Tang Qi supported Wang Yaofeng and said, "are you ok?"

Wang Yaofeng was beaten black and blue at this time. He gasped and said, "I don't care. Please get our family heirloom back, or we will be ruined. Please!"

"Don't worry, these tortoise grandsons want to steal money. They're a little too young." At this time, the music of the whole bar did not know when it had stopped. All the people looked in their direction in panic, and some smart people had slipped out quietly. The people who dare to fight with the bald wolf must be very fierce. In case of a fight, they are afraid of being hurt by mistake, and the men of the bald wolf quickly gather up and come towards them. "Ah, you are Tang Qi. Ha ha, I've heard so much about you. I've heard your name for a long time. I've only met you today. I'm so lucky. Ha ha!" As he spoke, the bald wolf looked forward and thought to himself that although Tang Qi was really powerful, there were fifty or sixty of my subordinates, and it was not likely that he would fail.

Tang Qi said: "bald wolf, is Jiang Haodong not here? I want to talk to him. " "If you have anything, just tell me. I don't think you can talk to the young master. He's Jiang's nephew. You're just a small owner of an antique shop. It seems that the difference is a little big. I'm his confidant. Just tell me. " His tone was full of disdain and contempt, obviously he didn't pay attention to Tang Qi.

"Don't you think I'm fit to talk to him?" Tang Qi said with a smile: "this son of a bitch wants to kill his uncle, or I help him detoxify. My relationship with Jiang million is much thicker than yours."

The bald wolf's face changed slightly: "what do you want to say such words here? To stir up the relationship between their uncle and nephew? "

"You don't know anything. What are you pretending to be! I don't know as well as I do. I think you are Jiang Haodong's confidant. In fact, you are just a dog slave. How arrogant you are. " Tang Qi said with a smile.

Hearing that Tang Qi humiliated himself in front of so many people, the bald wolf couldn't bear it any longer and cried out: "come on! Come and clean him up. I'm going to pull out all his teeth and cut his tongue. Let him talk nonsense here! "

"Yes The gang rushed in together. Tang Qi didn't worry. He put Wang Yaofeng aside and said coldly, "a group of tortoise grandsons, I will teach you on behalf of heaven." He said, waving his fist to meet him. His internal power was strong, and everyone felt that there was a hot wind blowing in front of him, and then there was a sharp pain on his body. Tight

then they fell to the ground, their ribs and shoulders were all broken, and they kept screaming. Some people fainted on the spot, and others stretched out their arms to the bald Wolf for help, but they could not say the pain.

Those who rush behind don't dare to come here when they see that their accomplices have been beaten so badly. The whole bar is silent, and you can hear a needle falling down. They are all guessing the origin of Tang Qi. It seems that the bald wolf has encountered a hard stubble this time.

"In the arrogant one, let me have a look. Come on, I want to see how good you are! " Tang Qi said, shaking his wrist.

Seeing that Tang Qi had solved more than a dozen problems in an instant, the bald wolf sat down on the seat, his lips trembling gently. Tang Qi walked to: "come with me, let's go out to discuss."

The bald wolf waved his hand in a panic: "I won't go! You and I have nothing to say. Let me go... "

But how could Tang Qi listen to him? He grabbed his neck and dragged him to the gate. Then he said to Wang Yaofeng: "can you walk by yourself? Come out with me. "

Wang Yaofeng quickly nodded: "I'm ok!" "Help! You idiots, how do I usually do you any good? I don't care about you? " He asked for help from his subordinates, and some of them wanted to rush to help, but the sea monster quickly walked up to them, shaking his huge Fist: "do whatever you should do

! Don't mind your own business Everyone was scared to shrink their necks. Who didn't know that the sea monster was so powerful that they didn't want to live? In this way, Tang Qi takes away the bald wolf in full view of the public, but all his men are helpless and flustered. When they go out, they tell the young master that this man has been robbed, which is not a small matter. But also involved in the hands of Hua Jintao, he must say it.

Tang Qi drags the bald wolf to a dark lane nearby and throws him to the ground heavily.

The belly of the bald wolf just hit an empty wine bottle, which made him scream: "Tang Qi, you treat me like this, I'm not finished with you! I must take revenge. "

Tang Qi stepped on his hand and twisted it twice. The bald wolf howled: "my hand!"

"You almost sold my sister out of the country. I haven't said revenge yet, but you've become arrogant first!"

The bald wolf was hurt and surprised. When did he offend Tang Qi! That's the end of it.

Wang Yaofeng went to Tang Qi and knelt down. Tang Qi quickly supported him: "get up! How can you kneel down to me when there is gold under a man's knee? "

"I just ask you to help me get back the jewelry handed down from my family. I'm willing to be a cow and a horse. Please help me!"The sea monster said: "since you value this thing so much, you are still known by the bald wolf?"

