At this time, Liu Qi said in a panic: "boss, I've helped you for so many years, and I've never done anything sorry to you. Can you let me go?" "I can't help it. You and what's this called Oh, Tang Qi, right? What did you say to him? Who knows, he is looking into the metal business now. If he continues to look into it, my reputation and wealth will all be ruined. So you have to die. I'm sorry, but I'll build a good hall for you. I didn't expect that what I wanted to deal with was Si Mao. I was so lucky that I could eradicate Tang Qi easily! " Brother long laughs and spits out a puff of smoke.

His men have grabbed Liu Qi and pointed the knife at his neck. Tang Qi clenched his fist and was ready to start.

Liu Qi cried out: "you have no conscience! I've gone through life and death for you, and you're going to kill me! "

Longge ignored it. He turned his head and saw Xu Wei. She was wearing a light yellow skirt, breathing hard and her eyes were absent, but she still couldn't hide her beauty. His heart moved and he saw that his men were ready to kill.

Brother long immediately said, "wait a minute!"

Everyone stopped and saw brother long walking in the direction of Xu Wei. He reached out and pinched her chin: "pretty girl."

Xu Wei's face was full of fear: "what are you doing?"

"Get this girl in my car!"

"Help, Tang Qi!" She cried out anxiously, but Tang Qi didn't say anything. He was thinking about how to defeat the enemy. If so many people want to defeat the enemy in one move, they must be prepared.

Brother long said with a smile: "it's useless for you to call him to save you. Now he can't protect himself. Who can save you? "

Xu Wei tears down: "you kill me."

"Ha ha! The more you are like this, the more I like it. I like bullying good women. Don't you know? "

"I wipe! Are you a pervert? " Niutian angrily yelled: "she is my teacher's mother. You are not allowed to bully her!"

Brother long walks up to Xu Wei and begins to unbutton her: "you've offended me, so I'm here to turn her into my woman!"

On hearing this, Juan Juan cried out anxiously: "no! I'm your wife. How can you go to someone else? What do you think I am? "

Pop! After two crisp slaps, JUANJUAN was fanned on the ground. Her body fell heavily on the ground, smashing a plastic stool behind her. She hummed with pain, and her face was full of pain.

Brother long said angrily, "you bitch! I guess you can't count how many men you've spent time with. If you're my wife, won't you be ridiculed every day? I'm wearing a green hat. Go away and don't delay my work. "

Brother long began to walk up to Xu Wei, ready to be rude, but before he touched Xu Wei's skin, he felt the hot air coming from behind him. Brother long felt that his back was scalded by boiling water, and the pain was unbearable, so he directly fell on the ground.

When everyone was surprised, Tang Qi got up from his chair, grabbed the table in front of him and smashed it in the direction of brother long.

Brother long quickly rolled twice, and the chair smashed in front of him. He yelled at Tang Qi: "didn't you drink soup? Come on, get rid of him His subordinates run over with a knife in their hands, ready to kill Tang Qi.

"Tang Qi, be careful!" Xu Wei cried eagerly.

Tang Qi opened his hands and rushed to the group. But for a moment, these people all fell to the ground, one by one covered his waist and couldn't stand up. Tang Qi grabbed brother long: "sorry, you lost."

"What do you want to do?"

Tang Qi grabbed a knife on the ground, picked it up and pointed it at his neck: "guess what I want to do?"

Brother long biting his teeth and looking at Tang Qi, suddenly said with a smile: "brother, calm down, I'm just joking. I don't want to really kill you. Don't you have to be so serious?"

Tang Qi can't help saying: "give me the antidote."

"You think I'm stupid? I gave you the antidote. Am I not going to be killed? "

Poof! Tang Qi stabbed him directly on the shoulder with a knife. The blade was very sharp. The blood spurted out from under his fur coat. In pain, he roared: "what do you want? Are you still my men? Come and kill him

"Boss, we can't..." These people are so sad that they can't get up at all.

"These people are unreliable. If you don't give me the antidote, I'll stab you to death one by one!"

Brother long gritted his teeth and said, "if you kill me, you can't live!"

Tang Qi disdained to say: "originally you are a villain full of evil, most think you are black eat black die, no one doubts me."

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! He stabbed again. Tang Qi knew that such a man was an outlaw. He couldn't do it if he didn't be cruel. Blood was seeping out from under the fur coat. The painful guy bared his teeth and leaned against the table: "OK! I'll give you the antidote. Don't stab it! "

"That's about the same. Don't worry. I won't kill you." Tang Qi said with a smile, the knife in his hand kept spinning.Brother long took out a porcelain vase from his arms and threw it to Tang Qi: "eat it, one for each person." Tang Qi poured out to have a look. It was a pink pill with a fragrant smell. Although he thought it was very unlikely, he put a pill into brother Long's mouth. After waiting for a while, he threw it to Niutian and others when he saw nothing unusual. After they ate it, they soon returned to normal.

