The sudden changes must be related to some necessary requirements, which he has not yet had time to understand. So we have to go back and find out what the order is.

Tang Qi then drove the car to the maximum speed, to catch up with Michaelis antique company at the fastest speed, I don't know how difficult Mickey and Bai Liang are!.

Bai Liang and Mickey are waiting for Tang Qi in the company. Is afraid that Tang Qi did not understand this matter, they rashly agreed to each other, let each other take the baby away. I'm afraid the two of them will not be able to bear such a responsibility.

Before Tang Qi rushes back to the company, Bai Liang and Mi Qi wait for Tang Qi in the office with the Discipline Inspection Committee.

Tang Qi comes directly to the office, opens the door and sees Miki talking to them. At this time, Bai Liang stood up and introduced them. "This is our chairman, Mr. Tang." Hearing that Tang Qi came back, the representative of the Discipline Inspection Commission also stood up directly and said very politely. "We are from the Discipline Inspection Commission. I'm very sorry to disturb you, because the policy has changed this year. We have also shown manager mi the red headed documents issued. I also hope Mr. Tang can

cooperate with our work. "

Tang Qi looks at Mickey. Mickey nods, indicating that she has confirmed that the red head document is true. She has read the red head document, and it is not fake.

Although Tang Qi didn't know why? The sudden change of policy this year may also have something to do with the influence of Western America on China. But as long as it is their serious work, Tang Qi will certainly not make trouble.

Now he still has some sense of justice. Although he used to be a gangster, he is still grateful to life. He still obeys the orders issued by the state.

He turned back and said to Bai Liang. "Since it's a serious job, I'll try my best to cooperate."

Bai Liang nodded to several representatives of the Discipline Inspection Commission. "We have a lot of things, not only what you see, but also a lot of things in the warehouse. If we want to take them one by one for inspection, I'm afraid you'll drive the car..." Bai Liang said here and stopped for a moment.

Or said, "these cars are not enough. And these are very bad luck, almost all of them are high-level collections. If you lose one, there is no way to measure it with money. "

People from the Discipline Inspection Commission naturally know that some of these treasures may be more valuable than their lives, which makes it difficult for them to carry out such work. However, there are not many famous antique dealers in the capital.

In the past, there were only a few, so Michaelis became the first company. It was nothing more than a shot in the head. However, they only checked some of them, not all of them had to be taken away. Now how many cars they have driven, it's enough to pull them full. If there are too many cars, they can't worry about it, so they replied to Bai Liang.

"I know you have the heart to cooperate with our work, so we don't want to embarrass you. It seems that the car is full. If there are too many cars, we need special personnel to guard them. It's too tired."

"We are absolutely at ease with Mie's antique company, so we just spot check. I'll order a few things right away. If there are registered treasures with high ornamental value, just move them to the car for inspection."

Bai Liang nodded and followed the two members of the Discipline Inspection Commission to the warehouse to find the goods they wanted to inspect.

Tang Qi then looks at Mickey, but he is still sad. Tang Qi doesn't understand what's going on. It's such a thing that it doesn't make Mickey look like this.

Thinking about it, Tang Qi directly grabbed her waist and asked, "what happened to you? How can I become listless? Is it because I have ignored you so much that I feel unfair in your heart? I promise that I will definitely put you first in the future. "

Because he knew Mickey from the beginning, and was also the first woman to make him move, so Tang Qi still had a very special feeling for Mickey, which could not be replaced by other women at will.

Mickey leaned against Tang Qi and shook her head. "Where have I ever been envious of others? I always like to portray me as a jealous woman. Do you think I am like a jealous woman?"

Tang Qi quickly raised his hand and hit him in the mouth. "It's my cheap mouth. If I say something wrong, will you forgive me?"

Mickey is really speechless shaking his head, is it necessary to hit himself like this? That is to say, she just thinks that Tang Qi's saying this means that she doesn't understand him.

But he never cared about how many women Tang Qi had. On the contrary, Tang Qi found so many good sisters for him, which made her very grateful from the bottom of her heart.

In fact, after my father left, my grandfather also went far away to live a natural and unrestrained life, which often made him feel very empty, as if she was the only one left. Tang Qi was also very busy and didn't take care of him most of the time.

