The three of them only showed their eyes. Sure enough, they saw that there were four or five big men walking in one direction. He should have come out to do something just now. Now he wants to go back, so Tang Qi quietly followed them. For the task of tracking, the three of them are very familiar with it.

With five big men, to a door, see them take out the key, opened the door lock.

It's like a very small room. It's very simple and there's nothing in it. After the door is opened, there's a stool in the opposite door. The person tied on the stool is Bai Liang.

Bai Liang's eyes were covered, his mouth was blocked, and his hands were tied behind his back. It looked extremely painful, but they had no tenderness to Bai Liang.

One of the big men went in and kicked Bai Liang directly, and said: "Damn, it's all because of you. I can't withdraw from the boss. I'll stay here, suffer, and serve you. " Although they scolded and kicked Bai Liang, the others looked at him coldly. Wei Ming and Li Ge were so angry that they could not help clenching their fists. Tang Qi stopped the impulsive two of them. Now they don't know who they are, what their identity is, how many of them are there, and what their strength is? The three of them rush out rashly. The most dangerous thing is Bai Liang.

If they threaten them with Bai Liang now, they will have nothing to do. So they'd better inquire about the news first, and then decide how to save people.

But seeing Bai Liang's weakness, I know that he must have been beaten severely by them. If he doesn't come out as soon as possible, I don't know if he can hold on.

When Tang Qi thought about it, Bai Liang's head lowered directly. It seemed that he fainted. The whole person so nest on the stool, looks very weak, Tang Qi is simply distressed to death.

We can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, Bai Liang's life may be in danger. According to his own judgment, Tang Qi gives them a wink. They have been waiting for Tang Qi's order for a long time, and they see that Tang Qi's order has been given.

The three men rushed out directly. When they got to the door, a big man reacted first and went directly to the door to block them. Tang Qi was already furious now, and hit him in with one punch.

Hit the wall, and then slowly fell to the ground, lying there spitting a blood foam, also can not get up, the body directly in convulsions, other people have a moment of shock.

The man was beaten in at the door and pasted on the wall. Now he can't get up. But the shock was also instantaneous. The big man turned around and saw the three of them at the door with a wild smile. "Just the three of you? Do you three want to save people? It seems that I've been waiting here. The boss told me that if I wait here, I can wait for you. Today I'm here to show you. How much ability do you have to make people fear so much

Tang Qicai didn't want to talk more nonsense with him, so he rushed in with Wei Ming and brother Li. After they rushed in, he found that they had misunderstood from a distance. The house was not small at all. It didn't look like the pattern seen from the outside.

It's much bigger than they thought. It contains 40 or 50 people. It's not four or five of them at all. No wonder they were so presumptuous to Tang Qi just now.

But now Tang Qi has already killed the red eye, did not expect that they dare to treat Bai Liang like this, walked in to have a look, is let Tang Qi feel distressed.

But his right arm is at the moment. I don't care whether he is a murderer or not. In a word, as long as I dare to be his way, I don't want him to see Bai Liang.

Then you can only give him one word, death. So Tang Qi, no matter he goes out with one punch and one foot, all of them are with his anger and his intention to kill. In this way, twenty or thirty fierce men fall into a pool of blood. Tang Qi and Li Ge of Wei Ming meet together, three people back to back, looking at these fierce men who still say they are in a circle, but they no longer dare to rush forward rashly. Because all the people who rushed forward were on the ground, spitting blood and some of them were twitching, and it seemed that they had suffered unbearable pain.

It makes people feel numb. Other people dare not act rashly. After all, they are very hot. If they dare to move, they will face them next.

At this time, the man at the head was laughing crazily. He took out a dagger and put it on Bai Liang's neck. He looked at Tang Qi fiercely and said:

"I advise you not to act rashly. If you dare to act rashly again, I will kill him directly. I know he is very important to you. If you are not with him, their lives are mole ants to us."

The man at the head said, and he took the dagger further. Pressed on Bai Liang's neck, the dagger had cut Bai Liang's skin, and there was blood oozing out.

