At this time, a cry of surprise came from Zhong Yaxin's direction, and then the sound of the jade bracelet falling to the ground. All the people looked at her. She stood up and looked at the ground in shock. Half of the bracelet she had repaired was broken on the ground.

This time, it's completely broken into slag and can't be made up at all.

Tang Qi and others were all startled and looked ahead: "what's the matter?" Shen Miaolin said, "please don't move! Participants are not allowed to leave their seats. " She quickly walked to Zhong Yaxin's side, looking at those Bracelet fragments, tut tut sighed. What she has mended has some rudiments. The silver thread forms the head of a little crane, which is dotted with a little red and emerald, just blocking the crack. Unfortunately, it can't continue at all.

Zhong Yaxin is very heartache, tears are urgent flow down: "why is this so! I'm sure it's steady, but the bracelet will fall from the silver silk! "

Shen Miaolin said, "it's a pity. Miss Zhong, you have lost. I told you just now that you must repair it carefully. Who knows you smashed it? "

Tang Qi said, "did you slip your hand?"

Zhong Yaxin said anxiously: "no! I have no idea how this bracelet fell! I'm sure the connection is strong, but it just fell off when I picked it up. "

Mickey also said, "yes! Zhong Yaxin is an expert. How can he be careless? It must be the bracelet. We need to check! Good morning

The others unanimously objected: "no! How can we find out because of her one-sided statement? The organizers won't do such a thing. Don't waste our time. "

"Whatever the reason, I can only be sorry about it. You can't say any reason when serving the guests. I'm sorry, Miss Zhong Shen Miaolin said with a smile.

Zhong Yaxin sighed dejectedly and sat down on the back of the chair. She had already repaired more than half of it. She was the best and fastest one. Who knows, she was so sad.

Shen Miaolin said: "there is still half an hour left. Let's hurry up. One more needs to be eliminated. "

And Mickey looked at Tang Qi, his expression is calm, don't know what to think.

Mickey heart way, Tang Qi up to now did not do, in order not to let him be eliminated, really not, I can only do so.

At this time, Tang Qi shakes his head at her and tells her not to.

But Mickey is looking at the mess in front of him. It's too late for you to do it now. Are you a magician? Can you make a good bracelet? Tang Qi is the heart of a bamboo smile, motioned her to continue to do.

As soon as his hand touched the bracelet just now, he received a prompt: whether it needs to be repaired without trace.

Tang Qi is very surprised: can it be repaired without trace?

Brain tip: Yes, after the ability of diamond meteorite chain is absorbed, it can have such ability.

Tang Qi knows that he can solve this problem. Of course, he won't worry. Thank you very much, Wu Yinghua. Shen miaolian looks at the eye contact between them, and she is very proud. Now it's over. Let you be arrogant! You usually recite a few more books to be a wolf with a big tail. Now you can be regarded as a wolf with a big tail. And even if Mickey quit, I won't let you win. What do you win by doing nothing?

It's no big deal if all three people are eliminated. The big deal is to find someone to add.

With only one minute left, Shen Miaolin said with a smile, "now it's time to win or lose, Tang Qi. You really can't do it at all, so it's a pity that you've been washed out too..."

Tang Qidao said, "what's your hurry? Don't you have a minute left?"

Shen Miaolin said with a smile, "do you mean you can finish it in a minute? Don't say such layman's words, Tang Qi. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Why die? "

"You are a layman. What do you know?" Tang Qi picked up the bracelet at this time, first looked at each other's gap, and then went up like this: "look, this is good."

After seeing Tang Qi's action, in addition to Mickey and Zhong Yaxin, they all burst into laughter. Is this a remedy? It's better to just find a transparent tape to wrap it together. Two girls at this time is just cold heart, this can be all finished!

Tang Qi put the bracelet on the table and said, "don't laugh first. It's better to finish the evaluation."

"Comment? Yes Shen Miaolin said, "anyway, you are the last one to lose face." She twisted her waist and asked people to take five trays. There was a large TV screen in front of her, watching the process of expert evaluation. Except for Zhong Yaxin's broken bracelets, the remaining four bracelets are made of gold inlaid with jade by two people, and Mickey's is the restoration method of gold inlaid with jade and pentaspar. The white bracelet is dotted with red emerald, and three fine gold lines are twined on it, which looks like a golden dragon hidden in the clouds.

the Red Diamonds are dotted among them, making the shape extremely natural and beautiful It's not like a remedy, it's like a craft. Everyone saw it, and they were all full of praise.The experts all nodded: "this is the best of the match!" The other contestants were all impressed.

Miki doesn't have any happy look on her face. She knows that if the crane shape designed by Zhong Yaxin can succeed, it will be better than her own. But it's a pity that it's broken like this.