But now he knows Lin Yahan, Murong Yue, Yang Yiyi, Bai Su, Chu ya Everyone is very good, help each other, really let him feel, everyone is like her family.

He cherishes them very much, so no matter how many women Tang Qi has around him, he will tolerate them and cherish them like sisters.Think, rely on Tang Qi's arms, feel more relaxed, close your eyes, gently said to Tang Qi. "I just got inside information. I don't know. Do you know? "

Tang Qi nods on Mickey's nose. "That's naughty. How can I know if you don't tell me?"

Miki replied, "the Su family may be swallowed up by one party. Although up to now, I haven't heard that the strength of this side is the strength there and how powerful it is, but if you think about it, it must be a very strong strength to be able to annex the Su family. "

Tang Qi's body is stiff. What? Su's family was swallowed up by one party's strength. What about Su Menghan? What's Sue's attitude?

Didn't he already deal with Lu Zhanhong? How can there be other strength, to swallow the strength of the Su family, is what he missed?

Tang Qi thinks so, let go of MI Qi inconceivably, looked at Mi Qi seriously, asked. "Is that true? I don't have any news about when. "

Mi Qi looks at Tang Qi in surprise, because Tang Qi's news is much better than his. I didn't expect that he didn't receive the news, so I said to Tang Qi.

"It seems that I have better information than you about things in the shopping mall. The information has spread among the people in the big family, saying that the Su family was swallowed up by a mysterious case. But I haven't found out the specific strength of the party so far. "

Tang Qi doesn't understand that the capital is extremely unsafe now. All the forces that have disappeared before have seen the opportunity and want to be strong.

He also wants to solve a lot of strength, but now is not a good time, but it's better to conserve energy. After all, he has a lot of obstacles, and he can't let them be hurt.

After su Menghan said that he was the one who wanted to protect him. There is no need for him to protect Su Menghan, but Su Menghan is a very naive girl who is very kind to him. He can't bear to see her hurt.

Now that the Su family has been annexed, what will he do? He was always known as the successor of the Su family. When the family was suddenly annexed, something unknown must have happened.

Otherwise, how could it be so sudden? Master Su is not the one who wants to let the Su family out.

Otherwise, he would not care so much about Su Menghan's safety. He has been cultivating him and wants to make him a successor. Thinking about this, I said to Mickey. "The capital is very dangerous now, whether it's you or Bai Su, Chu ya Be very careful. It seems that I didn't care about the antique market for a long time, so many people have to look down on me. We have to do something to let them know that Tang Qi does not exist to frighten all sides, but has my real strength and authority. "

Now it seems that everyone wants to challenge his bottom line. He thinks that if we pull Tang Qi, we can coordinate the whole capital. Then he can only say that what they think is too simple.

Before, he only wanted to spend a little time. He didn't want to take part in such a big killing. He took care of all his strength. For example, a sweet cake in the capital. It's better to divide the cake equally so that everyone has a bite to eat.

But Tang Qi belittled human nature. He didn't have enough people to swallow elephants. Sure enough, he wanted them to live. But they think more, even now they have such a mind. What's more, the cooperation between the West and the Japanese in China has aroused many people's minds.

They give opportunities to those who have ulterior motives. However, Tang Qi will take their ambitions seriously. Directly strangled in the cradle.

Mi Qi sees Tang Qi's strong intention to kill. It's like it's back then. The two of them didn't know each other for a long time. After Tang Qi knew that she had experienced that kind of experience, together with him, he revived the whole family and shuffled the cards. Only then did the rice family have today's situation.

But this time, Tang Qi will not face the simple people of the rice family, but the whole capital, big and small families, even the whole China, and even the whole world.

Tang Qi's stage is bigger and bigger! Mickey can't tell whether she's happy or worried. Now he just wants to be the woman behind Tang Qi. He can help Tang Qi do as much as he can. He doesn't want Tang Qi to leave him.

"We will cooperate with you whatever you want to do. In short, now, there is a mysterious force rising. We have to make a slow investigation. " Tang Qi nodded, afraid that such strength is not what Bai Liang could find. It seems that the strength that hasn't been used for a long time has to be used now.

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