Everyone is sneering at Tang Qi's treasure appraisal ability. So many things choose such a worthless bracelet. Is he crazy? Only Meng Yuan was silent and unwilling to take part in it. These people speak more and more unpleasant, and begin to attack Tang Qi's character from his ability.

Because the assistant of the antique shop is on one side, which is also a disguised form of flattery.

Min Qian was not happy at this time: "Hello! I said, "what's the matter with you? Why are you talking so hard?"

An old man twirled his beard and sneered, "ha ha, can ordinary people come to this place? You're such a kid. What kind of things are precious to you? Those who see little and see much need to be driven out. "

"Well, I don't know how you got the qualification to come here, but it's funny that such inferior products can be regarded as treasures by you. Ha ha

"Do you know who he is? He is our Antique... " Tang Qi quickly pinches her thigh. What's the matter with this girl? She doesn't let me say it, but she has to go forward and tell me the details. It's easy to be angered.

Min Qian is very sorry. How could I be so easily angered? Fortunately, Tang Qi stopped me and didn't say it. But these people are really too much and look down on us?

Tang Qici was not in a hurry and said with a smile: "so, you are all first-class experts?"

"Of course, why are you unconvinced?"

"Of course not. I just don't understand one point. I want to ask for advice face to face."

The old man complacently said: "you just say it, I'll explain it to you."

"Is longzhai antique shop a great place?"

When these people heard this, they were stunned for a while, and then laughed together. This man is really rare. The old man probably wanted to make the assistant behind him happy, so he began to flatter.

"Naturally, it's a good place. Many authentic antiques that have disappeared in the world can be found here. It's a great honor for you to be here. We come here with gratitude. " All the people who can come to this place to participate in the antique trade have been carefully selected by longzhai. If they have a little doubt, they can't let him in. This time, Tang Qi is also in the light of Min Qian. When he said that, the assistant just gave a smile, and there was no other reaction. Tang Qi nodded: "really? Then I ask you, why do you say this bracelet is inferior goods? Before, your disciples all said that this place is very powerful. It's so tall that they even sell inferior goods? Is there something wrong with your vision, or is this longzhai antique shop itself a place that likes to sell

inferior products? " Everyone was surprised that the boy The old man blushed and couldn't say a word. They looked back at the assistant's face together and became very indifferent: "I haven't sold any substandard products in my store. If Mr. Liu doesn't like it, he can leave. There's no need to insult him!"

"No, I definitely don't mean that. You believe me..." Now the old man has the heart to hit the wall, and he hates the hairy boy even more.

Meng Yuan laughs on one side. He always looks like he has nothing to do with himself.

Tang Qi continued: "although this bracelet looks like a cracked and crude jade bracelet on the surface, I don't think such a noble place will sell such a bad thing, so I took a closer look and found that there is a bracelet in it."

"Ah! Is it a bracelet in a bracelet? " The crowd was taken aback. This process is to create a new shell outside the precious bracelet to hide and protect it. In fact, Tang Qi had seen such a bracelet before, and because such a bracelet was resented and retaliated by the owner of Wanbao building, Tang Qi finally got the bracelet from Wanbao building, but the number was very small, because it was too difficult to do it, and the bracelet in it would be destroyed if he was careless. I didn't expect to see you here.

The assistant said with a smile, "how do you know?"

"With intuition, who makes me so smart?" Tang said

With a smile, the assistant stretched out his hand and said, "well, please come to verify that you are right."

"No problem."

Min Qian grabbed Tang Qi: "calm down, if something goes wrong, you'll have to buy it!"

"That's natural. Am I short of money?" Tang Qi put the bracelet on the table and looked around. There was a cup of hot tea in front of old man Liu. Tang Qi took it directly and poured it on the bracelet.

Is this guy crazy? Everyone exclaimed, how can there be such a process to take the bracelet? People use special instruments to open it little by little. Who knows Tang Qike poured it well and poured hot water directly!

Tang Qi Si didn't care at all. She pointed with her finger. People around only heard a crackling sound. The rough jade outside broke into several pieces, and a delicate pink jade bracelet appeared directly.This bracelet is much smaller than the ordinary one, but the lines are smooth and there is no impurity, which is very dazzling.

Min Qian took up a touch, fingers suddenly felt a cold feeling, is really good jade!

Tang Qidao said: "this kind of Kunlun mountain ice cold jade is rarely made into bracelets, and even less has pink texture. It's really one of the best. I'll take a picture of it and give it to my beloved woman."