While the other two are in the right shape, the heaven jewelry is a little better, but the shape is ugly. At first sight, it's just for repairing, while the other one is not strong enough to move. What they do is half weight and half weight.

And Tang Qi's bare bracelet is put here. The judges don't want to see it: "this is not done at all."

"Ha ha, it seems that the victory is divided." Shen Miaolin is very happy that there is only one Mickey who is the weakest in the iron triangle, so we can deal with her easily. When the final day comes, she will be led by the nose by us, and it's too late for her to get away!

She was about to announce that Tang Qi and Zhong Yaxin had been eliminated when she heard a judge say, "wait a minute! Tang Qi's bracelet... "

"What's the matter?" Shen Miaolin looked back and was scared.

It turned out that this bracelet was miraculously held by this man and hung in the air. It was perfectly glued together without any remedy. Looking carefully, there was no crack on the bracelet. It was a complete bracelet at all!

Tang Qi said with a smile: "the most natural thing is to make it perfect. It's not good to use gold or stone. It's better to make it combine again. What do you say?"

Zhong Yaxin and Mickey are all unbelievable to see you, Tang Qi. What's the matter? How did Tang Qi do it?

One of the contestants pointed to Tang Qi and said, "you are a liar! This bracelet must have been swapped by you. How can someone repair it that hasn't been done for a long time? "

"Yes, Tang Qi must have prepared the bracelet in advance! Search

Tang Qi said with a sneer: "you are not good at your own level. When you see my great ability, you envy me and even accuse me of swapping bracelets? There's surveillance everywhere. If it's so easy to switch, it's not me who should be fired, but Shen miaolian? "

Shen Miaolin bit her teeth and said, "Tang Qi, how did you do it?"

"My level is high."

"What method do you use?"

"No comment." Tang Qi said with a smile.

Shen Miaolin looks to the judges. They are all worried. She thought that this method would definitely eliminate Tang Qi. Who knows that he was shocked and made a complete bracelet that couldn't find a flaw, and this bracelet was indeed sent to them by the judges just now.

Shen Miaolin said: "what we want to examine is the repair method, mainly the level of the test gold inlaid jade. You don't do anything. Although it's very complete, it doesn't conform to our competition principles, so..."

Zhong Yaxin interrupted her: "that's bad. If I was a customer, my family left me a very commemorative bracelet, which was damaged by me. Would I like to put the ornaments of flowers, birds, fish and insects on it, or do I want her to recover?" "That's it," Tang said. A complete jade bracelet from the Tang Dynasty can now be bought for one million, but the gold inlaid jade bracelet from the Sui Dynasty is only 800000. Isn't the purpose of repairing it to maintain its own value? It's the hope of every jewelry appraiser that I can make it recover completely. If you are a layman, don't talk nonsense. "

Shen Miaolin's face turned red and white. She went back to the judges for support, but they also nodded to Tang Qi's words. Although they were bribed by Yuhua jewelry, they could only do trifles, and they could not talk about principled problems.

Otherwise, it's like saying that ice is more valuable than glass. Isn't it just a fluke? They're going to end up in the antique market in the future, so they can't say it against their will.

Shen miaolian is so angry that she's going to faint. She's a bunch of rubbish. I don't know why I gave them so much money!

Suddenly a judge said, "no! I don't believe that Tang Qi has this ability. Let's have a re competition and see that he didn't switch. I seriously doubt that he did

Other people are also the same with: "yes, we also think we should have a good look."

"Tang Qi..." Mi Qi and Zhong Ya Xin look at the direction of Tang Qi with worry.

Tang Qi waved his hand: "it doesn't matter. Just come at will. It's the same result to find another 100 bracelets. I was born with such a powerful repair skill. What can you do for me? "

Shen Miaolin takes a spare broken bracelet and puts it in front of Tang Qi: "come on."

Tang Qi took a look, and then picked up a adhesion, bracelet directly and together. All the people cried out.

"What kind of magic is that! Are you really together? "

"It's a pity that Zhong Yaxin's bracelet is mended. Let me help her restore it." Tang Qi went to her side, brush the bracelet two times with his hand and put it in front of her desk. It's exactly the same as what she just repaired.Zhong Yaxin to Tang Qi smile: "really thank you."

"Thank you. It's a pity you didn't finish so well."

"Yes." Zhong Yaxin's hand stroked the bracelet, and he admired Tang Qi even more.

Tang Qi looked back at Shen Miaolin: "what else do you have to say now?"

Shen Miaolin gritted her teeth and said, "good! You win! "

She angrily went to the crowd: "this time the competition, the last to enter the top three is paradise jewelry, MI Jia and Liu Haitang's jewelry company." Zhong Yaxin and people from another jewelry company were eliminated.

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