Tang Qi didn't show any affectation to Miss Jin either. He heard the girl like this, so he nodded his head directly. "Well, that's settled. The girl is in trouble."

Miss Jin shook her head and laughed. She didn't expect Tang Qi to be so polite, so she said to Tang Qi directly.

"You have helped me. I should return it. We don't have to be so polite. You don't have to show any affectation to me. I know what to do in my heart." Tang Qi nodded his head directly. After telling Miss Jin about it, Tang Qi left directly. Just now, he couldn't do it. He had to find his brothers to cooperate with them, call them Li Qi, work with Tang Qi, and cooperate with her inside and outside. There is another person, which is absolutely necessary


It's Liu Yun who has been seen every day. If her skills are used well, she must be the key to their success this time. So Tang Qide has to meet him again. She is the key to saving her brother this time.

No mistake can be made. He must teach Qisha a hard lesson, so that they know that if they want to move him, Tang Qi has to come out with real skills. Don't grind in front of him like this. If you buckle his brother, you can grasp his lifeline.

Tang Qi wants to tell Qisha that his brother can't move when he wants to. Since he dares to move his brother, he should be ready to bear his anger from now on.

With this in mind, Tang Qi drove all the way to the outskirts of the city. The more he went there, the more desolate he became. He only went there once, still at night. He couldn't remember the road clearly, but he still walked according to the route he remembered.

After arriving in the suburbs, he drove forward and saw a relatively dilapidated village. Tang Qi's memory was correct. It was here, and then according to the number in my memory, I knocked on the door. I feel more depressed in the daytime.

The red gate is no longer the original color, mottled, if you don't know, you think there is no master in it? Otherwise, how could it be so dilapidated?

When Tang Qi knocked on the door, someone answered, not Liu Yun's voice, but his brother Liu Yuan's voice.

Liu Yuan estimated to wake up, the voice is a little buzzing. Cried impatiently in the room. "Who? I came to the house at this time. There is no one in the house. I'm just an old man looking at the gate. Who are you looking for? "

Tang Qi didn't expect that Liu Yuan was very alert. It seems that he used this trick to fool people. It really makes people think that the owner of the house is not at home.

What's more, his voice is really amazing at the moment, especially the voice of the old man. He can't help laughing. If he's not familiar with him, he won't be recognized.

Directly leave to explain to Liu Yuan: "I, Tang Qi, guard the door for me."

When Tang Qi yelled, Liu Yuan's voice became normal. He no longer hummed like before. He touched his hair and opened the door. When he saw that it was Tang Qi, he laughed.

"I didn't expect that brother Tang came to me. At this time, I don't know what happened to brother Tang?"

Because it's late now. It's already noon when Tang Qi comes back to the capital. He's delayed for a while on the side of Mickey, and for another time on the side of golden girl. It's really late now.

It's an awkward time. Tang Qi also accompanied him with a smile and said. "There are some things I want to ask my brother to help me, but I don't care when it's early or late, so I come here in a hurry. I hope my brother won't blame me for my recklessness."

Liu Yuan heard that Tang Qi came to him for help. It seems that he really took it seriously to repay his kindness. But he had to help his sister because he saved her. He always said that he wanted to help Tang Qi and repay his kindness.

Now it's not easy to have a chance. Naturally, I cherish it. You know, his sister has been thinking about it. Even want to make a promise, since Tang Qi came, they will pay off the account, save his sister later to see Tang Qi in private.

He said: "my brother is kind to our Liu family. No matter what it is, I will definitely be duty bound to do it. You can say it directly. I will try my best to help you do what I can do."

Liu Yuan is really heroic. Tang Qi thinks that such a person is worth making friends. At least the chivalrous spirit in his heart is enough for him to come in person, so he says to Liu Yuan directly.

"This time is very important. My brother has been arrested, so I must ask him to cooperate with me, so I may have to trouble him to get some new things out. I don't know if he can do it..."

As soon as Tang Qi said this, Liu Yuan was a little unhappy. He didn't say what it was? First of all, I doubt whether he can do it. To be honest, if there is something he can't do in this world, no one else can do it.

