"Tang Qi, what are you doing?" Mickey's voice began to laugh.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "Miki, I'm outside. What can I do for you?"

"Oh, I can't call you if I'm ok?" Mickey asked.

Tang Qi hurriedly said: "no, how can it be."

Mickey laughed and said, "brother Qiang called and told me he wanted to see you."

Tang Qi frowned and said, "you give him my cell phone number and ask him to call me. Mickey, he didn't threaten you, did he?"

Hearing the concern in Tang Qi's tone, Mickey on the other end of the phone burst into a smile and gently replied, "no, his antique shop has been closed. He's very polite to me."

Tang Qi was stunned and immediately realized that it must have been done by his grandfather. Tang Qi said with a smile, "that's good." After another chat, Tang Qicai hung up his cell phone.

Tang Qigang hung up his mobile phone, and people gathered around him. Li Yangming's face was a little strange and asked, "what's your girlfriend doing?" Chu Ya's eyes flashed a fluster.

Tang Qi shook his head and said, "not yet, a friend."

"What do you mean not yet, you like her?" Li Yangming was dissatisfied.

Tang Qiyi was stunned and said with a smile, "how can you be such a gossip?"

Li Yangming said solemnly: "brother, this is about your love life. Tell me, do you like her? What's her name? When can I bring it out? "

Tang Qibai takes a look at Li Yangming. As he is about to speak, his mobile phone rings again. Tang Qi gets through.

"Tang Shao, I'm a Qiang." A polite and humble male voice came from the mobile phone.

Tang Qi Leng for a while just reflected that the person who called him was brother Qiang and said, "Oh, it's you. What can I do for you?"

A Qiang said: "Tang Shao, I didn't know it was you before. I've offended you a lot. I just received an old object recently. I'd like to ask you to palm your hand. I hope you'll appreciate it."

Tang Qi knew what ah Qiang meant by this, and didn't like Tang Qi. But the king of hell wanted to make kids difficult. After thinking about it, Tang Qi decided to agree and said, "OK, but I don't have time these two days. Let's talk about it later."

"I said, brother, you are a multimillionaire now. How can you still use such a broken mobile phone?" Just hang up the phone, Li Yangming said with a smile.

Tang Qi looked at the Nokia in his hand and said with a smile, "this is what my parents bought for me. It's practical."

Li Yangming said with a smile: "let's go and have dinner. You can invite me to lunch today."

A few people found a restaurant on antique street for dinner. The restaurant was decorated with a very ancient flavor, and its name was also very ancient. It was called Laifu inn. As soon as they entered the door, a man dressed like an ancient shopkeeper came over and said, "my guest, how many of you

Sitting in the elegant room, after ordering, Li Yangming praised: "this shop is good! Have a drink? "

Before Tang Qi spoke, Chu Ya said, "have a drink."

Everyone was stunned, Shen Jiajia said: "sister ya, don't you never drink?" Then he looked at Tang Qi again. His face was thoughtful. Other people's expressions were the same as Shen Jiajia's.

Chu Ya said, "I want to taste the ancient wine." All the people were stunned.

Soon the table was full of food and wine. The food tasted good, but everyone had no appetite. Tang Qi was the only one to eat. He just picked up a leak. He had a good appetite. Shen Jiajia couldn't see it anymore. She kicked Tang Qi under the table.

Tang Qi was stunned and raised his head to find that everyone was staring at him. Tang Qi was puzzled and said, "what are you looking at me for? Eat quickly. This dish tastes good."

"Tang Qi, here's to you!" Chuya suddenly stood up with her glass.

Tang Qi Leng for a while, then he filled the wine cup busily, stood up with the wine cup and said: "what..." I don't know what to say.

Chuya didn't say anything. As soon as she looked up, she drank all the wine. Then she coughed violently. Shen Jiajia stood up in a hurry and patted Chuya on her back.

Tang Qi drinks all the wine in a hurry. He looks at Chu Ya and other people. They don't look at each other. Li Yangming's hands on his legs have been bulging.

At this time, Chuya slowly poured another glass of wine. After holding the glass to Tang Qi, he drank it again. Tang Qi could only pour the wine. After three drinks, Chuya still wanted to pour the wine, but Tang Qi covered the bottle. Tang Qi said, "don't drink it."

Chu Ya's bright eyes fixed on Tang Qi. After a while, she said to Shen Jiajia, "Jiajia, send me back to the hotel."

After Chu Ya and Shen Jiajia leave, Li Yangming also stands up, pats Tang Qi on the shoulder, and then quickly goes after them. Tang Qi stands in the same place, even if he is dull, Tang Qi also understands Chu Ya's mind. After a while, Tang Qi sighs and fills a glass of wine. The wine is as hot as fire, warming the heart and lungs. People are not drunk, and they are intoxicated.

Shen Miaolin, MI Qi, Chu ya, three completely different faces emerge one by one. Tang Qizhong is also passionate, but three indelible figures are engraved in his heart. One of them has turned into a knife, which makes him miserable. Now there are two bandages on the wound. No matter which one is torn off, it will be bloody again.When Xiao Qin walked into Yajian, Tang Qi was already drunk.

