Ding Jianyun said with a smile: "ha ha, Mr. Zhong, you don't know something. Although it's just poison, it looks very beautiful. Besides, it's rare in the world. The price of a diamond is comparable to that of a diamond. "

Tang Qixin said that such a dust bead is at least as valuable as a ten carat diamond. It can be sold for 40 million at least. No wonder he doesn't want to take 10 million usury. It turns out that the big head is here. After all, it's still a business man. He won't lose money.

Zhong Zishan said with a smile: "there is such a thing. What are we waiting for? Let's open it and have a look." Then he took the bottle, reached out and pulled out the plug, and poured it out. "No way!" Ding Jianyun stopped him in a hurry and said: "Wang Jie once said that if it is really a bead of dust, it must be taken out in a special way, otherwise the moment it comes into contact with the air, it will be directly powdered into dust and wasted. I don't know about this method, and I'm not sure what it is, so I have to ask Tang Qi for help. "

Zhong Zishan was afraid for a while. Fortunately, he didn't open it just now. Otherwise, I would have to pay him a lot of money. Now he doesn't know the value of a bead of dust. If he does, he will drool.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "do you think it will be a bead of dust?"

"I think it's like this, because if you look at the box, the sculptor, and these dowry things, they all conform to the ancient books. I think they should be used by women in self-defense."

"But whether it is or not, you can't rely on guessing," Tang said

"Yes, you think the same as I think. I hope you can help me as long as you open the bottle and protect the contents. Even if it's not the dust, I will never blame you. I won't take Mr. Zhong's 10 million usury. How about it? "

Zhong Zishan pushes Tang Qi in a hurry. He says that you should agree quickly!

Tang Qi glared at him and then said to Ding Jianyun with a smile: "I can help you open the bottle, but I think this step is very complicated. There are also a lot of materials needed. "

Ding Jianyun said hastily, "it doesn't matter! Whatever you want is up to you. I want money, money and things. "

"Well, I'll write down all the things I need now, and you'll send someone to buy them for me."

"I see. I'll prepare a pen and paper for you now!" Ding Jianyun was so excited that he ran to the back of his desk, took out a pen and paper and handed it to Tang Qi: "no matter what, just write it. I have nothing I can't get."

"Since you are so eager, I'll try." Tang Qi began to write quickly on the paper and handed a piece of paper to Ding Jianyun.

Ding Jianyun glanced: "ah! It's all Chinese medicine. " It turns out that all the Chinese herbal medicines written on it are Artemisia argyi, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, ginseng, Radix Paeoniae Alba, bimagen and so on.

"Not only traditional Chinese medicine, but also rouge, iron sand and alcohol lamp. Go and prepare. I'll open the bottle for you."

"OK, no problem. I'll arrange it now." Ding Jianyun ran out in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Tang Qi leaned back on his chair and yawned: "there is no TV here. It's boring. "

"Son in law, do you have to work hard for such a complicated thing?"

"No effort. It'll be out soon. "

Zhong Zishan said curiously, "no! I look at the things you care about. There are forty or fifty of them. "

"Ha ha, it's not so complicated. How can he feel that it's worth taking ten million as a gift of thanks?" Tang Qi winked at him. Zhong Zishan came up to him and whispered, "actually..."

"In fact, he doesn't need it at all, but if he doesn't do it, he will feel a loss of 10 million yuan. You'll still be in trouble. Just shut up and don't say much. " Tang Qi said in a low voice.

Zhong Zishan laughed: "my son-in-law knows everything. But how did you come up with these things? " "Watching TV. In the previous stage, Zhong Yaxin had been watching those ancient costume plays, which were full of Chinese herbal medicine. In short, you just stay well. " Zhong Zishan wandered around the room and came to the window from time to time. He was mainly distressed to take 10 million yuan. If someone took it away, it would be no good.

"If he knows about it..."

"Shh. Someone's coming. " Tang Qi suddenly stood up, strode to the door, suddenly opened the door, outside Ding Huai standing unsteadily, directly rushed in, fell on the sofa. Just as he put his ear on the door to eavesdrop, he was discovered by Tang Qi. His body was askew, and his tears came down. He pointed to Tang Qi and said, "you Help me up quickly. "

Tang Qi said: "what's the matter with you? You want to eavesdrop on us, don't you

"No! I'm passing by In fact, Tang Qi really guessed it. Before Ding Jianyun left, he let his son keep an eye on Tang Qi: "be sure to keep an eye on them. If there is any mistake, I'll settle with you!"

"But Dad, don't you cheat Tang Qi? You are not Song Jie's at all... "Ding Jianyun snorted: "the world is full of intrigues. It's nothing to tell lies. Don't let them know. "

"Then I was beaten by Tang Qi for nothing? I was beaten so badly by him! I'm going to tell my mom "Dear son, I promise you that as soon as I get the things, I will kill them immediately and avenge you. But it's a big deal. You have to be patient. You can promise what he wants. Don't conflict. Dad's going to give you ten million checks and play around. " He touched his son's head in love. He is a morbid pet of the only child. That's why Tang Qigang mistreated him like that. Ding Jianyun hated him a long time ago. It's just that I can't bear it.

