"That's it, so it's up to you. I'll get off now," Tang said

"Well, wait a minute. I'll park the car in front of you." Ye Lan said that she was about to park the car by the side of the road, but Tang Qi said that he didn't need to use it. He began to push the door open, and Niutian cried out in fright.

"Master, why are you driving so fast?"

"It's OK. Keep driving." Tang Qi said and jumped directly from the car. His body ran a few steps in the direction of the car, then fell to the ground smoothly, and then turned to chase after captain ma.

Niutian said: "my God! My master is so powerful. "

"Yes, so we have to work hard." Ye Lan said, the door closed and went on.

Tang Qi jumped out of the car and walked behind for a while. Then he received a call from the head of the horse team: "Tang Qi, did you see me just now? I'll wait for you in an alley to the right of the traffic lights ahead. " "All right, we'll be there in a minute." Tang Qi said, hung up the phone and walked towards the agreed direction. Sure enough, he saw his car parked on the side of the road. Just now, he didn't notice because it was too fast. Now he saw that all the glass on the right side of the car was broken, the door was deformed, and there were a few clear bullet holes on it. It seems that he was hit by someone. The head of the horse team came down from the car and waved to Tang Qi with a smile.

"You're here, or I'll be in a bit of trouble today." The head of the horse team was wearing a set of extremely dazzling yellow two piece clothes, and the trousers below were very tight and funny.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "what are you doing? Did you go to a gay bar? " The horse captain immediately said, "don't talk nonsense. I have a wife. I just went to the street with other people. " He gets close to Tang Qi and whispers a few words to him. Tang Qi immediately frowns. It turns out that they have recently received information that a criminal group has recently gathered in suhai to do something against the law, but the specific situation is not clear, so they launched an investigation and found that some people with unknown origins often go to a place called Zui Yunxuan A shop selling inkstones.

"Because this news was told to me by a street thug, I'll check the situation instead of him, because he is dressed like this, so I can only wear it like this." "Drunk Yunxuan!" Tang Qi's heart moved. Qian told him that if he wanted to compete for the position of chairman, he would go here to let his boss teach him experience. In addition, he asked Tang Qi to go to zuiyunxuan before Wei Zifeng was in a coma. However, because he had been followed by Hua Jintao and Liu Haitang recently,

so he didn't want to be noticed for the time being, so he was ready to wait until tomorrow's crown design competition After that, who would have thought that the team leader also went to this place.

"Yes, after we got the clue, I went to meet him, but there was an accident. Something happened to Zui Yunxuan. "

When he passed by, the whole zuiyunxuan was blown up in a mess. All the owners and staff inside were killed in the accident. Everything in the shop was destroyed, and there was no one left alive.

"Why do they do that?" Tang Qi frowned and said, "this NIMA's is too vicious."

"Yes! I suspect that the boss of zuiyunxuan is an insider, but he has been killed. Then I got a call from you on my way back to help, but who knows that I met a stalker on the way back, and started to deal with me where there are few people. "

Tang Qi's hand patted the car: "who made your car like this? It's a hornet's nest. "

"Don't mention it. I was surrounded by two trucks and several cars just now. If I drive so fast, I will die here. Where can I see who the other party is?"

"I wonder if it's desert people who are so cruel," Tang said "It's hard to say. After all, I can't do without evidence." At this time, Captain Houma's phone rings. He goes to the side of the road to answer the phone. Tang Qi looks across the road and sees a red Porsche parked on the opposite street. A man with sunglasses on the car is staring at his direction. Tang Qi's mind moves. Does this man want to kill captain Mi? "When did you meet them, and where are they now?" said the captain? Don't worry. I'm not far away now. I'll be there in a minute. Wait a minute

After hanging up the phone, the horse captain said to Tang Qi, "the little bastard who provided information to us is nearby. Please come with me. It seems that someone is following him." Tang Qi and he got into the car and drove away together. When they looked back, they saw that the red car was always following. The leader of the horse team said, "he is hiding in a nearby temple. Today is the 15th day. Many people come here to ask for a lot. So he went to the place where there were many people in order to survive. "

Tang Qi said to the horse captain, "do you know the car behind?"

The captain looked back and said, "I know you. It's one of the cars that just dealt with me. Damn, it's still following. I'll kill him now! " He began to grab the gun, trying to put out the people in the car behind him.Tang Qi pressed his hand: "no, this is a riot, the other side is also crazy, if you really fight, it will hurt the people, let's open a period of time."

