Qingminyong has the advantages of being very delicate, and the paper firing method of glazed porcelain is also very mature. It is a common pottery figurine in the south, but the tone and pattern on it are generally very elegant, with white, yellow and brown as the main tone. Now the pattern on this vase is very rich and colorful, which has always been commonly used by Japanese people, which makes it very beautiful Tang Qi felt very strange.

Xu Wei doesn't understand such profound things. Although she has been stepping up her study of antique knowledge, she has made a lot of progress recently, but she can't understand such profound and detailed things.

Just then someone behind him said, "this is very simple, because these pottery figurines were painted in Japan."

Tang Qi looked back and saw a middle-aged man standing at the door. He was wearing a black suit and looked at Tang Qi with a smile.

"Why, have you forgotten me?"

"No! Of course I remember you. You are Mr. Yamaguchi This Mr. Yamaguchi once met Tang Qi when cherry blossom porcelain was on display in suhai, but he soon returned to Japan. Before he left, he gave Tang Qi a business card, saying that he could contact him if he had anything. But Tang Qi threw the brick to the side of

. I didn't expect to meet here today. The last time Yamaguchi appeared, he was surrounded by many people, but this time he only came in by one person, picked up the vase, and said: "the Qing people's figurines were once spread to our country in the Qing Dynasty, because of their beautiful colors and colors, so they soon spread in Japan. We once made a group of similar Qing people The terracotta figurines were then presented to the emperor of your country. I think this one should be one of the tributes. It seems that you made money by buying her for 30000 yuan. Congratulations. "

Xu Wei said in a hurry: "I'm mainly afraid of buying the wrong fake and causing losses, but I didn't expect to make a lot of money. Tang Qi, just now said that someone wants to talk business with you. That's the one. "

Tang Qi nodded. It was him. He said to Shankou, "what can I do for you?"

"I'm a businessman. You're in business. Naturally, I'm going to talk about business with you. Are we standing here? "

"Let's go upstairs for tea. Xu Wei, look at the business below for me. " Tang Qi and Shankou went upstairs together.

There is a very secret study on it. Generally, any important business will be discussed here. Tang Qi closes the door and asks him to sit on the sofa.

Yamaguchi said: "you seem to be very repellent to me. Don't worry, I have nothing to do with desert. "

"I don't exclude you. It's just that there is an old Chinese saying that if you are not of our own race, your heart will be different. You and I are not people of the same country. If we trust you completely, wouldn't I be abnormal?" Tang Qi said with a smile.

"In that case, why do you want to save my son?"

Tang qiyileng: "your son? Where does that start? " He thought about it and made sure that he only met him once before, and never had any contact with him, let alone his son.

Yamaguchi said, "the young man you saved from sister Zhuzhu yesterday is my son. In order to repay you for saving your life, I gave your sister Tang Ting back to you. "

Tang Qi surprised to stand up, the original yesterday to save Tang Ting is his people! The one who pretended to be a fool turned out to be his son. No wonder when he spoke at that time, the final voice was not fluent, because he was not Chinese at all.

"Sit down. I didn't come here to ask you to repay me. We're even after each other."

"Why was your son arrested?"

"Everything has something to do with the night star stone. I believe you should also know about it. I don't need to say more. As for what happened to my son, please sit down and I'll talk to you slowly. "

Tang Qi sat opposite him, looking at the pass in doubt.

Yamaguchi's son is called Yoshio Yamaguchi, but because he is studying in China, and he plans to do business here in the future, and because his mother is a Chinese, he has a Chinese name, called Dingshan.

"Ding Shan studies jewelry design and hopes to inherit his father's career in the future. He is a child who likes to study deeply and designs many beautiful jewelry..."

Tang Qi raised his hand and said, "stop first. I didn't listen to you introduce my son. Can you make a long story short for me?"

"Well, I'm sorry. It's the composition of the night star stone designed by Ding Shan... "

"What?" Tang Qi looks at him in shock, and this turning point is too abrupt. It turns out that Ding Shan was very interested in this kind of artificial jewelry when he was in University. He cooperated with others to develop it. He made beautiful components similar to diamonds from these waste industrial gravel, and won the international prize. I just wanted to study and play by myself.

As a result, his business has been targeted.

Tang Qi said: "I see. Is it mingka? He wants you to hand in this? " "It's not him, it's pearl. I don't know who is behind Zhu Zhu. Anyway, he didn't show up by himself. Instead, he found a beautiful woman. My son has always been a very kind person, and there are no shortcomings. The only bad thing is that he is good. This bead is very coquettish, so it's very popularHe told me yesterday that he was taken away by me

In the whole process, just like Tang Qi thought, Zhu Zhu confused him with beauty, then injected him with medicine, and forced him to hand over the refining method of night star stone.