Tang Qi knew that they had lost the chance just before they rushed to Bai Liang and saved him.Don't give him a chance when you are still facing this poor and vicious man. If there is a chance, he will certainly tear him to pieces. Those who dare to move him will be prepared to bear his anger.

But these days, Tang Qi's anger is really pushed to the limit. He wanted to live a simple life, but they forced him again. Before, Lin Yahan and now Bai Liang came to move the people around him.

It seems that he has to do something now, otherwise they really think that Tang Qi is weak and can be deceived, and people around him will be taken away casually. Seeing that Tang Qi finally stopped and put his hand on his side, he looked at the leader and laughed directly, while a younger brother beside him said to him, "brother Qing, how do you deal with these people? We have hurt so many of our brothers that we have to wait here instead of going back with the boss. Never let them go easily, otherwise it will be too cheap for them. "

The man called brother Qing obviously listened to this little brother's words. When he said that, his eyes were very complacent. As a result, he had to wait here and it was inconvenient to go to the toilet.

He is the right-hand man around the boss. When he suffered such grievances, it's all to make him wait for Tang Qi here, saying that he must be able to find him. Now that Tang Qi has found him, he must get back from Tang Qi.

Thinking about this, the dagger gradually pressed against Bai Liang's neck and became closer. There was blood oozing, which made people feel suffocated. However, Bai Liang still didn't open his eyes. His face was black and blue, and there was no other expression except death.

Tang Qi didn't know what kind of torture he had suffered, so that he couldn't wake up from the pain.

But he knows that if he doesn't take Bai Liang back for treatment as soon as possible, Bai Liang will surely die. Tang Qi looks at the green brother with scarlet eyes. "What are you going to do to let him go, just say it."

For Tang Qi, there is no time to fight with them. Tang Qi also knows that as long as he dares to move, they will kill Bai Liang, because Bai Liang has no effect on them.

It can be inferred that they don't know about Bai Liang's further investigation of the traitor. They only know that Bai Liang came to the house on his own initiative and can cheat him, so their goal from the beginning is him, not Bai Liang.

Tang Qi is very glad that they don't know such a thing, and they don't kill Bai Liang. Instead, they wait until he comes. As long as he comes, they will be able to save Bai's life. It doesn't matter if the secret agent finds out. The important thing is that Bai Liang lives, because Bai Liang is his brother.

Brother Qing looks at Tang Qi's helpless appearance and laughs with satisfaction. As if can let Tang Qi helpless appearance, is his happiest thing.

The cross flesh on the face is born, say to Tang Qi haughtily: "kneel down for me, you kneel down for me, I let him go."

Tang Qi's face became as black as carbon. This man made him kneel down. In his life, he only knelt down on his parents. When did he kneel on other people's knees? Wei Ming and Li Ge also saw that this man was trying to embarrass and humiliate their boss. Li Ge thought that he used to be a gangster, but he did such shameful and conspicuous things, so he knelt down. Wei Ming's thoughts are similar. When he was in the organization, he was a little guy who was ignored and bullied by Tang Qi. After he was brought out by Tang Qi and sent to the headquarters, he became a person with status and status. Other people thought that he was more capable and respected him, but Wei knew that he was nothing compared with the real experts.

Two people very tacit understanding ground will Tang Qi to pull, at the same time kneel down, looking at that green elder brother, especially Li elder brother, now, killed his heart all have, if not for keeping Bai Liang, at this moment certainly killed him. Wei Ming is the same. He can insult him, but never his benefactor. He keeps in mind all the things Tang Qi has done to him. Now his father, mother and wife are all raised by Tang Qi. If Tang Qi doesn't think highly of him, how can he marry the woman he likes?

That green elder brother says so to think. "If you want to kneel, we should kneel. Now you should be satisfied. What else do you want to do? What tricks do you want to play?"

And brother Qing's cold voice, the dagger goes deep into Bai Liang's neck, and some blood seeps out. He looks at Tang Qi fiercely. "Do you kneel? If you don't kneel, you don't want your brother's life. Don't you pay attention to friendship? If he knows that you still care about your face at the critical moment of his life, what will he think after I let him go? "

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