Tang Qi and Qian Sitian left the garden. As soon as they got to the door, they saw a lot of suspicious people's vehicles. They quickly drove to the door. The door opened, and a dozen people jumped down. They all looked around, as if they were looking for someone.

Tang Qi quickly pulls Qian Sitian to the back of a statue. Qian Sitian nervously looks at Tang Qi: "is it looking for us?" "yes, I think it should be the people who follow us. It seems that not only Jack Tang's people, but also Gu Feng's and he Cun Bao's men are among them."

"Isn't this ebony we're carrying going to be discovered?"

"So I'll lead them away later. You take this thing to Xu Wei and ask her to find a secret place to keep it for me."

"But aren't you very powerful? So many people can't beat you. I don't want to be separated from you." Qian Sitian really wants to be with him all the time, but more worried. Tang Qi said: "no, because the ebony itself is very easy to break. It would be bad if it's very lucky, or it's accidentally destroyed by them. So I'll lead them away first, and then I'll go to find someone nearby. Because it's not convenient for women to go to that place, so I can only

let you go first. I'll see you in a minute. Help me make something delicious. Don't worry. I'm not coming back. " Tang Qi comfortingly stroked her hair and said.

Qian Sitian had to nod reluctantly and said, "OK. Then be careful. " Tang Qi nodded and gave Qian Sitian endless clothes. Then he looked around and saw a plastic box with beer on top of the nearby dustbin. Tang Qi grabbed it, stuffed it with some stones and sand, sealed the box and held it in his arms: "I'm going, you wait for me to go out." Tang Qi said and ran out.

These people are looking for Tang Qi everywhere. When they see him running out, they all shout, "catch him!"

Tang Qi holding the box constantly running, these people all behind him to catch up: "he must have got something, tell the boss, must get back!"

Seeing that Tang Qi and an Xie run out like a gust of wind, Qian Sitian comes out from the dark. Tang Qi is gone now. She takes a car and goes straight to the direction of the fidelity Pavilion.

Tang Qi with these people constantly around the shuttle, the speed deliberately slow, so quickly surrounded by these people.

One of them had a sneer on his face: "Tang, I see where you're going. Give us what you have in your arms, and you won't die. Otherwise, ha ha, I'll let you live or die! " Tang Qi sneered: "OK, if you want it, I'll give it to you. It's not a good thing." He opened the box, grabbed a stone and smashed it. These people quickly raised their arms to block their face and head, bang bang! After a few crisp sounds, the stone hit his

shoulders, and the tears of pain came down. Although Tang Qi didn't use much strength, he had already passed, which made them unable to bear! At this time, Tang Qi had smashed the whole box: "a group of idiots, if you want, I will help you!" This thing mixed with Tang Qi's internal power, and it blew directly like a strong wind. These people just felt that a strong wind was blowing in front of them, and then several people fell to the ground together. The top of their head was full of dust and dust. They could not open their eyes and kept coughing

until they could see the person in front clearly, Tang Qi had disappeared It's too late.

This group of people scolded: "smelly boy ran away!"

"I'm not running. I'm right behind you." A voice rang behind them.

They immediately a shiver, stand up to want to escape, but Tang Qi a foot stepped on the head of that person's shoulder above, card wipe! His scapular bone was directly broken, and the rest of the people were scared out of their wits and soon ran away.

"You're a bunch of bastards!" He turned back to Tang Qi and said with a smile, "I'm just helping people, not intentionally. Will you let me go? "

Tang Qi pressed him and said, "it's the ancient style that brought you here?"

The man's eyes twinkled: "no, actually it is."

Pop! Two crisp slaps hit him in the face: "you make it clear, don't think it's a mess to pass."

The man covered his face and said, "in fact, we are Jiang million people, just helping him. As long as we can find out the ebony, he will pay us ten million yuan as a benefit. "

"With this good thing, why doesn't he come himself?"

"Gufeng is now under house arrest by desert people, and I've heard that," the man said The last time Gu Feng met Tang Qi in the hospital, he was watched by the desert organization. Now he can't move freely except in and out of the hospital. Although Gu Feng is worried, he doesn't want to let Hua Jintao and others know. Otherwise, Hua Jintao may take back the power of the bar street he just got,

so he cooperates with Jiang Baiwan.

Tang Qi realized that it's no wonder that Shen Miaolin could easily get Wu Jin Mu, because Gu Feng couldn't move freely any more. She should have taken it away with the desert organization on her back.This person at this time carefully said: "Mr. Tang, that black gold wood has really been found by you?"

