Tang Qi said with a sneer: "what you have done is more disgusting. You and that pearl are bought by others to destroy the internal period of the association. You traitor, how can you mean to challenge me here?"

"This is a frame up, a complete frame up!"

"It doesn't make sense to frame up, because they won't let you go if I don't need to teach you a lesson. You'd better sit there and stop talking nonsense. Who knows how many days you can live?"

Wu Sen wanted to distinguish a few sentences, but he didn't know what to say. His heart has been thinking, over! This is the end of the next time!

Seeing that Wu Sen was honest, Tang Qi picked up a night star stone and said, "if this night star stone is very beautiful and stable in nature, it's not impossible to make some decorations..."

Everyone was very happy when they heard that. Is there a way to do this? An old man quickly said: "yes, I think it's better..."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my words. I mean if it's really good, it's OK to buy some, but now I don't agree."

All the people are very depressed, Tang Qi said, he still did not agree! Isn't that a joke? First of all, it provoked everyone's nerves, and then it said that it was too much!

The old man sneered: "this is the antiques Association. It's not your home. It's not good to say a word. We all have to submit to the majority. I think we'd better vote and agree to buy the night star stone..."

Tang Qi interrupted him: "I don't agree to vote. Who knows if you did something in the middle? In particular, such things do not happen twice at a time. "

The old man said, "what do you mean?" "You're Wu Baichuan, aren't you? I heard that five years ago, you made a small move behind your back, and then forced an antique shop into bankruptcy. In order not to let people tell you, you hit people with a car, didn't you? This person is still in the hospital now. I didn't say you, but it's not authentic for you to do so. "

The old man opened his mouth and was very nervous. How did Tang Qi know about it? Five years ago, it was estimated that he was still in high school. He should have never heard of this. How did Tang Qi know about the secret he thought he was doing?

Tang Qi continued, "who is the other one called Chen Jiafa?"

"What do you want to say?" a little man with a stubble Beard said in a trembling voice

"Nothing. I want to know if you have any relationship with Jinghui Finance recently? It's said that you made nearly 10 million yuan from him last year. This kind of earning power is really admirable. "

They all glared at him angrily: "are you still cooperating with that damned financial company? Are you crazy? " It turns out that there was a serious financial dispute between the antiques Association and a finance company in the next city, and the two sides had a financial lawsuit for nearly a year. I really hate that company. After that, we negotiated to withdraw all stocks and bonds from that company, but Chen Jiafa continued to invest money and received dividends.

All the people were very angry at his double faced approach and accused Chen Jiafa one after another.

Chen Jiafa doesn't want to admit that "he is framing me, I don't know at all."

But Tang Qi said with a smile: "in the end is not framed you, we check to know, want to find out very easy, you sophistry is useless."

Chen Jiafa wished he could not hide under the table. He was really afraid of being beaten by other members.

"That's ridiculous!" At this time, a middle-aged man in the corner of the conference room patted the table: "what are you doing? Do you want to expose people's privacy and force others not to come against you? " Tang Qidao: "everyone here has some shady things in my hand. I'm talking about a few things that are light and harmless, and some things that are very secret. Once you say them, it's going to be a big event. Don't get excited. I won't tell you anything about you.

" This person's eyes revealed a trace of panic, heart Tao Tang Qi will not know, really know my privacy? He has just entered the antiques Association. These things are definitely not found by Tang Qi. Is it someone who gave them to him? After a little thought, they all looked in the direction of Hua Jintao


Hua Jintao's mind clattered. Do you want to doubt me? Tang Qi, you are going to pit me.

Tang Qi said calmly: "I don't want to talk about Hua Jintao. As we all know, he once smuggled a lot of illegal antiques with he Cun Bao and others. In addition, he helped pan desert organization. It's easy for him to go to jail

Hua Jintao said in a hurry, "don't say these are useless! One by one, we are not convinced of the threat of the past! If you don't let us buy night star stone, at least you should tell us the reason, otherwise we won't be convinced! "

Everyone agrees with him one after another, and dispels his doubts about Hua Jintao for the time being. Tang Qi picked up a night star stone to show people: "this crystal clear, like a diamond, right? But a little bit of blood will be the end, and it will soon penetrate into the material. I think not only snow, but also many materials will be affected. If you really buy it back and store it a little bitIf you don't prepare properly, it's all destroyed. It's waste. " He said, biting his index finger, the blood drops on the night star stone at this moment, and it soon infiltrates into the bright red blood. Tang Qiguan asked for a piece of meal paper and began to wipe it, but the night Star Stone soon became dirty and discolored. Tang Qi found this in the fake shop just now. No matter how he wiped it, he could not remove the stains on the bloodstained night star stone, and the color quickly penetrated into the night star stone, and he could no longer keep the good luster.

