And they don't have the ability of perspective, so the problem should be in the gambling cup. Is there a small monitor arranged here, so they can see the scene inside, so that they can change the dice at any time. The bald wolf said, "Tang Qi, are you listening to me? Do you think you're going to lose, so you're playing dumb here? " Seeing that Tang Qi didn't react at all, he was stunned at the gambling cup all the time, so he was very happy. Now Tang Qi is really going to die: "now you have no chance to regret. If you want to surrender, I will give you this opportunity to kowtow two times and quit from my bar street forever. Don't show up in front of us. Can you do it?"

"Of course not," Tang said with a smile. "I'm just thinking about how to win."

"Well, I'll see how you win." The bald wolf leaned back in the chair with a smile.

After grabbing the gambling cup, Tang Qi gently shakes. He hears the crisp sound of the dice inside and looks at the expressions of several people in front of him. They are all looking forward to it. They can all be sure that Tang Qi will lose. Bang! Tang Qi put the gambling cup on the table, and everyone looked at him in a daze. It turned out that there was a long crack on the gambling cup, and he smashed it directly! However, the small surveillance camera originally installed in it can no longer see the status of

, and can not shake the desktop to change the numbers inside.

"Tang Qi, can you do it or not! Lao Tzu's gambling cup was bought from abroad. It's so valuable that it's in your hands? " The bald wolf could not help shouting.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "I'm really sorry. I'm too nervous, so I'm exerting too much force."

Liu Qigang said: "you don't have to be so angry. It's just a gambling cup. You can't be so angry."

"I said Liu, do you mean to be against me?" The bald wolf has long found out that his attitude towards Tang Qi is too good, so he is very angry. Who is this guy's gang? Do you want to tear down the stage?

Liu Qigang said with a smile: "everyone says that you are a man of heroic spirit. You won't be angry because of this thing. If you love me, how about I prepare a good one for you in person?" "What can you do with another one? There is no..." The bald wolf almost told the truth and quickly swallowed it. He looked at Jiang Haodong, who frowned and didn't speak. He didn't believe that Tang Qigang, who had just started playing, could match the skills of the bald wolf, so although he was a little suspicious, he was not ready to turn against Liu Qigang for the time being.

At this time, Tang Qi said: "don't quarrel, don't see who won? If you don't look, I'll open it. " He said and held the lid down. But he was held down by Jiang Haodong.

He said with a smile: "you wait! Let's open it. You can just tilt it. " He took off the lid and opened it directly. He found that there were three dots inside. There were cheers all around: "win!"

Sea monster a see Tang Qi lost, immediately said: "Tang Qi, this is how to return a responsibility." Tang Qi said in a low voice: "because when this guy opened the lid, he played with his fingers twice, so he directly reduced my points to the minimum." What his eyes saw just now was two six points plus a five point, but at the moment of opening, Jiang Haodong changed the number of points directly.

"But why aren't you angry? The result is unacceptable! "

Tang Qi said: "there is no evidence, and there is no way to do it for the time being. They can be blinded for a while. Don't worry. There are two more times."

Sea monster heart infinite tension, but see Tang Qi unexpectedly so relaxed, also helpless, heart, if lost. It's a big deal. Don Qi and I can't kill them.

He has already begun to prepare to use violent means, and Jiang Haodong's people are all very proud, it seems that Tang Qi is just such a great ability.

Li Qigang then took out a bright red gambling cup and put it on the table: "let's gamble with this. This is my husband's favorite gambling cup. It's.... " "The pigeon blood jade from Vietnam has a good texture. It must have cost a lot of money." Tang Qi took a look and said with a smile. This gambling cup is smaller than the general one. It's small and exquisite. It's like a bell ringing. On the body of the cup, which is as red as blood, there are two white pigeons with real wings flying high. The eye position is decorated with small diamonds. It's absolutely not icy when you put it on your hand. The jade is soft and smooth. It's a rare genuine product. With a slight wave, the whole room was full of dazzling red light. The thugs around all exclaimed. However, Jiang Haodong and others are not happy. The gambling cups they use have been practiced for a long time. Now it's not easy to replace them with a strange device, and there is no monitoring in it. At present, they have to rely on the table and fingers. Isn't there a lack of insurance? When Liu Qidong heard Tang Qi praise this thing, he quickly said: "Mr. Tang is really an expert in identifying antiques. This thing was given to Vietnam by an official in the Qing Dynasty. After the war, he returned to China and finally fell into our husband's hands. He is not willing to use it. This time, I heard about itYou're going to gamble here, so I want to show you this as well. "

"Although you are good, we don't lack it here. Why don't we take ours..."

"No way. After all, it's the first time for Tang Qi to use your things. It's not fair for him."

