are aroused by you. Why? Don't you dare? But it's up to you not to dare. "

Then he directly pressed LAN Xiaoshan under his body. LAN Xiaoshan was so scared that his face was pale. He swallowed a mouthful of water. Looking at Tang Qi's eyes, he was too scared to say a word. Tang Qi feels the shaking of LAN Xiaoshan's body, and then he knows that he has played. Generally, female special forces like this are very innocent. Although sometimes when they just want to work, they will eat, live and chat with their male compatriots, but when it comes to this kind of thing, they are also idiots.

So thinking, the corners of the mouth directly outlined a playful smile, once again looked at the blue hill, there is no other action. "How, is there a little regret, so I tell you, don't play with fire easily, it's easy to make yourself regret." LAN Xiaoshan nods hard. He knows that men are impulsive creatures. It's a bit against the rules for him to tease Tang Qi like this. Besides, she hasn't really thought about it yet. She just does it with her blood and what Su Menghan said to her. He has the courage to do these things, but when he comes to Tangqi, he feels uneasy again Yes, or not, or not ready.

Tang Qi looks at blue hill like this, can't help but smile, blue hill just want to resist, Tang Qi once again put him on the bed, don't give him the opportunity to resist, said.

"With my understanding of you, you are definitely not the one who will do such things. Tell me, is it su Menghan's advice for you? I feel that he is bad for you when he is with you."

Although blue hill is very powerful, it can be seen. As a special forces, he is still very pure, at least in the matter between men and women, or not as Su Menghan.

After all, he has gone to university now, and he has met many people. After some things, he has to understand more, so he will naturally know some evil things. It seems that Lin Yaru should watch her in the future, and don't let her learn bad any more. Tang Qi thought so and sat up. At this time, LAN Xiaoshan swallowed a mouthful of water, which slowed down. "So, you played with me from the beginning, right? You really scared me to death. It's so similar just now. I'm going to burn my bridges. No matter what you say,

, I'll do it for you directly. "

Tang Qi looked back at the turbulent waves in front of LAN Xiaoshan's chest. There was a stream of heat coming out of his nostrils. It was really embarrassing.

However, he's not a gentleman. He's just a normal young man. He's not a saint who will try to restrain himself. It's really dangerous for LAN Xiaoshan to do so. Tang Qi thinks about it and puts her under pressure again.

"Maybe I let you down this time. I can't be a gentleman, because it's too tempting. I can't restrain myself. What should I do? After all, I am a normal man, not a saint in your mouth. " Seeing Tang Qi like this, LAN Xiaoshan was really surprised. However, she is ready now and doesn't want to lose this opportunity. Take the initiative to raise his arm, took Tang Qi's neck, is not a blink of an eye thing, a cruel thing! Just like silk, she said with a delicate face. "Why can't you help it? You can use mine directly. We can cooperate with each other. How about that? Don't be afraid to hurt me. It doesn't matter. Although I don't have much experience, I will be no worse than any of your women when I have experience

Tang Qi is almost surprised, but he also knows that just now from LAN Xiaoshan's performance, we can see that he is not ready, so he rashly gives her to him.If he really infringes on him, I'm afraid he will regret it in the future. LAN Xiaoshan is different from Mickey. He is a special forces soldier. If he has any identity background, he can't afford to offend. Even if he offends, he will have endless troubles in the future.

No matter how lustful he is, Tang Qi won't make trouble for himself.

Thinking about it, he put his hand directly behind LAN Xiaoshan. When LAN Xiaoshan took the initiative to send her red lips, he slapped her and knocked her unconscious.

However, he felt that this was the end of the matter, and then he had no way to explain it to LAN Xiaoshan, so he would laugh that he didn't look like a man.

So Tang Qi went directly to the kitchen and saw the ketchup. A malicious smile flashed around his mouth. That's what he wanted to find.

He took the ketchup directly to the room and made the bed full, so he left satisfied.

After Tang Qi left, he went back to the Tang family, cleaned up, and deliberately took some luggage with him, so he went to find Suzi. He didn't forget the agreement with Suzi that he wanted to go back to the Su family.

Su Zi's family doesn't live in the capital, but in the suburbs. When she bought a house before, she bought it in a remote place, because Su Zi was afraid that she would be photographed secretly. If she wanted to buy it in a remote place, even if someone followed her, she could get rid of it.

And the vision here is very open, generally no paparazzi team will follow here, easily exposed.

After arriving at the suburb, Tang Qi looked at Su Zi and said. "Why don't I drive? You're tired. You've been driving for a long time."

Because the house is in the suburbs, it will be a bit far away, and Suzi has been driving for more than half an hour and feels a little sleepy.

But she is not tired, don't know why Tang Qi suddenly said such words. With Tang Qi beside him, how could he be tired, but Tang Qi said so, and he would not refuse.

He drove the car to the side of the road and stopped, let Tang Qi sit in the driving position, he changed to the co driver's position, and when he went to change from Tang Qi's body, Tang Qi directly secretly kisses him on the side face.

He said with emotion: "it's really fragrant. In the future, you must remember to keep a distance from me, especially when you change seats like this. Don't trust me too much. Moreover, I'm not a gentleman."

When Tang Qi said that, Su Zi felt the warmth on his face and showed a smile. He wished Tang Qi didn't treat him like a gentleman all the time. It was because Tang Qi was too upright that she felt that the distance between them was hard to cross.

Because the distance between two people can't be eliminated by one person's efforts. If Tang Qizhen is willing, she will be more motivated and get closer to Tang Qi slowly.

Su Zi no longer dare to say anything, for fear of exposing his careful thinking, and Tang Qi also knows that his small mind, I believe a lot of words do not have to say, Tang Qi also understand that he said too much is not good.

Reach out to touch Su Zi's head, "don't be afraid, take it easy. After we get home, we have to get along like this all the time."

Su Zi nodded, her face was still crimson, and she felt sweet in her heart.

In two people have accelerated off the highway, ready to continue to Su Zi's home.

Then he took Suzi's hand and wanted to go to the inner room with him. He didn't pay attention to Tang Qi at all. He couldn't help feeling his nose. It was a little embarrassed. It seemed that his mother-in-law had rejected him.

At this time, Xu Jiacai directly pulled Tang Qi and said to him. "My aunt is like this. Don't take it too seriously. He doesn't like you, maybe it's because of the money."

Tang Qi nodded. Maybe this mother-in-law still values money. It seems that this is a little different from seeing AI Ye's parents.

AI Ye's parents always hate to marry AI ye, so Tang Qi goes. They are very polite to Tang Qi, but Su Zi is different. After all, as a celebrity, his beauty is known to all, and his mother certainly wants to get a good marriage for him.

In this way, the Su family can live comfortably. Tang Qi can actually understand Su's parents. Once they are really poor, they don't want to go back to their old days. Su's mother certainly thinks the same way. Besides, Tang Qi also knows that Su's father really suffered from those days when he was despised by others, especially Su Zi, who was bullied from childhood to adulthood. If his family really has enough financial strength, Su Zi can only become an independent person instead of being bullied because of his loneliness. If you think about it in this way, you will know what Suzi's mother thinks. Now that you know what Suzi's mother thinks, there is nothing to blame. It's just that he won't compromise about his daughter's big things. Suzi is also a very important person to him.

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