"Look for a fart! I also want to know where it is. Go away! If you want to live, don't talk nonsense. " Tang Qi kicked him to the ground. He turned and left. He didn't dare to say more. Tang Qi quickly goes to the direction of the bar street. Gu Feng is under house arrest. If you tell the sea monster about this, can you help him take back the bar street? Tang Qigang walked out of two streets. At a narrow intersection, he was stopped by several people. These little bastards were all in their early twenties. They were arrogant and domineering, and their hair was dyed into various colors. They looked at Tang Qi with provocative eyes. Since the bar street was given up, there are more and more such idiots. Are they dragon brothers again? Several knives swung in front of Tang Qi, and several flashes lit up.

Tang Qi was not afraid at all. He said with a smile, "what can I do for you?"

"Boy, you have a lot of guts. In fact, I'm a little poor recently, so I hope you can help me. Otherwise, we'll scratch your face a few times and your little white face will be over. " As he said this, the dagger struck his face.

After Tang Qiran said with a smile, "it turns out that you're trying to get money. I thought it was a big deal. OK, the wallet is in my arms. I'll give it to you."

"That's good. Hurry up. Don't play tricks "No, I'm a very honest person." As Tang Qi said, he reached out and pretended to touch his wallet, but suddenly his elbow hit the elbow direction of the man behind him. This guy was aiming at Tang Qi with a knife, but he was suddenly hit by Tang Qi's elbow, and the knife immediately flew to another fellow. The man was so scared that he cried out and reached for his wrist: "can you be careful, it will kill me I don't know? " "I didn't mean to!" The man wanted to take back the knife in a panic, but Tang Qi had quickly grasped his knife, and then he jumped up and grabbed the whole person, and quickly turned the knife around the crowd, and the man kept waving the knife, and constantly cried: "ah

! What are you doing? Let me go Tang Qigen didn't listen to him. He dragged him to stab his accomplices. The man stabbed the other accomplices with a knife like a string puppet. The blood splashed. Although he just cut the skin and flesh, it was enough to make these people panic. Tang Cheng

said with a smile, "do you dare to come and rob me as stupid as you?"

"Who are you?" Tang Qi sneered and didn't answer. Then he slapped the man with the knife: "get out of here now. I'll go back and exercise for two years and come out again." The man stepped back a few steps and fell on his accomplice. Several people fell on their backs and pressed each other's wounds. These people were constantly

cursing and screaming, in a mess.

Knowing that Tang Qi was not easy to provoke, they all stood up and walked out with great effort. However, as soon as they passed the entrance of the alley, they bumped into a meat wall. These people were not in a good mood. At this time, they were even more bored and yelled loudly.

"Who is it? It doesn't have eyes? How dare you stop me

"Ah! It's a sea monster A man exclaimed behind him.

Tang Qiyi smiles. I was just looking for you. It's really nice that you showed up like this.

Sea monster way: "see you are beaten this virtue, who was gone again?"

"It's none of your business! Get out of the way The leader wanted to tear him apart.

The sea monster didn't move. He clenched his fist and said coldly, "how many times have I warned you that he is still doing evil here? Do you want to die? " The leader was surprised, and then pretended to be tough and said, "don't meddle in your business. Now 60% of the bar street is antique, and the rest 40% is managed by your boss and brother long together. He is just the old man before, so don't make a fuss in front of us?"

"I just want to care about it!" After the sea monster said that, he hit the man with a fist and hit the wall for several steps. He almost didn't faint. The wall fell off and a big hole appeared on the wall.

Tang Qi gave him a round of applause: "not bad, your level table seems to be a lot higher before."

As soon as the sea monster looked back and saw Tang Qi's face, he said with a smile, "it's you. I'm also thinking about who dares to fight with them in the bar street now. It's you."

"What's wrong with bar street now?" Tang Qi came over.

These people are not easy to deal with when they see a sea monster. They even know each other and run away like mice.

Tang Qi wanted to trap them, and was stopped by the sea monster: "forget it, after all, it's not our men. Don't make trouble for the boss first."

But these people didn't thank him. Before they left, they still yelled to him: "you wait for me, I will sue our boss, let you kneel down and make amends for us!"

The sea monster sneered: "I'm afraid you can't do things that support people?"

"I just can't believe that Hua Jintao has been so miserable." Tang Qidao."There's no way. Forced by the situation, he has personally given the bar street to the old style."

"So you don't want to leave him at this time? My door is always open for you. Besides, Hua Jintao is quite afraid of you. You know it in your heart

"I'm a loyal person. I just want to protect one master and stick to it until the end. Don't embarrass me Sea monster said with a smile.

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