Huarongyue was so angry that she turned pale when she heard that she wanted to go over: "do you look down on women? Make it clear to me. "

The sea monster picked her up directly: "Miss, don't go there..."

"Let go! Didn't you hear him say that to me? "

Tang Qi said with a helpless smile: "OK, honey, sit down. He doesn't dare to shoot."

Every time he sees huarongyue angry, he thinks that huarongyue looks very cute.

Tang Qi turned to the others and said, "it seems that Mr. Meng Yuan is a bit out of his way today. I don't think he can discuss anything. You can go back. Let's talk about this topic another day."

They all left quickly, went outside, all relieved, and discussed as they walked.

"What do you want now? Can Tang Qi agree to it?"

"I think it's hard. Let's get ready early. If the association doesn't buy it, we can buy it ourselves. "

"Well, I think Tang Qi is a muddle headed man. He doesn't want any chance to make money for nothing! Sooner or later, it will be destroyed by Mengyuan. "

Everyone left in a hurry while talking.

Tang Qi stood up, closed the door and said to Meng Yuan, "now people are gone. If you have something to say, just say it."

Meng Yuan said, "what can I say! When you have a new woman, you will not think of the old one. "

Tang Qi frowned and said, "what do you mean by that?"

"When Chiyang yingzi left China, she left Shen miaolian's body to me." Tang Qi suddenly a Leng, he and Shen Miaolin's affair already is a long time ago of affair. After the woman abandoned him for being poor and loving the rich, she met many men and finally died. At the beginning, Tang Qi was also out of the spirit of humanity. After she promised Chiyang yingzi to defeat Hecun Bao, she returned Shen miaolian's body. Later, after Hecun Bao died, Chiyang yingzi ascended the throne and returned to Japan. They lost contact, and Shen miaolian's affairs were forgotten.

Now even from the mouth of Meng Yuan know this thing, can't help but very surprised.

"Why did she give you the body?"

"You want to know? Well, as long as you promise to finish the night star stone, I will tell you, otherwise you will regret for your whole life, and I will throw her body into the mountains. "

Huarongyue said, "you are so vicious. Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"Ha ha, all the people who force me to do evil things in the world get good ones. Why should I worry?"

Tang Qi frowned and said: "this time I come back, how can I find that you have become like this? You were so cool before that? When I find someone to help your sister see a doctor.... "

"Don't mention my sister! She's dead. Do you want it because she cares about me? " Meng Yuan suddenly cried out impulsively. His voice was full of pain and anger.

Tang Qi suddenly said: "what's the matter?" "Don't ask. It's all my fault. She won't die if I'm not too kind! I must take revenge! Otherwise I swear not to be a man He was like a wounded beast. Although his hand covered his face, they all knew that he was crying. Tang Qi and Hua Rongyue, including sea monster, all looked at him quietly. After Meng Yuan calmed down, he severely threatened: "I'll give you another day. If you still don't agree at the meeting tomorrow, I'll make a resolution to drive you out of the antique Association. According to the regulations, if more than 80% of the people agree, you will leave." With that, he slammed his pistol on the table, then turned and walked out.

Tang Qi stopped him in the past: "I still don't understand. The miracle doctor Qian Sitian went to said that her illness can be cured. She's just an eye blind patient. Why did she die?"

"I don't want to tell you. If you promise me, I'll give her back to you. If you don't promise, it's OK!" With that, he bumped Tang Qi away and went out.

In fact, according to Tang Qi's Kung Fu, it's easy to stop him, but he thought about it and let him leave.

Sea monster some doubt of ask to Tang Qi: "why do you catch him not to ask clear?"

"According to his personality, if he doesn't want to say something, he won't even say it when he dies. I always feel that this matter has something to do with his efforts to promote the night star stone to enter the jewelry market. Sea monster, please check his sister's Hospital for me

Tang Qixin said that if the operation failed, the first person he should look for should be Qian Sitian, and then himself. Moreover, Qian didn't say anything about her sister. It seems that it's not the doctor's fault. Her sister was killed by others.

The sea monster agreed to go out, but when he went to the gate, he suddenly turned back and said, "no, I'm gone. Who will protect the first lady?"

Hua Rongyue said in a hurry, "go! I'm not a child. You have to find out quickly, or my father's business will be affected. "

"Well, I see." The sea monster left in a hurry.

Hua Rongyue turned back and said to Tang Qi, "don't be sad."

Tang Qi said, "it doesn't matter if my sister is not dead.""No, I mean Shen Miaolin. Don't be sad. She's dead. You have to be open." Hua Rongyue only met her a few times. Shen Miaolin actually had a tendency to improve in the later stage, but she couldn't go back.

