"Tang Qi, what are you doing?" Zhang Cuihua went to Tang Qi with some doubts.

"I just picked a few eggplants in the field and will give them to my sister-in-law for you." Tang Qi said with a smile and picked up the two eggplants on the ground.

He often takes vegetables to murongyue, and these two eggplants are also picked up by him.

But Zhang Cuihua thinks of Tang Qi's jokes during the day. Her face turns red. She stares at Tang Qi and turns away in a hurry.

"It's just two eggplants. Why are you so polite?" Tang Qi has some doubts.

"Smelly Tang Qi, you know how to bully me?" Tang Qiwang to the direction of Zhang Cuihua, but heard Zhang Cuihua's voice, his heart of doubt deeper.

However, Zhang Cuihua has already gone a little far, and it's not convenient for him to ask. He only comes into the room with doubts.

In the room, murongyue is washing dishes and chopsticks. After helping her clean up the room, Tang Qi tells murongyue to lock the doors and windows, and then leaves murongyue's room with ease.

After returning home, Tang Qi finished washing and soon went to bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Miki and Lin Yaru come to Tang Qi's house.

Lin Yaru said angrily: "yesterday, I told that guy to get up early and go with us. Up to now, nothing has happened. I'm sure I haven't got up yet. "

"Let's go and knock." Said Mickey.

But Lin Ya Ru shook her head: "cousin, you see this window is not closed tightly. I'll go in and play a trick on this guy, so as to teach him a lesson, and let him know that we should pay attention to everything we tell him in the future. "

"But it's not good not to invite yourself in." Said Mickey.

"Cousin, you wait outside, I'll go." Lin Yaru said.

There was a look of excitement on her face. Because she suffered a loss in Tang Qi's hands yesterday, now she wants to find the place.

Lin Yaru crept into the window. She thought that Tang Qi didn't know.

What she doesn't know, however, is that Tang Qi's perception is sharp. At the moment when Lin Yaru just opened the window, Tang Qi had already woken up.

However, Tang Qi did not immediately open his eyes. He was a little curious about what the visitors wanted to do.

Entering the room, Lin Yaru's eyes fell on Tang Qi's face.

"This guy looks very handsome when he's asleep. He's not as hateful as he was yesterday. But I will not be deceived by your appearance. " Lin Yaru stands there and stares at Tang Qi. Tang Qi has already heard her voice.

Tang Qi continued to lie on the ground, pretending to be asleep.

Lin Yaru began to look around, and soon she found a handful of straw. She pulled out several of them and put the straw in front of Tang Qi's nose. She wants to play a little trick on Tang Qi.

Seeing Lin Yaru stretch the straw in front of Tang Qi, Tang Qi suddenly reverses his body. Lin Yaru's straw can't touch Tang Qi's nose.

Moreover, after Tang Qi turned over, his face was facing the wall.

In order to get close to Tang Qi, Lin Yaru has climbed into bed, and the straw in her hand continues to reach Tang Qi.

Also at this time, Tang Qi suddenly turned around.

Lin Yaru's hand just stretched out, Tang Qi's body pressed on her hand, and the other hand put on her waist.

Tang Qichi's hot breath sprayed on Lin Yaru's face, which made Lin Yaru's breath much shorter. She moved gently, trying to pull her hand out.

Because of her guilty heart, she worried that Tang Qi would find her when he woke up, so he was very careful.

"How did this guy suddenly turn over? Not on purpose? " Lin Yaru thought, "never wake up."

When Tang Qi heard Lin Yaru's voice, he was very happy.

Lin Yaru is busy pulling out her hand, but an unexpected scene appears again. Tang Qi turns and looks at her side, embracing her with both hands, and pillow her head on her thigh.

Lin Yaru's body is frozen, what's happening now is beyond her expectation, so she doesn't know how to react. When Tang Qi saw Lin Yaru's stupefied appearance, he began to make fun of her.

"Xiaoru, I like you..." When he said that, Tang Qi held Lin Yaru's hand more tightly.

Hearing Tang Qi's words, Lin Yaru was stunned. She didn't expect to hear the secret when she came to Tang Qi's room.

Although Lin Yaru always troubles Tang Qi, she doesn't hate Tang Qi at all. Tang Qi called his name in his sleep, which made Lin Yaru's face quickly covered with red.

"You've done so much to get my attention." Lin Yaru suddenly looks at Tang Qi.

"Well, don't think I'll forgive you so easily." Lin Yaru thought in her heart and slowly stretched out her hand to Tang Qi.

However, when Tang Qi stretched out her hand, Tang Qi just turned over, but it was pressed on her hand. She pulled out her hand and couldn't get it out."Why is this girl not interested at all? I have a lot of charm. " Tang Qi thought a little depressed. At this time, Lin Yaru kept trying to pull out her hand.

