When he heard the knock on the door, he opened the door directly for Jiang Hui. Jiang Hui's other reporters were all silly, but he was angry. He just looked at brother Jiang's backpack and said it. "It's all delicious food. Take it out quickly. It's really starving. I haven't eaten for a long time. It's really sad. I didn't expect that Tang Qi would have such a day. I really can't do it. If the enemy killed me directly, what should I do now?"

as like as two peas, he was not picky about food. But the food that was almost identical these days was almost ready to eat. So he had to make complaints about it and let Chiang Kai Shek get something different for him. Just let Tang Qi have some uncomfortable place is that these people at the door may not really need him. This place is too restless. What we need most now is a hero. The hero can be Tang Qi or other people, but Tang Qi has saved so many people, so many people know him and believe that he is a hero. He just wants to exaggerate his image, so that people can feel at ease, at least one person can come out to save them.

So the reason why they insist so much may also be from some kind of pressure. This is Tang Qi's enjoyment. I don't know that another person has been suspicious of him and is investigating him in private! And this person was the captain who appeared at the scene of the hostage taking by the terrorists on that day, and in order to ensure the safety of the hostages, he was always outside, trying to communicate with them, but didn't rush inside. Originally, the captain didn't think much about it. But after seeing this happen, Tang Qi is so low-key that he can't help wondering if there is something shameful about Tang Qi? So what kind of criminal is it? Or one of these

leaders has a criminal record? Otherwise, ordinary people will be very happy if they have made such a great contribution and become a red man, and they will be happy to be interviewed. But what is Tang Qi hiding from? Why is he so shady? What's wrong with him?

the most surprising thing about Tang Chaoqi was that he didn't take advantage of the above three awards. To be exact, nothing can be found. This makes the team leader very difficult. How powerful a person is to hide his whereabouts in such a mysterious way that even his people can't find out. This shows how strong Tang Qi is. As a precaution, Tang Qi hid all his information when he planned to travel and met some partners. Unless he wanted to expose it, others would not know his details, because

he knew how much trouble his reputation would bring him. In the past, he thought it was too high-profile, so a lot of troubles were caused by him. In order to prevent further troubles, he deliberately hid his reputation. In this way, he naturally put his mind on it. As long as Mickey wanted to hide his identity, no one could find out a little bit of information. So after three days of investigation, this captain didn't find out anything. He knew that Tang Qi was not an ordinary man, he must be a powerful man, either a person he couldn't get up to, or a big leader in the criminals. At this time, the awards for Tang Qi came out, so he came to Tang Qi with the cup in his hand. First, he wanted to give the cup to Tang Qi. After all, Tang Qi really saved so many people. Even if he was a big traitor, this time

was a meritorious service. Such awards should also be given to him. One thing is the same thing. After all, he does not have a criminal record. Secondly, it is natural to explore the reality of Tang Qi and see what kind of person he is. If he is really a villain, he will reveal his true face. The public can't think that a crime is a hero, which will mislead people to commit crimes.

So just when Tang Qi was so depressed that he didn't know how to leave and how long it would last, the team leader called on him and a group of people came with him.

The trophy in the captain's hand is very dazzling. In the sun, it will reflect different light. Everyone is very excited and finally gives their hero the award. The captain didn't expect that after he reflected Tang Qi's deeds. He gave Tang Qiji first-class service. You know, most people don't record first-class merit. Being able to record second-class merit and third-class merit has been the greatest honor in their life. However, he did not expect that Tang Qiji was given such a great credit by the top. It seems that Tang Qiji is also a headache to this group of people. This time, someone can deal with them, and Tang Qiji has all his hopes.

But what Tang Qi didn't think of was that Jiang Zhen went out to have a look and said to him when he came back. The captain brought a group of people to give him a prize.

Tang Qizhen's feeling is going crazy. Just when everyone is about to forget this matter, and it is no longer fermenting, the team leader will come to him with the award. Even in this festival, he would hold a trophy with the eyes of blind people and dogs to join in the fun, while the reporters outside are almost scattered, and the people here will forget him. Isn't this award the same as beforeThe effort was in vain. Now I'm giving him an award. Isn't it a climax for those reporters? Didn't it make things worse for him?

Therefore, when Jiang Hui excitedly told Tang Qi that the team leader had come to present awards to him, Tang Qi had a headache. Did he not tell everyone that he was the hero?

This is based on how those reporters can withdraw their pens and how they can leave this place. He does not want to put such a heavy burden on himself, because he can not solve the problems here alone. Even if he can solve these problems, he can't solve them, because it should be the people's Armed Police and the senior leaders of the country who can really solve these problems, instead of being a muddle in society, because if he solves such problems, it will be his own credit, which is unfair to other people.

After all, the political situation in China is still stable, and Tang Qi also likes the peace. He doesn't want to provoke other people's unbalanced treatment just because he is alone. So after the team leader appeared, Tang Qi was not very happy, but he could not turn him away, so he opened the door to him. What he did not expect was that the team leader took so many people with him. Tang Qi turned black and said to the team leader directly. "I don't like too many people, and I don't like to join in the fun. If it's a prize for me, just bring it in. If it's not, please leave. I really have nothing to say. If you don't believe my identity, you can check it yourself, or I can transfer a specific information to you, but I really can't afford these people to pay attention to me." Generally, very powerful people have some quirks. The team leader also thinks that Tang Qi is this kind of person. Arrogance has his arrogant capital, so even if he is arrogant and disdainful, the team leader will still smile with him, wave his hand and let other people wait outside the hotel, don't come in with him. But even so, there is still a man behind the captain, must come in. Tang Qi looks at the man and doesn't want to let him in, but he wants to come in with the leader. Seeing that she is a woman, Tang Qi is not easy to do either. He turns his head to the leader and hopes that the leader won't let the woman in, because it's obvious that the woman has a camera and a notebook in her hand and wants to interview him. That's what he's most upset about now I've had a good interview. Seeing Tang Qi's disgust, the captain shrugged his shoulders and said to him. "There's no way. This is the official reporter sent by the provincial leaders. He won't report casually. Just come in and have a simple chat with him. It's not like those reporters outside have to pick out your ancestors' eighteen generations. Other people's Orthodox reporters still have a lot of professional ethics."

Tang Qizhen thinks it's enough. What's the difference between the official reporters and the pheasant reporters? They all want to dig some news points from him, and then report them to increase the number of hits.

Now it's not easy for a hero to appear. Even if they don't make random reports, they will certainly exaggerate the facts. This is not what he wants. Tang Qi won't be interviewed, but these reporters have a headache. The story of saving people has been bustling and noisy for several days, but the people who saved people, up to now, they didn't take a face. Only when they came out from the hotel that day, they took some face photos, and then they never took any other face photos. For these reporters, they really took some failures. Some people are praising him, saying that he is a low-key person and does not want to be too exposed, so that terrorists will not find him. To protect a sense of mystery is to protect their hero. No, these journalists just want to expose British to the media. It will only harm the great heroes, so we are condemning the reporters and asking them not to embarrass their heroes any more. Some people also feel that Tang Qi is too proud. Even if he has an interview, it doesn't matter. He has rejected so many people. It's not low-key! Such a high-profile all remember to refuse, even if the reporter burst out, it doesn't matter, after all, when saving people, should more or less think of is to let more people inside, get some peace of mind!

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