He said: "don't worry about doubting my ability. You should do something first. If I can't do it, I will find some capable people for you and let them do it. In a word, I know a lot of people, and they won't delay you. You can find me right. What's the matter? "

Liu Yuan said, he took Tang Qi to the house, and Tang Qi naturally did not refuse, so he followed Liu Yuan into the house.Liu Yuan nodded to Tang Qi and said, "I'm sure you've got the right thing to look for. If you look for someone else, they may not be able to help you. You can rest assured as long as you trust me. Come and get something tomorrow! "

I'm so confident when I hear what Liu Yuan said. Tang Qi's heart is steadfast. It seems that he has many friends and many roads. Liu Yun was the one who made a mistake that night. He was able to help so much today. God took good care of him.

Tang Qi thought so, so he stood up and said to Liu Yuan, "thank you, brother Liu. I'd like to thank you first. I have a lot of things to arrange, so I'll go first. I'll come to get things tomorrow."

Liu Yuan nodded directly, "OK! If you have something to do, you can go to work first. You can rest assured that nothing will go wrong with me. When the time comes, you can just come and get the things directly. "

That's self-confidence on his face. Tang Qi smiles at him. It seems that this man is very self-confident and deserves his trust. "Well, I'll go first."

With that, he stood up and went out. Liu Yuan took him to the door. Tang Qi left not a long time, Liu Yun came back, saw a cup of unfinished tea on the table, looked at his brother and asked.

"Brother, was there a guest at home just now?" Liu Yuan can be regarded as a proud face.

Cheap and cute, he said to his sister. "Yes! I've got a lot of help from the prince, and I've asked him to talk to us

Liu Yun knows that his brother intentionally told Tang Qi to come to him, just to stimulate him. He wanted to see Tang Qi day and night, but did not see.

The reason why she wandered around the capital was that she wanted to see Tang Qi. She didn't expect that he didn't see Tang Qi. Tang Qi took the initiative to come to their home, but he was not on duty today.

He glared at his brother with indignation and said, "well, you Liu Yuan, you are hiding from me and my husband! God! Meet, I tell you, don't let me find the opportunity to fix you, don't want to ask me for help again in the future. "

Liu Yun said vicious, looks very fierce, also let Liu Yuan is very afraid, really afraid of his sister with him, to know the woman's heart needle, he can't stir up, so quickly a look of flattery, said to Liu Yun.

"I advise you to please me! Because I made an appointment with him for you. If you dare to do anything to me, I'll change the appointment time so that you will never see him

Of course, no one knows Tang Qi's itinerary better than the two of them, but they can find out Tang Qi's itinerary clearly. Before he took back the Tang family, he never came out again. They guessed that something must have happened to Tang Qi.

Sure enough, within two days, there were rumors that Tang Qi had fainted. At that time, Liu Yun almost didn't die of anxiety. If it wasn't for Liu Yuan's advice, she would have rushed to the Tang family and wanted to hold Tang Qi in her arms.

But think about what Liu Yuan said. All his wives are in his home. What's the matter with her? She will be bullied by his wife. After thinking about it, Liu Yun will bear to face so many wives of Tang Qi.

Liu Yuan can't help sighing. It's true that the girl is not staying. So he is very wary of him. He is afraid that he will do something and doesn't say hello to him. This will make Tang Qi very embarrassed.

And his sister will also be aggrieved, the most important thing is that his sister will be aggrieved, he is such a sister, naturally can't bear to see him aggrieved. Tang Qi is not a good product. However, his sister likes him, and what can he do? Now the only thing he can do is to let his sister suffer less grievances. Being a brother also needs a lot of care. However, his sister doesn't understand this and thinks that he wants to stop him, but it doesn't matter. One day, he will understand that he does all this for his own good I want him to be hurt.

As soon as Liu Yun heard Liu Yuan say this, he knew that Liu Yun must have made an appointment with Tang Qi. With a happy face, he looked at Liu Yuan.

"To be honest, when and where would you like to meet him? If you don't make it clear, you won't want to sleep tonight. "

Liu Yuan naturally knew how strong Liu Yun's Kungfu was, and finally he had no choice but to move, he said. "He asked me to make something for him. When you were in a hurry, I said I would not do it. I asked you to help me. Tomorrow he will come and get it." It's his elder brother. He knows his mind best. Liu Yunxiao is very happy and holds his elder brother's waist directly. Face in his brother's chest rub rub rub, or his brother most understand him, most know love him.

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