Just then, the car turned into a narrow street leading to the hotel, and a car in front suddenly stopped. Fortunately, the speed was not fast. Xiao Qin quickly stepped on the brake and didn't rear end. At this time, the following two cars also rushed up. The doors of three cars opened at the same time, and a dozen men surrounded the car with steel pipes and other blunt objects.

"Get out of the car!" A man stood in front of the lights and yelled.

"Don't come down," said Xiao Qin Then he opens the car door and goes out. How can Tang Qi watch Xiao Qin wade through the danger alone? He pushes the car door and gets out of the car. As soon as he gets out of the car, Tang Qi sees a stick shadow hitting him on the head. Tang Qi raises his hand to block it. There is a sharp pain in his arm, which also arouses Tang Qi's fierce intention. He lifts his foot and kicks the person nearest to him, who is staggered backward by Tang Qi's kick He took a few steps back, then rushed up again with a stick.

At this time, a cheetah like figure passed on the roof of the car. The figure kicked the man's chest. Tang Qi clearly heard a crisp sound from the man's chest. Then the man's body seemed to be hit by a locomotive and flew back four or five meters, landing on the ground. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Brother Tang, are you ok?" Xiao Qin turned his head and anxiously told Tang Qidao.

Tang Qi shakes his head and looks back. Only then can he find that the group of people who have just been swaggering are lying on the ground. Tang Qi is a little surprised. Although he knows that Xiao Qin is from the old dragon sect to protect himself, he didn't expect that he is so abnormal. Tang Qi reaches out his hand and gives Xiao Qin a thumbs up, and Xiao Qin smiles honestly.

"Mr. Tang, are you all right?" At this time, Li Yangming and Zhong Yaxin react and get out of the car. Zhong Yaxin asks with concern. Li Yangming's face also shows an inquiring look. They see that the stick is not light on the car.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "it's OK, ask the origin of these people."

Hearing Li Yangming's gloomy face, he went to the people on the ground. He didn't expect that these people were very strong. No matter how Li Yangming asked, he kept silent. Li Yangming was very angry, but he had no choice but to vent his fists.

"Which is justice, which is invincible..." At this time, a man's mobile phone in his pants pocket on the ground rings. As soon as the man's face changes, he will reach for his mobile phone. Tang Qi rushes up and kicks the man over, then takes out the man's mobile phone. The caller ID is brother Qiang.

Tang Qi Leng got through the phone for a while. A familiar voice came from the phone and said, "old four, have you got it?"

Tang Qi said with a smile: "sorry, brother Qiang, your brother can't answer the phone for the time being."

There was a moment's silence on the phone before he said, "who are you?" Tang Qi didn't speak and listened to brother Qiang again: "brother, no matter who you are, I hope you can show mercy. I'll come and make amends to you right away." After a pause, brother Qiang said darkly, "I hope you can consider it for your family."

Tang Qi burst into a rage and gritted his teeth: "good!"

Tang Qi threw his mobile phone on the man and turned to Li Yangming: "an old acquaintance, let's wait."

Li Yangming had never seen Tang Qi so angry. Although he was surprised, he didn't ask. He stood quietly with Tang Qi in the same place. After a while, two cars came slowly on the cold street. The car stopped beside Tang Qi and others. Tang Qi saw his brother who hadn't planned to meet for a long time.

Brother Qiang also saw Tang Qi. His face suddenly changed. After a long hesitation, brother Qiang pushed the car door open and ran to Tang Qi with a smile on his face. He flattered him and said, "it's you, Tang Shao. It's the flood that has washed the Dragon King temple."

Tang Qi interrupts brother Qiang's words and sneers: "you and I are not a family!"

Seeing the frost on Tang Qi's face, brother Qiang said: "Tang Shao, I'm offended by what happened today. My ah Qiang will give you an explanation. I hope you don't care about villains."

Tang Qi had already sentenced brother Qiang to death, but he didn't dare to take risks with his family. The king of hell wanted to make little ghosts difficult to deal with, and there would be endless troubles if he didn't kill a snake. After weighing in his heart, Tang Qi said with a smile: "I only know brother Qiang is so powerful today, and we have to get close to him in the future."

Brother Qiang finally put down his heart and said with a smile: "Tang Shao is joking. If you have anything, I'll be on call."

Tang Qi nodded: "I'll go first."

"Tang Shao, walk slowly, ah Kun, move the car." Brother Qiang quickly asked people to move the car that was stuck in the road.

"Brother Qiang, that's it?" The man beside brother Qiang said anxiously.

Brother Qiang lit a cigarette and took a hard puff. Then he said, "we can't afford this man. We'll give him a bright spot in the future. We'll send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

In the car, Li Yangming and Zhong Yaxin look at Tang Qi strangely, but Xiao Qin still drives the car calmly.

"Brother Tang, do you want to go to the hospital?" Xiao Qin asked. At this time, Li Yangming and Zhong Yaxin saw Tang Qi's left hand shrugging and hurriedly urged him to go to the hospital.

Tang Qi touched his arm and was about to answer, but he was stunned. A cool breath flowed from his index finger to the injured part. Tang Qi clearly saw that the swelling on his arm faded quickly and soon recovered. Tang Qi raised his hand and found that the injury on his hand was completely cured."No, I'm fine." Seeing the three people's questioning eyes, Tang Qi is in a hurry. Tang Qi is very surprised, and his fingers can heal.