Minqian heard him say this sentence, heart slightly move, needless to say, he will give Mickey, she is a little jealous.

The assistant said with a smile: "no, since you are such a good person, I will give it to you."

"Ah All the people around yelled. They all knew the value of this icy jade. This kind of Bracelet would be sold for tens of millions at least. Did he just give it away?

Tang Qi also slightly frowned: "I won't accept the salary for my reactive power..."

"If it wasn't for you to help us with the Dragon House, someone would go outside and say that all the goods sold here are fake and substandard. You helped us to recover our reputation. This is our thank-you gift. You can take it." The assistant's tone was firm.

And just now those who ridicule Tang Qi's face become very ugly, finished, was hated, it is estimated that there will be no good end.

At this time, a suit man in his forties came over and said, "what are you talking about, so busy?" This man is tall, followed by a dozen men, very dignified.

When they saw him, they all stood up and looked respectful. Min Qian tells him in a low voice that this man is the owner of the longzhai antique shop, long Yu. He is mingka's first cadre in China.

"How's it going? He looks smart, doesn't he? "

Tang Qi glances at him, shakes his head, smiles and doesn't comment. Long Yu said to the public, "have you chosen these antiques? So we're starting to price. " With a wave of his hand, several hands behind him came over with a tray. On it were small wooden cards, only about three inches in size, carved in purple mahogany, depicting three different kinds of flowers: plum blossom, orchid and peony, which were placed in front of everyone.

Tang Qi took a look and said he didn't understand the meaning.

Min Qian said: "this is a price increase. The plum blossom is 500000 yuan, the orchid is 1000000 yuan, and the peony is 5000000 yuan. When bidding, just take this as an example. It looks more elegant." Tang Qixin said that he can do these useless things. Isn't it just about spending money? He picked up the wooden card of the peony and saw that there were some vague lines on it. When he saw it, it was as if someone had carved the words with his nails. Tang Qi's heart moved.

Just want to take a closer look at the above things, min Qian has put this thing to the side.

She said in a low voice: "people are looking at today's finale, and you are looking at the flowers carved out of wood? I said you are really strange. Please help me appreciate it. If I can't buy it today, brother Dong may kill me. "

Tang Qi looked up and saw that the assistant had taken an ordinary large black suitcase to the table. The button was opened neatly and the lid of the suitcase was lifted. Before everyone saw what was inside, they felt that there was a flash of gold in front of them, which made people dare not look directly at them. The assistant took out the contents with the white gloves. It turned out that it was a golden dress shaped in Five Dynasties and ten countries. It was about 1.6 meters high. The net shaped golden dress was very soft and elegant when held in the hand. There was no heavy feeling of gold at all. Every piece of golden silk was only hair, which was very meticulous. The clothing materials on the whole body were wrapped with golden silk Decorated with all kinds of gold beads, it looks elegant. Long Yu said: "this is the famous product I'm going to shoot for you today. It was made in Five Dynasties and ten countries. At that time, the economy was prosperous. Every country paid attention to extravagance and wealth. Gold also began to be used on clothes. There were a lot of gold clothes at that time. Unfortunately, all the effects were destroyed and all the gold clothes were destroyed The Ministry flushed the Treasury. At present, only this one has been handed down to the world. "

There was an exclamation from the crowd: "it's really good. The shape is exquisite, and it's so light and soft. It seems that the textile technology at that time was so advanced!"

"Yes, this golden dress will sell at a good price if it gets an international auction in a few years."

However, long Yu said with a smile, "I'm afraid it's not good, because the golden dress was originally collected in a museum in suhai. If you dare to sell it openly, you'll have to face a lawsuit."

It seems that people have been used to this situation for a long time, and they are not surprised, so they continue to prepare to buy it. Anyway, the normal method is not successful, and we can still take the black market in the future. What's the worry.

"Tang Qi. What about? How can I photograph it? "

"Since there is a client who asked you to take a picture, you should listen to him. Why ask me?" Tang Qi said, looking at Meng Yuan's direction all the time. He just glanced at the golden dress and continued to drink tea. He didn't seem to be very interested. Of course, he wasn't ready to take a picture.But min Qian beat you so perfunctorily? I'm asking you if it's worth a billion. The customer asked me to buy it for one billion yuan. What if it fails? "

Tang Qi is drinking tea. When he hears that she is going to buy this golden dress for one billion yuan, he is surprised to spray out all the water. Then he points to min Qian and keeps coughing.

"You I beg your pardon? Are you going to pay so much for this? " "Yes, I can't?" Min Qian is curious.

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