Tang Qi's heart is always silent, do I really want to give this needle to him? This man has a vicious mind. If the gold needle gets into his hand, it will be used to do evil. This can't be done. But since I have promised him to return the gold needle to him, it's not a gentleman's job to forcibly take it back. I thought Song Jie could come and take this thing. Who knows, it didn't appear. It's really disappointing.

Tang Qi is thinking in a confused way. Duan Jiu's hand has touched the needle box. Just as he is about to take it away, he suddenly hears a sound of percussion on the glass window. They turn their heads together and see song Jiezhen appear in the window.

Duan Jiu exclaimed, and then the whole piece of glass completely broke into slag. Song Jie's hands shook him away, and he ran to Duan Jiu's face. These pieces of glass stabbed his eyes like sharp knives.

Seeing that countless pieces of glass are too big, Tang Qi still can't bear it. He grabs his back collar and goes back. Rao is like this, and his body is still covered with pieces of glass.

He opened his arms and kept waving, forming a whirlpool like swirl in his hands, which beat all the glass back. At this time, Song Jie has jumped in and grabbed Tang Qi's needle box: "this thing is mine!" "Give it to me!" Duan Jiu shouts and reaches for his wrist. They fight in the room. From the bedroom to the corridor, their movements were so fast that Tang Qi couldn't see how their movements happened. He couldn't help standing on one side and tut

tut said: "it's really good. Your movements are very strong."

Duan Jiu yelled: "Tang Qi, you are on purpose, aren't you? You asked him to come and grab my gold needle!"

"Why did I do it on purpose? Song Jie is not my friend. Don't frame him up out of thin air, OK "Ha ha, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Anyway, Song Jie, an old thief, is not my opponent. Sooner or later, I will kill him, and the things will come back!" Duan Jiu said with a flick of his sleeve, the two poisonous insects flew in front of Song Jie, but Song Jie was not afraid. He reached out his hands and grasped the head of the poisonous insect like a snake. With a pinch, the insects quickly curled up together, shaking like an electric shock.

Song Jie sneered and threw back the poisonous insect: "Duan Jiu, your poisonous snake can poison others, but it's naive to want to harm me! I'm a primary school doctor like you. How can I be killed by you? Let them live this time, and pinch them off next time. "

"Just brag and give me the needle box quickly, and a beast like you can use kapok and gold needles?" Duan Jiu said that he was going to rob again.

But Song Jie raised his voice and said, "your son has been downstairs for such a long time. Don't you worry about his comfort? If you die, you will be the last

Duan Jiu said coldly: "it's just nonsense! You don't even have a son. You're going to be a queen! "

Song Jie is very angry and slaps him in the heart. Duan Jiu slaps him on the shoulder at the same time. They step back together, gasping and glaring at each other.

Tang Qi stood aside and suddenly said, "there's something wrong with the voice downstairs."

At this time, Qian Sitian's voice came from downstairs: "Duan Shiyi, what's the matter with you? Ah! Who are you? "

Then there was a sound dragging on the ground and Qian Sitian's cry. Duan Jiu worried about his son's safety and went out in a hurry.

Tang Qi is worried about Qian Sitian's safety and wants to catch up with him, but Song Jie stops him. He throws the needle back to Tang Qi: "I'm leaving. If he asks you, I'll take the needle. "

"Wait a minute! Do you really take brother Long's jade

"So what?"

"Should you give it back to him? You have offended a lot of people now. Why offend this rascal? " Song Jie laughed: "Tang Qi, don't meddle in your own business. You wake up the female devil now, and Su Hai will be more troublesome in the future. Do you still care about me? Remember to go to the fifth Pavilion in sparrow mountain when it rains. I have something for you. " He said and jumped to the position of the window, directly jumped

down, and soon disappeared.

Tang Qi frowned: "female devil? Do you mean Wu Yinghua? " He turned his head and found a chilling fact that Wu Yinghua on the bed was gone! Tang Qi's attention was all on them just now. He didn't notice when the woman woke up and left. What's the matter?

Her bed still had one of her underwear with her body temperature on it, but she was no longer human.

Tang Qi's hand stroked the bed and frowned. He was a little depressed. Is this woman really not a good person? In this case, didn't I save a vicious woman?

At this time, there was a cry from my son downstairs! Wake up, what's the matter with you? " Tang Qi quickly stood up and went out. In a hurry, he forgot that Duan Xi was still downstairs. He went downstairs in three or two steps to see the scene downstairs. He held on to the handrail, and his heart began to beat violently,It's like a wax statue, constantly twitching.