Niutian angrily kicked brother Long's men: "Damn it! How dare you hurt me, master! Kill him

Tang Qi said: "don't worry, I want to discuss a matter with brother long. You go out for a breath first. By the way, find a rope and tie all his men to me

"But master OK, I see Niutian had to go out to find a rope tied to them. A group of people were caught by them and dragged out.

This time, the relationship between Juan Juan and Si Mao just turned back. She begged: "don't hurt me! I'll just listen to you. " "Well, you don't remember what you said to me just now?" Si Mao said and tied her up. He wished he could give her a slap, but he was not willing to see her beautiful face, so he had to drag her out. Xu Wei closed the door before she left. Tang Qi and brother long are in the room

. Tang Qi tied brother long firmly on the chair, motionless.

Brother long stares at Tang Qi: "boy! Are you really going to have a hard time with me? "

"Why do you want to harm Wei Zifeng?"

"I don't want to hurt him. It's the people above who want him to die. What can I do?" Brother long snorted.

That day was the engagement day of Wang Feng and Liu Haitang's daughter, so they knew that Wei Zifeng would come, so they arranged their hands in advance. When he went to the toilet, they would have done it directly. If Tang Qi hadn't sent him to the hospital in time, he would have died.

Tang Qi picked up the ring, looked at it and said, "sorry, I'm afraid this ring will become mine."

"I have a lot of money. If you like it, take it and let me go! I'm not going to tell you about tonight. "

"Want to go? First of all, tell me, what do you have to do with this si Mao, and what does it have to do with Wang Feng? " Brother long thought about it and sighed: "Tang Qi, I know you are very capable. You can fool me around, but I really can't tell you that this industry chain involves the interests of many people. If I talk nonsense, I think not only I will die, but my whole family will die."

"You mean metal? You are also an important part of the manufacturing plus gold industry chain. " Tang Qi said with a smile.

Dragon elder brother helpless way: "you even if kill me also can't say, you don't embarrass me."

"Well, I can only help you. I will fix the grave for you. " Tang Qi said the knife aimed at brother Long's neck. Brother Long's eyes were full of panic. He thought that this guy really wanted to kill me. What should I do?

Then his cell phone suddenly rang.

Brother long struggles wildly. Tang Qi grabs his mobile phone from his clothes and says with a smile, "it's Wang Feng. It's really fate. Answer the phone."

"No! If he knows... " "I didn't mean to let you out when I overheard your conversation with him. It's not your fault. What's your opinion? Consider for yourself, or I'll send you to the west, or I'll pass you and check from you. When they're captured, I'll help you get out and make sure you won't go to jail for this Tang Qi said, the blade aimed at his neck. With a little force, the blood penetrated from his skin.

Brother long can only nod: "well, I promise you."

"Think about it yourself." Put the phone to brother Long's ear and press the answer button.

Brother long looked at the knife in Tang Qi's hand, swallowed and spit, and said, "who is it?"

"Why did you take so long to answer the phone?" It's really Wang Feng's voice. He seems very impatient.

"I went to find someone. One of my men stole my ring from the safe. I'm teaching him a lesson."

Wang Feng said: "a ring is only a few money, our business is to make a lot of money."

"Yes! I know, but I can't swallow it. "

"The killer is coming. Su Hai is ready to start tomorrow. Come and have a look when you have time. You're going to take part in the assassination tomorrow. No one can run away. "

Tang Qi's heart moves. What kind of killer?

Brother long took a look at Tang Qi and said, "I'm not going to see it. As long as you think he's good at it, I'm a busboy. Why do I have to be involved in it?"

"Ha ha, what you said is so light! You choose all the people. Now you say it has nothing to do with you? Are you afraid of finding you after Tang Qi is killed? "

Tang Qi realized that the killer they were looking for was to deal with me!

Brother long quibbled a few words, and Wang Feng said: "in a word, this boy has been delaying our work. If we don't get rid of him, we'll all have bad luck. Well, see you tomorrow. Remember, if Tang Qi doesn't die, you'll die."Card wipe! The phone hung up.

Brother long cursed: "I'm in charge of everything. I can't escape even if I'm clear on such a big occasion tomorrow. If you're dead, you're fishing for people's benefits behind your back. If you're not dead, you're going to make me atone. Why?"

Tang Qi put the phone back: "tell me, what kind of killer?"

"I said, do you really help me?"

"Of course, since you know that I'm Tang Qi, you should know that I have relations with some important people in Su Hai. It's not impossible to protect you. I will never investigate what you have done before. As for what you will do in the future, it's up to you. " Tang Qi throws an olive branch to brother long, with a confident smile on his face.

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