Seeing that Tang Qi can move freely, the three are also relieved. On the way back to the hotel, Li Yangming and Zhong Yaxin are a little tired. After chatting for a while, they go back to their rooms to have a rest. Tang Qi, who only finds his finger's new ability, is a little excited. He almost stabs himself with a knife to test his new ability. But after thinking about it, Tang Qi still has no courage. That night, Xiao Qinlian The night sent the jade back to South China.

The next day, when the door of the room was knocked, Tang Qi was still asleep. When he opened the door, Tang Qi saw Li Yangming with an excited face. Seeing that Tang Qi had to go back to bed, Li Yangming was so anxious that he pushed Tang Qi into the bathroom with pushing and shoving. He yelled: "hurry up, the stone gambling meeting starts at eight o'clock, uncle Shen, they are all here!"

Tang Qi's drowsiness dissipated in an instant. After washing, Tang Qi came to the hall. As soon as he walked out of the corridor, he saw several acquaintances, including Mayor Zhang, Shen Jun and Shen Jiajia, father and daughter, MI Qi, Zhong Yaxin, and a group of people Tang Qi didn't know. About a dozen people were gathering for breakfast. See Mickey Tang Qi some surprised, then think of Mickey's father is doing jewelry business also relieved.

"Tang Qi, this way!" Seeing Tang Qi, Shen Jiajia exclaimed.

Many people in the hall looked like Tang Qi, and then whispered something to the people around him. Tang Qi had no choice but to walk to the people. Shen Jun moved a chair for Tang Qi himself, and said with a smile: "you are lucky, the king of jadeite can let you out." Then Shen Jun pointed to the man beside Mayor Zhang and introduced him to Tang Qi: "this is president Wen. He is the king of every year."

The man nodded to Tang Qi with a smile and said, "my name is Wen Wen. I've heard a lot about you this morning. If I don't want to abandon you, call me brother Wen." After hearing Wen Wen's words, people's faces changed.

Li Yangming discontented: "Uncle Wen, this can't work. Tang Qi is my brother. He calls you brother Wen. I have to call him uncle Tang!"

Wen Wen was stunned. It seemed that he saw Li Yangming and wondered, "Why are you here? Let's talk about each other." Li Yangming rolled his eyes, just like a wronged daughter-in-law, which made everyone laugh.

From the attitude of the people, we can see that Wen Jun has a great future. Mayor Zhang's company is not something you can do with money. However, Tang Qi didn't think much about it. He nodded and said, "brother Wen is good."

Song Jun then introduced Tang Qi. Tang Qi said hello one by one. When he introduced the man beside Mi Qi, Shen Jun said, "this is the general manager of Mi's jewelry." Tang Qi knows that this should be Mickey's father, MI Qilin. He quickly stands up to say hello. After a round of introduction, all Tang Qi can remember is Wen Wen and Mi Qilin.

With jadeite becoming more and more popular in the jewelry market, gambling stone industry has gradually been valued. Every year's gambling stone Festival has contributed a lot of taxes to the country. Therefore, in recent years, every gambling stone conference has government officials to attend and speak. This time, Mayor Zhang of Pingzhou city is the government spokesman. After breakfast, Mayor Zhang gets up to leave, and everyone gets up to see him off You Wenwen just nodded, but Mayor Zhang didn't think he should.

"Let's go, too. It's almost time." Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Wen Wen said.

When they got out of the hotel, they drove to the outskirts of the city. When they got out of the city, it took about ten minutes to get to the venue of the gambling stone conference. Looking around, Tang Qi found that this was an open space specially opened up for gambling stones. The plains at the foot of the mountain were all pushed to the ground, like a huge square. All kinds of private cars were lined up in a straight line and could not be seen, Tang Qi smacks his tongue secretly. It's the first time to see Tang Qi in this lively scene.

The car drove into the parking lot designated by the organizer. People got out of the car and walked to the square with the flow of people. Tang Qi was stunned when he stepped into the square. On the long platform around the square, there were stone disintegrators. On the open space, the stalls of wool merchants were arranged neatly under the sunshade, and the only building in the square had a huge horizontal line "Warmly celebrate the smooth opening of the 39th Pingzhou stone removal conference." at this time, there were a lot of people in the square, and every smiling face was filled with excitement and excitement.

"The first time my little brother came?" Tang Qi came back to find that Wen Wen was looking at himself with a smile on his face. Hearing the words, Tang Qi nodded.

Wen Wen said: "because of its particularity, gambling stone is the only legal gambling activity in our country. It gets more and more lively year by year. It's just a small scene. Nan San Gong pan is the biggest grand gathering in the world of gambling stone, but in the final analysis, gambling stone is still gambling. Ten bets and nine losses, because there are a lot of people who lose their homes and families. Don't indulge in it, little brother."

Tang Qiwen nodded and said with a smile, "thank you for reminding me. I understand." Wen Wen just looked at Tang Qishun's eyes, so he said something. When he heard Tang Qi's words, he laughed and said nothing more.

"The stone is broken! Excuse me

"This is the first girl solution. Go and have a look!"

Hearing the shouts around, Tang Qi couldn't help laughing. Chu Nu Jie, the elder brother, really knows how to name himself. A group of people rushed to the high platform beside Tang Qi and others, and the crowd around him also began to surround him. Tang Qi was speechless, and Jieshi also had such a big movement. It hasn't gone up yet.A forklift specially used for transporting wool hoisted a huge piece of wool onto the high platform. This piece of wool was almost one person tall and its skin was gray black. At first glance, it was no different from the stones on the side of the road. Tang Qi saw this kind of wool for the first time, and then he carefully observed it. After a long time, he gradually saw a clue.

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