"It's all over." Tang Qi smiles and holds Hua Rongyue in his arms. Hua Rongyue is quietly held by him for a while, then suddenly remembers that she tramples on Tang Qi: "why don't you come back to me? He said he would come to my house for dinner. He stood me up twice! "

"Pain It's killing me. I'm wrong Tang Qi bent down to rub his feet.

Huarongyue chuckled: "let you talk does not count. Come on, come home to dinner with me. "

"Forget it, I don't think he dare to see me recently." "But you can't let him hide all the time. Help me warn him not to buy those night Star stones." It turns out that Hua Jintao has seen so many people recently. Because Hua Jintao's hair has gone off, he is also a little excited. He wants to buy some hype. Hua Rongyue persuades him, which has little effect

, so he can only mobilize Tang Qi.

"No problem, but let's take a detour. I want to see if these jewelry stores are selling night Star stones. " Huarongyue agreed. They went around a long way and passed the jewelry street in the middle of the city. Two people in each shop followed them to have a look. There are night Star stones in many counters, and they sell well. They are specially placed in very conspicuous places. Every shop has

many people around to buy them.

The shape of night star stone is very good. It has various colors and shapes. It is made into different pendants, necklaces and bracelets. The price is much more expensive than the same diamond.

After going to the counter and looking around, Hua Rongyue said in a low voice, "why is it that the ore can be so beautiful? If we tell these people it's a stone, they won't believe it. "

"I don't know exactly what's added, but I'm sure it won't be anything good," Tang said

They went to more than a dozen jewelry stores, more than half of which were selling. Those shops that sell night star stone also tell Tang Qi that there will be goods soon, which makes his heart sink gradually.

This is the fall of the whole people, this storm has reached the irreparable scope, mingka is really too treacherous. What happens when he stops.

Huarongyue looked at Tang Qi's expression and asked, "what are you thinking?"


At this time, the waiter came to them: "do you want the night star stone? We have a lot of varieties here. I guarantee you will be satisfied, and the price is always the lowest. One gram is only 800000. "

Tang Qi refused and walked out with huarongyue in his arms. At this time, he saw a man and a woman coming in. The woman was young and enchanting. She twisted her waist and carried a chanel bag in her hand. The man held a pair of sunglasses in his hand and hugged her waist with a smile.

Tang Qi and Hua Rongyue said together, "do you know him, too?"

Hua Rongyue said, "I feel like I've seen this woman somewhere. But I can't remember where. " She frowned and thought for a long time, but there was no clue.

"No, I know the man."

At this time, the woman pulled the man and said, "you have to keep your word. You must give me a set of night star stone jewelry."

"Don't worry, beauty. What's the relationship between us? I'll give you what you want! " He said, shaking his eyes and waving his hand to the waiter: "take out your most expensive night star stone. I want a whole set." The waiter quickly agreed. It seems that he has met a rich man. The woman is more elated, has been saying flattering words to him, constantly flattering, heart friction with his body, make him itchy, picked up the credit card and threw it on the glass counter, forthright said: "no problem

, whatever you want, just tell me, I'll give you credit card!"

Tang Qi couldn't see it any more. He went straight to him and pressed his shoulder: "what's the matter with you boy? Put things away for me!"

"Who cares? I Alas! It's Shifu When he saw Tang Qi, he immediately wilted and became a special teacher. It turned out that this man was Niutian!

The woman was very unhappy to see Tang Qi stop him from shopping. She glanced at Tang Qi: "dear, who is this man? Don't pay attention to him, buy it for me!"

"If you buy night star stone, don't come to me." Tang Qidao.

"Yes, I know, master. I won't buy anything." Niutian quickly put away his credit card.

Tang Qi always looks at Niutian coldly. He says that he has not learned any skills for such a long time. If he has some money, he doesn't know his last name. He must teach a good lesson.

The woman said, "are you teasing me? Niutian, please buy it for me

"No What my master doesn't agree to will not be done. "

The woman bit her lip and glared at Tang Qi with hatred. She pushed the cow field with anger and went out with anger."Don't come to me again!" She said and went out quickly.

Niu Tian shrinks his neck and peeps at Tang Qi all the time. For fear that Tang Qi will get angry, he doesn't dare to chase him out.

Tang Qi said, "who is this man?"

"She She's called Zhu Zhu It turns out that the boy has become quite rich because he has been mixing with Tang Qi for a long time. Recently, he met a girl on the Internet. After meeting her, he felt quite good and began to associate with her. Zhu Zhu has been pestering Niutian, saying that he hopes that he can buy some good things for himself, so he came over. I didn't expect to meet Shifu here.

"How much money do you have in this card?"

"Less than 10 million."

"Give your wife all the money tomorrow, so you don't know your last name if you have some money. Go

Tang Qiyi ordered, Niutian did not dare to say a word more, and followed him out strangely. Hua Rongyue came to the door and suddenly stood still! I remember it. I remember where I met her! "

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