Hearing Feng Yue say that, in fact, Song Yi's face is not very good. She thought that the relationship between her and her father could be eased. I didn't expect that his father had frozen his card. In this way, it's impossible to forgive him. As long as you are with him, Feng Yue is a woman who has nothing, has no use value, and is very annoying.

If it's Fengyue who has nothing, what does he want her to do? Don't you make trouble for yourself and disgust yourself?

Thinking about this, he followed the waiter. Feng Yue also stood up and went with the waiter. He took out all his cards and asked the waiter to brush them, but he didn't brush any money. Song Yi's face is ugly. It seems that old man Laifeng really doesn't want to recognize his daughter. As long as he makes up his mind and says something to Tang Qi, Tang Qi won't take care of Feng Yue any more. Then his purpose of getting close to Tang Qi by Feng Yue and his purpose will be disillusioned?

Just think about it this way, I feel not reconciled. I look at Feng Yue, and I can't keep smiling. I take out his card and ask the waiter to swipe the card and go outside the restaurant.

Feng Yue follows his steps and goes out to the restaurant. However, Song Yi doesn't pay attention to Feng Yue until he gets on the bus. Feng Yue also wants to get on his car after he gets on the bus. He turns back, refuses Feng Yue and says to Feng Yue.

"I'm sorry, here are some change. You can take a taxi to go back by yourself. I have some things, but I can't adjust the time. You can go back to the headquarters by yourself, OK?"

He really can't accept that Feng Yue has nothing, so all his plans are going to be ruined. No, he has to leave Feng Yue first and think about what to do with it? In the end should not be in the Li Feng Yue.

It's better to leave her first and let her have a good relationship with her family. When he finds a perfect reason, he comes to Fengyue. Otherwise, he might as well find a new way for himself instead of spending time with Fengyue.

So think, finish saying, dropped some change, drive the car to drive quickly and go, wind Yue looking at the ground float down change, sarcastic smile, this man finally revealed his true colors, this is enough for him to die.

At this time, Tang Qi and Mickey also came in from the restaurant. They squatted down and picked up all the change on the ground. When they saw a beggar like man behind them, they put the money in the bowl in front of him.

The beggar said thanks to Mickey again and again, and Mickey took Fengyue's hand and got on Tang Qi's car, which was enough for him to see the face of this man clearly, what's his plan next.

It's false to say that you are not disappointed. Feng Yue is still a little disappointed. He didn't expect that he would make such a decision. He didn't even want to look at her. At this time, Tang Qi cheered him on to cheer him up. "We can't be so decadent. We still have a lot of things to do, so anyway, you have to cheer up. Now listen to me. You can't give up halfway. Now call him and ask him to pick you up. If you want to live in his house, he won't pick you up now. " Not only will he not be taken over, but also he will be regarded as a plague. From then on, he will completely get rid of the relationship with this scum man. Don't let this scum man pester him again. No matter what happens, he has no relationship with this scum man, just like he regrets that he has no way to go to the dark.

Because this road was killed by himself, so as long as he did this, he could see what kind of person this scum man was. Think, three people first back to the headquarters, this matter can only go to the headquarters to discuss, at this time. Feng Yue has an idea again, so he looks at Tang Qi and says his plan to Tang Qi and Mi Qi. Tang Qi and Mi Qi nod their heads again and again. It's feasible, that is to say,

push him too hard, and don't know if he can make the reaction they want?

Back at the headquarters, Feng Yue makes a lot of trouble. It's said that she doesn't know how to be grateful. After a fight with Tang Qi, she calls Song Yi. "I can't stand it. I can't stand it for a moment. They even want to send me back. If they don't send me back, my father will come to me tomorrow. They firmly oppose it! How can I have such friends and such fathers? They only look at the interests, but don't pay attention to my personal feelings. If my father comes, I still don't listen to him, and I may be driven out of the family. "

"So I really like you. I can't see anyone except you in my life. I don't want to marry anyone. Would you please come and pick me up? I don't care about my reputation as long as I can be with you. "

After a long period of crying, he was out of breath, but did he feel sick after that? Did not expect that she started to whine, so terrible.

