Lao Zhao was so anxious that he walked around in front of Tang Qi. He never thought that Tang Qi looked at the two beauties. They were really beautiful, with long legs and small waist. The two are coquettish, especially tempting, but they have no characteristics, which makes it hard to remember at a glance. Also looks like, like a twin sister flower like, can go when the real version of Lianliankan. If you think so, say to Lao Zhao beside you. "Now calm down and think about it carefully. Don't be too nervous and force yourself too much, because the more you force yourself, the more blank your brain is, and you can't think of anything."

Lao Zhao nodded and stamped his feet anxiously. And Du Yu came in at this time. Tang Qi looked at Du Yu's fiery appearance, and knew that there must be news from Du Yu. He looked at Du Yu, and Du Yu didn't show off, so he quickly said to Tang Qi.

"I showed the two women's photos to the staff at the swimming pool, and they both said it wasn't their masseuse. When they left in the morning, they thought they were guests. " There are also pictures of the two of them going out in the video surveillance. They really changed their clothes and looked very calm. It should be a very simple thing for them to kill a person, otherwise they would not be so calm, pretending to be guests, walking out slowly

and swaggering.

Beautiful, confident. This is Tang Qi's first impression of these two beauties. People who can kill people, such as those who are calm and calm, are really uncommon, especially women. At first sight, they are old hands who kill a lot of people.

At a glance, I feel that these two women are not simple, their strength is certainly not bad, and their vigilance is also very strong. I don't know where they are. They are so fierce.

So think, should also carefully observe this woman. Let's see what kind of skills he has and what kind of habits he will have.

When Tang Qi carefully observed the shape of the two women. As soon as Lao Zhao patted his brain, he said directly to Tang Qi, "I remember. I remember where I met him."

Tang Qi quickly looks back at him. "It's really important where we meet them."

Lao Zhao recalled it carefully again, and then said with great certainty. "In a clubhouse, in a very big upscale clubhouse downtown."

Tang Qi thought for a while, now no matter whether this kind of possibility is big or not? They all have to check it out. Because it's the only clue they can find now. "Don't hesitate, Lao Zhao. Now let's go to the high-end club you said to see what's going on. No, you can't go, you tell me the specific address, I used to, because I am a strange face, they will not have the heart of guard. If you go today, they will be on guard. "

Lao Zhao nodded and told Tang Qi the address. Tang Qi didn't dare to stay, so he went to the high-end club as soon as possible.

Du Yu said that he didn't want to enter such a place again because he made up with Wang Yun. He didn't want to cause any more conflicts in such a place, so Tang Qi had no choice but to bring Wang Ning.

Let Du Yu continue to look for the clues of the two women outside. They don't stop investigating outside. Naturally, they are here to see if there is any trace of the two women.

When they came in, they looked at Tang Qi's strange face. Before they had any acquaintances with him, they were very indifferent to Tang Qi. What they showed was what everyone should look like in a serious club. Seeing the service staff come to pour him tea, Tang Qi takes out his black card and hands it to the waiter. "All consumption goes from this card. I also want to be a member. When I come to play in the future, it will be more convenient. You'd better serve me well, otherwise, there will be no next time. " As soon as the waiter saw that Tang Qi gave him a black card, the expression on his face changed. Originally very indifferent face, directly put on a smile. If he is not a real powerful person, how can he take up such a black card? However, it seems that Tang Qi is young. Does he really have such strength?

There are some people who look down on them. Tang Qi is still pretending to be the big head of injustice. He doesn't have the strength, but he holds a black card to support his face here.

Although I think so in my heart, after all, people also have black cards. His attitude changed and he became friendly. He said to Tang Qi with a smile, "Hello, I've remembered what you said. Now I'm going to make a membership for you. Please wait a moment."

Although the waiter said so, what he thought was that even if he had such a powerful card, there might not be a lot of money in it. They recognize money, not cards. After leaving the box, he directly took Tang Qi's card to the front desk, but didn't pass it to the front desk service staff. "It's very hard to talk about a member for this gentleman. Check how much money he has on his card. He has a strong voice. Don't be a rich second generation who has nothing."

