When Qian Sitian came downstairs, he was very slow and didn't seem to want to go down. However, he thought of helping Tang Qi, so he went down the stairs with a stiff head. They heard the voice of a speech coming from below, which was the voice of Qian and others chatting.

Mr. Qian said, "so Mr. Duan will stay in suhai in the future? That's a good thing. "

"Yes! Duan Jiu has been wandering all over China for many years. Now I am old and I have decided to go back to my roots. Besides, I would like to do my son's marriage to your niece as soon as possible. Is that right? "

A young man's voice rang out: "father, don't say that. Maybe she just thought it was just a joke when we were young. I don't think she can remember it any more."

"Alas! This is not a joke. How can my son Duan Jiu not keep his word? Even though we haven't seen each other for many years, I believe she must remember to be my daughter-in-law, don't you think? "

"Well, if Duan Shiyi can marry Si Tian, I will treat her well." "That's right. You know, not everyone of our Duan's daughter-in-law can have this honor. I give you the preferential treatment of Qian's family. What kind of marriage can a girl like her marry when she leaves our family?" Duan Jiu's tone was very strong, as if it was a great kindness to let Qian Sitian in.

After hearing this, Qian Sitian's heart fluctuated violently, but she didn't say anything. She was not good at expressing herself.

Tang Qi said in a low voice, "Lao Tzu's name is nine, and his son's is eleven. It's a strange name."

Qian Sitian said hatefully: "in fact, he had a son named Duan Shi, who died later. That's the name of their Duan family."

"How did you die?"

"I don't know. Every time I talk about it, the old man is vague. If he says a few more words, he will turn over. Anyway, he is dead." As they talk, they walk down. Tang Qi raises his eyes and sees two strange men sitting opposite Qian Lao. They are both in black suits, and they are very similar. The old man has a deep line on his brow, and his eyes are shining with a fierce light, while the young man is more decadent, and looks like excessive drinking and lust. He had a huge emerald ring on his finger. He moved gently, and the room was full of light.

Tang Qi's heart moved. Is this thing

When Qian heard Duan Jiu's comment on Si Tian, he was displeased and said, "I still have to ask the meaning of Si Tian about this matter. After all, it's not the old society. Her parents entrusted her to me before she died. I can't let them down." "If you call Si Tian and I tell her myself, I won't believe it. I won't listen to Duan Jiu? This daughter-in-law I want to decide, in addition to 11, I think she can marry what good conditions? Besides, if you don't marry my Duan family, who dares to marry her in the future? I am not an ordinary person As he said that, he cocked up his legs and sat on the sofa in a magnificent manner.

Qian Sitian's face is pale, and she clenches her lips tightly. She is certainly not happy when people say that. Tang Qi walks quickly to get ready to show her, but she pulls her.

"I'll tell you my own business." Qian Sitian went to old Qian and said, "uncle, I don't want to marry Mr. Duan."

As soon as the words came out, all the three people in the room were stunned. Naturally, Duan Jiu's chin was about to fall to the ground. Duan Xi's face was even more uncertain. His eyes were staring at Qian Sitian tightly, and his fists were creaking.

"Why don't you agree? Did you have an engagement when you were little? " Duan Jiu's tone revealed a kind of ruthlessness. He couldn't accept being rejected in front of so many people. "Big uncle, I was only a few years old at that time. I can't remember what I said. I was born after a famous family. I'm just a weak woman whose parents died. I'm not talented and shallow, and I'm not good-looking. I really don't deserve him. Why don't you go and find other well matched young ladies?" Qian Sitian's tone is firm, and her expression is indifferent.

"I don't dislike you!" Duan Shiyi said bitterly: "although you have nothing, I still want to marry you. I will teach you."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "can you do it? They are just modest. Do you think she is really inferior to you? I wonder if you've ever read a book? What a fool. "

"What are you talking about?" Duan Jiuyi patted the table, pointed to Tang Qi and said, "who are you? How dare you speak ill here

"I'm Tang Qi. Are you the nine needles of the broken life? There is a patient above me. I hope you can come and have a look. Maybe you can help her solve the problem of disfigurement. " Tang Qi said and pulled him up.

Duan Jiu didn't expect Tang Qi to think so. He didn't care about it. He even wanted him to see a patient. He took a few steps to react.

He swung his sleeve, pointed back at Qian Sitian and said, "you just said you had something to do, so you were with this little white face?"

Qian Sitian said, "I won't marry anyway.""Well, I'll see what's good about this guy!"

Tang Qi said with a smile: "I'm just fine, but I'm so sorry that you praised me for being a little white face. After all, I haven't used skin care products."

"You You are just Do you think I'm flattering you? " Duan Jiu is furious. Who dares to challenge him over the years? Where on earth did this man come from? Duan Shiyi took a look at Tang Qi, then said with a sneer, "I thought sister Sitian was very capable. It turned out that she was looking for just one Hehe, hillbilly When he saw Tang Qichuan's ordinary appearance, he didn't attract much attention, so his words and behavior showed a tone of contempt.

