After listening to Mr. Jin's words, Tang qizai thought about it carefully for a while, and then said his doubts. "Although you think it's ok if we return the bottle, how did it come to China and hide it in a truck when it was robbed in Japan?"

Mickey is still careless said: "this is not what we know, just ask the company."

"But the boss of that company is dead. Wang Feng may have something to do with it, but he is not here now. We are the only people who have something to do with it. It's not necessary to be arrested at that time."

"No! They are so unreasonable? "

Mr. Jin laughed, and then said, "these Japanese people are always arrogant and inexperienced. Of course, they hope to find someone who can make a job as soon as possible. If you really return this thing, you may be put in prison as a male and female thief."

After hearing that, Mickey had to give up her plan to return the lacquerware. Tang Qi said with a heavy face and careful analysis: "this thing is mixed in a pile of worthless ceramics and transported to the company. I think they may use these ceramics as a cover, and they may want to transport it to other countries for sale. Now it's in our hands, the real bandit gang will not let us go. You must be very anxious to get the lacquer back and kill me. "

"You are right. It's true that one wave hasn't been leveled, another wave has risen, but can you offend so many people? "

Tang Qi laughed and said, "don't worry, old man. I won't make trouble on my own, but I won't be afraid of anything. It's none of your business, so you don't know it. "

Mr. Jin nodded approvingly. In addition to some aspects of knowledge, he could help Tang Qi, and the rest was really powerless.

After dinner, Mr. Jin left at the door. Tang Qi and Mi Qi went to the competition field of Yuhua jewelry company. Tang Qi's speed was very fast all the way, and Mi Qi was a little dizzy.

"Can you slow down? I'm really going to throw up."

"If only you were the same as that Wu Yinghua, but she was not afraid at all. She just didn't know where she had gone?"

Mickey looked at Tang Qi in surprise and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Tang Qigang is about to tell us about Wu Yinghua and Wei Zifeng last night. The phone rings at this time. He turns the steering wheel with one hand and holds his mobile phone. It turns out that brother Liang is calling. The boy has been quiet for several days. I didn't expect to contact myself today.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "what's the matter? What can I do for you? "

"Master, I found it."

"What did you find out?" Tang Qi was still a little confused at the beginning. Then he thought of something and said with a smile, "have you found any valuable treasure?"

Tang Qi asked him and Niutian to be his apprentices. If they had time, they would go to find out if there was anyone who sold some antiques to find a leak.

But brother Liang was in a hurry and said, "no! It's the one you asked me to look for. I found it. "

"You mean you know about Chu Wen?" "Yes! I've tried my best these days. As soon as this man arrived at suhai, he was arrested. Now he is being held in a secret place. " Brother Liang told Tang Qi to do this after he received his order. Although brother Liang is usually idle, there is no other person in Su Hai who can match him when it comes to passing news and looking for information.

His younger brothers began to inquire about the news in various bars, hotels, and other places. We should know that these places are always full of people and eyes, and the news will come more naturally.

Sure enough, brother Liang was going to the fidelity Pavilion this morning when he received a call from his subordinates telling him that he had found Chu Wen.

"My little brother said that Chu Wen had been targeted by people of an organization for a long time and cheated him with a beauty trick."

Tang Qili immediately recalled what Chu Ya had said to him, and then said, "I heard his sister Chu ya say that he fell in love with a beauty pageant?"

"Hey, what kind of beauty pageant is that? It's just a lady from the bath center. After he was cheated, this guy was arrested."

"For money?" "No! If you want money, it is estimated that the Chu family would have given it to others. After all, they are also a big family. This kind of thing is not very good for the young master's reputation. I don't know exactly what they want, but I know that the Chu family must be in a dilemma. It is said that they have negotiated with the

people of that organization for many times. "

As soon as Tang Qiyi thought of Chu Ya's pear blossom with rain, he was pitiful. He asked brother Liang, "where are you locked up?" "I don't know. I can't find out! However, master, you can go to some bath centers in suhai, because it is said that although Chu Wen was kidnapped, she still has beautiful women every day, eating, bathing and playing with women. This is what the bath center can do.”

hearing this, Tang Qi finally said with a hearty smile: "OK, boy, it's good. How much do you want? "

"I should do everything for my master, but I dare not."

"All right, that's it. I'll treat you to dinner some other day. " Hang up the phone, Tang Qi continue to calm forward to drive past.

This can be the side of Mickey anxious bad, anxiously said: "since there is a clue, why not look for ah, we now find Chu Wen back, otherwise Chuya sister will be very worried." "I believe Chu Wen should be OK for the time being. I don't know what they want from Chu family, but I believe Chu Ya should know who kidnapped him. Let's meet Yuhua jewelry first. Otherwise, a lot of money will be deducted for no reason. Aren't we wronged

Mickey also had to nod: "well, they are mean enough to say, all kinds of terms are harsh requirements, a little attention will be deducted money."

The two quickly arrived at the place where they met last time, and all the people from other companies had arrived. Tang Qi didn't find Chiyang yingzi last time or this time, because her company sent another fat designer to come, so she didn't know where she went.

