Tang Qi frowned and said, "do you have any effect after you take the medicine?"

"No! This man is very tough. We can't hold him down. In a word, we just help sister Zhuzhu. I don't know anything else. We don't know what secrets he doesn't tell us. "

Hua Rongyue said, "good. Now take us to see him."

"Well?" Tang qiyileng: "we don't have to eat with your father?" "What's the point of having dinner with him? Of course, we have to save people and then go there. Maybe this man is a great Xia who has been framed by bad people and can't get away. Don't we hurry?" Hua Rongyue's pretty face has become very popular because of her excitement. After hearing such a thing,

, she didn't even care about having dinner with Hua Jintao and wanted to save people immediately.

Tang Qi was urged by Hua Rongyue, but he had no choice but to kick the man, "where did you hide the man?"

"No, if sister Zhuzhu knows, we will die. Please..."

Tang Qi squatted in front of him with a smile and patted them on the face: "don't worry, as long as you don't say, I don't say, how can your sister Zhuzhu know? Come on, don't let me smoke you. " Then the belt hit him.

The man stepped back in horror: "don't hit me, I'll say it." He gave the address of a hotel where the man is now locked up.

Tang Qi said, "OK, let's go to save people now."

"Don't go! Sister Zhuzhu will be there soon. She's very good! "

"What a devil, have a good rest." Tang Qi gave him a fist on the face and knocked him unconscious. Huarongyue also knocked out the rest of the people. They went to the hotel together.

On the way, Hua Rongyue asks Tang Qi if he knows who this person is. Tang Qi shakes his head and says, "it's not clear, but listen to the voice. This person's voice is calm. It should be a very powerful role."

This hotel is very famous in suhai, because it is nearly 100 stories high, very luxurious, and this person is now hiding in the room of more than 80 floors. Huarongyue is a little dizzy on the elevator, so she leans on Tang Qi and closes her eyes.

Huarongyue's breath made Tang Qi itchy, so Tang Qi had to pat her on the shoulder, "hold on, why is this person trapped here, this is too high."

"But do you know Tang Qi? The price of this place is very expensive. At least it costs nearly ten thousand yuan a day. Is it too generous to kidnap hostages? " Tang Qi didn't say anything. He really had a problem. If he just wanted to extort a confession from this man, why should he start in such a good place? Just go to a remote place and beat him up. He should be kept in such a luxurious place. Is the kidnapped person a person with a very different identity? After a slight sound, the elevator door was opened. They went out one by one. Huarongyue had just turned across the corridor when Tang Qi suddenly reached out to stop her waist and dragged her back. Huarongyue had no expectation, and the whole person fell into Tang Qi's arms. As soon as she turned back to speak, Tang Qi covered her mouth: "Shh! Someone's coming from over there It turned out that another VIP elevator was opened almost at the same time, and the people inside came out in a hurry. It was Zhu Zhu and Wu Sen that they saw just now. Their faces were very serious, and their steps were also very hasty. There were two men standing in the corridor. When they saw that they were coming, they quickly saluted.

Bead bead nervous say: "person?"

"I'm sleeping in it. No one comes here."

"Good. Get rid of it and take him away."

"Yes Why do you agree to run in? Zhu Zhu takes out a cigarette and lights it up. She looks very nervous.

Wu Sen's hand touched her shoulder and slowly moved down her back: "honey, don't worry, it will be ok..." Pop! Zhu Zhu hit the back of his hand and said, "don't touch me, you know what a fart! Do you know how treacherous Tang Qi is? Just now, I was almost successful with that idiot, but he ran into me. If Tang Qi knew about my relationship with you, he would doubt my attempt. It's really depressing! "

Hua Rong Yue looks back at Tang Qi and says that this woman really has a conspiracy.

Wu Sen then said with a smile: "so what! Even so, how can he get us? If you don't think about it, no matter how powerful he is, he won't know the whereabouts of this man. "

"Bah! I called out to teach Tang Qi's subordinates that they couldn't answer the phone. One by one, they talked too much. I thought how capable they were. In the end, they couldn't even kill Tang Qi! If they ask what to do, hurry up. "

Wu Sen is submissive to this woman. At first sight, he listens to Zhu Zhu's words very much, which surprised Tang Qi. He thought she was Wu Sen's subordinate, but who knows that she came over on the contrary.

At this time, the men inside had already dragged a man out. This man was in his twenties, very thin and weak. He was in a trance, and his legs were weak. He was forced to stand up and had no ability to resist.Zhu Zhu came up to him and said with a smile, "Mr. Liu, are you still not willing to say it now?"

The man snorted and lowered his head. Zhu Zhu raised his hand and slapped him hard. The voice was very loud. Everyone around him was scared to shiver. Hua Rongyue also frowned. This woman is really cruel.