Tang Qi opens his eyes just right, but he looks at Lin Yaru.

"I just happened to pass by." Lin Yaru said awkwardly, "my cousin asked me to come in and wake you up. We're going to town."

"Is it?" Tang Qi said to Lin Yaru with a smile. He slowly approached Lin Yaru, and his hot breath sprayed on Lin Yaru's face, making her face a little ruddy.

Tang Qi looked at Lin Yaru's ruddy lips and his heart beat faster. He slowly approached Lin Yaru.

Lin Yaru didn't know what to do for a moment and a half. Her brain was blank and she instinctively closed her eyes,

but after waiting for a long time, she didn't feel the movement of Tang Qi. She opened her eyes, but saw Tang Qi looking at her with a smile. She knew that she had been fooled by Tang Qi.

"Asshole, are you fooling me again?" Lin Yaru waved a powder fist in the direction of Tang Qi.

Seeing that her fist is about to hit Tang Qi, Tang Qi quickly supports her hands to get out of bed. Lin Yaru's fist smashed an empty, body lost balance, but bumped into Tang Qi's arms. Her fragrant body pressed Tang Qi under her.

Lin Yaru is going crazy, she is going to get up.

But Miki outside the window heard the voice, quickly came over and asked: "Xiaoru, are you ok?"

She looks into the room through the window, only to see Lin Yaru's crushing Tang Qi. Mickey's face suddenly flew a layer of pink haze, some nervously said: "I didn't mean to, I didn't see anything."

With that, Lin Yaru closed the window.

"Cousin, it's not like this..." Lin Yaru stretched out her hand and cried weakly.

But her voice was too low for Mickey to hear.

Next to Tang Qi's smile, let Lin Yaru more and more angry. She pushed Tang Qi away and hummed coldly: "Tang Qi, you asshole."

With that, she got up immediately.

However her action is too quick, one foot stepped on own trouser leg, the body retreats again, steadily fell into Tang Qi's arms.

"Well, I know I'm handsome and charming, but I'm a little embarrassed for you to do so." Tang Qi said to Lin Yaru seriously.

When Lin Yaru falls into Tang Qi's arms, she reaches out her hand and pinches Tang Qi's waist.

"Pain, beauty Lin, can't you be gentle?" Tang Qimu snorted and said.

"You think so." Lin Yaru waves a pink fist at Tang Qi.

See Tang Qi eat shriveled appearance, on her face this just raised a few cent proud. But Tang Qi had already pressed her shoulder and bowed his head to kiss her.

Seeing that Tang Qi is about to succeed, Lin Yaru suddenly doesn't know where the strength comes from. She pushes Tang Qi away and runs to the door with a blush on her face.

"This girl..." Looking at the little pepper rushed to the door, Tang Qi couldn't help shaking his head, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Compared with Tang Qi's leisurely, Lin Yaru is very nervous. She had never been so close to the opposite sex. Her face is still ruddy and not covered up.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Yaru went out.

"Xiaoru, are you done dating?" Mickey said, also a little embarrassed.

"Cousin, nothing happened between me and him. It was a misunderstanding just now. I wanted to play a trick on him, but he woke up suddenly and scared me Lin Yaru said in a hurry.

When she said this, the scene just came to her mind unconsciously. It was like the scene was imprinted in the depths of her brain, no matter how hard she tried, there was no way to erase the memory.

"So it is." Mickey said, "when did I think you two were together?"

"Where is it? I don't care for him. " Lin Ya Ru turned her lips. But she felt guilty when she said that.

When Mickey heard that nothing happened to her cousin and Tang Qi, she was unconsciously relieved. As for why she was relieved, even she was not very clear.

Footsteps came, and then the door opened, Tang Qi appeared in front of the two women: "two beauties, what's the matter?"

"You big sluggard, it's past eight o'clock. Didn't we tell you yesterday that we were going to the market? Clean up and come with us Lin Ya Ru widened her eyes and scolded, and restored the nature of pepper.

Tang Qi's hand gently pressed on his lips and gave Lin Yaru a kiss: "OK, I'll go now."

When Lin Yaru saw Tang Qi's meaningful action, her face suddenly became like a big apple.

"Well, we'll wait for you." Mickey said with a smile.

When she turned her head, she saw Lin Yaru's appearance. She couldn't help wondering, "what's the matter with you, Xiaoru? Do you have a fever? ""Cousin, I'm ok. Maybe it was too hot in the room just now. I'll go out for a breath first." Lin Yaru finished and hurried out of the courtyard.

When she was the only one around, she let out a sigh of relief and stamped her foot involuntarily: "villain, I won't let you go." The girl's pettiness and indignation sounded gently in the air.

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