"In the pocket of my shirt, there is a room card. I put the parchment roll in the safe there. The password of the safe is the number on the room card. I think it will be safer and safer to put the parchment there. After all, we don't know our partners very well this time, and we are afraid that they will eat black. "

He didn't expect that he was very thoughtful. Tang Qi thought, so he asked Du Yu to search. As expected, a room card was found from him. According to the room number on the room card, Du Yu went to get the sheepskin roll and found the sheepskin roll in the safe.

Tang Qi puts up the sheepskin roll and looks at Zhou Xiang. Zhou Xiang is still riding. He is flattering Tang Qi. He hopes that Tang Qi will finish asking and leave quickly, so as not to hurt his life. And don't let him suffer like that.

Tang Qi looked at Zhou Xiang's flattering look and continued to ask. "Who are you doing business with this time? Who wants this parchment? How much did you pay? " This week, Zhou Xiang shook his head. He really didn't know. "I really don't know who the other party is. I only know that he is a foreign friend. He should be from western America. He suddenly contacted my father. My father probably didn't know who he was. They kept in touch by telephone or by mail. The other party was quite mysterious. This transaction may be the first time to see them, but the price they offered is very considerable. In addition, last week's family had a little turnover, so we hope to get some benefits from the parchment, because we also have to pay for it I don't know what the effect of parchment is

The Zhou family didn't know the function of the scroll. They only knew that the scroll was valuable. They wanted the scroll, so they wanted to sell it to them.

This really surprised Tang Qiting. Generally, if you have a scroll, you can know the function of the scroll. For example, if the woman who came to him informs him, it is obvious that she understands the function of the scroll? Zhou Xiang didn't know.

"Are you sure what a parchment is for? Don't you know? I believe you know that the parchment is not a valuable thing in the antique world. Don't you think it's strange that you know that the parchment is not an important thing and can be sold at such a high price? "

Zhou Xiang nodded repeatedly. It is obvious that his language system has been in disorder. Now when Tang Qi speaks, he is listening quietly. As long as Tang Qi speaks, he feels like giving a response, showing his sincerity. He is really cooperating with Tang Qi. "I really don't know the effect. The scroll is worthless. I also know it. But after they saw the scroll photos we sent them, even if they wanted a high price to buy it, my father and I thought we were lucky. We met a fool, but we thought it was something better than a scroll. It works, but I don't know yet. That's why I want to sell the sheepskin quickly and exchange money. "

Seeing his sincere face, Tang Qi knows that he didn't lie. Since the Zhou family doesn't know the function of the scroll, it's strange that they can have it. Tang Qi thinks so.

I asked Zhou Xiang the last question. "When did you set the trading time?"

Tang Qi wants to see who the other party is and why he has to pay such a high price for the parchment? I must know the function of parchment, that's why I pay such a high price.

So do these people have anything to do with the people who sent him blood? Or another wave of strength? If it was Ximei, would it have something to do with Charlie? Tang Qi thought like this, waiting for Zhou Xiang's answer. Zhou Xiang frowned again, which he didn't know. "In fact, we have been in a passive situation since the other party contacted us. They didn't say when they wanted to do the transaction, they just sent us this address to live here, said they would come, and then actively contacted us."

Obviously, Zhou Xiang didn't lie.

Tang Qi stood up and saw that he was asking too many questions, but he couldn't find any result. It seemed that the Zhou family needed to deal with it, so he looked at Du Yu. "Take over and deal with the affairs of the Zhou family. Don't make such a mess. It's worrying and uncomfortable. If those mysterious forces contact them again, they will inform me at the first time. If there is no news from them, they should already know

, and it doesn't matter what we do now. There will be a long time to come, and they will be found one day. "

Du Yu nodded. When Zhou Xiang heard Tang Qi's tone, he felt cold in his heart. It seems that the Zhou family is coming to an end. For other fears, he still wants the next family. It seems that he has no chance.

