Girl charming smile, wring waist: "you want to take me to where happy ah?"

"You'll know in a moment." While walking, the flowery man felt his trouser pocket. The spray was ready. The girl was stupid. She had never seen the world before, and it was the easiest to get it!

Two people came to the dark lane corridor, the girl's high-heeled shoes on the floor tiles, issued a cackle sound, she saw around so gloomy, a little worried: "it's terrible here, there's no fun." "Who said that? I'll let you go to heaven in a moment." The flower head man holds the spray in his hand, and then he will spray it on the girl, but who knows it's a big fist to meet him. Touch! One blow caused the bridge of the nose to collapse, and the blood sprayed out, while the spray in the hand was also turned in a direction by the other party


"What do you want?" cried the man

The girl suddenly turned cold and said with a smile, "of course, it's just for you to suffer for yourself!" Poof! Spray a, huatou man first smell a fragrance, and then eyes feel a very stinging feeling, directly fell on the ground, shouting for help.

The girl giggled: "it's time! Do you think I'm so gullible? "

Who knows this flower head male is exasperated to become angry, pulled out a knife to stab to her abdomen suddenly from waist: "Lao Tze and you fight!"

The girl stepped back a few steps, but the heel of her foot stabbed into the crack of the brick. She fell back, screaming, and the hanging wire knife cut her skirt and stabbed her thigh.

As soon as an accident was about to happen, a black shadow flew over from the side, lifted the girl's waist horizontally, and at the same time, kicked her wrist with one foot, and the knife fell to the ground with a bang. The flower head man twisted a few times and finally stopped.

The girl looked at the visitor in shock and said in surprise: "Tang Qi!"

Tang Qi looked into her eyes very seriously and said, "are you OK, ye Xuan?"

"I'm fine, but don't eat my tofu with such serious eyes." It turns out that while talking to Ye Xuan, Tang Qi gently touches her waist, but ye Xuan grabs him by the back of his hand and pulls him down.

When Tang Qi saw that the trick had been torn down, he had to smile. "It's just a joke. In other words, you usually pack it tightly, so your figure is really good." "Bah! You are just a big wave. " Ye Xuan said she tied up her hair. She seldom dresses like this. She is very uncomfortable. So I took off the coat of the man with the flower head on the ground and put it on myself. The bizarre clothes added a bit of wild beauty to her.

Tang Qi took a look at the flowery man on the ground: "Why are you looking for him?"

"he is a famous little boy who uses spray to fan the girl to do something bad, so I will catch him and teach him a lesson."

"I don't read much. Don't lie to me. How can a person with such a status as you be a little bastard? Let's talk about what this person has to do with. " Tang Qi looks at Ye Xuan with a smile.

Ye Xuan was stunned, then sighed and said, "I really can't help you! Well, I'll let you know. "

She got close to Tang Qi's ear and murmured a few words. Tang Qi frowned: "this little bastard has something to do with the gold cost case?" "Yes! We found that this guy has been selling some anesthetics and stealing things for a living, but I don't know why he has become rich recently. We saw that he had been in and out of various gold banks, so we suspected that he knew the inside story and was going to take him back to interrogate him, and then we found out together

Tang Qi looked at the man lying on the ground and said, "I don't think he will say it."

But ye Xuan smiles and complacently says, "don't worry about this. Naturally, we have our way to make him speak. Even the dead can't run away."

"Well Are you sure? " Tang Qi pats Ye Xuan on the shoulder and signals her to look at huatou man. "This guy seems dead."

Ye Xuan is stunned, and then runs to the huatou man quickly. He finds that his face is pale and his lips are bloodless. He gently presses the artery on his neck with his hand and finds that, as Tang Qi said, he is dead.

"What's going on? Did anyone do something while we were talking? " Ye Xuan looks up at Tang Qi in surprise.

Tang Qi shook his head and squatted down, and picked up the jar of the magic pill and shook it vigorously. "I'm afraid the poison is in it."

Ye Xuan was very nervous: "how can this be possible? This medicine can was originally used to spray on me. I used it to spray on him, but it's just easy... "

"That is to say, someone wanted to kill you and blame him, but because of your ability, he was killed by himself." Tang Qi pondered, but he thought of the worst result.

"I approached him on purpose. We planned the whole thing secretly. Who would know in advance?" "Have you forgotten what I said to you? Jin boxue's side has someone to do undercover work. I'm afraid they didn't want you to check it out. That's why they arranged it. Originally, there are not a few people who are sensitive to overpowering drugs. Even if they are caught by the police, they will only think that they are indecent and never think of goldFake it. " Tang Qi's calm analysis.

Ye Xuan didn't speak for a long time. I'm afraid he didn't know about it. If she died, he would only think it was an accident.

