Those who came to the exhibition were all very unhappy when they heard Tang Qi say so. Some of them spent a lot of money and wanted to show it in front of the public. Who thought that the baby was totally denied by Tang Qi. It's not good to call Tang Qi face to face, so I have to smile awkwardly and look at Fang Sheng together.

"No matter what you say is true or not, don't say it." Zhong Yaxin whispered that she was afraid that he would offend others.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "since it's treasure appraisal, we have to accept the reality. Otherwise, we just flatter each other. All the things you make among the guests are not as good as those of the gentleman."

With this sentence finished, people began to talk about it one after another. Tang Cheng is really talking nonsense.

A woman said coldly, "I look down on our things. Does Mr. Tang have a more valuable treasure?"

Tang Qi said: "sorry, I didn't know there was such an activity, otherwise I would bring one or two to show you. But I do have a priceless treasure. "

"Oh, what's the priceless treasure?"

"Of course, it's my dear Zhong Yaxin. My wife is the most precious to me." Tang Qi holds her slender waist with a smile. Zhong Yaxin quickly pushed Tang Qi aside: "don't talk nonsense."

All the people's faces changed slightly, and all of them were amusing me.

"Well, let's have a look at this gentleman's baby. I'm trying to convince you." Tang Qi said with a smile.

"Well, Lao Li, try it. We'll see what's worth." Everyone was very unhappy. Zhugannan stood up with an apologetic smile on his face: "in fact, I didn't bring anything. I've been very short of money recently, and I don't have time to find my baby. I just brought something at the bottom of the box to show you. I'm just counting it up.

Don't be disgusted. " He pulled up the red cloth and revealed a small jade teapot inside, which was one third smaller than the teapot in ordinary teahouses on the market. The white jade teapot body and some yellow jade remained in the corner of the teapot. He took it up and looked at the light outside, which directly showed the crystal light.

From the top to the bottom, there are layers of petals and branches, and a delicate plum blossom at the bottom. It seems that the carving is exquisite.

All the people were very curious and quickly looked at the jade teapot, but they didn't speak for a long time after seeing it. Although it was an antique, it was not surprising.

One of them said, "isn't this teapot made of Hetian white jade plum blossom?"

"Yes! This is it. " One of the older elders looked up and down, then sighed: "Alas! This jade pot is no big deal. Hotan jade is not the best one. It has the color of chicken bone white and some yellow flocculent residues. It's only 200 years since now, and there are only tens of thousands of such pots. "

"That's right. You can go to the antique market and see it everywhere, OK?" They all couldn't believe Tang Qi's words and looked scornful. I didn't expect that this man was like this! Fang Sheng said at this time: "I know that at last week's auction in Yujing, a jade pot of much better quality was sold for only 25 yuan. In the end, it was sold for 40 thousand yuan, and a string of obsidian bracelets was also given away. You can buy one for free when you make a living. Tang Qi, you are still too naive. It's not that as long as it's jade, it's worth a lot of money. It's time to have a good training. "

They all nodded and praised: "Mr. Fang is still very knowledgeable. Although Tang Qi is also a rising star, he is still young. It seems that his ability of treasure assessment is not as good as Fang Sheng."

Fang Sheng is very proud, but Tang Qi just sneers and doesn't take it seriously. Zhugannan quickly made a comeback: "originally, I spent 8000 yuan to buy this thing. Don't embarrass Tang Qi. He just wants to give me face."

"Ha ha! There's no need for him to give you face. It's worthless to belittle all our things

"Yes, and my things are quite valuable." The man also pulled down a piece of red gauze in front of him: "look at this bronze mirror. I bought it for 700000 yuan."

At this time, others showed their treasures to the public one after another: "which one of them is not as good as the jade teapot? In the end, it's better to meet the famous than to meet the so-called master

Tang Qi laughs but does not speak, obviously disdains to argue with the other party what useless matter. Zhong Yaxin looks at people's things and is very worried. Tang Qi is really wrong this time. What can we do about the problem of face! Because there are so many jewels in it, she can tell. Among them, there is a string of Dongzhu wax stone, which is a treasure worn by the Royal ladies of the Qing DynastyThere is a price but no market. What's more, this man took out a water chestnut mirror of the Song Dynasty, which is worth more than 100000 yuan. The value of these jewels is far more than a jade teapot.

"Tang Qi, you can explain it. How did you distinguish it just now?" Fang shengxindao, take advantage of the opportunity, I must let you disgrace, let your reputation, see what you do!

