This couple's words immediately brought back the idea of the crowd. There are many rich people, and their ways of eating are all different. Some of them eat extravagantly, but some of them eat the same as ordinary people. Who doesn't stipulate that the rich

must go to high-end places.

Tang Qi here just sneers. These two people's words are really good, but it's a pity that they met Tang Qi. Their plan is doomed to failure. "Don't be confused by their appearance. In fact, this watch is fake!" Tang Qi picked up the tattered mobile phone and then asked, "do you think a real watch will be smashed by my slap? Or

was it accidentally hit and broken by my friend? " Wen Yan's people as like as two peas, nodded their heads. Although they had not worn this thing, they saw many of them on TV. They were exactly alike in appearance, but they were different in quality but often broke up in a single beat, which is not much worse than the

's situation.

"You just lie with your eyes open. How can I be an imitation? If you don't want to lose money, just say it The man jumped and scolded.

"Hehe, look at what you're wearing around your neck, big gold chain? Jade? You can buy it from the stall? " Tang Qi said with disdain: "dare you take out the gold chain around your neck and let us have a look?" As soon as Tang Qi's voice fell, the faces of the young couple immediately changed. That's right. They were all wearing stall goods bought from the stall, and the sum of them was no more than 50 yuan. This time, the two of them wanted to find a person who could be mistaken. This is just the time they met Xiao Chen.

They don't want to let go of Xiao Chen's honesty, but when they are about to succeed, they even meet Tang Qi, who directly sees through their plan.

"What? Don't you dare? " Tang Qi sneered.

At this time, after hearing so much, Xiao Chen suddenly realized that there were too many doubts!

"You're good! Let's go The man saw was seen through, also did not continue to stay here meaning, pull girlfriend want to leave.

How can Tang Qi let him leave in this way? Tang Qi's body moves and directly stops them. He looks at them with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" The man cried with a gloomy face.

"What do you want to do? Do you think I should let you go as a liar like you? " Tang Qi asked, and then asked a crowd: "do you want to let it go?"

"Of course not!" The onlookers at dinner yelled and looked at the two people in disgust. They were all distressed by this kind of swindler, and the people present were more or less cheated by some swindlers. Seeing the swindlers at the moment, they would not let it go.

Some of them even took out the phone to call the police.

Little lovers see everyone's this scene, the heart immediately flustered, the man is an eye bead son turn, immediately push a girlfriend, at the same time oneself quickly to one side run.

In the man's mind, his push is bound to attract Tang Qi's attention, and then he can take the opportunity to escape. However, what the man thought was too simple. At the moment when the man pushed his girlfriend away and ran away, he saw Tang Qi quickly stretch out his hand and directly pull the man. As for the woman, she fell to the ground under the push.

The woman is not a fool. At this moment, she knows what her boyfriend wants to do. When she gets up, she points to her boyfriend and says, "OK! You are going to cross the river and tear down the bridge! "

"It's a misunderstanding. I just wanted to run with you." The man showed a look of guilt. "Do you really think I'm a fool?" The woman said with a look of resentment: "I follow you around, cheat with you, suffer with you, I didn't expect you to treat me like this, OK! When the police come, I'll tell you all your crimes, and I want to see how many years you can be imprisoned! "

"No! Wife, you can't do this! " The man immediately flustered, this if all things shake out, he really will be that prison bottom to sit through!

"Don't call it that. It's disgusting!" The woman coldly said a word, then directly sat on one side, face is very ugly.

When people saw this reversal, they all looked wonderful. It turned out that it was just a very simple fraud. Now, in this case, they even pulled out so many things.

But this kind of thing, we see is also Schadenfreude, such as men who do evil, we do not have any sympathy, even if they are afraid of death, no one will take a look at it. As soon as the man's face is angry, he suddenly wants to break away from Tang Qi and rush to the woman. However, Tang Qi's strength is not what he can break away from. After earning several times in a row, he finds that he doesn't get any effect, and then the hand that has been clenched into a fist smashes at Tang Qi.