Ding Huai just agreed to his father, who knows just arrived was caught by Tang Qi.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "since you are passing by, please help us to order something to eat. You can't make the guests hungry all the time."

"What's your status? How dare you order me to be a professional

Tang Qi grasped his neck: "are you going or not? I'll have braised meat and beef stew. My father-in-law will eat chicken wings. "

"You..." Ding huaiqi wants to vomit blood, but thinking of his father's advice, he stands up and goes away.

Zhong Zishan quickly turned round and round: "can't this work? You are going to offend Ding Jianshan. "

"Don't worry. Even if we don't offend him and know the secret of the bead, we can't live

"I don't understand..."

"Father in law, you can live well only if you know less. Don't ask Tang Qi smiles.

Zhong Zishan had to sit on the sofa, his heart a lot of worry, fortunately, there are Tang Qi around, not to die.

Tang Qi sent a short message to the head of the horse team, which was a number to take precautions. Then Ding Huai brought food.

"Eat! From the big restaurant opposite. "

Bang bang! More than a dozen lunch boxes filled the table. Tang Qi opened the lid and found that they were all good dishes such as chicken, duck, fish and so on.

He said with a smile: "not bad, not bad! You go and get me two big crabs and, by the way, two bottles of drinks

Ding huaihou said: "I said Tang Qi! What do you think of me? I'm not your servant! "

"Hurry up and cut the crap. Otherwise, when your father comes back, I'll tell him that you don't take good care of us. I don't care about you. What will he do to you then? " He said, rising to go.

"OK, you wait for me, I'll buy it for you right now!" Ding huaiqi wanted to spit blood, but he had to do it. When the subordinates saw that they were usually arrogant and domineering, they were so obedient that they were afraid to speak.

Tang Qi and Zhong Zishan had a big lunch. Then they asked Ding Huai to stand aside and deliver tea, water and napkins. Turn around the boy's instructions: "Xiaoding, get me another cup of tea. It's too good. I don't need it. Pu'er will do

Ding Huai clenched his teeth and said, "Tang Qi! Don't go too far. How much longer do you think you can give me? "

Tang Qi said: "I'm Song Jie's life-saving benefactor. Your father and he are brothers, so they can only be regarded as my nephew. How can I go too far?"

"Who said they were brothers?" Ding Huai blurted out, immediately aware of the problem, quickly said: "they are not brothers."

"How did your father and he become brothers?"

Ding Huai looked at Tang Qi and said, "are you making a routine?"

"Wipe! Is this also called a cliche? It's just a chat. "

"I don't know! It's all set by my dad when he's alone with him. " Ding Huai turned Tang Qi's eyes.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "I see. Since they are so good, have you met Wang Ziqi recently?"

"Who is Wang Ziqi? I don't know. "

Tang Qiyi smiles: "nothing, he is It's song Yilian's friend. "

Wang Ziqi is Song Jie's biggest enemy. They have been killing each other for many times, but this guy doesn't know him. It seems that Ding Jianyun has a grudge against Song Jie. Is it the relationship between strangers?

Ding Huai said at this time: "no matter who this person is. I won't marry song Yilian, just a bitch. "

"Song Yilian is very beautiful."

"No matter how beautiful she is, she's a bitch. Almost hurt I don't want to speak ill of her, so don't ask He said and walked out, the mother unexpectedly was Tang Qi to set the story! I didn't say anything, did I? Ding Huai is very sorry.

Tang Qi smiles: "it's very interesting."

Zhong Zishan asked Tang Qi what he meant, but he laughed without saying a word, and then fell asleep on the sofa.

It took two hours for Ding Jianyun and his men to come in. Each of them had big and small bags on their hands, which seemed very heavy.

Ding Jianyun wiped the sweat channel on his forehead: "OK! Brother, it's really hard to find the herbs you want. I've almost run all the Chinese drugstores. Now I've bought all these things. "Several black lines crossed Zhong Zishan's face. Tang Qi is really a tosser.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "it's hard for you. Now let's get this bead out. First, put the alcohol on the shelf, and then put the herbs into a pot as I told them to boil. "

Ding Jianyun quickly agreed, and the people put up the alcohol lamp and boiled the herbs together. The air is full of the bitter smell of herbs, spreading throughout the office. Some people are allergic to sneezing.

Boss, what are you doing? It's killing. When Ding Jianyun saw Tang Qi holding the bottle in his hand, he was about to put it into the medicine jar. He immediately held Tang Qi nervously: "no way! If this porcelain vase goes in, it will blow up and play with all the things in it, so you can't do that? "

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