Tang Qi bed did not give him the need to explain, looking at him a face of decadent sitting on the ground, simply ignored him, got up and left. If the Zhou family can manage this place so strictly, and they don't let the outside world know, it can be seen that there are some mysterious forces to support it. With the strength of the Zhou family, they certainly can't do this. However, they have the support of mysterious forces, and they are not afraid. Tang Qi will lead them out step by step.Thinking so, I went home. I feel messy and tired when dealing with this.

I don't know whether his mind has changed or his physical function has changed. After a short rest, I feel tired just thinking about these things.

I went to bed as soon as I got home. The next morning. Then Du Yu called. Tang Qi thought that something had happened to the Zhou family. He didn't expect that. Du Yu called him because Feng Yue came to him.

I didn't expect that Fengyun day really sent Fengyue here. He has already said that the environment in the capital is not suitable for girls like Fengyue, but it must have something to do with Fengyue.

However, since it has been sent, we can't shut people out. We have made some arrangements for Du Yu to send him to the headquarters, and let Bai Liang watch the arrangement. Even if it's a business partner's daughter.

As soon as we talk about this information, Bai Liang naturally knows how to deal with it. It's just to deal with a young lady. For Bai Liang, he should be able to deal with it. Moreover, this situation is more difficult than the past, so that he should be more restrained in the capital.

Tang Qi is not in the mood to manage Fengyue's affairs. He studies the sheepskin scroll at home. The sheepskin scroll has not been put together. Now it can't form a complete pattern. He can only push some things out of the broken pattern, but it's still a headache for Tang Qi. Du Yu took charge of the Zhou family's affairs. He turned the Zhou family over and over, but he didn't find any information about the mysterious power. It seems that the Zhou family was actually supported by them, but it was just a pawn of them. Once they found a problem, they abandoned it directly and removed it completely.

On this day, Mickey wants to attend a reception, and wants Tang Qi to accompany him. Because all the people are with their families, Miki must also want to be accompanied by Tang Qi.

Just to Tang Qi said such an idea. Tang Qisi did not refuse, accompanied Mickey to attend such a reception, did not expect to meet Feng Yue at the banquet.

After Fengyue came to the capital, Tang Qi didn't see Fengyue or manage Fengyue. He didn't expect that Fengyue was doing well in the circle of the capital, so he asked Mickey.

"It seems that Feng Yue's adaptation here is very good. We all have friends here and can attend such a reception. I really don't know what Fengyun day is going to do. " Miki nodded. There are some small classes at the end of Fengyue. Yes, but if you let him carry some things, some of them may not be able to resist. But it's very easy for him to get into some of these circles. At first sight, it's from a big family, but he hasn't seen too big

scenes. With more training, he will certainly be able to hold up the sky Yes.

No money is very optimistic about him, but the pattern is a little small, if you can improve the personal pattern, then it will be perfect. "It's not bad to get used to it. I've met some friends, but I heard that he seems to fall in love now, and I'm very close to a man. I didn't care too much. I just heard that it's your friend who took a little care of her and took her for a few laps. He has been able to have today since

" This makes Tang Qi particularly curious. He didn't expect that he would fall in love so soon. Before, he made a lot of noise with the Shangguan family. Later, he seemed to be casting eyes on him secretly. He didn't expect that he would be moved so soon after he arrived in the capital. However, he was lucky to be able to get out of this emotional

dilemma, so he told Mickey.

"Do you know the man who made him fall in love? Investigate. If there is no problem, let him develop slowly. "

Mickey shook her head, which he really did not pay attention to, said to Tang Qi. "I'll come down and investigate. I really haven't paid much attention to it."

Tang Qi nodded his head and said, holding Mickey's slender waist. "Go and say hello. After all, he is a guest. He has not seen me for so many days, and he also has some complaints about me."

Mickey nodded. At the beginning, he was really complaining. But the past two days have been pretty good, so I forget about it.

As soon as the daughter came, Mickey knew that Tang Qi must have provoked the peach blossom in Liushi. She didn't expect that the peach blossom was not firm enough. Now she has been playing with the aristocratic childe, which really reassures him. Before they went there, they saw a man sitting next to him and talking and laughing with him. Although they could only see the man's back, maybe this was the object he fell in love with and his boyfriend. They had better not disturb them.

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