After a few intersections, Tang Qi saw a tall temple near the highway on the right side. The main hall was very tall and steep, with 990 steps leading to the highest level. Many pilgrims devoutly walk on it. Tang Qi and the leader of the horse team get out of the car and stride up. There's no way to drive here. It's better to catch that guy. Tang Qi took a few steps, pretended to tie his shoelaces, squatted down and looked back and forth, followed by a man in black in a leather jacket, who followed them leisurely and touched his hand to his waist from time to time. Tang Qi pretended not to know and went on walking up with the team leader. The steps of more than 900 festivals are not for fun. After a while, the Pilgrims who come up with Tang Qi are tired and want to vomit blood. They are left behind by Tang Qi. Tang Qi quickly climbed the last step and saw the spacious main hall. There was a huge censer at the door, in which thousands of incense were placed. Many pilgrims were kneeling outside, and some monks in cassocks were walking around. There were four words hanging on the main hall: Tianqing palace. There are innumerable stalls on both sides to buy some fragrant paper and candles, and some vendors sell so-called combs, jewelry, gold chains and jade heads.

Pilgrims are also quite generous, almost no bargain, looks very lively, and an antique market almost.

Tang Qi said: "this temple is very interesting. It seems that I've heard Miki say before that the old monk here is very good at divination. Why don't we go and have a look?" The marshal shook his head helplessly: "your heart is really big enough. I'm looking for someone. How can I have time to do this?" He began to look around. Now that the tracker didn't come up, he just found the man. But there were so many people in it. How could there be that little bastard?

I can't find it at all.

At this time, someone behind Tang Qi said, "benefactor, do you have a hexagram?" Tang Qi was stunned. Looking back, he saw a very old man standing in front of him. He was 80 or 90 years old. His body was as dry as firewood, his teeth were gone, his face was full of wrinkles, his face was blue and white, and he felt like he was going to die at any time. His hand trembled and extended to Tang Qi: "ten yuan for a hang."

Tang Qiben didn't want to, but when he saw that he was dressed in rags and was still living here, it seemed that he was really poor, so he took out a hundred yuan and handed it to him: "well, since the old people have said that, I'll take it as a hexagram." The old man quickly handed Tang Qi a sign with a smile: "benefactor is really generous, it must be good luck." It's estimated that the container has a history of more than 80 years. It's dilapidated, and the bamboo stick inside is also dilapidated. Tang Qi feels as if it's going to rot at any time when he holds it in his hand.

"Thank you very much." Tang Qi doesn't believe in this thing, because most of these things are signed by Geely, most of them are rich and so on. Pilgrims also need a psychological balance.

At this time, the head of the horse team held Tang Qi and said, "do you still have a mind to do this?" "Play with it. Don't worry. You can't find that bastard anyway." Tang Qi said, shaking the container. The deep yellow bamboo stick inside began to swing. After a while, it flew out with a swish. Tang Qi quickly grabbed it in the palm of his hand and handed it to the old man: "what does this


The old man looked at it and then said with a smile: "benefactor, this is a sign. The poem is to go on the boat and wait for the wind. The moon is dim. If you want to grind the incense wheel, the mountain must be heavy. "

"What does that mean?" When the head of the horse team heard that it was the signing, he came to see it curiously.

The old man said, "Oh, this one's signature says that it's impossible to leave the present situation. There's no direction ahead. There's a lot of resistance. Congratulations."

Tang Qi's mouth twitched: "is that right? Thank you so much

The fierce one signed and even said congratulations to me. The old man is really a fool. The old man continued: "Oh, there are still two words on it, Daji. It seems that the reason for brother's trouble is for a woman. The woman's life and death are very strange. Life and death are separated, but the body is missing. The road ahead is very dangerous. But it doesn't matter. Just follow the previous direction

all the time. Remember, don't be led astray. " "What do you mean by that?" Tang Qi's heart moves, suddenly thought of Shen Miaolin who died before and was transported back to Japan. Originally, he didn't believe this, but the old man's words were all in his heart. When he wanted to ask any more questions, the old man laughed but didn't say: "Buddha said that you can't say it."

"Come on, I'll do the same. I'd like to see if I can find a right one." However, seeing that he reached out his hand, the old man snatched back the sign. Although he was old, and his body was just like a stick, he suddenly speeded up: "I've made enough money today, so I'll leave first. I'll see you later, benefactor He said to Tang Qi with a smile and nodded, butAfter that, he left unsteadily.

Tang Qi was holding a signet in his hand and didn't say a word. The leader of the horse team frowned. What's the matter? Why didn't he tell me fortune?

Tang Qi said: "the man in leather has never come up. I don't know if he has gone to another place?"

The marshal gave Tang Qi a push: "over there!" He pointed to a small stall in front of him, where a little Hun with red hair was squatting, as if he was selecting something. Tang Qi and the head of the horse team went quickly.

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