Shen Miaolin is standing on one side and talking to the others. Her expression is very serious. When Zhong Yaxin sees Tang Qi and her coming, she quickly points to the back of Shen Miaolin's head, indicating that she is angry. Tang Qize winked at her to say that he was OK.

Seeing that the relationship between him and Mickey is still so good, Shen Miaolin can't help sneering: "you are late on the first day. Mr. Tang and miss Mi really don't pay attention to our jade jewelry. According to the regulations, I have to pay a fine... " Tang Qi glanced at his watch and was three minutes late. He said with a quick smile: "Miss Shen is joking. I mainly think that your jewelry company is so grand. If I don't dress up properly, I don't respect you. So I've wasted a little time in order to choose clothes. I'm sure your noble company won't be born because of this Are you angry? "

"Hum!" Shen Miaolin knew that he could speak, but she didn't bother to argue with Tang Qi. She said: "Wang Feng's company has withdrawn from the competition. They will compensate us 10 million. At that time, we will take this 10 million as a bonus for everyone. "

The others didn't look happy. After all, they all knew that Wang Feng had been killed.

Shen Miaolin glanced at Tang Qi: "this accident must have nothing to do with Tang Qi."

"Of course it doesn't matter. What do you mean by that? "

"Nothing, just say it. Let's get ready. After a while, your models will come. You take pictures first, and then you decide to give them laurels. " With that, Shen Miaolin gave a cold hum and left with a twist of her waist.

Seeing that Shen Miaolin had left, Zhong Yaxin came to Tang Qi and said in a low voice, "when you were not here just now, Shen Miaolin beat around the bush with everyone, saying that you were the one who killed Wang Feng. You must be careful."

Tang Qi nodded and looked at Shen miaolinian, who had gone away, and said with disdain, "as soon as Wang Feng died, we got the news here. It can be seen that Yuhua jewelry is also one of the insiders." Zhong Yaxin wants to say something else, but at this time, there is a loud noise at the door, and then several beautiful women walk up the stairs with high heels. They are the beauties of this beauty contest. They are wearing the same white cheongsam, very self-cultivation, and show their beautiful figure Thin, each with style. And this group of men saw such a situation, all opened their eyes to see the dumbfounded, constantly issued a voice of praise.

These beauties know that these people are representing their respective jewelry companies to compete. They are all rich people, so they are trying their best to show off their amorous feelings and are very charming.

"It's good. It's all beauties." Tang Qi narrowed his eyes and began to smile. He knew that there was a female killer named Mimi in it. They were going to kill themselves, but they all looked like sweet girls. Who on earth?

"Ah! Look at the last one Miki and Zhong Yaxin suddenly exclaimed together. It turns out that the last girl in white cheongsam is Chuya! Her expression was a little cold, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She was also wearing the same cheongsam, but she didn't have the smell of dust at all. On the contrary, she felt a little pity for me. Moreover, she didn't seem to have any spirit now, and her eyes were full of worry and sadness.

Tang Qi they quickly walked to Chu Ya's front, some unexpected quality asked: "how are you here?"

"Yes, sister Chuya, you Chus won't allow you to be a beauty pageant in public anyway."

But Chu ya just forced to smile, seemingly helpless said: "I just suddenly feel very interested, nothing else."

"I don't believe it! You are usually embarrassed to swim in a swimsuit. Can you wear a bikini under the gaze of ten thousand people? " See Chu Ya's appearance, MI Qi immediately anxious.

When Tang Qi heard her words, he swallowed everything he wanted to say and blurted out in surprise: "what? Bikini for beauty pageants? How can this work? I'm going to quit nowAs soon as Tang Qi thought that she would wear such thin clothes to walk around on the stage and be selected, and that Chuya's excellent appearance and flawless figure would be seen by tens of millions of color waves, his heart burst out with anger.

No way!

Chu Ya stares at Tang Qi, and suddenly sobs, "what can I do? If I don't, my brother won't come back! "

"I still don't understand what your brother has to do with this bikini?"

Zhong Yaxin angrily hit Tang Qi on the shoulder: "don't always think about bikini. Is the man who kidnapped Chu Wen related to the beauty pageant Chuya nodded with tears. As soon as she was about to speak, a middle-aged man came over: "Why are you still talking? How to choose a beautiful girl? Three people can't choose one. It's decided by drawing lots. " The man said and took out a box: "because now there are only nine companies left, there is a beautiful girl who is going to withdraw from the model of crown laureate design."

In a word, it lit up these girls in an instant, and they all complained in a very tired tone: "this is not playing with us!"

Because the company has said before that it is not in vain to cooperate with these people to take photos today. It is necessary to give them more than 10000 yuan as a bonus. Moreover, these people are all big money in the jewelry company. What should they do if they become Phoenix? So no one wants to go.

"Great!" Tang Qichang breathed a sigh and pointed to Chuya, "she's going to quit! She's my wife. She can't wear a bikini. "

Chuya Dun blushed and said shyly, "don't talk nonsense."

The man said, "didn't I say it's up to the draw? If you catch 10, you can go back to rest. " This, these models all rushed to draw lots, see not 10 all excited to jump up: "I finally don't have to go home!"

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