"What are you doing? Tang Qi Mickey screamed to avoid the man's hand, too hard to control the body fell to the ground.

Hearing the voice of Miki, Tang Qi quickly slides over, takes Miki's hand to help her up, and looks at the man with a bad face.

The man said with a smile: "brother, get to know me. My name is Li Fei. My friends call me big brother. I like this girl. How about giving it to me?"

At this time, Li Fei has been surrounded by a group of small gangsters. Cheng Jun and others are also surrounded. Tang Qi looks at Li Fei and says coldly, "get out of here!"

"Grass Mud Horse, how to talk!"

"Big fly, hit him!"

The crowd behind Li Fei screamed. Li Fei pressed his hands to stop the voice of the crowd. Then he pointed to Mickey and said to Tang Qi, "I have a large number of big brother Fei. Let your horse play with me for two days. Let's just let it go. How about that?"

Tang Qi is very angry but smile, coldly way: "if I don't agree?"

"I don't know how to praise you, brothers. Beat him!" As soon as Li Fei's face changed, he took the lead in raising his hand to fight Tang Qi. However, he was pinched by one hand in the middle of the air. Everyone was surprised to see Xiao Qin who seemed to appear out of thin air.

Li Fei exhausted all his strength and couldn't free himself. His arm seemed to be clamped by a pair of pliers. The more he clamped it, the more tight it became. Li Fei felt as if his hand was going to be broken. He quickly cried, "beat him!"

Hearing the speech, they rushed to Xiaoqin. Xiaoqin didn't even look at it. He flashed out like lightning. Several people flew out like cannonballs and hit them. The huge impact hit a lot of people.

Everyone looked at Xiao Qin in horror, and no one dared to do it again. Then Xiao Qin turned to Tang Qi and said, "brother Tang, are you ok?"

Tang Qi shook his head and said with a smile, "it's good that you came fast."

Li Fei cried bitterly: "a group of rubbish, call the police!"

Smell speech lying on the ground of people in a hurry out of the mobile phone to dial the alarm call, Tang Qiyi Leng, this year the little gangster will also find the police?

At this time, Jiang Ting came over and said to Tang Qi anxiously, "you go quickly. The director of Xuefu District Public Security Bureau is his cousin."

Tang Qi said with a smile to Jiang Ting: "it's OK, thank you." No wonder it's so arrogant. There are people behind it.

Tang Qi walks up to Li Fei. In the eyes of the people, he gives Li Fei a slap. Tang Qi says, "apologize to her."

Li Fei was confused. Didn't he hear that his cousin was the director of the public security bureau? When he came back, Li Fei said: "grass..." Later words were slapped back in the stomach.


"Tao..." Li Fei was both shy and angry. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was slapped in the face again. He couldn't say anything.

Everyone was excited to see that NIMA was so inspiring that someone finally cleaned up the big brother Fei, who was usually domineering and no one dared to provoke. Everyone wished that the person who slapped his face at this time was himself. Looking at Tang Qi's eyes, he was full of admiration.

"I said


"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Tang Qi said.

Li Fei's face had swollen into a pig's head at this time. I don't know when it was full of tears. Some wronged people choked and said: "sobbing I apologize. I'm sorry. "

Tang Qi wiped his hands on Li Fei with disdain, which made Xiao Qin release Li Fei. Then Tang Qi turned to Cheng Jun and other humanitarians: "boss, you take Mickey and they go first."

Cheng Jun and others were taken by Tang Qi's momentum. At the moment when Tang Qi turned his head, he did not dare to look at Tang Qi. Until Tang Qi spoke, Cheng Jun and others were excited and said, "third brother, when the hell are you so tough?"

A group of girls look at Tang Qi's eyes, and Jiang Ting, who looks at Tang Qi, is also stunned. She doesn't know what she is thinking.

Tang Qi smiles. As soon as he is about to speak, the police arrive. As soon as the three policemen get out of the car, they rush in, led by a valiant female police officer.

"Don't move! All head down Female police officer Jiao shouts a way.

All the people squatted on the ground with their heads in their arms. Only Tang Qi, Xiao Qin and Li Fei were still standing on their own. Li Fei saw the man behind the female police officer as if he had accepted the wronged child and met his parents. He rushed over and hugged the man and cried, "brother Li, you have to make decisions for me!"

Officer Li looked at Li Fei for a long time before he was surprised and said, "are you Xiao Fei?"

Li Fei nodded hastily. Officer Li changed his face and said, "who hit you?"

Li Fei points to Tang Qi and says: "he!"

Officer Li walked quickly to Tang Qi and said, "you are suspected of deliberately hurting people. Come with us!" With that, officer Li reached out and took out the handcuffs from his waist to bring them to Tang Qi, but his hand suddenly stopped and his arm was held tightly by one hand.

Officer Li could not break free after earning money. He looked at Tang Qi and said, "do you want to attack the police?"

Tang Qi said faintly: "I don't know if the police officer has been investigated before his conviction. I'm afraid it's hard to be convinced that you are so partial."

"Lao Li, get to know the situation first." The policewoman said.Officer Li quickly pulled the policewoman aside and whispered. After hearing this, he saw that the policewoman looked at Li Fei and Tang Qi from a distance. There was something bad in his eyes, and even some disgust.