When he wakes up again, it's 8 p.m., and Tang Qi finds himself in his grandfather's room. When he comes downstairs, Mr. long is reading a newspaper on the sofa. When he sees Tang Qi, Mr. long closes the newspaper and orders Xiao Zhou to serve. At the dinner table, Mr. long doesn't ask Tang Qi or say anything.

"Drink less next time."

Tang Qi nodded silently, but tears almost fell from his eyes.

"I heard you picked up a big leak today?"

Tang Qi nodded and told the story of "the painting of momei".

After hearing this, Mr. long was speechless for a long time. Even if he was as calm as he was, he would lose his attitude. A moment later, Mr. long nodded with a happy face: "I had expected that the one in the Forbidden City might be a fake. I didn't expect that the real one really appeared, and it was still in your hands. Ha ha, it should come to light!"

"You can't drink!" said Xiao Zhou

Dragon old some guilty, but still tough way: "I just talk about it?"

Xiao Zhou said with a smile, "it's OK to talk about it."

"You Long Lao's eyes stare at Xiaozhou, but he has no temper. He can only vent his anger with the dishes on the table, but he sprinkles some of them on the table and puts them in his bowl. Tang Qi smiles.

After dinner, Mr. long took the exam again, and Tang Qiran went back to his room to have a rest. After a day's sleep, Tang Qi could only read in his study, but he didn't turn the page after opening the book for a long time.

second days are weekends. Tang Qizhi sleeps late and gets up at nine o'clock. He went out early. Tang Qi ate breakfast and went back to his study, sitting at his desk. Tang Kai's thoughts drifted to the distance. The phone never rang. Tang Qi stared at the mobile phone's annoyance and stood up. He found himself too idle recently. This is the change of mentality. His life is very busy but full. But now these things can't embellish his life.

Tang Qi began to think about his life. With his fingers, the life he had been longing for was easy to get, but there was no sense of achievement, not to mention happiness. Tang Qi found that he could do a lot of things. These days, he came into contact with long Lao, Li Yangming and others, and Tang Qi began to realize that his life could be more colorful. Tang Qi's life is very beautiful Enterprise began to flourish.

In the hotel, Chu Ya has been staying in her room since she came back. In addition to sleeping, she often looks out of the window in a daze. Chu Ya's appearance is elegant, seemingly weak, but in fact she is soft outside and strong inside. In order not to let her regret, she has reached the limit. She believes that Tang Qi will understand, but she is not sure how Tang Qi will be. Chu Ya's heart is a little sad, some wronged, but more hopeful Wait.

Chu Ya is waiting, and Li Yangming is also waiting. In the living room of the hotel, several people are sitting quietly. As time gets late, Li Yangming stands up and says: "I'll call him!"

"Sister Ya said that we were not allowed to call him." Shen Jiajia shook her head.

Li Yangming decadent sat back on the sofa, heart already Tang Qi scolded bloody, but helpless.

Tang Qi's phone rings. The caller is Shen Jun. Tang Qi answers the phone in surprise. "Hello, uncle Shen."

"Xiao Tang, are you busy today?" he said

Tang Qi said with a smile: "no, uncle Shen, what can I do for you?"

"No, there are a lot of people who want to see you. If they can't find you, they all come to me." Shen Jun said with a smile.

Tang Qi is surprised: "want to see me, who?"

"Zhong's jewelry group is the company that photographed your jadeite, and there is also a gambling Association." Shen jundao.

Tang Qi thought about it. Shen Jun helped himself a lot, and he had to face it. So he asked, "when?"

Shen Jun laughed and said, "any time is fine, as long as you are free."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "let's do it today. I have time today Saturday."

Shen Jun said, "OK, I'll call you after I make arrangements."

"Wait a minute!" Tang Qi hurried, and then some embarrassed said: "Uncle Shen, can the meeting place not be in your hotel?"

Shen Jun was surprised, but he agreed.

In the afternoon, Tang Qi comes to a teahouse. As soon as he gets out of the car, he sees Shen Jun waiting at the door. There is a middle-aged man and a young woman behind Shen Jun. when he sees Tang Qi, Shen Jun walks to Tang Qi with a smile.

"Xiao Tang, this is Miss Zhong, director of the purchasing department of Zhongshi group. This is general manager Lu of Zhongshi group. Miss Zhong, general manager Lu. This is Mr. Tang Qi." Shen Jun said.

Seeing Tang Qi, the two of them were stunned for a moment, and then they shook hands with Tang Qi with a smile, but there was still a trace of disappointment in their eyes. In their eyes, Tang Qi was no different from the college students.

Several people exchanged greetings and came to Shen Jun's prepared private room. After sitting down, Mr. Lu said with a smile, "Mr. Tang is really young and promising. How old is Mr. Tang?"

Tang qiyileng, but still replied: "I am twenty this year."

General manager Lu was shocked, and then he was embarrassed and said with a smile: "how many years has Mr. Tang been in the gambling business?"Tang Qi said: "I didn't enter the trade. I just started to get in touch with gambling stones recently."

Mr. Lu looked at the woman beside him in disappointment, but found that the woman was looking at Tang Qi with great interest. Seeing Mr. Lu's eyes, the woman said, "Mr. Tang, we want to hire you to be our company's stone expert. This is my business card."

Tang Qi looked at the business card in his hand. The woman's name was Zhong Yaxin, a very nice name. Tang Qi said with a smile: "sorry, Miss Zhong, I don't know what is a gambling expert."

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