"Don't worry. Although I'm a countryman, I'm in good health. I'm much better than your black sheep son, who has organ failure, weak body and can't live for a few days." "How dare you curse my son! I'll kill you The name of Duanming Jiuzhen is not gaide. His wrist is shaking, and a thin silver needle appears in his finger, flying towards Tang Qi's eyes. Duan Jiu's action is quick and lightning like, and he can't hide from Tang Qi when he sees him


Qian Sitian exclaimed: "be careful, Tang Qi! He's going to blind you in the eye Tang Qi's palm is open, and a strong force rushes out of his body. A hot breath rushes Duan Jiu out for several meters, and then he sits back on the seat. Duan Jiu looks at Tang Qi with a needle in his hand and is shocked. His heart was constantly bullied. For a moment, his breath was disordered,

his internal power was in a mess, and he thought he was going to die.

"What is your skill?" He was astonished.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "it makes you laugh. It's just a little skill of a countryman. "

"Tell me how to use it." Duan Jiu said eagerly.

"I'm sorry, but I can tell you."

"Toast without penalty?" He took the silver needle and tried to get up again, but when Qian saw that two waves of people had started to fight, he immediately stood in the middle: "this must be all misunderstandings. Don't make any trouble for my face. I believe Tang Qi didn't mean it. "

Duan Shiyi points to Tang Qi and shouts, "why do you scold me for not living for a few days?"

"Your father is still a famous doctor. Didn't you find out? You can save others, but you can't save yourself. "

Duan Jiu frowned: "how do you judge? Are you a doctor, too? "

Tang Qi waved his hand: "No. The principle of my inference is not to look, hear and ask, but to see the ring on his hand. "

"The ring?" Everyone's eyes looked at the past together. The Jasper ring on Duan Shiyi's hand was shining with a green light. At a glance, he knew it was a good thing.

Tang Qi went to pull up his finger and took down the ring. As for how he did it, Duan Shiyi didn't realize it at all. He was anxious to get it back: "you give me the ring!"

"Don't worry. I'll have a look. I don't want this ring for free. I'll give it back to you later." Tang Qi said and pointed his finger at his heart. Although he was not a doctor, his internal force was still very powerful.

Duan Xi fell to the ground, his butt almost fell, and he hummed: "Dad! How dare you beat me

Duan Jiu's eyes have been looking at Tang Qi, completely ignore his son, he also had to support the sofa to stand up. Looking at Tang Qi indignantly, I don't believe what you can say.

Tang Qi waved the ring to the public: "this ring is inlaid with a kind of stone called zixumianying, which looks like jadeite on the surface. The reagent is not jade, but just a kind of stone dyed with magazines."

"Ah? Stone? I bought it for more than 100000 yuan! " Duan Shiyi said eagerly, "you don't mean to deceive me, do you?"

Qian Sitian said, "haven't you heard of Tang Qi? He's the best antiques expert in suhai. If you don't believe me, ask my uncle

Duan Shiyi snorted and said in his heart, "what's the big deal? There's no real talent.

Old Qian said with a smile, "Tang Qi, go on." Tang Qi said: "this ring is called the soul fixing ring. It was specially worn on the index finger of people who died in ancient times. The purpose is to let them ascend to heaven quickly after death, so as not to disturb their souls. Of course, it used to be feudal superstition. But do you know what it's called to die? It is because most of the patients are infected with some incurable infectious diseases. It's called dinghun, in fact, to seal the virus in the coffin. "

Old Qian was also dubious. When he heard Tang Qi mention dinghun, he stood up and walked over. He took the ring, glanced at it and immediately threw it on the sofa: "this thing can't be touched!"

Duan Jiu frowned: "so serious?" "Of course! Why does this kind of stone look like jadeite? It's because it needs to soak in the juice of all kinds of plants, and then put lime and other poisonous things like wine and scorpion venom into it for thirty-three days. It's poisonous enough. In addition, it needs to be worn on the corpse all the time. Maybe it has been sealed for thousands of years. The corpse venom has penetrated into this thing for a long time, and finally it was dug out by the tomb robbers Baby sold to you, can only say that your heart is big enoughDuan Xi was shaking all over: "don't say it!" "I haven't finished yet! Generally only leprosy patients or tuberculosis patients need to wear this ring to get engaged. So I say that you are already full of poison gas. Do you really want to sleep at this stage, and you like drinking very much. Seeing wine is like seeing your mother? This means that you have entered the body through the corpse Qi, and you can't be saved. Poor you Tang qitut said.

Duan Jiuyi pulled Duan Shiyi's wrist and gave him a pulse. He pondered: "why is there no problem with his appearance? Although I did find his face wrong at this stage, it was normal after my pulse

Qian said: "this thing is not detected by pulse, because these toxins are going to enter the brain, so the pulse is very good, but the body is finished. I introduced this to Tang Qi in a book. Fortunately, both of us have read it. " Duan Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect that people would be hurt like this by a ring!"

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