"I'll call Mr. King now! You have to tell him about it. " Knowing the seriousness of the consequences, ye Xuan has to call Jin boxue in a hurry.

But Tang Qi stopped her, "no, we know it in our hearts now, but it's groundless. If you tell Mr. Jin, you will scare the snake. How can the people who can be undercover around him be ordinary people. Be careful, we can't do anything, we're hurting Mr. king. "

Hearing Tang Qi's words, ye Xuan frowns and finally has no choice but to compromise. "Well, I'll listen to you. I'll just talk to my sisters. "

"In fact, I always want to know what Jin Bo Xue does?" All along, Tang Qi just thought that he was a famous antiquist, and also a very important celebrity in Yanjing. He should be the same as the Chu family. But he seems to have his shadow in every big case.

Ye Xuan pondered for a moment, and then told him frankly: "he is actually a general leader in charge of cultural relics protection. I can't tell you exactly what position he is. You are his grandson-in-law. Can't you ask yourself?"

Tang Qi smiles and says that he has never been positive about me and Mickey. I'd better wait until I have accomplished several major things and ask him.

At this time, the sea monster came and said, "Tang Qi, why don't you come back, eh? How is old four here? "

"Do you know him?" Tang Qi passed by.

"Yes, his name is Lao Si. Everyone in our bar street knows him. But how could he Dead The sea monster raised the man in surprise, and then glared at Ye Xuan: "did you do it?"

Ye Xuan said, "I'm not in a hurry."

"No matter what it is, our brother can't be gone for nothing, you make it clear to me!" He strode to Ye Xuan's direction and was stopped by Tang Qi: "it's great that you know him. I have something to tell you."

"But this woman..."

"She's my wife. She won't hurt anyone. You believe me."

Ye Xuan blushed and said, "who's your wife? Don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Qi had already pulled the sea monster to one side at this time, and said it to him quickly. Of course, Jin boxue did not say: "so although he died in her hands, he basically killed himself."

"So it is! He had something to do with fake gold. I was so rude just now. Forgive me, sister-in-law. I really deserve it The sea monster is quite straightforward and has nothing to say, so ye Xuan is not angry either.

Ye Xuan asked someone to dispose of the body, and the three returned to the bar together. Tang Qi began to ask Lao Si who he had been in close contact with recently.

"It's better to be the kind of rich and powerful bastard who usually takes three and four." Tang Qi thought for a while, to avoid the sea monster to say all those messy relations, there will be a headache.

"I've seen him have a close relationship with someone. I often see him drinking in a bar with that person, and he's really generous. He spends a lot of money every time. They are brothers all the time. Most of the time they spend money with each other, and you know this person."

Tang Qi suddenly a Leng, "I know? Who is it? "

"Zhong Yaxin's father, Zhong Zishan."

"No! It doesn't seem to be her father's name, I remember "Zhong Zishan is his real name." Ye Xuan immediately said, "if it's Zhong Zishan, I've heard of him. Fifteen years ago, there was a gold swap case in Mingzhu City, the largest gold shop. Recently, the gold was replaced with gold that was greedy for counterfeit goods. If it wasn't for the customers, they would have no idea. "

Tang Qi was not impressed by the case that ye Xuan said. After all, he was still young at that time, and his contact with antiques was also in recent months. Ye Xuan gave him a good explanation.

After listening to Ye Xuan's explanation, Tang Qi suddenly realized, "it turns out that gold counterfeiting started so many years ago."

"Yes." Ye Xuan sighed and said, "maybe it's because of this that the business of this gold shop can't go on, and it will disappear soon. Zhong Zishan should have changed his name at that time and went to Yanjing to set up Zhong's jewelry group and continue to make money."

Zhong Yaxin's father has always given Tang Qi the impression that he likes to take advantage of things. There is no doubt about such things. But it is not known whether he bought the fake without knowing it or intentionally.

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, the sea monster was also surprised, and then slowly said: "Tang Qi, you should be careful if you want to ask, and his daughter. If not, you'll break up. "

"I understand." Tang Qi leaned back in his chair and sighed. It seems that the problem of gold fraud must be solved as soon as possible.

Although the old four is gone, but the lead out of this clue is quite good.After drinking, ye Xuan said goodbye to Tang Qi and Hai Guai at the door: "I'll tell my sister what to do. We'll see you when you run for president of the antiques Association. "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "OK! You three sisters are coming. "

"Don't worry. We can't go without it." Ye Xuan waved her hand with a smile and soon disappeared into the night.

At this time, the sea monster said to Tang Qi, "I'm leaving, too."

"Are you going home?"

"No! I'm going to Yanjing. I can't stay in this street any longer. " Tang Qi said with a smile: "you are exaggerating. You can do whatever you want. Can't you be angry with Hua Jintao?"

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