Tang Qi threw the night Star Stone aside and broke it into several pieces like a biscuit. In the end, it had turned into bluish black with no luster. The whole process lasted less than three minutes, and everyone was stunned.

"I didn't expect this thing to be so unstable."

"Yes! What kind of material is it made of? Why can't you hold on to any bloodstain? It's like furnace ash. "

Tang Qixin said, because it's stone, do you think it's a good thing?

"No, maybe you did something on the stone, you are so treacherous!" Someone called.

"Ha ha, yes. If you don't believe it, go out and buy some night Star stones from a jewelry company. We'll do experiments one by one."

At this time, Chen Jiafa took down a ring of night Star Stone hidden in his pocket and handed it to Tang Qi.

"You try this one of mine." He still didn't believe that such an expensive gem would be so fragile! Tang Qi nodded: "yes, except for blood, I believe it reacts to many acidic and alkaline liquids. We can try it on the spot. " He asked his men outside to prepare concentrated drinks, black tea, green tea, coffee, and some orange juice. Some of these components are acid and some are alkaline.

Tang Qi threw those night Star stones one by one into the drink cup, and Chen Jiafa threw them into the black tea. Everyone was breathlessly watching the reaction, but after more than ten seconds, the liquid in the coffee cup began to bubble, and then it was like boiling water, and then the night Star Stone quickly changed from a nail size into a dozen small particles, and then all disappeared. After that, the night star stone in green tea changed from colorless and transparent to something like a black stone. It was crushed and scattered on the table.

No matter what the liquid is, the night star stone will soon become like this. It can be seen that it is really unstable.

The ring in the black tea distributed by the Chen family is even more exaggerated. The black tea turns black instantly, and the night Star Stone floats on the water. The Chen family is in a hurry to get it: "I spent nearly a million to buy it!"

As soon as his hand touched the ring, he let out a cry and the cup fell to the ground.

Hua Jintao was also shocked: "why is the night star stone like this? But I didn't hear anything like this happen to the common people? " Tang Qixiao: "because they all hope that the night star stone can make money. When they buy it, they will naturally be in the safe or other places, so they haven't heard of any reaction for the time being. And now there are many places to start selling paper night star stone, which is similar to paper gold. They can buy it with a

certificate, and they don't need to see the real goods for speculation."

But if the heat of the night Star Stone continues to ferment and spread into the homes of ordinary people, the unstable nature of the night star stone will appear sooner or later. Tang Qi suddenly snapped: "as members of the antiques Association, we should consider how to maintain the stability of suhai's Antiques industry. We can't think about making money like others. It's not what we should do to take money and run away. Have you heard of it? If you see that we have all bought it, you will try your best to buy it. At that time, you will only cheat people, and you are not allowed to bury it. "

All of you are silent and convinced. When you buy something with that, you just put a time bomb on your side, and the price of the bomb is not cheap.

An old man suddenly howled, "what can I do! I bought so many night Star stones, don't I have to fold them in my hand to pull the door Tang Qi shrugged helplessly and said: "it's the risk that you have to face. No matter what you do, there won't be any business that you can earn without losing. No matter how much you buy, you should withdraw. In short, no one in the association is allowed to keep this thing. I will make an announcement at noon tomorrow. If there is no disagreement, let's break up. "

Tang Qi has given them a night to come out and drop the night star stone. These people are all depressed. Now they are caught by Tang Qi. In addition, the night star stone is too dangerous, so they have no objection.

Hua Jintao stands up and goes. He can keep a distance from Tang Qi. He can't let people find that I have a close relationship with him.

And those two people who were exposed to their privacy stayed at the end and wanted to say something to Tang Qi. "I don't know why I'm forced to meet you alone. I don't know what you're going to do."

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