If you don't know the purpose of this man, maybe he can still say these words reluctantly, but after knowing his purpose, you will only have nausea and nausea. Tang Qi and Mickey are standing beside him. When they hear him talking like this, they are really speechless to him. They are also very strong. Compared with the thumb, it's really too strong. If ordinary people can't perform these things, they can express their feelings too well. Tang Qi is really right about himTreat each other in a different way, some admire.

Don't say it's Tang Qi. A big man can't bear to hear a woman crying like this. But even Mi Qi has an incredible face. I didn't expect that Feng Yue's language system is very powerful. He still has his own style. It's really powerful.

Feng Yue also turned his head, looked at them, embarrassed smile, compared a scissors hand to them, they both to her, are to let him steady meaning, the hand keeps swinging back and forth in the above. Just when the three people looked at each other, they heard Song Yi say there. "You can stand it. You want to run away from home and live with me. It's already for your family to live in the headquarters. Do you think it's for your face? I'm not ashamed of you. I tell you, you should live in the headquarters. Don't think about coming to my side. I may not be able to support you. "

Song Yi's tone can be said to be quite cold crack, although Feng Yue has made psychological preparation, but when he really said so, it is very sad inside.

But also as soon as possible to recognize the true face of this scum man, save for him again hurt, before he was really blind, there will never be such a thing happened, she will never believe anything he said.

But the play still needs to be performed. Tang Qi compares with him, and then she nods her head. She is very aggrieved at Song Yi, and even says with some crying. "How can you say that to me? For you, I have cut off contact with my family, and even fell out with Tang Qidu. But you say that to me, I'm all for you. Do you understand? They all object to me being with you. If I can't be with you, what's the point

? Please, can you take me to your side? "

After Feng Yue finished, he really vomited himself. He looked at Tang Qi and Mi Qi, who were already laughing. He looked at them both contemptuously. Seeing him acting like this, they could still laugh like this. It's really enough.

However, he also felt that it was disgusting for him to say these words, but there was no way. Who asked him to deal with this scum man was to find out his real purpose and see what he wanted to do.

After that, Song Yi naturally didn't have a good temper and scolded him. Under his repeated entreaties, he still refused to take him over. He even said that she was a lady with a bad temper and so on, and even scolded him at last. The wind Yue is very aggrieved, all urgent cry. "Song Yi, don't you like me? What happened to you to say that to me? Did the old man call you? You believe me. I absolutely like you. Let's get together. Anyway, you are the only one I have. That old man doesn't want me anymore. If you don't want me anymore, what can I do? "

I didn't expect that Song Yi didn't comfort him, but yelled at him. When he heard that he was really a willful young lady, he didn't want to leave any circuitous road, but he wanted to carry it to the end. What's the future of pestering her like this?

Feng Yue hang up the phone, very speechless looked at Tang Qi, shrugged to him, said. "Well, this is the man I'm looking for. I'm really blind. I'm blind. If you say that again, I won't refute it any more. "

Tang Qi did not respond to his words. If the other party really has a purpose to find him, even if he does not compromise, he is sure that Song Yi will meet her for any reason.

A man's rhetoric, as well as his attitude to work, can make a woman's heart beat, it must have its own way, so this time Feng Yue was deceived, Tang Qi didn't say much about her, because the other party was intentional. On the other side of the Song family, when Song Yi hung up, he chopped his feet and sighed. "This stupid woman, unexpectedly, is a muscle. I told him not to offend his father, not to be angry, and to stay in the headquarters first, so as to be of some use to us. I didn't think that as soon as she went back, she would fall out with Tang qigei. She didn't have a long brain. Why do you want this woman?" "I don't even have the last use value. I'm so angry that I can't teach him. What else can I do? Such a woman still gave up early to save her from destroying my plan. "

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