Jiang Haodong a listen, immediately want to be angry faint in the past, this guy is to understand the team, Tang Qi?

The bald wolf said with a forced smile: "but this size is too small. It's not very good for beginners like Tang Qi. How about..."

"You're welcome. It's good for me. I'll come first this time. You're so smart that you shouldn't be afraid to exchange for a hungry gambling cup, right Without waiting for his consent, Tang Qi picked up the gambling cup and shook the dice.

The bald wolf is biting his teeth and looking at Tang Qi. I want to see how good you are! If you can throw three sixes, even if you have the real ability, I don't believe that I will lose to you when I was a few years old. Pop! Tang Qi shakes for a while, and then puts the gambling cup directly on the table. At this time, Jiang Haodong stands up and prepares to open the cup. However, Tang Qi has learned the lesson of the last time and slaps it on his shoulder: "you'd better sit down first. I'll do it myself. Why bother you to do it? "

Jiang Haodong fell on the back of his chair, staring at Tang Qi, panting and angry. Without waiting for them to start, Tang Qi opened the lid directly. There were three sixes on it. Everyone was surprised and looked at Tang Qi together. What happened to this boy?

"You You cheat The bald wolf said hastily.

Tang Qidao: "you are really good at joking. I play this thing the first night. If I want to cheat, I have to have this ability."

"But how do you..."

"Maybe that's why God thinks I'm handsome." Tang Qi said with a smile.

"Ah, how could that be. How could you throw out three sixes? "

Jiang Haodong said, "don't howl. Why don't you just throw it out? It's a draw, and then it's another round The bald wolf also took the cup and began to shake it gently. He thought that I would get three sixes for you anyway. Like Jiang Haodong, he had a unique skill, which was to gently move the end of his little finger at the moment of opening the cup, and then the points would become the shape he wanted, because

the whole process was less than one third of a second, so no one would find out. Bang! After a crisp sound, the gambling cup falls on the table. Tang Qi uses his perspective skills to see that there are three points in it. He can't help sneering. This guy's luck is really bad. At this time, the bald wolf began to open the cup, opened a seam, and he knew that something was wrong. He began to stir it up with his fingers. Although the sea monster's eyes have been staring at him all the time, he can't find the flaw, but Tang Qi already knows his opponent's means, so when he opens the cup to change the number, he gently taps the table with his hand. After the vibration of the table, the dice, which has already turned into six, changes back to two points. "Look at me, three sixes, too!" He said triumphantly, but he found that after opening, everyone around him looked at himself with a frightened expression. Was it my wrong performance? When he looked down, he suddenly stammered: "ah! How about my dice... " Tang Qi said with a smile: "sorry

we are one to one."

"You You are cheating! You can't be like this! "

The sea monster snorted: "what do you mean? You win is normal, we win is cheating? Are you too arrogant, or are you just setting some traps that we can't win? "

"You talk nonsense! I saw it just now. It's three sixes! "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "that's probably because you've lost your eyes. In fact, I saw that just now, but who knows that the instant of opening the cup actually changed the number of points. I thought you did something behind your back."

He said, looking at the direction of Jiang Haodong, Jiang Haodong turned Tang Qi one eye: "you don't say this nonsense, I didn't do it."

"That's the best. I'll be on your guard."

The bald wolf looked at Jiang Haodong: "young master..." "Don't panic. There's another time. Use your strengths this time. " Jiang Haodong gave him a color, the bald wolf immediately understood, there is such a move! He was so worried that he forgot! That's the ability of their table and wrist, two kinds of cooperation,

can be trapped on the top, the small side is always pressed on the bottom of the table, and can never make it turn over. Naturally, the big side of the idea comes out.

But because this move is really too much internal power consumption, plus ready-made cheating equipment, so in general will not use. I almost forgot. The bald wolf got the tip from Jiang Haodong and immediately stood up and put the dice into the gambling cup. This time, instead of shaking in the middle of the air, he walked along the table and rubbed it gently, while the other hand pressed the edge of the table to control the force. In this way, it was always six o'clock and five o'clock

on the top.

Clear and crisp sound comes out, is the sound of dice hitting jade Bi, Tang Qi looked at Liu Qigang, he is also smiling at Tang Qi.In less than 20 seconds, the bald wolf suddenly put the gambling cup on the table and quickly untied it. The dice on it were still spinning gently. Everyone looked at it and saw that the dice stopped one by one. The crowd cried excitedly.

"Stop! Two five and one six

"It's really worthy of being our boss. It's amazing."

Tang Qi said: "it's really a master. It's really powerful."

The bald wolf said with a smile: "yes, if you want to win me, it's very easy. Just two six and one five. Or three six o'clock. " But it was clear to all that he was easy to say. How could he be so lucky?

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