Duan Jiu constantly hit his heart with his internal force. Duan Xi's expression was particularly painful: "Dad! I'm in pain

"Hold on! I'll help you with it Duan Jiu is sitting on the ground, holding him and constantly inputting his internal power into his body. His medical skill was really admirable. He was able to breathe autonomously in a short period of time, and his face also had some blood color. Tang Qi found that it was not a common weapon to stab the middle section 11, but a long milky white jade of more than one foot. There are many delicate patterns carved on the hollow design with finger like thickness. The bloodstains have penetrated into the patterns, but not many. These bloodstains are enchanting under the background of jade.

Qian Sitian, who is not far away, has been stunned, and his hand is caught by Tang Qi's.

"Are you all right?"

"I was really shocked just now. I've never seen such a frightening scene before, but what's this jade for?" Tang Qi said: "this thing should be a jade pestle used for sacrifice in the Warring States period when these countries prayed for good weather. But why did he do it? This jade pestle is very valuable. No one can't get down for three or five hundred thousand. The murderer is so generous that he used such a valuable weapon

Duan Shiyi didn't look back, but glared at Qian Sitian: "who did it?" "Yes It's Hua Jintao... " This man is Su Hai's celebrity and entrepreneur. Qian Sitian's uncle, Qian Lao, is also a celebrity in the antique industry, so I met him several times, and Qian Sitian burst into tears when he finished his name. Who could have thought that such a big man should poke it directly into Duan Xi's stomach.

"Ah? This man has come here? " Tang Qi was surprised.

What's more, during the conversation between Song Jie and Duan Shiyi just now, he obviously knew that his son was in danger. Did Song Jie already know about it and deliberately drag Duan Jiu to kill Duan Shiyi?

Tang Qi's back is cold. Although he doesn't like Duan Shiyi, Song Jie's method of killing people with a knife is really vicious!

Duan Jiu suddenly raised his blood red eyes and glared at Qian Sitian: "did he really do it?"

Qian Sitian said in a trembling voice, "as soon as you see this thing, you will know why he did it." It turns out that Hua Jintao came in suddenly. At that time, he lost consciousness and fell on the sofa. Hua Jintao was angry and ready to go upstairs, but when he saw him, he suddenly changed his attention, grabbed his neck and stabbed the sacrifice directly. Then he turned to go.

Qian Sitian was so scared at that time that he wanted to stop him for a long time, but he was thrown aside by this man and said that sentence viciously.

Duan Jiu carefully studied the jade pestle for a while, and suddenly sneered: "OK, I finally understand what's going on. I'll settle this account with you. " He picked up his son and went out. After a step, I asked Tang Qi, where is the gold needle.

Tang Qi said: "I was taken away by Song Jie. In fact, I want to know what happened. I'm still at a loss."

Duan Jiu looked back at Tang Qi: "if my son didn't faint because of you, how could he be stabbed so easily? I'll go to both of them first, and then I'll kill you! "

"I said," can you be reasonable? It was your son who first used that poisonous insect to harm me, and now he's still doing the same thing? "

Duan Jiuli ignored it and went out directly.

Qian Sitian then said, "I'm scared to death. Fortunately, all these people have gone. " "I didn't expect that Duan Jiu and Hua Jintao had a relationship, and they had a lot of hatred. I didn't expect that. Have these people ever done bad things together, which has something to do with this jade pestle? " Tang Qi pondered. This thing is a sacrificial object, which naturally needs to be hidden in the tomb. Song Jie is also a master of tomb theft. Does this matter have anything to do with tomb theft?

"What did you say?" Qian Sitian asked curiously.

"Nothing. Why didn't your uncle come back?"

"Here I am." Old Qian walked in with a stick. His clothes were covered with dust, his hair was a bit messy, and his expression was very embarrassed. Qian Sitian ran to help him.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

"He was knocked down on the ground by Duan Jiu at the door. He didn't speak and left directly. Something serious happened? "

Tang Qi sighed: "at a loss, I don't know what happened."

He and Qian Sitian talked about what happened respectively.

Old Qian nodded: "it's their business. If you don't say it, you don't have to ask."

"But they all say that Wu Yinghua is not a good man. They say that saving her is to make trouble for Su Hai."

"That's not true. Saving a person's life is better than building a seven level putu. No matter what the other party is doing, we can save nature. Besides, this Wu Yinghua is kind to you."

"But I'm worried that if I save her, more people will die," Tang said"Tang Qi, you're just helping Wu Yinghua recover her looks. It's not that serious. As for Duan Jiu and Song Jie, you don't have to listen to them, because they are not good people. I don't want you to talk about all these things now. I have something important to tell you. "

Tang Qiji hastily said: "is it the position of the chairman of the antique association?" "Yes, the last president, Liu Dahong, will finish next Monday. From Tuesday, you will be ready to fight for the presidency. Before that, I have something important to tell you. Come upstairs with me

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