Not only Zhong Yaxin, but also the bamboo pole man was in a panic. He kept wiping his sweat: "don't force Tang Qi to explain this. My things are really worthless and have nothing to do with Tang Qi."

Fang Sheng turned to Tang Qi and said, "up to now, do you still not admit that manager Yi's judgment is wrong?"

Tang Qi nodded and said with a smile: "I really made a mistake in judgment. The sum of these things just now is not as good as this teapot. Now it seems that even if the sum is multiplied by ten, it is not as good as this teapot. "

Fang Sheng was furious: "you are so unreasonable! How much is this broken teapot worth? Look at that gentleman's bronze mirror, but it's used by Empresses of Song Dynasty. It's no more than 100 times more expensive! You're still making such a fuss here that you won't admit it to death! "

Tang Qi looked at Fang Sheng calmly: "can't you really see it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Take a good look at this teapot. I'm sure you can distinguish it." Tang Qi said with a smile.

Fang Sheng frowned, grabbed the teapot up and down to observe, and never found anything valuable. "This is a teapot worth less than 10000 yuan. You don't have to die. In order to comfort Mr. Li, I decided to buy it for 50000 yuan. Do not let people continue to use you as a pretext to show off their extraordinary Fang Sheng stares at Tang Qi, who won't win people's hearts! No matter what you say, it's not as satisfying as I lend more money. Without waiting for Zhugan man to speak, Tang Qi said with a smile: "since you can't tell, I'll help you, the so-called collector, explain it." Tang Qi picked up the teapot and fell to the ground. With a bang, the teapot fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

All of us didn't expect Tang Qihui to do so. They all stood up and cried.

"What are you doing?" Although it's not worth money, it's a pity to smash it like this.

Fang Sheng points at Tang Qi and shouts, "you can't tell. If you have no excuse, you'll smash the pot!"

Zhugan man's mouth grinned, and then said in embarrassment: "although you think it's nothing, I spent tens of thousands of yuan. My small business is not easy. "

"Ann, don't worry. Look down at the thing on the ground. The value of the thing you get must be more than 30000 yuan. I don't believe you can see it for yourself. " Tang Qi points to the debris on the ground and laughs.

The crowd lowered their heads, and the bamboo man bent down and picked up a few pieces of jade: "nothing, what's here, completely Ah! What is this It turned out that there was a purple jade bead in the teapot, which was the size of a thumb cap. It was shining on the ground. The opposite wall was lined with colorful light like a rainbow. All the big guys left their seats in shock and looked at the ground: "what on earth is this

Just now, because I wanted to see the power of that night pearl, I didn't turn on the light. This time, the Pearl was shown from the fragments of jade in the ground. The dazzling light really blinded people's eyes.

"Well Is this a jade pot with jade beads Tang Qi said with a smile: "yes, although this jade pot is not valuable, the bead in it is not an ordinary thing. The ancient palace aristocrats often put such a bead in it when they drink tea in summer, which can make the tea cool down quickly. In addition, it has the function of detoxification and Exorcism, and it can keep insects indoors. How are you doing? Is this bead worth more than 30000 yuan? " "Of course! This bead is a big treasure. If it is genuine, my business will be saved! " Zhugannan's hands were shaking when he spoke. He was going to be bankrupt. This bead can buy at least five million yuan, and his business can continue. It's really a solution to his urgent need


In order to let people see clearly, Zhong Yaxin also turned on the light. All the big guys got together and found that there were words on the bead.

Zhong Yaxin said in a hurry: "come and have a look, Tang Qi."

Tang Qi didn't go by either. He said with a smile, "I don't have to go there to see it. It must be written:" twenty five years of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. "

, looking as like as two peas in the pot, he could not only accurately and accurately point out the Pearl in the pot, but even the time of making the inside it could be accurately and incomparable, and the words on it were exactly the same as those on the beads.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "Mei Fei, the imperial concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, likes plum blossoms, so plum blossoms are carved on this pot. Although Hetian jade is not so rare in modern times, it was a rare treasure in Tang Dynasty, so it's no wonder you didn't return."Zhong Yaxin said hastily: "so, this is the teapot used by Mei Fei?"

"No, it's written in the history books that after Mei Fei died, Yang Guifei destroyed the teapot. Only the bead inside was real. She left it for her own use. Now the teapot outside the package was imitated by later Dynasty people, so I broke it with confidence. Lao Li, you don't want to give up. " Bamboo man quickly said with a smile: "how can you give up! You helped me save my company. I thank you for being too late! "

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