Tang Qi thought of the bear in Zhuzhu's phone. This person should not be mingka, that is, in addition to mingka and Mengyuan, there is a third person who wants to hit the night star stone!

Tang Qi asked: "isn't this thing refined in large quantities for a long time? What else is needed? " "You don't understand. The chemical properties of this nightstar stone are very unstable now. As long as any solution can be directly dissolved, if consumers know about it, it will be impossible to keep the high price all the time. My son has developed a very powerful method for a long time. If the drug is used to soak

raw materials, it can keep its properties stable and stable There are all kinds of colors, more beautiful than diamonds. At present, only he knows about this technology. " After Ding Shan was caught, he was very painful and in a trance at the beginning, and felt as if he was going to die. However, he found that those drugs gradually became drug-resistant, and the effect became weaker and weaker. In order to paralyze his opponent, he pretended to be unable to move. Fortunately, Tang Qi and Hua Rongyue accidentally saved him.

Yamaguchi is crazy to find him at this time. Father and son meet again. In order to express their gratitude, they want to do something. At the same time, Tang Qi's sister was kidnapped by his subordinates, so they robbed her back.

"This mingka and I have been fighting in the international market for no less than five years. This time we met in a narrow way. I saved your sister to express my determination to get rid of this man with you. Would you agree to work with me? "

Tang Qi nodded and then said for a while, "you won't help me in vain. You'd better tell me your purpose. Tell me your terms, so that I can think about whether to answer or not. "

"Smart!" Yamaguchi said, "you really know me. Don't worry, what I want is not night star stone. This thing is the waste that is deliberately hyped out. What I want is the thing that Jiang Feilong has in his hand. "

Tang Qi said in surprise: "what is Jiang Feilong's hand?" There was a strange smile on Yamaguchi's face. It seemed that he was talking about what happened to you. I know so well that Japanese people know. Why, as an insider, you don't know anything? This is also a matter of no choice. Who let Tang Qi go to Yujing for such a long time in order to destroy the desert organization, so the whole information is disjointed.

"In a word, I believe you can find out what I have. You're the same person I'm dealing with. Minka is always a villain. You must be careful. " Yamaguchi said goodbye.

Tang Qi leaned back in his chair with the cat's eye in his hand. This is something Meng Yuan snatched from Jiang Feilong's hand. For it, Jiang Feilong lost one hand. The original owner of this gem should be mi Qilin. What's the matter should be asked.

He decided to go to the antique shop and find out. But I don't know if Meng Yuan has caught him.

At this time, Niutian's cry came from downstairs: "I warn you, don't be crazy, my master is up there!" Then there was the sound of something falling on the ground, and Niutian began to shout his name.

"Master! Someone is coming to make a scene. Come and have a look at it quickly! "

Tang Qi pushed the door and went out. Who would come here early?

He saw a woman in a black skirt standing there. She was in her forties and looked pretty. But because she was old and full of fat, she looked very bloated. She was grabbing the collar of Niutian to hit someone.

Niutian said anxiously: "gentlemen use their mouths instead of their hands!"

"I hit you. What? How dare you pit me? I can't beat you yet? "

"When did I fool you? Do business is not goods have been sold do not replace it? You have bought it for more than ten days. Why do you want to change it for you? " "Because you sold it to me, of course I want to change it! If I can't change it today, I'll strangle you! " The woman grabbed Niutian's neck and pinched it. Generally speaking, people in antique business have a bit of elegant temperament. It's rare for such a shrewd woman to fight with people directly in a shop.

Xu Wei quickly ran over: "assistant, is there anything we can discuss? Don't fight

The woman pushed Xu Wei: "it's none of your business. I'm looking for him. It's none of your business!"

Xu Wei was pulled out for several meters and almost ran into the doorframe of the gate. Fortunately, she was held by Tang Qiyi and fell into Tang Qiyi's arms.

"This woman has a lot of strength. Are you ok? " Tang Qi asked.

Xu Wei said quickly, "don't worry about me. Niutian will be strangled."

Although Niutian was a man, he was not as strong as a woman, so he was soon choked. Tang Qi walks by and holds the woman's hand. The woman thinks it's Xu Wei who comes back with a strong throw."I said go away!" But although she used a lot of strength, the other side did not move. On the contrary, he was pulled up by the other party's hand, and Niutian was suddenly free. His coughing face was purple and he kept panting. The woman turned back and said angrily, "who is it? How dare you meddle in my business? "

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