Wang Yaofeng was about to cry: "it's all said by my son. I feed such animals. What a family misfortune. " His son is a bastard who only knows how to eat, drink and enjoy. He is not interested in his father's business at all. He only knows that when the time comes, he will take care of his parents and ask for money, but he doesn't know what's going on. He recently became addicted to gambling. At the beginning, he gambled for tens of thousands. Later, he was abducted by this bald wolf, and tens of thousands at a time. But I lost millions in a month. His son knew that he couldn't hide it, so he told Wang Yaofeng.

Wang Yaofeng patted his thigh and said with a sad face, "I said angrily at that time that the money he owed had nothing to do with me. Go to die yourself, and I won't help you. Who knows that this boy actually used the treasure of our family to repay the debt!"

Tang Qi looked back at the bald wolf and said, "it seems that you've already targeted people?"

The bald wolf muttered: "it's natural to pay off debts. I didn't force him to gamble with a pistol. He didn't learn it well. I'm willing to accept defeat, don't you understand? "

Wang Yaofeng pointed to him and yelled: "you are a beast..."

Tang Qi stopped him and said to the bald wolf, "what you said is right, so you just ask for money and give it back to him."

Of course, the bald wolf didn't want to, but at this point, he didn't agree. He thought he was going to die, so he just nodded reluctantly: "OK, I only want money." Sea monster just handed the box to Wang Yaofeng: "see if there is anything less."

Wang Yaofeng grabbed the box, opened it, looked at it, and said excitedly: "as expected, you are not missing. Tang Qi, you are a good man. I am so..."

"Don't thank me. This is Hua Jintao who gave up his seat. He was very angry when he saw that many people were cheated in gambling and ruined their property here, so please treat this man by us and discipline your son in the future. "

Hearing this, the sea monster gave Tang Qi a complicated look in his eyes. Unexpectedly, he gave Hua Jintao the credit.

Wang Yaofeng was so moved that he wanted to call Tang Qi his father.

And the bald wolf said, "you've all benefited, but now he owes me eight million."

"It's easy. I'll make a bet with you." Tang Qi said: "if I lose, I will help him pay back the money and give you double. That's 16 million. If you lose... " He said, went to the bald wolf in front of the same foot kicked the bald wolf.

The bald wolf said in panic: "you What do you want? "

Tang Qi said: "it's very simple. You bullied my sister. I want you to stop blocking the scene, and then you need your two hands. I won't let your blood dirty my hands. Do it yourself. "

The bald wolf thought for a moment, then nodded: "OK! Bet on it! But don't deny it. "

"No problem. I'm not like Tang Qi. Go and prepare for the game. "

The bald wolf snorted, got up and limped forward. The sea monster said: "Tang Qi, it's too rash of you to make such a decision. You know you can't be his opponent at all. He's a banker. He knows all kinds of tricks on the gambling table very well. You'll suffer a big loss at that time." The fact that the bald wolf agreed so easily shows that he must have the confidence to win. Tang Qi is out of luck this time. Although more than 10 million is not a big number for him, it's even more difficult to accept losing face in front of so many people.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "don't worry, since I dare to gamble, it shows that I have this confidence. I must let him lose tonight, and let him dare not open on Su Hai after blocking the field."

"How can you be so confident?" Sea monster looks puzzled. He believes in Tang Qi's treasure identification skills, but gambling is another way. How can he guarantee that he can win?

Tang Qi said with a smile: "don't worry, let's go. By the way, Wang Yaofeng, go back and don't indulge your son any more. "

Wang Yaofeng saw that Tang Qi even stopped his gambling debt and helped him save eight million yuan. He was very grateful in his heart. He went to Tang Qi and gave a deep gift: "thank you very much!"

"You're welcome. We're all on the antique street. Why do you have to keep saying these strange things? Go back. " Wang Yaofeng went out for a few steps, suddenly turned back and held Tang Qi aside: "you are so kind to me, I have nothing to thank you for. I know you have more money than me, and you may despise jewelry and jade. I'll tell you a secret I know, hoping to help you


Tang Qi said with a smile, "what's the secret? Isn't it a treasure map? "

Wang Yaofeng shook his head: "no, it's antique street. Someone has been bribed to deal with you."

"Oh? He village leopard bought it? "

"I don't know, but a week ago I saw Jack Tang go to shouxizhai frequently. I also heard that the boss of this place is going to pit you. " "Shouxizhai? I seldom go to this place. I can't imagine that he wants to hurt me, too. " This is because they are selling antiques, peaches, carvings, jade candles, crowns, jade shoes and so on. I heard that they are also on the waySelling small things from illegal channels. Although the unit price is very low, but can not stand to buy more people, so it is also a rich man. The boss there is song Tang, a fat man. He just says hello when he meets. I don't know when he offended him?

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