At this moment, the man has realized that he can't escape. Fortunately, he broke the jar!Tang Qi reaches out his hand and grabs the man's fist easily, then slams the man to the ground.

Bang, the man's whole body came into close contact with the ground. A heavy fall broke the bones of the man's whole body.

The man thought about it, but he found that as soon as he started, a sharp pain came from the bone. The painful man immediately let go of his hand, and the pair of eyes became resentful at the moment.

"Boy, you are nosy here. If you have a chance in the future, I will kill your whole family!" The man said coldly.

"That's interesting!" Smell speech of Tang Qi squat down the body, fingers gently in the man's limbs on a touch, and then a smile on the face of standing up.

After Tang Qi's action, the man's limbs will become more and more degenerate as time goes by, until a month later, they will be completely abandoned, and there will be no more consciousness.

At that time, this matter will not be suspected to Tang Qi's head, and the man's so-called revenge, even the limbs have no consciousness, how to find Tang Qi's trouble?

The man didn't know how he was. At this time, he was still shouting, "don't be complacent, bitch. If you have the ability, let me stay in the cell all my life!"

"It's really noisy!" Tang Qi gave a cold kick.

"Ah The man cried out in pain. The strong pain made the veins on the man's forehead protrude, and the beads of sweat gradually fell from his forehead.

Tang Qi did not look at the man again. When he came to Xiao Chen, he waited.

Tang Qi didn't wait long. Soon there was a sound of police siren outside. Then several policemen came in from outside. After some negotiation and the explanation of the crowd, several policemen escorted the couple to the police car, but when the man left, the pair of eyes were staring at Tang Qi, as if they were going to eat Tang Qi alive.

Tang Qi doesn't care about all this. He is already a waste. How can he worry about such a person who can't guarantee his own life?

Small Chen a face embarrassed of say: "Tang elder brother, really is embarrassed, all blame I didn't think much, early know to leave a heart."

"Well, well, it's all right now!" Tang Qi smiles and comforts.

This kind of thing only needs to go through once, so in the future, it will not be so easy to be cheated. On the contrary, those swindlers can be brought to justice!

"Well, don't tell me about it, brother Tang!" Xiao Chen is a little embarrassed to say that if this matter is spread out, it's really a shame.

Tang Qi nodded and agreed. Then they left the small restaurant. Xiao Chen walked home. Tang Qi took a taxi to shangguanxiong's residence, which he had been preparing to go to.

Tang Qi soon arrived at Shangguan xiongyi's residence, which is also a villa. Tang Qi skilfully avoided all the cameras and came to Shangguan xiongyi's villa yard easily.

At this time, there are still lights on in the villa, with curtains drawn on it. Tang Qi can't see everything clearly.

Tang Qi looked around, climbed directly from the front to the balcony, and then climbed from the balcony to the outside of shangguanxiong's room with a light on.

Tang Qi secretly opens a window against the wall. After waiting for a while, there comes a conversation between men and women. The man's voice is very familiar. It's the voice of Shangguan xiongyi.

"You said you would marry me after this success. You can't cheat me!" A woman's voice came.

"Don't worry, how can I cheat you?" Shangguan xiongyi asked, and then said: "I will arrange the most luxurious wedding in Jiangbei City for you at that time!"

"That's very kind of you!" The woman chuckled, "but how's your plan going?"

"It's OK for the moment. As long as we continue, I believe we can succeed in a short time!" Shangguan xiongyi said confidently.

"It's just that Mickey's suspicious. You've helped her like this, and she's still defending you!" The woman says somewhat displeased. "If it's so easy, how can it show my strength?" Shangguan male a tiny smile, "even if she now again suspicious how?"? Isn't everything going according to my plan? As long as the time is right, my

plan will be a perfect success! "

"Well, then you will remember to marry me!" The woman returned.

"Of course, how can I treat you unfairly? How long have you been with me?" Shangguanxiong laughed, then came a burst of women's shy light hum.

After a while, there was an indescribable sound. Tang Qi touched his nose and didn't leave here immediately. He just continued to listen with his face not red and heart not beating. He didn't leave here until dawn.

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