The man's mouth spurted a mouthful of blood, and his face became red and swollen. But still refused to speak. "I've been entertaining you for such a long time. Even a stone can warm you up. Who would have thought that you were stubborn and didn't listen to me! Do you think I'm easy to bully? Speak! I want you to talk When she said that she wanted to hit again, she was stopped by Wu Sen.

"Forget it! It's important to get out of here as soon as possible. "

Zhu Zhu shook his wrist, waved his hand, let these people take him to the direction of the elevator. He was ready to follow her, but Wu Sen suddenly grabbed her slender waist and said in a low voice, "wait a minute, since you're here, you'd better make love to her before you leave."

Zhu Zhu kicked him: "are you cheap?" "I can't help it. I can't restrain myself when I see you. You see I've done so much for you. Please help me!" In order to get this woman, this man was like a dog with a skin. Zhu Zhu was tired of it, but he still went in with him. Hua Rongyue spat

, what a shame!

"Let's go," Tang said

"What are you doing? Do you still want to see them peeping? "

"I'm free. Of course I went downstairs to save those people."

"Good." Two people took another elevator to go down, but huarongyue said anxiously: "our speed is not good, what if we can't catch up with them?"

Tang Qi looked at the elevator to the tenth floor, and then quickly went out: "I went out to stop them, you will come to me later."

He rushed out of the door and ran in the elevator hall, much faster than the speed of the elevator. When these people drove this man out, Tang Qi rushed to the door.

A few people are stunned, then reach out to push Tang Qi: "go away! Don't get in the way

But Tang Qi stretched out his hand and knocked them down, carried the man on his back and walked out in a hurry.

Huarongyue also caught up: "so fast!"

"Of course, find a car."


Huarongyue ran out to call a taxi and left soon. Wusen and Zhuzhu are about to make out, but the people below call and tell us all about someone who robbed this person.

Zhu Zhu is so angry that she kicks Wu Sen out of bed. If it wasn't for the luster who had to pull himself in, how could he let him go? Wu Sen rubbed his buttocks and looked at Zhu Zhu. His face was wronged. It's none of my business.

She yelled at the phone, "did Tang Qi do it?"

"Well We didn't see clearly because he was too fast. "

"It's just rubbish. Why don't you run after me?"

She got out of bed and walked out. Wu Sen was a little scared in the back and said, "do you want to tell the top?" "No! If we are all going to die now, we should seize the time to use our manpower to find that person. In case he tells Tang Qi about his medicine, it will be too late. We must close his mouth! " Zhu Zhu is now ready to kill. Only the dead can't speak. We must be ahead of Tang Qi.

The man was sent to the nearby hospital by Tang Qi for examination, but the doctor didn't know what was going on. No matter how he got it, the man was all yawning in a daze, as if he was asleep. Even if he pinched his toes with his hands, he didn't respond.

The doctor shook his head and said, "he has lost all his conditioning, and we don't know why."

"I know he took a kind of medicine. Can you find out the composition of the medicine?"

"No, I suggest staying in hospital for observation. Maybe in two or three days we'll find out. "

Hua Rongyue said, "I'll get the money. Look at him." She decided to go through the formalities for him.

But Tang Qi said: "no, if he is a very important person to Zhu Zhu, Zhu Zhu will definitely think that we will bring him to the hospital. If you kill him, it's over, so you can't leave him now. Let's go. Send it to Qian Sitian. "

"No! Don't you know? Qian Sitian went to the countryside with the rural medical team. It's not in suhai at all. let's go! Come home with me. "

"Your house?" Tang Qi looks at her curiously. How can there be a doctor in their family?

Hua Rongyue said, "there is a doctor in my father's side. Although he is not a miracle doctor, he has great ability. All along, my father only uses him to see a doctor."

"Let's go!" Two people with people out of the hospital. But as soon as I got to the side of the road, I saw four or five people rushing over. One of them had a sharp knife in his hand and didn't speak. He went straight to the man's heart."How dare you come here and kill people openly? Look at me Huarong month a fly kick, one of the knife flew out. But the rest of the two knives went straight to her ankles.

Tang Qi grabs huarongyue and pulls her back. As soon as they stand firm, they see three knives stabbing Tang Qi together. The other one is still specializing in that man.

Tang Qiyi stands in front of the man, not letting the other party's knife hurt him. At the same time, he grabs a man's wrist and throws him out.

"Ah, ah!" See this person pedal pedal pedal a few steps, hit the body of accomplice, fall to the ground together. Huarong month passed by and knocked them all unconscious with her heel.

"Come on, let's go," Tang said

"I see!" Hua Rong Yue said with a smile.

Tang qiyileng, this girl is not scared confused, not only not afraid, but also smile so happy.

He didn't know that during his absence, Hua Rongyue had been forced by her father to study business management at home, and she signed up for the TOEFL exam. It was boring, and the sea monster kept around him constantly urging him to study. Hua Jintao doesn't want her daughter to stay here. She hopes she can study abroad.

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