After understanding the story, the female police officer walked up to Li Fei and Tang Qi and said, "come with us!"

Tang Qi nodded. Seeing that Tang Bing was written on the police officer's certificate on the woman's chest, he said, "officer Tang, these are my classmates. They have nothing to do with this. Can you let them go back to school first?"

Tang Bing looks at Mickey and others. Seeing that most of them are girls, Tang Bing nods. Tang Qi smiles and turns to Cheng Jun and others: "boss, you go back first. Don't worry, it's OK!"

Cheng Jun and others hesitated for a moment, found that they can't help, then nodded, but Mickey said: "Tang Qi, I'll go with you."

Tang Qi shook his head and said to Mickey with a smile: "Mickey, you go back with the boss first. If you go, I'll worry. Don't worry. I'll be back soon."

Miki just nodded, but looking at Tang Qi's eyes was still full of worry.

After walking out of the skating rink, Tang Bing hears that Tang Qi has driven the car, and then gets into Tang Qi's car. When she sees Tang Qi's license plate number, Tang Bing is surprised. She finally understands why the man in front of her is so confident, but she doesn't give Tang Qi a good face. In her heart, Tang Qiding has long been regarded as a flower.

All the way, Tang Bing's eyes are out of the window, while Tang Qi, sitting in the co pilot's seat, unconsciously observes Tang Bing from the rearview mirror. This is Tang Qi's first time to deal with the police, and he is also such a beautiful female police officer. His handsome uniform outlines Tang Bing's beautiful body, and his frosty face adds a different desire to conquer. Tang Qi is stunned.

Tang Bing has found Tang Qi's peeping for a long time. At first, he intended to pretend he didn't see it. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi's eyes become more and more unrestrained. Tang Bing's face turns red and wants to gouge out Tang Qi's eyes. Finally, he can't bear it. He turns to meet Tang Qi's eyes and glares at Tang Qi fiercely. Tang Qi moves his eyes away and touches his nose with a guilty heart Look out of the window.

After thinking about it, Tang Qi took out his cell phone and made a call to Zhou Gang. The phone was connected soon. Before Tang Qi spoke, Zhou Gang said, "Tang Qi, I thought you forgot me. What's the matter?"

Tang Qi felt ashamed and said: "sorry, brother Zhou, I'm a little busy these days. I had a little conflict with someone on Xuefu street. Now I'm on my way to the police station. I heard that the nephew of the director is there."

"Are you all right? I'll be right here! " Zhou Gang's tone revealed a trace of concern.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Qi is a little distracted. Tang Qi knows that Zhou Gang treats him more because of his grandfather, long Lao. However, it's always human. For the first time, Tang Qi begins to wonder about the identity of long Lao.

"Brother Tang, the chief already knows." Xiao Qin said suddenly.

Tang qiyileng, Xiao Qin said: "sorry, brother Tang, the chief said that your affairs should be reported to him at the first time, I dare not violate it."

Tang Qi said with a smile: "it's OK, brother Qin. I don't blame you." After this period of time, Tang Qi has long regarded Xiao Qin as his family. Many times, he feels a little guilty about Xiao Qin. No matter when he follows him like a shadow, he never needs to worry about food and housing. Tang Qi has paid Xiao Qin several times, but Xiao Qin never wants to.

Hearing the conversation between Tang Qi and Xiao Qin, Tang Bing was a little surprised, but he didn't ask. Soon the car drove into the police yard. Director Li, who had already got the news, had been waiting at the gate of the police station. Seeing his nephew, director Li's face, he said angrily, "don't you see that he has been injured like this? What do you want to do if you don't take him back to the hospital? Li Jun, how do you do things? "

Li officer smell speech quickly will Li Fei back on the car, start the car to the hospital, Li director immediately look to walk out of the car to Tang Qi, gloomy way: "people are you hit?"

Tang Qi nodded and said, "yes."

"Take it to the interrogation room. I'll try it myself!" Director Li Da waved his hand and ordered.

Although Tang Bing was dissatisfied, he couldn't resist, so he gave Tang Qi to other people who were eager to pay attention to the director.

Tang Qi and Xiao Qin are taken to the interrogation room separately. Tang Qi is handcuffed and sits on a chair. Director Li and two policemen sit in front of Tang Qi.


"Tang Qi."

"Come on, don't ask! Lao Zhou, you go out and turn off the monitor. " Director Li interrupted.

"Director..." The two policemen hesitated, but seeing director Li's face, they stood up and walked out.

After they left, director Li picked up a piece of paper and put it in front of Tang Qi, saying, "sign this confession."

Tang Qi glanced at him and said, "director Li, is this a way to make a move?"

Director Li lit a cigarette and said faintly, "young man, you have to pay a price for doing something wrong. Be frank and avoid the pain of skin and flesh."

"Hehe, aren't you afraid that you can't wear your hat steadily?" Tang Qi was very angry and laughed.Director Li said angrily: "dare to threaten me?" Then he hit Tang Qi with his fist. Tang Qi quickly ducked. The handcuffs were attached to the chair. Seeing that the second fist couldn't escape, Tang Qi gave up dodging.

At this time, Tang Bing's voice suddenly rang out of the door: "director Li, the city's phone, call for you."

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