The front desk staff checked Tang Qi's card and found that his mouth had grown into an O-shape. I couldn't believe that there were hundreds of millions in the card, so they looked directly at the waiter and said."We have several hundred million assets. We'll take good care of them. I'm going to promote him to a super VIP member, the most honorable one. All the service items are given to him. People like him are big men. If they don't give him some money, they are simply sorry for our work. "

As soon as the waiter heard this, he knew what it meant. He didn't expect to be such a rich man. His attitude just now was not good enough. Fortunately, they didn't care. If they did, he might not be able to keep his job now.

Thinking about it, he took Tang Qi's card with a gentle sigh of relief, and returned to Tang Qi with a smile and a graceful gesture. He took their service list and said to Tang Qi.

"Hello, your members have done it for you. In the future, as long as you come and scan your face at the door, you will be able to identify yourself. We will certainly give you the best service. " Tang Qi dismisses this, but some impatiently says to her. "What services do you have? What I want is that kind of super special project, the most exciting one, what I can recommend directly, and I promise I won't treat you badly. Besides, I want beautiful women. Don't deal with me with people like


As soon as the waiter's eyes brightened, he directly brought the most expensive wine list, handed it to Tang Qi, and sent some lists to Tang Qi. The list had photos on it, so Tang Qi could choose.

Tang Qi took a look at the list. He just threw out the list and said to the waiter. "Call all the beauties you can call out now. I want to see real people. I can't see the photos clearly."

The waiter knows that the biggest fear of a big man like this is photo deception. The photo looks ok, but when the real person comes, the difference is quite big, so Tang Qicai wants to see the real person!

But think about it. There are hundreds of millions in his card. He quickly nodded, "OK, just a moment, I'll arrange it for you."

With that, the waiter quickly went out, and Tang Qi was also a big hand. He took a look at Wang Ning directly, and Wang Ning knew what he meant. He had to spend money first, and they would be happy. With the wine list, he went outside and said to the waiter.

"All the drinks on this list come first. Let's have a taste first. We'll take more of the best one."

On hearing this, the waiter's eyes were straight. There were no five digit drinks on the list. At least there are dozens of them. How much is it to take them like this? The Commission on this single drink is more than that he takes in a month.

So think, happy, hurry to prepare drinks for Tang Qi, they met such a big man, it is too lucky.

When the waiter brought the drinks, the beauties also came in one by one. Originally, the waiter thought Tang Qi was easy to talk, not so picky, but he didn't think of it. But they are very picky about beautiful women. Come in a batch of beautiful women, Tang Qi just swept one eye, did not lift an eye again, one face disgusts to say. "In other words, what's the standard? I come here for consumption, and it's the most advanced consumption. I'm surprised to show such a woman if there are other people. If there are any, I'll change them and leave without me." As soon as the waiter heard this, his whole heart was trembling. He quickly called out the girls and changed them again. Tang Qi didn't even look at them, so he asked them to change them directly. None of them could catch his eye. The waiter was so anxious that he felt that Tang Qi was looking for trouble.

But she didn't dare to say anything about Tang Qi. After all, Tang Qi was his gold owner. If she said Tang Qi, his business would not be successful.

After Tang Qi is served well, he can get the highest Commission this month. For him, this is the highest time. What does it matter if he gets a little angry?

If you think about it like this, you can only use your trump card. If you think about it, you directly run to a very large room. Other girls' rooms are all crowded together. They have no right to be picky. They are all very crowded, but this room is just like an apartment. After the waiter came in, his attitude was also very low, so he said to the two girls inside. "My grandmother, help! There's a guest who has a very good eye. I've sent all our girls, but one of the guests is still not satisfied. You two should help me, otherwise, what can I do with my salary this month? Maybe I can't keep my job. " One of them was sitting in front of the dresser to make up. When he heard the waiter say so, he gave a white look and said. "What does your job have to do with us? Say that the conditions are the same as before. Don't say that there are some or not."

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